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Yeah, you guessed it. I'm making one o' these thinky threads too just for the hell of it.

What does Kaito think of YOU?

Spoiler alert: You're all awesome in some way.

But for more detailed responses, post and I'll get to em. Not much else to do tonight...

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So many so fast. ^^;


Hmm, what ta say, what ta say.... oh, I know! I'm really glad we met. Yeah, the whole dating thing didn't work out too well, but eh. I'm sincerely glad you and Edge are happy together, and I mean that. ^^ No bad blood with Kaitoman.exe here! Then again, considering the reference I used, I don't even think Netnavis HAVE blood... code maybe? Oh, but I'm getting off track! My point is, you're a really awesome girl and I have a lot of fun talking to you every day. Our conversations make me smile and that's a good thing. I'm really glad to have you as a good friend. ^^


Oy oy oy.... Miku, I don't even KNOW where to start with you. We've known each other for over a year now, right? Seems like a long time. I gotta say, even if it was only 8 months, the time we dated was legitimately the best time of my life, and I miss it a lot. Probably always gonna miss it. Probably always gonna want it to happen again. But eh, I understand why it happened, and even if I dun like it, I respect it.

But hey hey, enough of the sad sappy stuff! I think you got enough of that from me a while back. Again, I have a hard time forgiving myself for all of that, and I'm truely sincerely sorry for all the crap I pulled. You're probably gonna tell me not to apologize, but you should know me by now. Constant apologies for everything. xD To the happy stuff! OYSTERMAN AWAAAAAY! You're probably one of my best friends ever, a little under Brave, if not equal. You're just a really happy person all the time and it always makes me smile ta see you. We have the wierdest conversations and I feel like we can just talk about anything. I hope we can be friends forever. ^^


Haha! Dude, I'd be lying if I said I didn't like having you around! You're probably one o' my best friends on Reborn. Always there ta crack a quick joke, and we like a lot of the same stuff. Like One piece! AWWW YEAH BAYBEE! REFT, RIGHT, REFT, RIGHT, REFT, RIGHT, SUUUUUPAAAAAH!

Terrible Franky impression aside, I like havin' you around SU. You make an awesome quartet with me, Poe, and Brave. We've had our disagreements over things, and sometimes you get a bit too emotional over a loss for my taste, but one quick SUPAH FRANKY duet and it's all better. xD I don't really know what else to say besides that you're a generally kickass dude, and I'm glad we're clanmates... and friends. ^^

Note: I'm only gonna be doing three or two per post, lest it get too clogged up. But don't worry. I WILL respond, I can guarantee that! :D

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I don't think we've spoken too much, have we? I guess that's sorta my bad, considering how solitary I can be at times. ^^; I'm sorry about that. And I'm sorry that you probably won't get a long one like the others so far. Apologies! @.@

But from what I do know of ya, you're a funny guy. You always manage ta make me chuckle on the server. Granted, I'm not a hard guy to make laugh, but hey, a laugh is a laugh. From what I've seen, you're a pretty cool dude. Keep it up, and keep bein SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPPPAAAAAAAA!

Not sure if you're an OP fan or not. But it felt appropriate.


Dude, I've known you just as long as I've known Miku. And what can I really say? Mori, you're an awesome scottsman... irishman.... englishman... one of those three! I'm terrible with Nationalities, but I reaaaallly wanna say Irish. Maybe it's the hair... Point is! We've been through a lot. And you're one o' my closest friends. You helped me out during the err... dark ages ( then again, so did everyone. I was a wreck. xD ), and I thank ya a lot for that. You're a bro among bros. You're brotastic. Brosideon, god of the brocean. Insert bro-related saying here. Point is, you friggin kick ass, are a damn good battler and alongside Evans, give me the biggest run for my money when it comes to top dog of the clan. xD Funny, since you technically used to be the head of our previous one.

What else, what else... Oh! I'm glad we met, and you're a riot when we're able ta Skype. We should do that again sometime, with everyone. Just keep on truckin', Never change, Mori my bro. Never change. One day, Me, RJ, and Ricki will be makin' a trip to the UK!


I dunno, what do you think you just read me tell them? xD Anyway! ^^

Y'know, we never really talked too much until recently, thinking about it. And by recently, I mean like... Iunno, a few months back? But you're a pretty cool guy. Pretty level and always willing ta listen on the off chance I need to get shit off my chest. Definitely an aweseome person to talk to, and you generally give me good advice whenever I'm hesitant to use my authy powers... which, can unfortunately be a bit more than I like to admit. You and pretty much all the Reborn auth have become pretty awesome friends to me, and I wish you and Colin the best of luck. ^^

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Not sure if it's okay to call you that on the forums... but I think we have a user named Leo so. DIFFERENTATION GO! :D

Again, you're another person I never really talked to until recently. You were always just Mash's boyfriend who I hardly ever talked to until recently. Sorry. ^^;

But recently, we HAVE been talking quite a bit. And I like you, you're a cool guy. No need to worry about things so much though. The more you worry, the worse the situation seems. Bit hypocritical, but eh. Advice. It always is. xD Just go with the flow, and the flow will take you where the flow wants you to Go. Terrible psuedo-rhyming there, but I am musically stupid! :D But like Mash, you're a good guy, and you give good advice, and I think you two are so cute together. ^^ Just keep up what you're doin' and don't let the shadows drag ya down into the abyss. Dunno what I was referencing there... I think I started with Kingdom Hearts and then thought " Hey ,Abyss is a cool word, I wanna use it! :D "

Anywaaaaay. You're a really awesome dude and I'm glad we've started ta get to talking recently. It's pretty nice. ^^


You. We don't talk much, but I know of you. You're a good battler. VERY good, for beating X-League Amaria. And me, considering we've met in tournaments a few times. xD Your cockiness grates on me though. But I've always had a problem with cockiness. It just bothers me. I mean, I can see why you'd be it, considering your accomplishments, but it can still be grating. Other than that though, you're a pretty cool guy. Supportive of your fellow PEDREG'S, and as a clan leader myself, I sincerely respect that.


Another person I don't talk to very much because I'm an antisocial hermit. But hai. ^^ You're a nice guy, and I know you're a fellow duelist, which is neat. Card games are fun. We seem to have a lot of similar interests, and I like that. I wish we could talk more, but I am VERY shy and I don't like to initiate conversation much. Point is, you're an awesome guy Inu. I really wanna get to know ya better in the future. ^^

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I've left the same screen on Persona 3 for the past hour... Still worth it. Of course, due to the burning urge to shoot myself in the head, summon a personification of my inner self, and unleash a firey gale of destruction upon Tartarus, they may get a bit shorter.


Okay well. You and me has a lot of the same feels a lot. Like you said, it's like we're like... Person and Shadow. You being the Shadow, since you said you've got the better insane laugh. You're also a pretty cool guy in general. Like Inu,we has same interests and woo, Persona. We don't talk much, but when we do, I like talking to you. You're like... my racially different twin or something that's on the other end of this coast. xD Hope we get to talk more in the future, cause I like talkin to ya. ^^


We also don't talk much, because again. I really don't talk to people unless PM'd. But from what I know of you... you're a pretty nice girl. ^^ Funny too. And you're a SAO fan, which is ALWAYS cool. :D So I like you. You're cool in my book. ^^

Again, I'm really really really really sorry I don't have more to say! @.@ This is making me realize I need to talk to people more so uh. Yay for that. ^^ I'll be sure to talk to you people more then.


Let me get this out of the way. You are a very good battler, and we meet A LOT in Tournaments. And I mean a lot. Usually comes out a 50-50 matchup, just about. Which is pretty exciting. I like battling you. And I know you're active on the server, which is a good thing. But we don't really talk. ^^; But I do respect your battling, and I always look forward to our matches. Keep it up! :D

Next wave in a second. Or 5. Or just plain later tonight, I may do a big super one when not as distracte- NO NO NO NO NO, DON'T DIE ON ME MINATO, FFFF, THERE GOES SO MUCH EXP. T.T

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