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[SPOILERS] E17 Gym Strats


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So with E17 and Gen 7 mons several Gyms have gotten a redo.

And since I will probably ask this in the future, I'm setting this up now.

Here you can post your strategies for the new gyms for others to look at in their time of need.

Maybe your strategy is competitive or you just tried something crazy and it worked.

Either way tell how you beat the Gym and assist those who may be struggling.



I for one need help with Amaria, so help me out here.


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You can cheese Titania like you wouldn't believe. 

1. Buy 99 revives with your infinite cash from E16 grand hall grinding

2. One shot her A-sandslash with any fighting move, since its immune to hail

3. Use splash for 3 turns while she sets up on you

4. Revive a mon every turn while she attempts to sweep you while her mons take hail damage

5. ???

6. Profit

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1 hour ago, HahnSolo said:

You can cheese Titania like you wouldn't believe. 

1. Buy 99 revives with your infinite cash from E16 grand hall grinding

2. One shot her A-sandslash with any fighting move, since its immune to hail

3. Use splash for 3 turns while she sets up on you

4. Revive a mon every turn while she attempts to sweep you while her mons take hail damage

5. ???

6. Profit

I used the Revive strat for Ciel's Mega Altaria until it ran out of EQs

It worked, but tbh I kinda wished I had a more legit tactic 

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At this point in the game, we have strong pokemon, so the only advantage gym leaders have is their interactions with the field effects. So, the way to win is to take that away. For example, I've got a bulky Tangrowth with Grassy Terrain. This destroyed Amaria, because when she loses her speed and damage boosts, shes just a bunch of water types that get wrecked by lightning or grass. So try and find some mons that can change field effects

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Contrary Serperior worked wonders during Amaria's battle, the trick is to know when to back out so you can heal/revive.


Depending on your IVs it should tank any ice moves just enough to use Giga Drain or Leaf Storm.

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I used sticky web (galvantula) for Titania. This way, my camperupt even outsped  the scizor (surprised me though). Her excadrill took my serperior out sadly, but luckily I had a toxicroak + drain punch to take it down.
For aegislash I had palpitoad, set up rain first move (because of the protect) thus outspeeding (swift swim)  it and it was free to go with hydro pump weakening it. Luxray finished it off.

For Amy I used my meowstic with misty terrain several times and also the sticky web. Contrary Serperior did a lot too.


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