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Strawpoll of the _____


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There lots of great fan games out there! I really enjoyed playing every game that I tried so far but two of them stand out the most.


1) Pokemon Reborn. There are a lot of reasons for this choice. The idea for field effects, every different character has each own personality, it touches a wide variety of topics and although it's a difficult game, I wouldn't say it's unfair.


2)Pokemon Uranium. Loved the fakemon there, the new type had a really interesting concept, great music and the story was awesome! It wasn't that challenging, apart from certain battles, but that didn't bother me at all. It actually inspired me to add fakemon in the game I am trying to create!

Edited by groniack
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1) Insurgence: With all the flaws in every fan game I find the least amount of obvious ones in Insurgence, delta mons and a two type league were game changers. They were lazy with some parts of development (i.e music) but more than made up for it elsewhere.


2) Uranium: Gorgeous world and custom UI, amazing creativity on the fakemon. You can tell it took this game years on years to be made. Not difficult but the story smashes anything a cannon game has ever done. 

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Probably Reborn is at the top of my list.

Close behind are Desolation, Rejuvenation and Alabaster

These 3 games have what I want from a pokemon game: Challenge, great story and character interaction. I really enjoy playing a game in which I am feeling that I am the protagonist, I can see the other characters as my friends and care for them and want to help them anytime!


Close to second are Uranium, Insurgence and sage

For Sage and Uranium, I loved the fact that they added their own Pokemon and created a world that is like an official game's. 

Insurgence had lots of cool features too! In addition it had great story but for some reason, I never felt attached to the characters there and that's why insurgence is not higher in my list.


Honorable mentions: Pokemon Solar Light and Lunar Dark, Pokemon Apex

Solar Light an Lunar Dark are here for the Pokemon they created! This game is great aesthetically, but the story didn't blow my mind (of course it was not bad either).

As for Apex, it is cool and all but it is super annoying at times! Every 3 steps a wild Pokemon was appearing and the restriction to only a certain amount of pokemon in my party was a bit annoying.


So that's it for my list!



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*Quickly pulls out the list of favorite fangames*[In random order]

Pokemon Reborn:The first fangame I ever played.The early game literally blown me away.Traveling through the entire region and with an amazing story made me love it.Let's not forget about field effects.

Pokemon Rejuvenation:Another fan games that I loved because of many things with lots of character.

Pokemon Desolation:The best things about this one is the choices.Choosing different things will change dialogue,events etc which made every run different.

Pokemon Zeta:It has follower pokemons.How can I not love it?The best thing about it is that it is completed and basically bug free which I think is currently a huge problem for other completed fan games.

Pokemon Apex:This fan game is unique.There are no gyms and the MC is not silent.But the experience itself is hard to describe.The entire game is based on strategy and story related events.A bit hard for simple players who just wants to play.But if you finish it,it will quickly become your favorite game.You can quote me on that.After reborn,this is my favorite game.

Pokemon Legends of the Arena:This is the best example how good a story can be.The gameplay itself is not hard.But the story is awesome and the MC is funny as hell.

For example,an npc asks why are fighting types weak to flying types?The MC replies "Ever tried punching a bird."

The MC is a boy(also not silent) that joins a championship with his brother,Max.But sadly the game will most likely won't be updated because the creator is busy with another fan game.


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Reborn:  Has Become my Golden Standard of measuring Pokemon fangames/fan-projects.  While it might not succeed in every single category, I feel it stands a head above the rest, especially in terms of story and general polish.  The Solid #1 spot for now.


Rejuv:  While it does give off a different vibe at first, it becomes a bit too much like Reborn later on for me, but I can give it the #2 spot.   Still, a more vibrant feel than Reborn can use.  Intense mode shouldn't try to sell itself as "harder" than Reborn though....it's just not most of the time.


Insurgence:  As much as I rag on the buggy, incomplete feel of the game of the game and its community's general shitiness, I do have to give it Insurgence for being the only game with an extensive list of fake mon that I actually like.  They feel just as well put together (in most cases) as Alolan forms.  If only Suze had more beta testers.  While I'm curious about Zeta/Omnicrom, I doubt I'll play it if it's as well put together as Insurgence (or has the same overabundance of lampshade hanging).




*While I've started Legends of the Arena, I haven't gotten too far.  Can only comment on the A+ humor in the first parts*

*Still have yet to play Desolation, but I've only heard great things*

*While I fully support the Uranium team against Nintendo, I have no interest in playing, especially since none of the fakemon clicked with me*

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For me the best fan pokemon game is Reborn. Really, Reborn have perfect plot, hard battles and good fighting system. Real number one (please add Robie Rotten in game).


Rejuvenation did not catch me. He too similar to Reborn, and storyline seemed boring to me. Not very well as for me.

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I am genuinely wondering why these kind of polls are a thing... However toast should not be cut. It should be spread with butter (if this doesn't please you then by all means engage with me in fisticuffs)

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On 12/12/2017 at 3:35 AM, seki108 said:

Reborn:  Has Become my Golden Standard of measuring Pokemon fangames/fan-projects.  While it might not succeed in every single category, I feel it stands a head above the rest, especially in terms of story and general polish.  The Solid #1 spot for now.


While I do agree Reborn is a great game I'm very surprised when people hail it as the best of its kind anywhere. Granted, I will admit it's the first of its kind to implement such radical changes to gameplay and follow up these changes with a moderately compelling story. Though I won't say the story is necessarily bad it is indeed lacking in depth. There's a lot going on, a lot of people dying, a lot conflict happening, a lot of "development" going on, but there's still so much that can enrich the experience. Not many games can hold a fanbase for so long and churn out slow episodic content like Reborn does. Truthfully, I'm sure they had a lot of things done before they began development. In fact, what we are trying to with Empire is create a world for our players that they will want to come back to and engage with. When you're just starting off with something so revolutionary people are always going to come back to love it. Even if the beginning was a bit rocky. It just lays the ground for more people to great things so there is more content out for others to enjoy. Just look at Yu-Gi-Oh: The Abridged Series (man I feel old referencing that for some reason). It was really difficult to get through in the beginning, but it was funny and it was the only good thing of it's kind. Now we have other abridged series which are executed cleanly. Even the creators of YGOTAS still work on their creation, refining it. And surely, that is what Reborn devs (as well as Empire devs) will do for their supporters.

Edited by StoicStone
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2 hours ago, StoicStone said:

While I do agree Reborn is a great game I'm very surprised when people hail it as the best of its kind anywhere

To be fair, as I was trying to highlight there, I've only fully played 3 games that could be classified as Pokemon fangames, which is why Reborn is a clear winner.  Maybe when I finally play Desolation or another one, I'll find a better one.  Reborn just raised the bar for me to a new standard so another is free to take it's place; there may be a small bit of bias since it was my first fangame, but it wouldn't be a hindrance if a game is genuinely better than Reborn (from my perspective).


2 hours ago, StoicStone said:

In fact, what we are trying to with Empire is create a world for our players that they will want to come back to and engage with.

I've been following since ssbCasper's first or second thread about Empire since I liked the idea/concept, and I was very glad he got all the support he did so fast.  Maybe Empire will be the one to knock Reborn off it's pedestal in my mind.  It might even be Desolation that I keep hearing about when I finally get around to playing it (when new ep drops in Feb probably).

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I just noticed I fell behind on answering these polls.   Anything with Caramel, wins for Ice Cream flavor.



I'll be honest for #8, aside from making a male Vespiqeen to make it non-gender elusive, I wouldn't like to see any of these in Empire (even as just an altered sprite).  They just seem pointless.   Though I have to give credit for not trying to fall into the trap of bringing up a "female Mr. Mime).

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@seki108 on #8: Most of us agree, so its like the majority that think adding more gender based versions of certain evo lines would be a bad use of our time and even if we were to do it it would be so low on the priority list they wouldn't appear for a super long time. A few people feel really strongly about it but we'll worry about all the minor stuff later. 


Best starter group? Gimme gen 4 free. Might not all be competitively viable but flaming monkey, emperor penguin and Continental turtle is the best trio (even tough gen 5-6 themes are really good too) 

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