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The Help Combat Not Fail His Class Spectacular


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Hey everyone, it's me Combat, that guy who once screamed about bees at a political event.


You might have noticed I haven't been around much these last few weeks. There's a good reason for that, I've had a lot of stuff to do for my university. Now to cut straight to the point, I have four papers due by the end of the semester. You may be wondering why I'm here and not working on said papers. Let me tell you, I can't stand it when people post stuff like "OMG I have so much stuff to do" and the like. I'm not going to be some sort of hypocrite, I'm just using my resources.


The deal is, one of my papers is a ten to twelve, single-spaced paper about me critiquing three blogs that are similar to the blog I made for the class. While half of it will be self-reflection, the other five to six pages will need to be about other people's blogs that have a similar topic to mine. My blog was about books and writing, so that's what I'm looking for. The catch is at least one of the blogs has to be worse than my blog, so I can use it as an example of what not to do. 


What I'm asking Reborn, is that if you know any blogs about writing that are either bad, disorganized, or easy to critique, let me know. If I can find one that's bad enough I can write a whole tow pages critiquing it, I'll be better off. I'm asking here since some people might know about some obscure blog they had to read in college. 


So yeah, let me know if you have any ideas friends. (I also figured this wasn't a rant, but if this is in the wrong place, do let me know.)


(Dang it, I wasted my 1200th post for this?)

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