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New Pokeball?


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14 minutes ago, Pozyher said:

As i was wondertrading i came across a couple mons that their pokeballs were like the reborn symbol.Does anyone know where i can buy them?

Those mons are likely hacked, that's the special reborn skin for the master ball, similar to how the rare candy has a new sprite in reborn.

Edit: Realized I never answered your question, no where, you cannot buy master balls believe it or not

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9 minutes ago, pokemastercj1 said:

Those mons are likely hacked, that's the special reborn skin for the masterball, similar to how the rare candy has a new sprite in reborn.

Damn, i really liked the design.Oh well.

thanks for telling me

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45 minutes ago, Lost Lore said:

However unlikely it is, you can actually win a Master Ball from the lottery in Onyx Arcade if all five of a Pokemon's ID numbers match. So maybe not hacked.

This is true, though really it'd help to know what pokemon were in the masterballs as there aren't any legendaries available yet so unless it's a shiny pseudo or a shiny of a pokemon with teleport/selfdestruct I don't see why they'd waste a masterball. Any chance you could tell us what you recieved @Pozyher ?


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1 hour ago, pokemastercj1 said:

This is true, though really it'd help to know what pokemon were in the masterballs as there aren't any legendaries available yet so unless it's a shiny pseudo or a shiny of a pokemon with teleport/selfdestruct I don't see why they'd waste a masterball. Any chance you could tell us what you recieved @Pozyher ?


Gogoat and deerling

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