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An old E16 sidequest



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So this is E16 content I think


but apparently there might be a new reward in E17

but I went to revisit the sidequest in Onyx Trainer School where the girl outside the gym room tells you to give someone else the sweet heart. from memory, the other person ran off and locked themself in a room, and nothing else happened. the girl by the gym room still just says the initial message about telling you to give them the thing, and I'm not sure if mine is bugged, the quest goes no further and the reward is just the sweet heart for spyce, or if I'm just being dense. Or, does this only complete when you hand it into the spyce quest, and I have to go do that? And also, how do I see the list of things for that? There's nobody in there with dialogue about it but I'm pretty sure I never did it.


EDIT: have started spyce now and handed the sweet heart in, but would still like to know whether or not the trainers school one continues and if mine is bugged or not.


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