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Spoilers!! Ending of episode 17 Spoilers!


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I honestly don't know how to feel about the ending but please hear me out. It seems that (As always) I made a mistake! I had the Zekrom path, and that was more of a punishment to the player. Earlier today I came across this analysis of the game.


I remember Ame mentioned long time ago that starting episode 17, we'll face the consequences of decision making throughout the game. I honestly decided on fighting Taka just because I have the need of pleasing people. However, this affected Tania. To me, Tania's personality is very empowering (Even though she's reckless), but seeing her at the end still trapped with Amaria kinda broke my heart. The worst thing a person can see is a powerful human being weak. At the same time, I don't want to see Taka dies. 


I don't know what to do? Should I repeat the game, and lose my 204 hours of gameplay? Lose all my precious Pokemons that I've struggled so much to find and level up. Go through the gym leaders again (Which is a headache by itself), Route 2's puzzle..etc Or just continue my run?


What do you think? Which pathway did you get? and do you regret it or not?


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I got the Reshiram path, and I have to say, I'm unsure how I feel about it. Yes, there were some more story beats, but the ending isn't "better". I'm not sure what the future holds, but its entirely possible this path will end in Amaria's death. To be honest, neither path has a "good" ending. I say, stick with your choices. Play this out to the end. You will probably end up doing a 2nd playthrough when the game is fully complete anyways, since it will be pretty different.




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When I first read about the Reshiram path, I definitely regretted having the Zekrom path. however, after mulling it over for a while, I'm more ok with it. obviously the actual E17 content on the reshiram path sounds like it's much better, but as for the end result, I think the zekrom path has the potential to turn out better in the future (depending on how things go). Titania could easily obtain the same freedom at a later date, it sounds like Amaria is a bit better off for now (though I don't really know) and it has the potential to break down more softly in the future, and obviously taka is still alive and could still be freed from meteors shackles and live his own life. At least, that's what I'm really hoping. ame plz.


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I got the reshiram path, and I nearly started crying tbh. The great thing about reborn is that there probably won't be a happy ending, or conversely, there will be, but they'll both be considered "happy" in their own ways. just as game freak didn't favor black or white over the other, reborn doesn't really seem to be punishing or helping players for what they choose. while the reshiram path had more story, the zekrom path had more emotional impact (at least, in my opinion. the desolate hopelessness that rivals the desert? priceless). here you are, alone, fighting gym leaders and sacrificing everything for how things should ideally be. I'd definitely start another playthrough (I have two ongoing rn, one where I choose truth options, and one where I choose the opposites), but don't give up on this one. I have a feeling there's more twists to come with ep. 18 :o


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this game is based on the multiverse theory where our choices change the universe of the game itself for example in one universe you battle taka but in an alternate universe you dont and both choices have different consequences what they are is still to be seen.


btw in the zekrom path was i the only one saying there was no way lin would be dead so easily i have a theory about it now what if the one titania stabbed was taka and lin just pulled the bait and switch on her what do you think.


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For every decision, there is a consequence. I, for once, am pretty sure that the decisions you and all the other players took was carefully thought out. So of course, you WILL face consequences for your choices. Think of it in this way, You can't change the past. so why waste your playtime @Rainlove? Go through it. The only thing I can say now is, " THINK TWICE BEFORE REPLYING SINCE THERE IS NO GOING BACK "


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To answer your question, if you want to experience that other path, you can always find one of your older save files.  You should have stockpiled a large amount of save files each time you've saved for a while now and you can probably go back into your saved files folder and search for one that starts before you battle Taka so you can experience the different path without having to completely restart.


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I also had the Zekrom path.

Did I like the Zekrom Path? Dislike would be too simple.I literally hated it.I only had 4 battles.

Do I regret fighting Taka in WTC? Definitely no.Because Taka had lot of things to lose and he helped the MC multiple times hence I don't regret my decision.


Also 204 hours of gameplay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Damn,even if combine my first 3 gameplays I have a mere 180 hours.So what I recommend is to play with your current save.
Also many things have been changed in early areas.So take some time and start a new playthrough later if you want to see some of the changes.


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Hold your horses guys, it will probably be the other way around next episode. Zekrom path will receive more content and different results, as currently it was not concluded at all. Taka will die anyway, but probably as a traitor and coward, when his betrayal is revealed or so.

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On 12/5/2017 at 4:25 PM, example said:

Hold your horses guys, it will probably be the other way around next episode. Zekrom path will receive more content and different results, as currently it was not concluded at all. Taka will die anyway, but probably as a traitor and coward, when his betrayal is revealed or so.


That'd be depriving people of content an OK thing to do. For a full release it might work but in it's current episodical release date this is a pretty toxic mindset.


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I also had the Zekrom path.


I felt bad for both Amy and Tania, the dialogue with Amy underwater and just before the battle broke me. And then there's Tania also still feeling trapped in between everything too. So we may also have our leader line up, it will probably be Sapphira E18 and Hardy + Elite 4 and Champion in E19. 


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