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Sakuna Uta: The Flock

Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

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First, to anyone wondering what Sakuna Uta means: It means bird song in Japanese :D The reason why I am making this thread is so that people can know a bit more about the clan itself.


Sakuna Uta is the daughter clan of Ocarina of Time, founded by Darmani (known as Moriarty here), Yame and Joey. It was a very successful clan in Pokemon Battle Center for a long while. After a disagreement between the leader at the time (Joey) and the second in command (Miku), Ocarina of Time fell apart. Miku then started Sakuna Uta so that she and her friends could still be in a clan together. After PBC started having problems, Miku thought of a server she had gone too twice (once when PBC had crashed and she had nowhere to hang out while playing Skyward Sword, and another time when she was bored at like 5 am and needed a place to hang out.) named Reborn. And so, Sakuna Uta moved here! To the wonderful land of Reborn!

That is our history, and now you all know it! Sakuna Uta isn't your regular clan. We consider ourselves a family rather then a clan. We don't battle much, we don't plan on being the top, but we do care about each other and have amazingly awesome discussions about what we love the most. Sakuna Uta is a family that came together because of a love for pokemon. And that is not even all that we discuss.

Rules of Sakuna Uta:

Any clan needs rules... After all order is necessary even in a family.

1. Miku, Kaito, Brave, and Oliver have equal power when making clan decisions but must consult each other before making a major decision.

2. Any member of SU is NOT allowed to double clan. No one has two families.

3. Clan leaders are not allowed to get involved with matters between SU members that have nothing to do with the clan. However if the matters start intervening with the clan (such as discussions inside the clan channel) then the leaders will take action.

Pie. Any Reborn rules apply to us as well. We are here because they let us, so we follow their ruls as well.

5. To join the clan, one must go through an IB level exam on the subjects of: Maths, English, Biology, Quantum Physics, Mandarin, and then pass a military designed obstacle corse.

6. Alternatively, you can just beat an SU member in an official OverUsed Tier battle.

6. The clan limit is 20-23. We will never go above 23 members.

8. Kill enemies without mercy, protect allies without regard.

34. Eventually we will conquer Reborn, it is just a matter of time.

10. Please do not enter our channel for no reason. We do not like it! Ask permission first.

Members list:

1. Miku (Leader and original OOT member)

2. Kaito (Leader and original OOT member)

3. Poetic

4. Xiphera

5. Ninja (Leader and original OOT member)

6. Belle

7. Brave Soul (Leader)

8. Huggyboo

9. Mori (Original OOT member)

10. Gracia

11. Hark

12. Rinny (Original OOT member)

13. Lady Luxi

14. Lucario

15. The Rock

16. Mashew

17. Codarus

18. Mczipo

19. Lirin

20. Ryner

21. Unoccupied

22. Unoccupied

23. Unoccupied

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5. To join the clan, one must go through an IB level exam on the subjects of: Maths, English, Biology, Quantum Physics, Mandarin, and then pass a military designed obstacle corse.

They obviously don't have to pass a spelling test...


Edited by JellyMan
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5. To join the clan, one must go through an IB level exam on the subjects of: Maths, English, Biology, Quantum Physics, Mandarin, and then pass a military designed obstacle corse.

They obviously don't have to pass a spelling test...


*qualified for the IB program IRL*

*is in the army*

well shoot, I got this in the bag. =3

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Here is some other questions that I asume you need to answer in order be in su

1. Who is your favorite Pokemon?

2. Who is your favorite Persona?

3. What is your favorite method of abusing Kaito?

4. What is your favorie anime?

5. Who is Vaati?

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1. Who is your favorite Pokemon?

A lot, but at the moment, ARCANINE

2. Who is your favorite Persona?


>no ps2


3. What is your favorite method of abusing Kaito?

Spamming his skype with rule34 of planes (and occaisionally skrillex)

4. What is your favorie anime?

Soul Eater

5. Who is Vaati?

A guy who turns zeruda to stone in minish cap an' me and the bloody bird gots to save 'er.

Edited by TheNewEnigma
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  • 5 weeks later...

1. Who is your favorite Pokemon?

Salamence, duh! I'm notorious in the Reborn community for slaughtering whole teams with it!

2. Who is your favorite Persona?

I could tell you if I actually had Persona. Let me get back to you on that.

3. What is your favorite method of abusing Kaito?

I like to abuse him using mind games. I'll tell him that if he steps out of line, I'll abuse him and remind him that fairies are dying as I abuse him. Mental torture, more or less.

4. What is your favorite anime?

I almost never watch anime, so Dragon Ball Z just because it was so much fun to laugh at when the English dub came out. Before that it was Fire Emblem but it was cancelled after two episodes.

5. Who is Vaati?

Vaati is the final boss from Four Swords and the source of many of my preteenhood nightmares.

Let's see if that works

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