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So many who know of me, but so many people I don't know


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at least not that well. I'm an old member, but I think many of you would be too if fate had been otherwise. I'm afraid that while tales of myself have been spread around, I can't say I'm all that familiar with most of you, especially if you've chosen to change your name around. This my "What do I think of you?" thread.

But, I shall go ahead and start with a few certain people who bear mentioning at the moment.

Mashew- I feel I'm still quite distant with you. You are a shoulder to lean on, a member that many other memebers feel comfortable telling their stories to when they feel down. But as for me, you're so malleable and seemingly willing to tell them what they want to hear, you seem a bit fake to me. And that has bugged me for a long time. But at the same time I'm sure there's a twinge of jealousy that goes with that sentiment. Whatever else I am, I'm not that person for anyone it seems.

Wolf/Godot/Dominus- you've become my best friend IRL. I hardly know what else to say after that. We're almost completely opposite sometimes, but that also serves to complement what I am not, making us an unstoppable combination. You're religious in your own way and I am not, but that is nothing I could ever hold against you, friend. We have different versions of 'faith.' You're intelligent, and funny, and always strive for something off the wall, something that just isn't ordinary. We have a lot in common and we enjoy many of the same things. Quite simply, you're irreplaceable as a friend. There is more to it than that, but I cannot find the words to give it justice.

Tyler/Colin/Ashley: I've long known that if a person truly got to know somebody else, one could never really hate them. And you. Well you and I have clashed and I've certainly disliked you for it. But you've settled down and become more stable, settled in who you are. You truly impressed me when you came to me to talk about the guilds you had in mind. You've done a lot to calm down and I'm glad you could share those interests with me. We've kept a certain distance from each other till now and I'm fully wiling and indeed eager to disregard all thiat and find out who you REALLY are.

Amethyst- We've known each other for a long time. Since before I even went to high school! As always, you've commanded a certain respect for just about everything you've managed to do, and that's no mean feat. You're intelligent and ambitious, the latter always leaving me in awe of the drive you exhibit relatively frequently- your moods notwithstanding, lol. However, I can feel that you withhold quite a bit of yourself, revealing bits and pieces in even your blog postings. You are careful to a fault, and conscientious to a fault.

Ikaru- You are too... naive. As some others already put it. You have a certain spirit, to be sure, but I do wonder if it is not misplaced. There is that nobility of spirit that may yet prove fruitful for you but requires a patience that is beyond even me. And I have endured an entire deployment and have helped raise a brother an entire 9 years younger than msyelf. Call me a liar if I don't think you need to develop some aggression, some IDGAF attitude. You have a right to be, and I support who you want to be. Now gather the strength to be unafraid the let that man BE.

Phoenix- others have called you out on putting on a grumpy front but being a nice guy underneath it all. I tend to agree. You are a solid mod, but don't put out a whole lot for the general public to see. You've put in long hours and put in your best all to embetter Reborn (if there is a such a word), far beyond what I think is even necessary. I don't know what it is that makes you try to hide how much you care, but it is there to be seen with even such a passing glance as mine.

Kiozo- As I have mentioned elsewhere, my early experiences with you impressed me quite a bit. You have intelligence and a calm, contemplative dimeanor that I respect a great deal. Truly, it is no happenstance that you've become Authy, entrusted to deal responsibly with any calamity that even thinks to look crosswise at Reborn. I sense a certain reticence about you, but one can squarely rely on the thoughtul respone then ensues.

Rotomfan- It seems that you also strive to be a bit different and have displayed an intricate sense of humor. You many have annoyed many others but for the most part I find you genuinely funny and have enjoyed many of your posts. It makes me wonder what such others as Moriarty, who support you, have seen...

Horizon and Miku- I know it's kinda wierd to put you two together like this but you two have had comparable effects on the members of Reborn. Or at least on what other authy talk about. Not all of it has been positive, but youv'e both improved and become quiet the regular members here at Reborn. I look forward to finding out more about what kind of individuals the two of you are.

And here I will pause for the night. Feel free to post to remind me of who else I have left to describe.

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Ahaha, well, I do agree... But I CAN call you a liar to some extent << >>

The only time I have any form of aggression is when it's involving people I don't really care about (i.e. total strangers) or people I just can't stand, both of whose reactions don't necessary concern me. And there are times when I have that IDGAF attitude, but, more often than not it just happens when I'm relatively upset and just stop caring about ALL the things. I think, short of maybe Ame, you're probably most qualified to speak of my patience- being a direct witness to the whole Titania thing he talked about as well, so there's that.

But come on, who was a witness to that story and didn't find it entertaining?

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Phoenix- others have called you out on putting on a grumpy front but being a nice guy underneath it all. I tend to agree. You are a solid mod, but don't put out a whole lot for the general public to see. You've put in long hours and put in your best all to embetter Reborn (if there is a such a word), far beyond what I think is even necessary. I don't know what it is that makes you try to hide how much you care, but it is there to be seen with even such a passing glance as mine.

If only I had a dollar for everytime some called me a "grumpy".

If you don't ask me then I'll never tell <-- kinda why nobody knows much about me even though I've been around such a long time.

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Like what? >:c

Well, might not have been you, I suppose, but I get the impression of random, extremely short-lived spats with random people.

Phoenix- you never struck me as grumpy, but rather as quiet and vigilant.

Anyways, let's get started, shall we?

Summer- Sup? I'm afraid I don't know you that well but you've posted on the forums more than a little bit. You've always struck me as the genial type and someone I wouldn't mind getting to know better. Wish I could say more, but there it is.

Cyrus- We've never really talked much directly, have we? But you've been a solid supporter of things I do/say. So thanks for that. There's a maturity about you that belies your apparently meager 15 years walking this planet. You're kinda quiet, but you're definitely far more open with friends. If I was ever on the server more, we could hang out.

Kaito- Well, like your avatar, Bakura, you always struck me as a bit of a shy, reserved type who is apparently way too hard on himself and is often apologizing when you really needn't be. You seem to lack confidence sometimes and that just seems silly from all I've seen. You're mod for a reason and you handle yourself pretty well. You're pretty cool in my book. And of course I like persona. Who do you think introduced it to Godot? and now I totally want a tarot card deck

Enigma- Hi. You've had some personality clashes with some of the other members that I've heard of and have since improved from what anyone is able to tell. You're pretty outgoing and like what you like and generally pretty friendly with most people. I swear, I dunno what is about the girls of reborn having hat problems with each other wtf is this shit, there are girls on the internets, much less reborn?!?!?!?! but you seem like a pretty active, interesting person to me and reborn is bettered for having you around.

Hark- you're definitely an intersting read, that's for sure. While one certainly has to admire you for being open and displaying your feelings the way you do- but I find that a good chunk of your attitude just seems selfish. But reading what you have written, I think you're aware of that, but I also don't think you can comprehend how to brush certain things off. You have your own idea of the way some of the things should be and even the little things can set you off. You have this conflict within you- you're confident and bold and fuck everything else, but then you know there's also that part of you that is sorry you couldn't meet some of the expectations of 'normal' people, namely your bonds and obligations to other people in your life. You kinda have that air of experience where you had nothing left to lose so you've looked into and tried any number of things just to experience them. Which is one of your strengths. You have these passionate thoughts, likes, dislikes, and such in the extremes sometimes, but you're intelligent and are as capable of focused thought as you are to wild emotions. You're comfortable with a lot of who and what you are, but not all of it. Very few people can truly comprehend or empathize with your experiences but I think others sharing their own perspectives have helped you look at it a different way too. I don't mean for this to sounds clinical, impersonal but you are the chaotic emotional to my own steady rationale. You're a good guy who doesn't really take care of himself like he should but is also a trusted member of Reborn auth who looks out for the others on the server.

Inuki- You're right, I don't know much about you but you and Ikaru seem to be quite the duo, and get along really well with Kaito and many of the others. You and Ikaru and the others are kind of a big crew of people I respect and who generally have a good time.

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