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Dragons of the 5th gen.


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We all know about the proud wannabe uber,bulky "nearly impossible to hit" in sandstreams ,Immune to T-wave.To me,thats really not an excuse to keep it uber no more.Its maybe faster then the pokemon im about to reveal but it never ensured a Kill not even scarfed maybe an revenge kill or two but never a outta da blue OHKO kill(unless your Defenses Sucked)In the 5th Gen so many Pokemon Outspeed this "uber"its not even funny but Behold...


This thing is worse then Garchomp and with Mold breaker your pretty much can kiss your ass good bye.Seriously this thing after a Dragon dance is a threat right off the back,there no switching into a pokemon who normally nearly survive an earthquake like Metagross on this thing,its an ensure kill.It also carries taunt which can screw up a pokemon that has to set up to wall.I mean Seriously this thing makes Garchomp look like a Beeping prick.Garchomp can survive Ice attacks (except for a modest Glaceon Ice beam /252spatt)with yache.Axe Face being pure dragon with 2x kinda trolololols at ice moves unless set up on.Garchomp has reasons to stay uber maybe because of its able to live ice attacks with yachebut instead of being king,its Axe-face's bitch.

Im not saying Axe Face is now king cause Salamence the pokemon we tried to defend got a new ability that makes it an huge problem if it even able to get a +1 speed,its not really much of a threat with crappy defenses and even with a yache this thing still dies which isnt what going to make king.Uber + Salamence =Fail anyway,Dexoys-S and Rayquaza FTW.

Dragonite:however got an ability that halves damage.....is it broken? Possible yes but i havent really havent really seen them much to collect anything on the ability,so....... [more info soon]

Flygon & Altaria:You guys just got Replaced by Mr.Ghidora down there,I had always favored them along with kingdra.Flygon can still be used but its pretty much shit due to its defenses,however Altaria just......Poor thing..........<3 it tho but curse you game freak.

K.Ghidora(Sanzadora I think how its spelt):the perfect mini mixmence but due to its typing,Its pretty easy to mach punch this thing down (no really)This thing made flygon became a total piece of shit even tho Flygon is alil faster,this thing can go on a Troll Rampage like Mence.Its maybe a weaker rampage but its still gets the job done

Kingdra:Rain Dance doing you good?this thing during the Rain pretty much pwn every dragon with a +1 speed maybe even +2.Kingdra havent gotten anything good/new it could use in the 5th gen but this Dragon right here is one you'll regret letting its way.

Kurimugan:................Your a waste of typing....Your crappy and can only learn Claw sharpen,seriously Waste of time....

Im pretty much done,Im come back to check for spelling........G'night.
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My thoughts:
I have yet to see Garchomp do anything impressive this gen.
Is there a 5th gen Damage Calc yet? I wanna know exactly how much Ononokusu likes Ice Shard.
I had no idea Salamence got Overconfidence. That's fine, just don't let it kill things.
Dragonite's ability only halves damage if it's at full health. Basically guarantees one DD if Rocks aren't up, but otherwise, not great. Certainly not broken.
Never found much use for Flygon, that isn't changing now.
Altaria finds use, however, in being able to counter Doryzuu and Kingdra in their respective weathers if using a scarf (and assuming Kingdra hasn't set up). Cloud Nine becomes more useful with all the infinite weathers around.
Kingdra got something new- infinite rain, making it just as much of a beast as Doryzuu, but still with DD, which in my mind sets it higher. Also, if Kingdra is on your team, there is no reason an enemy dragon should ever get to +2, and with decent speed and swift swim it WILL outspeed +1.
Kurimugan- Gimmicky, but Rough Skin and that Helmet item can make a stall against physical contact. Claw Sharpen is weak, but this will be another dragon for the UU.

Also, I'm moving this to the lab, because this is less about 5th gen gamesness and more about competitive battling.
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Garchomp - Still as respectable bulk, and I've used a lead to good success.
Ononokusu - Probably not Ubers material due to the existence of Ditto, but still a considerable threat.
Salamence - It can't even use Outrage with overconfidence. Instant fail.
Dragonite - I don't see anything worthy of using over the others.
Flygon and Altaria - Replaced would be a good word for them, but Flygon's base 100 speed allows it to be a better scarfer than Satandoro(base 98)
Satandoro - Hell has arrived. Slap some Specs on and he will rip through teams. Slap a Scarf on and he's a great revenge killer.
Kurumigan - Yep, it fails
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"[b]Ononokusu[/b]" and "Considerable threat" don't work together. With a scarf he's outspeeding many things at +1 and with that incredibly sexy 147 Attack, this guy will fucking rip you to shreds. And now for the others...

[b]Garchomp[/b]- Still is good, but Ononokusu is a way better scarf user. Plus, Ono gets DDance, something Garchomp's always dreamed of having. Chomp is still faster with a scarf, but you don't need speed as much as you do power when you're a scarfed user. (See Heatran and Sazandora)

[b]Salamence[/b]- Yeah, because we all know how [i]badly[/i] Mence needed an improvement. Giving a Dragon Overconfidence is a bad idea, and GF also gave the OP OC to Gyarados, a beast who was at the very top of the 4th Gen OU metagame. Sure, Mence doesn't get Outrage with Overconfidence, but Dragon Claw can be better in some areas as it does not leave you locked in and doesn't confuse you afterwards, which just seems better if you're trying to sweep. Plus, who needs extra power when you get +1 ATK after EVERY KILL?

[b]Dragonite[/b]- He's getting worse, I'm sad to say. He's not the best special dragon anymore with the inclusion of Sazandora who can Draco Meteor with the force of a small city and he didn't get the incredibly overpowered Overconfidence that Salamence got. He still has good defenses and Dragon Dance, but now that this metagame is faster than ever, even more things will outspeed a +1 Dragonite, even if it's Jolly.

[b]Flygon[/b]- I haven't even seen one yet. Why? Because there's no need for it anymore. Levitate's a good ability, but he still has the 4x weakness to Ice that Ononokusu just doesn't have, making Ono better overall. Even if Ono gets banned, Mence is going be king Dragon with the kickass Overconfidence.

[b]Altaria[/b]- Cloud Nine, Cloud Nine, and more Cloud Nine. Altaria works as a fine supporter with its good defenses, but Cloud Nine is what will keep it from falling even further than what it was. Now that weather is seen on 50% of all teams, it's awesome to have a PKMN that can stop weather in its tracks.

[b]Kingdra[/b]- Oh boy. Kingdra's loving Politoed. Like, he wants to make mad sex with it because Politoed just gave him the biggest advantage ever: infinite rain. And Infinite rain + Good defenses + Good attack [i]and[/i] special attack + Doubled speed + 2x Water attacks + Fucking DRAGON DANCE = A threat. A huge, huge, monstrously incredible threat. It rivals Doryuuzu in that while Doryuuzu has Swords Dance, Kingdra can boost his speed even further to outspeed just about everything ever created ever WHILE boosting his great Attack. Plus, Kingdra can work as a fine specs/life orb special sweeper that outspeeds everything and has access to UNRESISTED STAB, except for Nattorei and a few others.

[b]Sazandora[/b]- Love this guy. Fucking love him. FINALLY we get a specially based pseudo-legend. Oh, and lets not forget his good attack, decent speed, and DEFENSES THAT EQUAL SWAMPERT'S. This guy will be the new Mixmence, provided he can either get Baton Passed speed or have Paralysis support. Oh, and lets not forget that Scarf Draco Meteor that hits like an airplane and the Specs Draco Meteor that hits like a small moon. Oh, and he is immune to Ground and he DOESN'T HAVE A 4x WEAKNESS. HOORAY!

[b]Kurimugan[/b]- UU for sure, if not NU. I haven't even seen him yet because he fucking sucks. No Dragon Dance, no swords dance, hell, not even an AGILITY OR ROCK POLISH. He gets Claw Sharpen. Fucking Claw Sharpen. Oh, and while Sazandora's got Levitate, Kingdra's got Swift Swim, and Salamence gets FUCKING OVERCONFIDENCE, Kurimugan gets...Rough Skin. There's no other way to describe him as a disgrace to the king attackers, Dragons, and further to the point, a FAIL.

And, even though he's technically not a dragon...

[b]Gyarados[/b]- Oh boy. Gyarados gets Overconfidence like brother Salamence (or sister, for that matter). For the first time ever, I'm using JOLLY GYARADOS because of the fact that he doesn't need any more power. And now with the new Lightningrod, Zapdos or Raichu could make fine fine partners for Gyarados, boosting their good special attack for sweeping potential.

Unlisted Dragons...

[b]Lati@s[/b]- Obviously, Soul Dew will be banned from Non-Uber play. But...these guys now have competition with the inclusion of Sazandora, who is Specially more powerful than Latias and just 5 points shy of tying Latios. Sazandora's a bit slower as well, but he has more HP to make up for that, along with a higher Attack. Specially, Latios just about equals Sazandora with a lower HP but a higher Special Defense, but Latias tops it with a base 130 Special Def. Physically, Sazandora beats out both with a higher HP and a Defense that ties Latias's and is more than Latios. Obviously, these two are still going to be used often due to great stats and a cool movepool, but I think they're staying OU this generation, with Soul Dew banned.

[b]Kyurem[/b]- Also known as the Ugly-faced Ice Dragon, Kyurem is a bit...no, really underwhelming. Obviously, it's got a great Attack and Special attack and is a bit bulky...but it's even slower than Sazandora. Also, it lacks Dragon Dance, Nasty Plot, Swords Dance, Calm Mind...like Kurimugan, it only gets Claw Sharpen. Pathetic. At least Sazandora gets Cheer Up to further boost its mix sweeping potential. But I haven't even mentioned the most pathetic part about it: It's "signature" move, Frozen World, sucks. You'd expect Frozen World to be stronger than Blizzard, but believe it or not, Frozen World barely passes half of Blizzard's base power. At 65, it's really REALLY underwhelming, even if it does have a nice effect of lowering speed by 2 stages. Essentially, Frozen World is a better Icy Wind, which is a move no one uses. I suspect Kyurem to be the first of the "3rd game mascots" (with the others being Rayquaza and Giratina; Suicune's already part of a mini-legend trio like the Regis, Elemental Birds, and the Mesprit trio) to have a shot at making only OU. It's stats are good, but Ononokusu is both stronger and faster physically and Latios ties but is faster specially. It has nice bulk, but it's cursed with a weakness to Fighting, Rock, and Dragon which all are extremely common in OU and Ubers. Oh, and Ono and Latias get better abilites as well. Overall, Kyurem is just way too underwhelming and it looks as if it will only be OU, if that.
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Dragons at heart do count N8 and when i mean dragon at heart i mean Pokemon who can use Dragon dance and be just as dangerous without have dragon as part of its type or its type.

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Alright, time for some more then...

[b]Tyranitar[/b]- As dangerous as ever, but with a new partner who benefits greatly from his Sandstorm: Doryuuzu. Together they form an amazing core that little can brag about being able to tear through. Of course, Tyranitar still has the amazing boosting move, Dragon Dance, and also has options like Scarf. Tyaranitar's still going to stay on top, being a monstrous threat.

[b]Zuruzukin[/b]- AKA Lizardpants, this guy is going to be a pretty big threat due to its bulkiness, access to Bulk Up [i]and[/i] Dragon Dance, amazing movepool, and fantastic abilites. All three of its abilites (Shed Skin, Intimidate, and Overconfidence) are fantastic and none should be overlooked. Also, he's blessed with the near unresisted Dark/Fighting STAB, which also warrants great STAB including Hi Jump Kick, Drain Punch, Crunch, and an extremely wide variety of other options. Zuruzukin's a Pokemon that should not be overlooked on any team.

[b]Feraligatr[/b]- He's still an inferior Gyarados, but this generation he brings his own ability to the table: Encourage. This boosts Waterfall, Ice Punch, [i]and[/i] Rock Slide's power in exchange for their secondary effects being taken away. As cool as this is, Feraligatr's UU for sure this generation with even more things hitting hard.

[b]Whiscash[/b]- Ordinarily, I'd say, GTFO Whiscash, you suck. There's so many better dancers out there. But this time, Whiscash gets a new toy: Hydration. Now he can function as a bulky sweeper, resting off any damage while slowly speeding up and getting stronger. Kind of like Zuruzukin with Shed Skin, but a way different movepool and more reliable Rest. I think he's still UU as well, though, due to Gyarados being inevitably king of the physical Water sweepers.

[b]Tropius[/b]- Another Pokemon with a fun new ability: Harvest. What does Harvest do, you may ask? It lets you use a Berry infinitely in one battle. This opens up a whole slew of new possibilities, including immunity to status with Lum and using Salac as a psuedo-Speed Boost. Even though his stats are horrid, Tropius could do a bit of damage in this generation's UU.

[b]Crawdaunt[/b]- He gets DDance too, you know, but he's yet another dancer with an amazing ability: Adaptability. In case you don't remember, this changes the STAB multiplier from 1.5 to 2, which is exactly what gave PoryZ all of his hype in 4th gen. Water + Dark is good STAB, too, which hits a giant amount of Pokemon for neutral damage.

[b]Charizard[/b]- Sorry Charizard, I love ya, but everything you used to do has been completely outclassed. Hihidaruma Belly Drums better with a terrifying attack, there's so many better Dragon Dancers, and there's even more special sweepers out there. He gets Solar Power, but coming off of 109 special attack, it's not much to fear.

And that covers all of the Dragon Dancers.
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