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Lobos: I don't really know you. But I've seen you alot on the server, and you're pretty entertaining to watch.

Summer: ohaithar. I think you're really really nice and fun. and some times derpy But I think you're a really nice friend ^^

Wheel: Jealous of your drawing ability :c Really, the drawings are beautiful. I guess they take alot of dedication. Overall, you're a nice guy. And you're awesome at AP Ezreal :o

Phoenix: Don't know much about you. Aside from you telling me about Maplestory alittle more. You're really quiet so I don't have much to say.

Washman: Oh boi, you're also really nice. I admire you. You beat the League AND the X-League. Plus you're helpful when I need help on what pokemon needs what moves ^^.

Enigma: DUBSTEP CANNON! You're one of those people on Reborn who like some of the things I like. (Except for Skrillex, harharharharhar *cough*) Overall, I think you're a nice person, too. Just. Don't steal on the Reborn Minecraft Server again.

Rotomfan: You can be nice, you can be a troll. how do. You're pretty entertaining at times. Still need to check you're Youtube channel.

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  • 3 weeks later...

After a long neglection of neglecting and such, I am back from the grave. tbh the bacon there isn't that great.

ANYWAY, lets get on with it.

Jellyman: ohmahgah jelly is bak form grav. You iz mah friend, you kno dat right? it's not like i have feelings for you b-b-baka! But Jelly needs to play moar LoL

Wu Kong: I don't see you much on the server. Your good at LoL, and your really friendly. Also, remember dat one game?

Conor: watrfelz lol. You're a really, really good battler, while also being very friendly too. errr, notsurifpawkeehazfels

ENIGMA YOU GO- oh wait...

Almost Perfect, ALMOST: I don't know much about you, so i don't know what to say. Errr, yeah, you seem pretty nice. And I can tell you love heavy metal, hm?

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