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What hiatus? It's my damn birthday time for an AMA


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Time for an ama you say

Well here I am

I even brought some of those party blowers


Happiest anniversary of the day on which you were born

In a few more years you're gonna be a grey fox


Now I must know... Can you tell me the difference between Taka Alcantara and a large bird

Also if you could visit any city in the world, which would be the first you'd wanna go to?

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What kinda music do you like to listen to?

What do you think are Ame's best and worst quirks?

What is your strongest trait?

Aside from Pokemon, what game series do you like?


EDIT: Forgot to say this, so Happy Birthday!!

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Happy birthday and also


If you knew that, in ten days' time you were going to be dumped on a deserted island on your lonesome with only the materials you had ten days in advance to pack, what would you bring and why?

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Happy Birthday, you filthy animal! And a happy new year too.


Any upcoming travel plans?

What was the best Christmas present you've ever gotten?

How many jobs have you had and which one did you like the least? Why?

What so great about foxes?

What is your hidden talent?

Ever been to a strip club?

Meats vs Sweets. Which do you choose?

What is the most recent anime you watched in its entirety?

Name your top 3 songs by Michael Jackson.

If Ama came to visit you, would you provide her with a bed or a nest?

If you have to reread the full series of books, which would you choose- Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings + The Hobbit?

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Oh boy, here we go! 


What do you think is the biggest obstacle you've faced so far in your life? 

Oh man, that's a hard one uhh.... It's still sort of an obstacle, but I've slowly been recovering from years of abuse trauma. I'm doing much better today, but I have a ways to go. Here's hoping that I can keep it up! 

Can you tell me the difference between Taka Alcantara and a large bird? 

Easy: One has feathers while the other doesn't need them. 

Also if you could visit any city in the world, which would be the first you'd wanna go to? 

That's a hard one....but I'd have to say Denver. 

What kinda music do you like to listen to? 

To be quite honest, I like a lot of different genres. But if I had to pick, I'd go for video game music and/or remixes. 

What do you think are Ame's best and worst quirks? 

Ame is a great and wonderful lady to work with, yes. Not to get too personal, but I find it easy to talk with her about my issues. She's been there with them, and is always willing to help me through it. I trust her reasoning for things 100% of the way, anyway.
As for worst quirks.... I hate to admit it, but she needs to find time to settle down and not worry so much about work. Reborn is huge, I know. But it's okay to just take it off your mind for a while. I still love ya, mom <3 

What is your strongest trait?

People have told me that my loyalty and passion for things I love are very strong traits I have. Hell, I'll stand by them to the end myself. 

Aside from Pokemon, what game series do you like? 

Honestly, I've never played any other game series outside Pokemon. I do enjoy the FFVII Compilation, but does that really count?? 

Any other reason you're doing this other than because its your birthday? 

I figured it would be a good idea to get out there more, instead of shut myself in. I want people to get to know the real me and all, yanno? 

If you knew that, in ten days' time you were going to be dumped on a deserted island on your lonesome with only the materials you had ten days in advance to pack, what would you bring and why? 

Oh lord, uh.... 

  • Toiletries, for obvious reasons 
  • Clothes, for protection against the elements 
  • Bottled water, because what if there's no reliable water source? 
  • Dry or canned goods; can't go wrong with cold soup 
  • Folding knife, for protection and crafting 
  • Drawing supplies, for drawing, and maybe sending messages to the outside world 
  • Popplio plush, because I'll get lonely 
  • Tylenol, just in case 
  • 750 ml bottle of Fireball, to ease away the anxiety 
  • Inflatable raft, in case I wanna haul ass out of there

Any upcoming travel plans? 

None yet, sadly :c 

What was the best Christmas present you've ever gotten?
When I was eleven, I got a puppy. Few months later, my mom took him to the pound because he chewed up her shoes. What a stupid fucking reason to abandon a dog. 


How many jobs have you had and which one did you like the least? Why?
I've never had an actual job-job, but I absolutely hated  looking after my half brother while my mom and her husband were away at work. I could write a full essay, but I don't have the time. 


What so great about foxes?
Foxes are cute, but to be honest I like lions more. 


What is your hidden talent?
Charisma, probably. 


Ever been to a strip club?
I don't plan on ever going to one, tbh 


Meats vs Sweets. Which do you choose?
Shit...............why not both??? 



What is the most recent anime you watched in its entirety?

Kill La Kill. Love it. 10/10 would marathon again. 

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Okay so, my birthday is over and junk, but the AMA is still going because why not? 


Why Denver?

I have friends besides Ame that live there, and I wanna reconnect with them! 


What about Pokemon do you like best?

I think what I like about Pokemon the best is the story aspect of each core game. With the addition of Amie/Refresh, it's been great having actual interaction with a Pokemon as well. 


What was your puppy's name?

I had named him Nicholas, after Saint Nicholas. 


How do you feel about this song? 

B R U H  I love this song <3 


Have you seen the anime RWBY?

I've really only seen the first season with my friend, Deckard. Haven't really been able to catch up sadly. 


Alolan Ninetales or Regular Ninetales?

Sorry, Ame, but Kantonian Ninetales is where it's at.


Ash-Greninja opinion?

This is a joke, right 


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