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Spoiler: (Maybe) All new sidequests E17


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Hi everyone,


so far the new episode was awesome. And all these new sidequests are great. And there are quite a lot of them. So I thought we could make a topic and (maybe) gather all of them. Remeber that this is a rough sketch of the things I've found so far. Feel freee to comment and add things.

So far I've found these:


The whole thing with the Mirage Tower

Getting there:


There are some oasis in the desert which disappear when one touches the healing root. When one disappears another one appeares, so there's always one oasis at a time. The tower is in the north-eastern area and randomly appears when one touches the mentioned healing roots.



Puzzle with two pyramids which have to be moved in the lightspots simultaneously. Appeareantly you can push the one you can interact with against a wall and the other one still moves. Didn't try that one though.

Additionally on the ground floor: Smash all walls (hurts your pokemon).




Honedge, Mimikyu, Poison Memory, a TM (Will-o-wisp?) and something additional (forgot that one).



Corin (Given one did everything in episode 16):


He stands near the train gate into the desert. When you talk to him he jumps on the train and vanishes. When you talk to the police officer afterwards you get Safety Goggles.

Obviously he hangs around in the desert. Appereantly somewhere on the western part, but I didn't find him so far. Maybe someone knows more?

After this he should appear in the Train City and you can fight him.


Teknite Cave/Mountain:


It is located at the most north-western part of the desert. Inside isn't very much, but if you use Power Gem in a fight you can play around with the crystals.
When going deeper into the mountain you have to get rid of the crystals. Do this either by leaving and reentering the cave or by using earthquake.

Inside the mountain you can find a waterfall, which is needed for the sidequest for the lady called Stetoscope in the Train City.

On top of the mountain you can jump around a bit over some pillars. However, without Tailwind you won' get too much.

However, with tailwind (only needed in the eastern part of the mountain) you can get a Rowlet egg, I think Pidgeonite and some other stuff.


This one is long, but I found it to be very funny.


You have to return some of the pokemon from the 7th street dealer. They do not have to be the original ones!

The trainers are located as follows:

Jigglypuff: In a back alley in the Peridot Ward. He will fight you and tell you to give the Jigglypuff to someone else, he will take it later.

Loudred: The owner is in Jasper Ward. You can also give her the Jigglypuff, but before she will return it you need Earphones.

Makuhita: Owner is (who would have though) in the Apophyll Academy and can't hear you at the beginning, since she got some high quality earphones. To get everything from her you need a autograph from Arc and from the guy who searches his Roggenrola.

Roggenrola: He chills in Spinel Town and gets pretty annoyed when you ask for his autograph...

Vanilite: Owner should be located in Lapis Ward, but since he is a little boy he got kidnapped. The three gang members with the jigglypuff are involved in this. So you have to get the autograph from the Roggenrola-guy, trade this for the earphones and give them to the Loudred-lady. Now you can talk to the Jigglypuff-baldy again and he tells you where the boy is.

Surprise: He hired the gang to steal mones from his uncle (the Roggenrola-guy) and you have a pretty tough fight with him. Afterwards he runs back home, his mother tells you some cracy stuff about her son (he's something like a maniac/psycopath) and he wants a Electrode (or something similar), but you can just trade him a Vanilite.


When you're finished you get the Mega-Ring from Arc. Nice.




Event in 7th street. You have to give her an Carvanha, a Luxray and ... I forgot the last one, sorry. But she tells you either way. For some reason her coworkers disappear one after another. She gets killed from Type:Zero, before it attacks you.

Some (or all?) of its Memory Discs are located somewhere in the Reborn-World




Hui, this one's long. In the Desert when following the eastern wall to the north you stumble over this big dune with an entrance into the mountain. Inside are some holes/quicksand thingies. Step on them and you fall down into another room. Which one depends on the hole you took.

There are 5 (?) holes in the first room. The lower ones on the right and left lead you finally to a Arceus statue with a button you should press. By doing this you can now take the stairs at the end of the path of the central hole.
I don't know if it are 3 or 5 holes to be honest. Don't remember. If it are 5, the upper 2 ones just lead you to some items.

So, back to the main part: After the steps you enter a room with manymanymany Garchomp statues which will start to follow and attack you. Great. After that you enter a room. There you should search a statue to press a button again, again some sandholes appear and you fall down one area. There are some food basins, which you can fill with PokeSnax. If you now step into one of the holes again you will be at the start of the cave again. Return to the second to last area (the one before the one with the food basins) and save. Now you jump down the holes again and hope to land on or next to the food basin where Gible is chilling at. A fight starts and you can catch the little guy.




he can be found under the northern lighthouse in the Coral Ward, after a small fight.



What I din't find so far:


Anything related to Ghastly, Phione, Ferrothorn (it says it should be catchable in the wild but the pokedex doesn't give any clues), Litten, Bounsweet and Shroomish.

Maybe Ghastly and Shroomish are now part of the Mystery-egg quest.


Again, if you know anything else, want to add things or ask questions: Please feel free to do so.

I hope this helps a little.

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17 minutes ago, Chefkoch said:
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Anything related to Ghastly, Phione, Ferrothorn (it says it should be catchable in the wild but the pokedex doesn't give any clues), Litten, Bounsweet and Shroomish.

Maybe Ghastly and Shroomish are now part of the Mystery-egg quest.



Phione can be found by fishing on the ponds outside Mirage Tower (super rod, has to be the ponds after the puzzles - where you go outside again)
Shroomish is part of the Mystery-egg quest (i think Ghastly too - not sure though)

Ferroseed can be found by headbutting the trees at the gates of Titania's castle (inside the fairytale)


Edited by Gast
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10 minutes ago, gkhmpg said:
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In the teknite ridge, western part (that tailwind does nothing) I found a cave where lies some mining rocks and a pokeball. Do I need something to get there since I can't find a way? 



IIRC you need to get to the room with the waterfall and use a move (i used power gem) to change the field when you get out of the battle you will see a rock glowing and when you touch it there appears a bridge above the water and when you cross it you get into the room with the mining rocks and the tm


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14 minutes ago, Fabidieboy4 said:
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IIRC you need to get to the room with the waterfall and use a move (i used power gem) to change the field when you get out of the battle you will see a rock glowing and when you touch it there appears a bridge above the water and when you cross it you get into the room with the mining rocks and the tm


Alright thank you!

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I don't know if this is the right place to tell this, but I found Dragonium Z, it's right outside Mirage Tower. Once you are in front of it, go right and up in the surf spots, until you are behind Mirage Tower, then, just go up. You will be up in the mountains around it. Then, just go left, until you find a boy named @Marcello selling Lemonades, and interact with the Palm Tree in a vase that's left of him. It's gonna be a lv 100 A-Exeggutor. Beat it, and then interact with the empty vase. Boom, Dragonium Z.


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I found what seems to be a Zangoose related sidequest. In the dark alleys in Reborn city youll see Zangoose digging through trash cans. Found it 3 times and so far has only fled. I found him once in the alley where you fight the bald guys for the ARC quest, another time in the alley close to the nightclub and i dont remember where i found it the third time. Idk  where this leads especially since you can catch it in the wild unless its an older sidequest i never found before. If anyone has found it again by any chance leave me a reply plz? 


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Does anybody have any idea what can be found in the area accessible via door below (down from Scrapyyard) filled with Liligants, Ilumises, Chanseys etc., where it is constantly snowing, and in whatever direction we go, we eventually reach the ladder leading back to the entrance?


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44 minutes ago, example said:

Does anybody have any idea what can be found in the area accessible via door below (down from Scrapyyard) filled with Liligants, Ilumises, Chanseys etc., where it is constantly snowing, and in whatever direction we go, we eventually reach the ladder leading back to the entrance?

What I did was moving in the northeast direction. You should come across something other than the ladder eventually...

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1 hour ago, kithas said:

I'm not sure how to navigate that, but sooner or later you'll find a ladder out.

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And go prepared for the gym!


@guidy wait a second, that leads to Titania's gym? Shame on me, I stormed through the story upon release, then stopped playing for a while and now I have time to properly explore, I totally forgot about this place. Couldn't find in the forums any info about it, no wonder now why :D . Geez, I'm shocked, my mind isn't working properly anymore :D

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But that way is where the story goes, I mean, at least in the Taka-fighting branch you get almost no main EP17's story until you're at the top of the ladder. I think the other branch gets something before that, but...


And, well, I've got another question on my own:


Is there anything I need to do to find Mirage Tower? I've been taking light shards (the yellow healing thingy in every oasis) burning through more than 100 Max. Repel and then going to check every time and it's always buried under the sand... I already got Amaria and everything so I'm not sure anymore :( 


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On 12/8/2017 at 12:09 PM, MLAdrummer said:
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I found what seems to be a Zangoose related sidequest. In the dark alleys in Reborn city youll see Zangoose digging through trash cans. Found it 3 times and so far has only fled. I found him once in the alley where you fight the bald guys for the ARC quest, another time in the alley close to the nightclub and i dont remember where i found it the third time. Idk  where this leads especially since you can catch it in the wild unless its an older sidequest i never found before. If anyone has found it again by any chance leave me a reply plz? 


That's an old quest, from before the city was restored.

Also does anyone know where the Mimikyu in Mirage Tower is? I already got everything else in there, but I can't find it. ( I don't know if it has anything to do with the Mimikyu or not, but I smashed every mirror on every floor too, but nothing happened ).

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5 minutes ago, The God Fist said:

Also does anyone know where the Mimikyu in Mirage Tower is? I already got everything else in there, but I can't find it. ( I don't know if it has anything to do with the Mimikyu or not, but I smashed every mirror on every floor too, but nothing happened ).



The very first room. Just break everything.


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9 hours ago, yanmeng92 said:

anyone know where is this eustace kid? Her mum say he's being kidnapped~


He is the last one you can find. You first have to give all the other guys their pokemon back.



Everything you need can be gathered from the people of this quest.



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