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Who to add for my Team


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11 minutes ago, Spinodino2004 said:

I have Decidueye,Bewear,Mudsdale,Houndoom and Alolan Raichu the only pokemon i want to add is a water type pokemon but i don't know who also i want to know if my team is balanced

maybe primarina just to have some coverage for dragon types and also for surf and maybe replace mudsdale for flygon one double stab and two better resistences and three fly plus also immune to electric and ground so that's good since you don't have a flying type  and maybe replace bewear with aegislash for immunities to poison, normal,and fighting also thoughts on my suggestions?

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If you want a water type, Greninja is completely broken although I don't think there's an event for it yet so you may have trouble getting one. Alternatively, you could get Azu for some priority and a fairy type since you have nothing for dragons. I also like Milotic which is a decent wall with scald and recovery. I'd definitely swap Mudsdale for Excadrill or Garchomp and obviously Aegislash is even more broken than Greninja since it's in Ubers so maybe you could rotate it out as necessary. Not reason to have only 6 pokemon during your entire playthrough.

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6 hours ago, Spinodino2004 said:

Thanks for the suggestion also where can i get gible,honedge and popplio


Gible: Sugiline ruins (the cave in a pile of sand)

Honedge: end of Mirage Tower

Popplio: Coral Ward Lighthouse (save it from Huntail and Gorebyss)

You need Dive and access to Tourmaline Desert in order to find all 3. In other words, 13-14 badges.

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