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Ironfist H.Q.


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Hello everyone, and Welcome to the Ironfist organization. This is a clan that has many goals. From battling to the top, to real goals such as making the world a better place (Yes, it is a real life group too.) Our prime goal in Pokemon, However, is to be the ultimate clan in existence, and to do that, we have to battle, but to win, we must make the ultimate team. To fully enjoy being in Ironfist, Installing the latest version of Pokemon Online is recommended.

Fun Fact about Ironfist

Originally, Ironfist was called Team Phantom, but I thought that was getting a bit old, so I changed the name, and started to form Ironfist.


Rules, rules, rules. Don't we all love them? some do, some don't.

1. All Icterine Region rules apply here, as well as the rest of the forums, so Don't break them!

2. Be active. Without active members, the clan will start to die out. I remember what happened to Team Phantom, I don't want that to happen to this one!

3. Don't jump from clan to clan. Once you're a member, you are committed to it. If you want to quit, you have to give a reason why you want to quit.

4. Spamming is not allowed. It only leads to Trolling, Flaming, and Double Posting. To me, Trolling is ok, but don't overdo it..

5. When you join, please put [ironfist] as a clan tag for your PO name. It makes it easier to see if you are a member or not. If there is not enough space for that, just put [iF].

6.No profanity, no death threats, and no bullying. I want this clan to be a family-friendly clan.

7. Have fun. What's the point of battling if there is no fun?

8. Bold your name in red in the application to show that you have read all of the rules.


Ironfist is divided into 12 regions. The first one, is the real world, in which I'm the leader of (I formed this group in real life too.) The other 11 regions are Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, Orre, Fiore, Almia, Oblivia, Orange Islands, and Sevii Islands. Each Division will have a Leader, who are also the executives of Ironfist, and will be chosen based on activity, leadership, and battling experience. There are also Vice leaders of each region, who are also admins of Ironfist, and will be chosen based on the same things as leader's qualities. However, Leaders are chosen based on the most activity, leadership and best battling experience. You may pick which division you want to go to.

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Real World

Leader: Trevo (Me)

Vice Leader: ZekeTKoA

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Leader: Mario

Vice Leader:

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Leader: Matheo

Vice Leader:

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Vice Leader:

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Leader: Judgment

Vice Leader:

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Leader: Bobo

Vice Leader:

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Sevii Islands

Leader: Reaperxx

Vice Leader:

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Leader: EeveeLover

Vice Leader:

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Vice Leader:

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Leader: Xenik

Vice Leader:

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Vice Leader:

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Orange Islands

Leader: Jellyman

Vice Leader:


Here in Ironfist, everyone must work their way to the top. Or, if you already show great leadership, have excellent battling skills, and if you are always active, you may be able to be an executive or an admin right from the start, your choice. This is also to prevent spammers from begging to be a high rank. This is what happened before.

Boss: 151.gif Trevo

Vice Leaders: 148.gif Big Bang, 069.gif Ryan C, 139.gif ZekeTKOA,

Sinister Duo: 069.gif EeveeLover,

Dark Trinity: 154.gif Mario, 154.gif Magister, 117.gif Reaperxx

Sages: 153.gif Matheo, 077.gif KuroNeko, 153.gif BlitzWave, 153.gif Moony,

Executives: 069.gif Bobo, 069.gif Pokefan_2, 069.gif Judgement, 069.gif Term, 069.gif Jory, 069.gifBlast, 087.gif JellyMan, 069.gif Xenik, 069.gif Silver

Admins: 066.gif Contin, 066.gif Mateo, 066.gif Nacht, 066.gif Ksnake, 066.gif Supergum1295, 066.gif Mark, 066.gif Dark Desire, 066.gif Raichu, 066.gif Gingomatic, 150.gif Alice

Commanders: 065.gif Yeebi, 065.gif Master Mitch, 151.gif Ghetsis, 065.gif Raiden, 141.gif Envy, 148.gif Colress, 065.gif Legom, 065.gif Tony, 065.gif Libra

Peons: 149.gif Dandy, 149.gif Majik, 149.gif Shedinja, 149.gif Dirty Bubble, 149.gif Griffin, 149.gif Chrissy, 149.gif Hitomaru,

Grunts:149.gif Kster, 149.gif Leggo, 149.gif Barry, 149.gif Kris, 149.gif Firefox, 149.gif Tomblue

War Team

Like most clans, this clan will have a War Team to represent the clan in wars. It will be up to you to apply for this position and be ready to take on the best of the other clans in wars. In every war, a rotating region leader along with myself will pick out the players that we think will help us in the war. To be on the war team, simply ask, and one of the Executives, or the Vice Leader, or Me, will test your skills to see if you will join our war team or not.

Current War Team:


Big Bang

Ryan C








So far, we don't have our own server. Why don't we have our own server, you ask? I tried making a server before, but it did not go well, so I gave up on that. However, here is a list of Pokemon Online servers that We will usually hang out in.

1. Pokemon Online (Obviously)

2. Pokebattlecenter

3. Reborn Server

4. The Battle Tower

5. Dawncaster Region

6. Battle Pyramid (Ironfist H.Q., for now.)

7. Sky Colosseum

There will be other servers too to go to. I am usually at those 7 however.

Wow, this is really long. I hope you all can join Ironfist, and have a blast! Let's try the best we can to reach the top! This group is an extended branch from the original group in the Real World.

Edited by Trevo
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  • 2 weeks later...

We need some more things,emahrged why not

Welcome Amped back to the clan! Here is the "Info"

PO Username:Amped.

5th gen. FC (if applicable):

Time Zone: Atlantic

Battling experience: I've taken a liking to battling in Tourneys

Tiers you are familiar with: OU , Mono Ou and UU

Who recommended you?: [ironfist] Blast and [ironfist] EeveeLover

Which Regions you would prefer to be in: Hoenn

Theme Song (Optional):

Starter Pokemon:

"Are you a Boy, or a Girl?" Gender: Boy




Dirty Bubble-Remove


Alice-War team?








ZekeTKOA-move down;inactive

Big Bange-Move down,inactive

I can't be removed.I can't.

Ironfist is cutting the loose ends, [No offense].

Drunken fist thinks we are A BAD CLAN.

Edited by Ikaru
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