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Looking for a decent togepi and murkrow


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looking for a decent IV togepi/murkrow if anybody has any of these that he/she can spare i would really appreciate it

~i currently have these pokemons for trade


-Magnemite 22hp/25atk/31def/31spatk/27spdef/30spe

-Maril 31hp/31atk/31def/27spatk/31spdef/31spe (superpower/aqua jet/belly drum)

-Aron 21hp/31atk/31def/20spatk/27spdef/18spe

-Snivy 31hp/29atk/31def/31spatk/27spdef/31spe

-Timburr 30hp/31atk/16def/29spatk/5def/21spe

-Froakie 31hp/31atk/31def/3spatk/31spdef/29spe

-Larvesta 24hp/11atk/30def/31spatk/29spdef/31spe

-Elekid 14hp/9atk/31def/31spatk/31spdef/31spe

-Klefki 31hp/31atk/31def/31spatk/19spdef/31spe

-Riolu 31hp/31atk/11def/31spatk/31spdef/31spe

-Budew 9hp/31atk/20def/31spatk/25spdef/31spe

-Torchic 10hp/19atk/31def/24spatk/18spdef/27spe

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22 minutes ago, seki108 said:

I can trade you a Togepi as long as you don't mind it being male.  I'm trying to clear out PC space, so I don't need a good mon in return (otherwise it's going onto WT).

22 minutes ago, seki108 said:

I can trade you a Togepi as long as you don't mind it being male.  I'm trying to clear out PC space, so I don't need a good mon in return (otherwise it's going onto WT).


Edit; @Limone  Ok, I do seem to have a few females available.

would love a female please!

when would you like to trade? :)

btw a noob question but i have seen e17 is out but forgot where i found the topic to update any idea where it is? cant trade apparently without updating

EDIT:thanks alot for the help @seki108 i am now ready to trade whenever you are,my trade name is "Limone"

Edited by Limone
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14 minutes ago, Limone said:

when would you like to trade? :)

Preferably now, though it will take a few minutes to download the game probably.  Just reply when you are able to trade.


Edit:I was looking through my PC and I found a 3IV Female Murkrow (with 30 in HP).  Would you like it too?  Sped def is kind of low, but it has 3 egg moves----I think.


@Limone  Ok, I sent a request.  Have both mons on me



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