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Ame: http://prntscr.com/gan7x

Ikaru: I'd say I lol'd but it was more of an entirely silent amused smile

Ame: y so silent

Ikaru: well that one was just me being literal

Ikaru: but the rest is because Cloud told me to stop that talking thing I was doing

Ikaru: ):

Ame: start that talking sthing you were doing again

Ikaru: I changed my name back but have nothing to say

Ikaru: wat do

Ame: Proceed to tell everyone how you feel about them, in depth.

Ikaru: [REDACTED] and I'm gonna stop now because I know full well this isn't what you mean

Ame: It isn't, but it's still interesting actually

Ikaru: how so?

Ame: Because you don't voice opinions on people, it's surprsing to learn them

Ikaru: eh

Ikaru: that was half-not-serious

Ikaru: or, if anything, the negative half

Ame: oic. >>

Ikaru: I could say something nice about all of them too

Ikaru: c:

Ame: :D


Ikaru: oh I left you out before Hark didn't I

Ikaru: well you know yours

Ikaru: hey maybe that's something I can do

Ikaru: I'll post a topic and say what I think of whoever replies it's kind of like a thing on Facebook that appeals to insecure people who just want to hear what people think of them but it's on the forum instead of faceboo

Ikaru: k

Ame: do it. :D

Ikaru: nope.avi

Ikaru: I'm not allowed to have personal connections with people

Ikaru: it's

Ikaru: a new unwritten rule

Ikaru: ^

Ame: It isn't an unwritten rule yet.

Ame: *Ame unwrites the rule*

Ame: Now it is!

Ame: You're free!

Ikaru: wait it was written before?

Ikaru: and I'm free?

Ikaru: does that mean nobody has to pay for me?

Ikaru: I liked to think I was at least worth SOMETHING. ):

Ame: You're just F2P, it means you're gonna be more popular


Ame: now go make an intrapersonal topic do it

Ikaru: brb reviving the ask thread trend

Ikaru: except lol nobody ever took those serious

Ikaru: not sure if in nightclub or trainer's journal

Ikaru: meh there's no Ace Members I'm particularly fond of moreso than anyone else

Ame: okie

Ikaru: ok done I hate you


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it's kind of Trainer's Journal, since it pertains to the site.

It's not like League of Legends screenshots or anything.

EDIT: Well Ame, at least we know Ikaru doesn't play faves.

Edited by rc52
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