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Nic's Funky Fresh Art Dump!


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This is basically where I'm going to stash all my fakemon sprites / pokemon related digital art. I can do requests, just keep in mind I'm not a machine and we'll have a gay ol' time.

Note: These are all current works at the time, it takes me roughly about 30 minutes to complete a front sprite for a fakemon, anything other than fakemon will take longer to do if you so request



-for this batch of starters, i was thinking of having one regular line of evos, a split evo, and an early evolver. I'm sure you can guess which ones are which using good ol' common sense.

ROUTE 1 Derps


-will most likely update this post with an evolution to this lizard guy. The bird has a zen mode like gimmick. It's frail, so when it faints, it basically gets a second life in the form of a, well, form. It's stats are stronger then most normal/flying birds, but it doesn't evolve. Also note, it turns into a ghost type when in the "after life" form...

Game Asset things


These are just for fun, very much inspired by a guy named MortMort on YouTube. Definitely check him out if you're into spriting!

I'm using the gbc color palette provided by aseprite just to kinda limit myself, which makes this tons more fun!

The thing I'm most likely going to use these things for will be like a side-scrolling rpg with a sort of earthbound feel to it. I say earthbound because it gives me the excuse to make wacky and zany characters for no reason lol. Everything but the tilesets uses the 2 color, white and black rule.

More to come in the future~~~~


Edited by Nic
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