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In need of locations of some Poison type mons



So basically I am doing a poison monotype run.While there are lot of poison type pokemons earlier I just need the earliest locations of some specific pokemons because I want to use them.Which are-

- Tentacool

- Gastly

- Mareanie

- Alolan grimer

- Salandit

- Qwilfish

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Earliest Tentacool is in the Mystery Egg, otherwise you're going to have to wait until the city's renovation and get one in the lake.

A-Grimer is found by fishing on Apophyll beach (told by a friend, haven't confirmed myself).

Salandit is in a cave on the southern side of Route 2. You have to awaken a Crustle with rage powder in order to access the cave.

Qwilfish is obtainable by fishing with the Good Rod in the small part of Ametrine (Citrine?) accessible from the North Adventurine Woods.

Idk about Mareanie and Gastly, sorry.

I hope this helps a bit.


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