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Ep 17 First Gym?


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This might sound really dumb, but is it weird that I, like... Can't pass the first gym? I had no problem in my episode 16 file, but for some reason in this file Julia is just super hard to beat. I did really well once and then the last enemy took out 3 of my pokemon, not to mention the multiple self destructs just instantly wiping my full health pokemon, or the fact oricorio seems to do 10x more damage with air cutter than my bite does, and it's 5 levels below me.

Am I doing something wrong? I, for one, am I a little frustrated due to the annoying level 20 cap and then that my pokemon aren't really doing anything. My team right now is:

Litten: Lvl 14 (I could probably level him more but wasn't too religious about it due to the fact I didn't want to pass 20)

Teddiursa: Lvl 19 (Brought from save game)

Meowth: Lvl 19

Poochyena: Lvl 17

Espurr: Lvl 16

Gulpin: Lvl 11

Also, I have Pokerus, so it should be adding double efforts to ev's and such if I'm understanding correctly.

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Lightningrod Goldeen in the pool, if it's still available. And you should at least get your Torracat. 


The idea of level capping to my understanding is actually having a whole team with levels near that cap, not low and high lvl mons with the average level equals to the cap (which is usually seen in normal pokemon games). Also you shouldn't need to worry about EV before level 50ish

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Trubbish is realy strong in the early game due to early poison spikes (use it twice for badly poisoning), far stronger than gulpin early on. Regarding the EV's, every 4 points of EV's nets 1 point in a stat vor a lvl 100 pokemon, so for a lvl 10 pokemon you'd need to invest 40 ev points, ev's hardly early.


Espur / meowstic is an incredible support with prankster + screen setup and misty terrain later on (misty terrain is OP). 

In the grand hall, top-right, there are trainers you can battle for easy EXP (they have maxed lvl cap).. however, i'm not sure or they always appear and are available to you right now or just at certain stages of the game (like when your lvl cap is 35 / 4th badge, there will be trainers)


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