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Alright! Super post, comin' atcha!


Learn to navigate the forums and stop having us link you to topics, ya dummy. xD

That aside, being that I INTRODUCED ya to this place and PO in general, it's obvious we've got a history together.Don't really know what ta say. You're probably my best friend, and we've got plenty in common. Helped each other through a lot, we have. Although we tend to fight on some topics... and it's less fighting, more you yelling at me for being an overly emotional dumbass or vice versa. xD That aside, you and Miku are probably the two people I've grown ta be able to talk to anything about and I hope y'know you can come ta me anytime. Don't really know what else to say... oh! You're a REALLY finicky teambuilder. Work on that. xD But you know I've always got your back. Bros through thick and thin. TO FRAYIKI!


I'll be honest. At first, you kinda annoyed me a bit. But then we got to playing more stuff together and actually talking, and I've come ta learn you're a pretty cool guy. We're both IMAGINE players, which is fun. Although sometimes you can take it a wee bit too seriously. xD Point is, you're a great guy and a cool clanmate, even if you annoy the everliving steak sauce out of me at times. xD I'm glad to have ya around. ^^



Terrible impromptu rapping aside. We don't talk much. But you're in SU. And a damn good battler. Like. Geez. I don't think we've ever fought for real, but your league progress shows that. xD But you're a pretty serious guy who lives in a tainted state. Crack a lot of jokes and take a lot of things lightly. And I do recall having a few private chats with you, which were pretty nice. You're a cool guy to talk to, y'know. When you actually talk. xD


We take the morning shift a lot together, so we've talked quite a bit. Probably two of the most constantly on admins on Reborn. No offense to the others, but I don't really leave my laptop unless I'm forced to. xD I should get out more... then I remember that song from spongebob. But you're really level headed and down to earth, and I like that about you. Reborn is an insane place, we need a few sane people to balance it all out. xD But you're a cool guy to talk to and I like having you around the place. Really dependable, and workin' with you is a blast. I respect you and enjoy your company as a friend. ^^


Best Sun user on Reborn, IMO. Taking one of the more underappreciated weathers and wrecking things. I like it. You get a bit... overemotional over battles and other stuffs, but we all do, so it's no worries. But you're a pretty cool dude and are always fun to fight. I like having you and your Boom-iness around. Sorry, I don't have too much else to say... I'm not much of a talker.


Funny guy. Really funny. You make me laugh on the server, and are generally all upbeat and positive and it makes me smile. Dun go changing too much, you're a nice kid and a cool person IMO. ^^ Sorry I don't have much else to say... this whole thread is making me realize that I should pay more attention to server people. So woo, self-realization! ^^

Getting to the next few in a minute. I just didn't wanna lose this.

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Okay. Ten people. One superpost. Some of them MAY be short, and for that, I apologize. ^^;


Considering recent happenings, I could say quite a bit here. When the thing first happened, I won't lie. I was... upset. Probably for a reason that people weren't thinking of, but I was upset all the same. Always suspected it, but eh. But you two are happy, and I'm glad for that. ^^ Besides, I think other people have given you more shit than I have about the whole thing, which... surprised me to say the least. ^^;

Kay, uncomfortable stuff that was practically mandatory to talk about because everyone who WASN'T me already touched on it is done. Now for the other stuff. You're a good guy and a good friend. You worry a bit too much sometimes ( but I'm not one to talk ,eh? ^^; ), but it's obvious that you do care for your friends and the people of Reborn. Overall, you're a guy I'm happy ta have as a friend.


I see you often in the mornings - or I did - but since I normally went into my usual hidey-holes, we never talked much. But from what I know, you're a pretty funny guy and are always a positive influence. I like that, the world needs more sunshine. Plus, you're named after my favorite season! :D Or maybe it's spring... one o' the two. Anyway, yeah. Sorry this isn't much longer. But you're a decent person, from the little I know. ^^


Yo. You're right, we haven't really seen each other much since you left Reborn. Shame for that. But from all the conversations I've had with you, we have a lot in common, and you're a pretty cool guy. I swear at some point we thought we were clones by how much our interests matched ( and by the fact that both of our then-girlfriends coerced us into watching Shoujo. xD ) Glad to call you my friend. I hope we can stay in contact more. ^^


You're someone I've known for as long as Miku and Mori. And we've talked a lot. Like. A whole lot. You're kinda like a little sis to me, honestly. You're a good girl, who doesn't have the greatest o' situations, and I've been there to listen to ya a lot. I really do wish I could help more, but oh well. Point is, although you can get a bit emotional and fussy at times, you're a good person at heart, and are a good friend o' mine. ^^


I honestly don't know you that well. But I DO know you're almost as big of a YYH fan as me,and I like that. :D That show is awesome and needs more recognition. Just for that, you're a cool guy in my book. Also, you're a sportsman and a pokemon fan, which I respect. Big contrast to what I grew up with in high school. xD Only sport I've ever been good at is Tennis. But that's good enough for me. xD


Another person I don't know too well. But I hadn't heard good things about you, pre-ban. Mostly the minecraft stuff, but also general annoyance of members. After ban though... well okay, you still sometimes annoy me, but you've also improved quite a bit, and you seem to be a friendly person. Which is nice. ^^


Err. Mutual, yeah. ^^; I'm kinda sorry to say that I know nothing of you at all except of your artwork.Which, I must say is quite good. ^^ Granted, you've probably heard that enough in these threads. xD So, for a different compliment. I like the name Will. It's fancy. xD But yeah, I'm sorry that I don't really know you all that well, but from what I can tell - and the fact that you're on the good side of every auth barring the one who's been here shortest xD - you seem to be a pretty cool guy. ^^


Heya Silver! I gotta say, we haven't known each other too long, but I've gotten to know you a little purely from your extreme activeness in chat. Most of the time, you're a really cheerful guy and a great person to be around. Sometimes you get a bit... depressive, but hey. Everyone does at points. xD In general, I have to say that I think you're a really nice guy and a positive influence and just a really awesome person to be around. ^^


I do remember you from Skyping, but unfortunately I have trouble remembering some of them. But no worries, I do know you. You're a pretty hyper guy and always around to crack a joke. Sometimes the hyperness gets on other people's nerves, but considering who I normally hang around with, it doesn't bother me too much. xD You're a pretty nice guy and although we don't talk too much directly, I have to say that you're a person I could call friend.


Foxboy? I like the nickname. xD I really haven't known you for too long at all, due to you not being on the server much till recently. But you're doing a great service out there as a soldier, and I, along with seemingly all/most of Reborn, sincerely respects what you do and can't thank you enough for having the courage to serve. Outside of job related stuff though, I can say that you're a really chill person, and one of the most level headed members around. We seem to share a lot of the same interests, such as Borderlands and I THINK Persona. Not sure on that last one. But I legitimately enjoy talking to you and you seem like a really awesome guy. I hope to get to know you better in the coming months. ^^

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