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I can sense your rage already.


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As the title implies, someone somewhere is probably screaming at the top of their lungs right now because.... YUP, ANOTHER WHAT DO I THINK OF YOU THREAD!!!! :D

I know I'm not as popular as Ame, Ika, and Edge, or the auth in general. They're auth, so of course everyone wants to know what they think of them and all that, but I figured some people out there might be curious as to what I think of them. Albeit very few. Anyway, I won't sugar-coat anything, so you ask, and I'll give my honest opinion, mean or nice.


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I'm first

What can I say? You're pretty much to Ikaru, that Poe is to me. That friend that bugs the hell out you, but you know will always be there for you when you need it. Aside from that, you also put a lot of time into authing the server, more so than you should have to, but you do it anyway, even if you're running low on sleeping hours. Which is both admirable and crazy at the same time. Like Ame said, you put on a Grumpy Old Man front, but you're actually pretty nice, well, nicer than you want people to believe. We've had our share of private conversations, mostly about anime/manga, which I always enjoy. You also got me back into Bleach, which was pretty cool because I had almost gave up on it, so thanks for that. If anything I think we should talk more than we do, more friends the merrier. :D

i am a very good bad boy

All I can say about you is that you can battle really well. I'll be honest with you, when you first came to Reborn I thought you would turn out to be a complete troll, after some time that changed. Overall, you're a nice person, a tad bit cocky, for good reason, and you don't go overboard with it. Really, my only complaint is your clanmates, or whatever you call them. Some of them get out of hand with the whole "PEDREG" and "p4p" stuff, and can be downright obnoxious at times as well. Oh, and I got that reference to that bad but hilarious Indian song "It's My Life", if it was a reference, if not then lolijustcrazy.

sorry I didn't say much for you but hi c:

You didn't say much because we rarely talk, which is the very same reason I can't say much about you <<. But from what I do know, we're kinda similar as far as feels go, though they still might differ. You also suffer from having an abusive friend, mine being Poe. <<. Yours is more physical abuse whereas mine is more verbal, the pain is the same. Personally, I think we should team up and plan a counterattack! ..Aaaaanywaaaaay, you're an awesome guy, no matter what you think, or anyone else for that matter, and though we rarely talk outside of our main chat joking, we should definitely talk more. :D

Kinda uneasy for a reason but hai

Where to start....Well, for one, I think you do a lot of great things for Reborn. As far as League managing, authing, etc. Even when having internet problems you try to help out, which is pretty cool. You're a fun guy to talk to, and I'm glad I was able to meet you and become friends with you. I would of liked you to stay in SU, and I think you left for a stupid reason, I mean if I left everytime I butted heads with someone in the clan, I would of been gone 10 times over already lol. However, the uncomfortable part is coming. And it's already been touched on, so I won't linger on the subject long. You flirting with Kuro when she was dating Kaito was a horrible thing to do, especially doing it when he was online. As his friend, I hated that, probably more than he did, but you know how he is being too nice, and when I heard of their break up, I already knew the reason, and why it happened. I can't say that I approve of it, regardless of if your feelings for her are real or not. Regardless of that, I still think you're a great person to talk to, and despite previous happenings, someone I hope to be friends with for a good while. Once you get your interwebs back, we should have a big skype call with Brave, Kaito, Poe, and Ricki. :P

inb4 soldier stuff

I never really got to know you well, but I do know that you have been serving our country, and for that, I sincerely thank you. I can't really speak from experience, but I know that it's tough out there on the frontlines. You are a very sensible person, and with the few small exchanges we do have, are a really nice guy to talk with. You also love turtles. But who doesn't? Turtles are badass.

I was meaning to ask you directly actually <-< Fire!

Upon joining SU, I thought you were cool, a little overbearing, but still an awesome person to be around. That really hasn't changed too much. You do get carried away with things, for example; When you have chanop, most of the time you do well, but those ass long kicks you have are REALLY obnoxious, and does nothing but flood the chat with something that puts the Wall of China to shame <<. Despite what I say, you really aren't that bad, it's mostly just me being a sour person. It's admirable you're willing to stick to your dreams no matter what, and work towards making them reality, which is amazing to say the least. Though I can't say I like what you've done relationship wise, it has caused a lot of drama, and a lot of mixed feelings. Overall, I think you're alright. Despite us not getting along too well, can't say SU would be the same if you left, and hopefully we can get along better in the future.

Hey unfamiliar guy

I've seen you around a few times on the server. You can be pretty funny, other than that I can't come up with anything else to say. I really should interact with people more <<

Fire away. ^^

Ah, Fred, Freddy, Freddo, Fredwardo, Fredenstein, Fredbert. You're one of the nicest people I have ever met. I used to be reluctant to talk to you when I was new to SU, but we really did become bros in the end. I'm really glad we did, and wouldn't change any of it. Might be a little sappy, but I honestly wish I would of befriended you, Brave, and Ricki over the people I made friends with irl, poe excluded. If I had one complaint, it's that you're too damn nice. Seriously, sometimes I think all that built up rage is just gonna rush out and destroy us all. Joking aside, you really are someone I consider one of my bestfriends here, and despite what you say, you battle really well. Not everyone beats 16 Reborn leaders, afterall, of course come Friday, you and I will make that 17. Back on the main topic, I'm grateful I have a friend like you that can put up with my shit without killing me, and I know I do get carried away with the jokes sometimes, and I'm sorry for that. Like you said, we both share interests, mainly OP, but there are others. Though, you should give Naruto a shot :I. If a guy walked up to me and offered to change our encounter to where it didn't happen. I'd kick that guy in the face. Anyway, you should have more confidence in yourself, feel more SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!! :D


Pre-ban, you were annoying. Now, still annoying, just to a lesser extent.

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<< >>

Tell me stuff.

You're punny, to say the least. Though we rarely interact, you seem like someone who would be cool to talk to. You take a lot of crap in school I've noticed, I was never really bullied myself so I can't really relate much, but I've had some friends who have experienced it. All I can really say is stay strong, and don't let them get to you, giving them a reaction will only make them want to hurt you more. About all I can say, really. Stay punny, friend. :P


That face.


Not sure if you were posting in here to just say that or not, but I'm doing you anyway <<.

To be honest, we really haven't talked much, but I see you're an artist, and a very good one at that. I've read your +Infinitas story, and it's really enjoyable. Keep up the good work, Will. :D


Sup! I'm drawing blanks, honestly. I know you're a regular, long before my time. But I don't recall ever talking with you, like, at all. I'm sure you're pretty cool, I mean, you have a fucking Dragonite on your trainer card. I guess all I can really say is good luck against Amy Friday. Maybe we'll talk more in the future. :P

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You're one of my favorites, out of the X-League challengers, that is. Actually, make that league in general. You're one of the very few, IF ONLY challenger I've seen with a sun team in league. Not only that, you actually beat Amy with it. That takes some skill. You tend to get heated a lot, but I can't really nitpick, cause I do as well. I think someone said this before, but you make some creative sets with your pokemon, and what's more, make them successful. That's commendable. All in all, you're a great person, and I wish you luck with the rest of your X-League challenge!

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Try not to make our story too long.

Oh, Mori. I have to say, you're a badass dude. When you arrived in SU as Moriarty, I had no idea that that same guy founded OoT. Which only makes you even more badass. You're nice, and always willing to lend a ear, an amazing battler, best in the clan in my honest opinion, and just fun to be around. When you left Reborn for a while, I won't lie, I was pretty bummed out. But I'm glad you're back and active now! One day we will meet up, and have us a good ol Five Guys burger. One that will make us go




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