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Oblivion Plans?

Athea Andrea

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Alright, so I just completed the Shivering Isles DLC while barely scraping the actual base game... where do I start? I'm getting approval from the Mages Guild, and just killed Rufio for the Dark Brotherhood. Should I continue one o' those questlines, or is there something more interesting/hidden away I should check out? 


Esoteric hints are encouraged and appreciated!

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Oh boy have you got me started on a game I love..... (Shivering Isles DLC is fun)


By "barely scraping the actual base game" do you mean you still have to beat the main questline? If so, I do recommend that. You get some cool quests and get to see a certain deity beat the.crap out of another superpowered being. The prophecies aren't going to fulfill themselves you know!


If you have completed the main questline, I recommend doing the Dark Brotherhood quests first. It seems like you already got that started a bit, and not that the Mage's Guild questline isn't good, but the Brotherhood's is just more fun. You get to be the agent of untimely demise for more than a few people, piss off some guards by stealing an ever percious artifact, befriend an immortal horse demon creature, lots of fun!


Also, I do recommend going through the Arena in the Imperial City. It's quite a bit of fun. Be warned though, you will be introduced to one of the most (laughably) annoying NPCs you will meet.


There are also quite a few side quests that are fun. You can find a number of them simply by traveling off the beaten path and exploring some old structures, or just by talking to NPCs around you. One of my favorites was going through Hackdirt south of Chorril. So whatever you choose, happy hunting!

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No worries. Shadowmere is fully immortal and will only be knocked unconscious upon taking normally lethal damage. Also, since there are next to no mountains compared to Skyrim, you don't have to worry about fall damage. She keeps (or previously had technically) the same perks of being the fastest horse in game and is actually strong enough to help in fights. TL;DR: Shadowmere is best horse.

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Given the immortal horsey that I don't even need to retrieve her from a pool in Falkreath every time I go hill-hopping, I do believe Imma pursue the Dark Brotherhood. The Mad God shall serve the Night Mother!

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