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Argument that Reborn is Immoral?

Athea Andrea

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  On 12/13/2017 at 8:34 PM, F14m3rz said:

No... that's definitely not the case. In most cases (especially with RPGs), it's because of a good story that a game gets so much attention and love from fans in the first place. Otherwise, Monster Girl Quest wouldn't have the following it has now.


Someone who actually acknowledges that games existence and the story...you're alright in my book. A game with a strong story or a game with fantastic gameplay can often outshine big faults in other areas but it's harder to make a game good or enjoyable with bad gameplay over one with a bad/mediocre story.


I honestly think the best way to put it is that these games stand out and a lot of people like them and just put it to rest there. Just because one or the other is the better or best doesn't necessarily mean it's the more enjoyable game ultimately. Reborn isn't the impactful game on the hack/fan-game community as it was before due to the quality of everything rising over the years.

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  On 12/13/2017 at 9:58 PM, NickCrash said:

PS: The Patreon page is a recent addition. The game was not made to make profit, therefore such allegations are baseless. 



I figured, I just think it's kind of dumb to assume that, just because money's a factor in a game, that the developer only cares about money, when such is more often than not, not the case (as is the case with Reborn, where making money is incidental to making the game itself).

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I have to agree with F14m3erz here one the subject. What Reborn gets criticism for isn't its "immoral themes" rather it is the poor direction and execution of those themes. Personally, I think that Reborn is deeply flawed in its overall narrative. In fact, I'm going to "briefly" give my thoughts on some of the cardinal issues with the game's story and characters



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Leaders? I hardly know her!

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Also on the Titania debacle going on, It is implied in most of the mainline Pokemon games that battles result from the trainer's pokemon defending him/her. That's why Titania has to wait until the battle is done to execute her opponents edge-style. Most pokemon are implied to have powers ranging from angry dog to world-ending Nuke, so 9/10 it's probably more efficient to counter the threat of a Pokemon killing you with more Pokemon. That's why Oak doesn't let you into the tall-grass anyway. Those Rattattas are killer, man. Anyways point is that Darmanitan, Ditto, or really any fully evolved Pokemon would be able to make a stand at Titania's Aegislash, and Given that it would be a 6v1 battle stacked against Titania, it would be pretty realistic if the protagonist stopped her. Alas, the PC is a pokemon protagonist, and those chumps have less conscience and initiative than those two lobotomized debaters from earlier (If you even read that).


There's more. Oh is there more. I could go on even longer about how flawed some of the individual characters in Reborn are, or how I think that the Mainline game's writing can often be overlooked, but despite it's many flaws, I still have lots of fun with Reborn and I still think its one of the better fangames out there as there is thought and effort put into it, instead of spitballing crap against a wall instead of seeing what sticks. Insurgence. So for now, I'll give it a rest.

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May I suggest a TM04 for everyone involved? 

I am not sure whom you address likewise, but I implore you edit your comment. 



Moreover, I shall not tolerate trash-talking against mah boi Shade. He's the only guy person w/e getting shit done. 

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  On 12/13/2017 at 10:32 PM, Norm said:

I have to agree with F14m3erz here one the subject. What Reborn gets criticism for isn't its "immoral themes" rather it is the poor direction and execution of those themes. Personally, I think that Reborn is deeply flawed in its overall narrative. In fact, I'm going to "briefly" give my thoughts on some of the cardinal issues with the game's story and characters




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Leaders? I hardly know her!


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Also on the Titania debacle going on, It is implied in most of the mainline Pokemon games that battles result from the trainer's pokemon defending him/her. That's why Titania has to wait until the battle is done to execute her opponents edge-style. Most pokemon are implied to have powers ranging from angry dog to world-ending Nuke, so 9/10 it's probably more efficient to counter the threat of a Pokemon killing you with more Pokemon. That's why Oak doesn't let you into the tall-grass anyway. Those Rattattas are killer, man. Anyways point is that Darmanitan, Ditto, or really any fully evolved Pokemon would be able to make a stand at Titania's Aegislash, and Given that it would be a 6v1 battle stacked against Titania, it would be pretty realistic if the protagonist stopped her. Alas, the PC is a pokemon protagonist, and those chumps have less conscience and initiative than those two lobotomized debaters from earlier (If you even read that).


There's more. Oh is there more. I could go on even longer about how flawed some of the individual characters in Reborn are, or how I think that the Mainline game's writing can often be overlooked, but despite it's many flaws, I still have lots of fun with Reborn and I still think its one of the better fangames out there as there is thought and effort put into it, instead of spitballing crap against a wall instead of seeing what sticks. Insurgence. So for now, I'll give it a rest.

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  On 12/13/2017 at 11:35 AM, Commander said:

a good story is the least important part of a game


I consider this to be very subjective, since it is the exact opposite to me. If a story is great, I can get over gameplay flaws out of anxiety to see what happens. I know there are other important things, like graphics, gameplay, scene connection and plot flow, etc. but I consider a strong story to be the very thing that keeps me on the edge of my seat. Plus, most Pokemon games have some standards when it comes to gameplay/graphics, so, since Reborn is equal/slightly above canon games of a certain Gen/era (which happened to be my favourite), I am more than OK.


Also, I agree 100% with you, the fact that the bar is being set higher and higher for fangames is incredibly important and Reborn has greatly contributed to it. We can have many hours of great chat about the flaws in Reborn and Rejuvenation too. And doing this is just a step in the process of eventually getting even better fangames! However, acknowledging what they have offered us is also important. And in my opinion, they are far better than any canon pokemon games.

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  On 12/14/2017 at 10:22 PM, Jess said:

I consider this to be very subjective, since it is the exact opposite to me. If a story is great, I can get over gameplay flaws out of anxiety to see what happens. I know there are other important things, like graphics, gameplay, scene connection and plot flow, etc. but I consider a strong story to be the very thing that keeps me on the edge of my seat. Plus, most Pokemon games have some standards when it comes to gameplay/graphics, so, since Reborn is equal/slightly above canon games of a certain Gen/era (which happened to be my favourite), I am more than OK.


My opinion on how important story is really simple:

Don't half-ass it or leave the game unfinished while you claim it's finished. main target here is Insurgence, which has a certain amount of bugs that would actually give Ame nightmares. this gets priority over the rest cuz if you half-ass it the rest is gonna feel much weaker in general.

Gameplay comes first because if that doesn't function well it can take away from everything else.

Second, comes balance. A nice example I like to use is an older version of desolation. where the only thing you could get for the first gym leader was bibarrel, and even that was not a great way of beating said leader. another nice example is insurgence and the great lack of balance that game has.

the story comes third. once the gameplay and balance are set up in a way that works, then the story will have to be balanced around that. if done wrong we get my earlier desolation example (Note, I know that that has been fixed. it being fixed, however, does not change the fact that it was balance done wrong).

graphics: really, just make the graphics for the game. the graphics reborn uses really fit the game if you ask me for one. however, there are people who would rather see Reborn have Insurgence graphics.


There is, however, one thing I really don't put too much value on. that is gimmicks. if a game has a gimmick that makes the game fun, count me in. but it doesn't mean that it has to be in everything or be essential to other games of the same series/genre. my favorite example of this is Pokémon walking behind you from HGSS. It was a fun gimmick to set that game apart from the others in the series but other than that it's really nothing. so when I see people demanding it in the new main series games or when fangames just shoehorn it in. Yes, it's a fun gimmick when used well. but that last part of it, the "used well" part is something I rarely really see in the fangames that use it.

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