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Shadows of the Past: A Redux. (A Ghost Mono Run)


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So sometime ago I said I'd redo my Ghost Mono when Episode 17 releases, and that's exactly what's going to happen...


Shadows of the Past


....or well, Happened. Truth is I've already gotten to the Lapis Ward on it. So how about a quick recap?


First we'll start with the current team:

  shuppet.gif Bazaro

Calm Nature

Met at Beryl Cemetery - Level 20

Ability: Frisk




frillish-female.gif Alex

Timid Nature

Met at Onyx Ward - Level 1

Ability: Water Absorb




shedinja.gif Personthing

Naughty Nature

Met at Malchous Forest  - Level 1

Ability: Wonder Guard





haunter.gif Hycrox

Hardy Nature

Met at Jasper Police Station - Level 1

Ability: Levitate




oricorio-sensu.gif Ama

Bold Nature

Met at Grand Hall - Level 5

Ability: Dancer





Brave Nature

Met at Grand Hall - Level 5

Ability: Long Reach





As can be seen, there's massive level discrepancy between my Pokemon. The reason for this being that after I had gathered all the Police Officers and gained my (THANK GOD HE'S BACK)Gastly Egg, I ended up grinding everything up to around level 25; this being before Taka and ZEL. By the time I'd finished, Dartrix was level 33 and just a few exp points away from evolving, so I put in the extra effort.


A quick recap of prior bosses would be here, buut Dartrix even without the help from Oricorio curb stomped the VAST majority of them. It's got some nice bulk and damage behind it!


Corey was the notable exception to this; even with my mildly overleveled Decidueye, his Crobat and Skuntank managed to give me a whole load of trouble as usual(There's a very good reason it's one of my favourite boss fights in the game), essentially forcing me to rely on Oricorio and Haunter to deal with most of the team. Decidueye had to be kept back for Crobat specifically as it was the only thing that could take a Nasty Plot boosted venoshock and not get completely one shot.

Took me a good 13 or so attempts but I ended up beating him eventually. Chap gives us a sinister talk and walks off to the bridge of jumpiness.


I end up taking a detour after seeing Shade pickup Corey's body, grind Shuppet up a bit by beating the Gang real nice and quick. Usually I'd go Magma since I prefer Houndoom to Sharpedo, but Aqua was closer to where I was at the time, so that's what I went for. No real changes in teams, but I did end up encountering an in battle cloning bug, so that was funny. Decidueye just razor leaf'd 3 times while Shuppet sat there and ate the EXP, nothing special.


Decide to go do the Stairway beezwax and...Solaris seems much more well written now. Still feels intimidating as hell but the writting itself is more concise and expressive. 

As for the """""Mini-Boss""""" it went something like this












Yeah, they're not too bad but I'd still say they're quite a bit worse, both in terms of levels and in difficulty.


Anyways, grab Rock Smash and get outta there. No ghost types around here.


We return to Shelly's Gym to find Victoria there. She tells us to go find a doctor for Shelly, so we go out to search fo-oh wait there's a hospital/orphanage right in the middle of the Lapis Ward. GG.


We meet Laura for a split second, talk to Anna and co, all nice and dandy, and then we meet Sigmund. Siggy. Dr Connal. He tells us we can't battle the gym leaders and totally doesn't suspect that Anna coerced us into shutting the fuck up. We leave the Orphanage for now and go deal with Shelly and Victoria again.


Quick Team Showcase pre Victoria:






I remember that this thing has Scrappy which means....






10 ish turns of Shadow Sneak spam later.



Dis bitch just traced Wonder Guard. LOL.






L o l.





Or well. It would have been. Torracat got some real nice hax on Decidueye and Frillish and ended up reverse sweeping me sooo.





Torracat ended up Flinching me AGAIN! But Oricorio pulled through.



And now this ends.



Bye stupid cat.

Think I'll leave it off there for now. Not expecting too much from Shelly, but we'll see.







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Alright so we left off right in front of Shelly's Gym after kinda wrecking Victoria(Except not because Dark types at this point seriously fuck up Ghost monos oof.) Went ahead and did the second part of the Aqua Gang quest and grabbed my self a Ponyta. Nothing too exceptional happened but man. Fuck Darumaka's. Why do they get Flare Blitz this early :[



Aside from that nothing special happened before Shelly, we just dealt with her Gym Puzzle, got a few levels and smack we're right in front of her. Over all sets didn't really change at all aside from Shuppet getting Shadow Ball.








We lead with Oricorio and Shuppet and, since Masquerain can't touch Shedinja, hard switch Shuppet out after baiting the Bubblebeam.




Oricorio uses Air Cutter and strikes big damage on both, Illumise gets Rain Dance up(Which honestly changes nothing here LOL.)



Unfortunately Illumise targets Shedinja with Confuse Ray and Shedinja hits itself, putting it out of commission for this fight. Oricorio uses Air Cutter again and knocks out Masquerain as well as putting Illumise in certain healing item range.



Shelly brings out the big guns with Heather! Or well. It would seem like it but Oricorio and Haunter did not give a shit about Yanmega.



Oricorio keeps on spamming Air Cutter while Haunter puts Yanmega down by using Hypnosis before it can get too happy with speed boosts and Ancient Power.



Illumise keeps on sitting here doing absolutely nothing of worth once more. Haunter finally puts it out of it's misery with a good old Night Shade.




But here come the real threats of her battle.




Shelly lost her useless Wormadam and gained an Araquanid. Being honest I haven't had this thing do anything too great -yet- but it's very fitting for her. Not only that but....




Yeah, Ame put this seed on Anorith already. Boosted Attack, Swift Swim if rain is up, and can't be touched on the first turn. Talk about a threat.




Anorith immediantly knocks Haunter out with Aqua Jet, not even risking the potential outspeed with Hypnosis. Oricorio goes for Air Cutter and gets a good hit in on Araquanid.





Araquanid proceeds to nearly knock Oricorio out with Bubblebeam, though considering Water Bubble and Rain up, I was expecting more damage than that.




Anorith stupidly goes for Aqua Jet here instead of using Rock Slide or Knock off. AI wut u doin? Frillish uses Bubblebeam and cleanly knocks out Anorith.






Due to me being dumb and forgetting about Long Reach being ass in the forest field(Which makes no sense considering Decidueye is an archer...)HTF9nUq.png

Wood Hammer finally connects and takes out Araquanid in one hit!




3 misses and a crit Dazzling Gleam later, Volbeat goes down too and we've beaten Shelly!



We get the Struggle Bug TM which I teach to Shedinja because who needs cut amirite. And now. Since Shelly is beaten, we can finally bring forth the return...







Good to have you back buddy. It's been 6 episodes and nearly 4 years.









So....This fight with Fern. I'll be honest it gave me wayyy more trouble than Shelly ever did. The power spike from Roserade and Krokorok, what with Ghost monos not having good dark resists ended up giving me a fuck ton of trouble, resulting in stuff like the following:



Like me forgetting Roserade has Extrasensory at this point or..




Krokorok one shotting something and sweeping my team with a moxie boost.




At this point I just reset.


3 attempts later, I found the strategy I needed to beat him.



Irrelevant, sorry The Don :[




It turned out that Decidueye could take exactly 2 HP Fire's and 2HKO back with Pluck. Nice! So glad this thing's my starter :D




Dartrix and Krokorok ended up getting dealt with by a combination of Oricorio's Feather Dance+ Roost combo and Gengar's Hypnosis+Curse.




God I love this thing.




Love you too Fern <3



I think I'll leave it at that for now. Team looks like this for now:













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When you forget to bring your rock smasher so you teach it to Gengar :^)








Some talk with Cain ensues about how Corey committed suicide and him leaving Heather to basically die(tbh she deserves it js) We tell him we want the Key and he says we gotta fight him for it. Fucking Victoria lookin' ass smh.


Quick Team overview:




Boxed Decidueye for a bit since he got to like, level 39 lmao.






Turns out this thing can't touch our boi Shed either :]



He woke, he sneak, he ATTACC!



This thing ended up sweeping me twice. Forgot it got Shadow Bone at this point lmfao.



Winning attempt ended in Oricorio taking it out with some nice and clean Feather Dance cheese.



Hi there Shedinja fodder.






Thanks to Gengar and Shuppet burning, cursing and disabling Knock off..



Our boi beats Cain nearly on his own :]


Fern put up more of a fight than you even with nerfs. Smfh.



I think she needs to join her dad.


Anw didn't really think anything else was particularly outstanding to screenshot so we head onwards to Shelly's room...



Manipulative ass bitch.



Hey Siggy, hf with this brat.




You heard him lads. let's leave her with him!!!!




Fuck sake.....



Sup brats.



This encounter was funny.


Rest of the orphanage was honestly quite boring outside of Gengar learning Shadow Ball finally!



Omae wa mou Shindeiru.



Hopefully not.


We run from Sigmund's little circuit palace and go try to leave the city. Am I the only one who finds it weird that the only way out is via the underground railnet? Like, how tf does Fern get out then, he doesn't have strength.



No idea. Probably not since he can fuckin' teleport..



You and him in kahoots, i see u Anna.


I do some grinding for Shade since most of my team is in the low-mid 30s. I also box Golett and take Decidueye back out.



Shuppet evolves finally. Ends up being less deadweight too.





Pre Shade squad. Specifics incoming hol up.










Ey there fellow ghost user! How do you do?






So it turns out his Gengar outsped mine by exactly 1 point, resulting in Hycrox getting one shot. Gdi Corey >:[

I reset here because it was pretty obvious I wasn't winning without Gengar to take out stuff like Doublade.



Banette does some hefty damage with Shadow Sneak but fails to get the KO, leaving it open for the MVP...



After this the battle went sort of like this:




An OHKO on just about everything. Only notable things were this dude:


You look so threatening on paper, but you're pretty weak :(


Now here's the real fight:




I'll be honest, this Mimikyu ended up sweeping me twice in a row before I got the right run. Literally went from 6-1 to 1-0 twice.




Luckily due to these 2 losses, Hycrox the Gengar gained a level and just enough speed to outspeed Corey the Gengar.




The rest was just Gengar clicking Shadow Ball 3 times, though Rotom did overlevel him, causing it to disobey vs Banette who knocked it out. It was quickly rectified by Decidueye cleanly taking it out with Spirit Shackle however.





Last time he swords danced here, so I go for spirit shackle predicting out, but he Shadow Claws immediantly.



Here's where my lucky break happened: Baz the Banette has Cursed Body which procced on Shadow Claw here meaning...



Our boi Shed can sit here and kill it without caring about Shadow Claw.



The actual god himself <3.





Thank you kindly, I'll be making good use of that now.



Yep. Got some idiots relying on me for that.



???: Charlotte....I am your father.



Cain is an idiot here, not using his Nidoking to beat back the grunt like he does every other time. Heck he even risks the place collapsing and killing them all...



Seems so.


Post battle look at the squad:



Next time, we go over to the railnet again and probably find useless ass Victoria there.



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A ghost run with Decidueye in Reborn? Awesome.


Wondering if Gen8 will fill in the remainder of the 18 types available for the starters (Rock, Ice, Electric, Dragon, Normal) so that every type of monorun is possible in Reborn, perhaps in Episode 19 xD

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So far Decidueye has been anything but disappointing. Ghost mono went from a fucking pain to brutally good for the most part. I like it.


Any thoughts of future team members to put on the main squad; I've got Duskull and Yamask now and I wanna box Gengar for a bit along with Banette, since the latter is pretty bad,

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Been a while hasn't it? Since my last post, I've gone ahead and finished the entire run! Incoming massive text wall! Check the second spoiler tag for team stuff.




Everything Shade-Aya went pretty smoothl -, used a seeded Dusclops+Cofagrigus to burn and curse Solaris' Garchomp, then Hypnosis Gengar locked him into sleeping while he used full restores -, Sirius put up quite the fight in Yureyu, basically slamming Cain down(Big fan of Sirius' new team. Love him having a Golisopod.)


Then Serra came and put a MAJOR wrench in the playthrough, necessitating that I grind up Marowak to level 53 for Flare Blitz and break her field with Golurk. She's pretty bullshit, honestly my least favourite fight in the entire game.


ZEL and Steelix went down quickly thanks to Gengar being a god, between it's Cursed Body and Destiny Bond allowing for those fights to be cakewalks. Similarly Noel was slammed down by Marowak's field boosted Flare Blitz. Then came Fern, Route 1 Fern slammed me down nearly just as badly Serra did. Between Decidueye, Scyther, Roserade and Krookodile, he had 4 Pokemon that could completely slam my team down. I eventually realised though, that a +1 Fraxure was STILL slower than Mismagius so it could set up a Nasty Plot and basically sweep his entire team. Go figure.


I'd like to mention that Fern has somehow put up more of a fight than the good MAJORITY of Gym leaders in the game. This run has made me come to hate seeing Krookodile's on teams >_>


Cain took about 2-3 attempts due to Mimikyu, but Shedinja's blessed soul did his magic. Dittoceus fell to Gengar's Curse + Cursed Body allowing my other Pokemon to be completely immune to it's attacks. Radomus was similarly a smackdown thanks to Gengar and Marowak.


Somehow Bennett ended up being more troublesome than Luna - a dark leader on a ghost mono mind you - but his Venomoth passing to Yanmega was pretty stronk. Luna just got smacked down. Golurk 1v1'd Bisharp and died.


Gengar one shot Sableye and Destiny Bonded Tyranitar, Mismagius abused Sucker Punch AI to set up for free, one shot Honchkrow and Malamar, AND neuter Umbreon allowing for Cofagrigus to Curse it. Was just a matter of waiting it out after that.


I picked up Litwick and Sableye at this point, the former of which became a mainstay on the team, the latter, a niche counter to certain bosses. I went into the circus rather underleveled, but thanks to the Big Top Field making Oricorio absolutely broken, it didn't make -too much of a difference until....


Aster and Eclipse. Here's the first of 3 instances were being so underleveled bit me in the ASS. These two were a pain, much more so than the Charlotte fight afterwards. I rolled through several strategies, between Gengar cheese, Trick Room, Quash...not much worked. Eventually Trick Room with Marowak was able to get me the win.


Charlotte went down pretty quickly, Rain Dance Sableye + Trick Room Jellicent was all I needed, Golurk + Marowak just slammed her into the ground afterwards.


Blake, another fight that took me quite a while to beat, both due to me being underleveled, and his team just being brutal for me. Packing bulky Pokemon in Gyarados, Walrein and Mamoswine , Marowak's raw power failed me without support. Trick Room + Sunny Day was necessary to not get wiped out by Weavile too. His Walrein proved to be too bulky though, bulking even Sun boosted Flare Blitz from Marowak. In the end, I was able to do it thanks to Golurk dealing with Walrein thanks to DYNAMIC ENTRYPunch.


Then there was Terra. I won't bother talking about Mewtwo; Shedinja sat there and killed it.



Terra. People on the Discord server will know I spent about half a day on this fight. Good. God. I genuinely believe this to be the hardest fight in the game as it stands, with Titania being the only other contender for this spot. Most of her team was somewhat easy to deal with, granted Excadrill's very existence forced me to lead with a Trick Room setter, to not get completely shat on by it, but comparatively; Quagsire, Palossand and Garchomp were the actual fight. being the first fight to necessitate usage of healing items from me, something I usually try not to do.


I was brutally underleveled, with my weakest Pokemon; Shedinja being 21 levels lower than Terra's Garchomp. Her Quagsire alone took some planning, same for Palossand, but I managed to get past them in about 7~ attempts (Lol, that's how many times it took me to beat Aster and Eclipse.) The issue with that was that her Garchomp took complete advantage of her field and managed to sweep me very easily due to my strategy leaving me VERY vulnerable to it.


I eventually realised Decidueye getting Nasty Plot and Baton Pass could come very useful here, and used Quagsire to set it up, Baton Pass to Jellicent who had Rain Dance and Acid Armour. It was just a surf away from then. Except not bc lol let's crit w draco meteor ayyy lmao. Took an additional 3 attempts just from that.


WTC went pretty easily, Swalot just got Destiny Bonded by Gengar ayyy lmao. Refused to fight Taka because that's the outright objectively superior path.


Up next was the best part of the game; The Mansion gauntlet. It's just so cathartic, instead of you taking the fight to Meteor, for once, they bring the fight to you, resulting in an interesting role reversal. The Meteor Grunts were but an easy prelude, as right after came two of the most troublesome previous bosses; Fern and Blake.


My first few runs through of this fight went HORRIBLY. Blake pretty much instantly wiped Florinia out with his Walrein and Mamoswine leaving me in a 2v1 where I almost certaintly lost thanks to Weavile. I admitted defeat, and came back with a better team. Chandelure being in the lead was infinitely better than Jellicent, allowing me to Trick Room up and actually deal damage without being forced to switch out. After I changed the lead, it was just a matter of preventing Blake from wiping Florinia out.


Now for Solaris and John, I decided to add a bit of an extra challenge and mod up their teams. Gave John a full team of 6, switched around his Pokemon a bit, as well as changing half of Solaris' team while optimizing them in terms of move set, items and spreads, on top of giving them BOTH Megas. The end result?





In short, a pretty grueling back and forth fight. I had to admit defeat once, bring a better suited team, beat both fights before it and get back to this. Cofagrigus was my best possible lead here, crippling Stoutland, setting up Trick Room and Cursing Claydol. After that, Marowak went in and wreaked havoc.


Trick Room was absolutely necessary for Excadrill, Tyranitar and Volcarona; all three of which could otherwise sweep through most of mine and Julia's teams. Garchomp at the back was a giant pain as it could clean up Julia really easily, especially if John's more annoying Pokemon in Metagross and Gastrodon were ignored to deal with Solaris' largely more threatening team.


By the end I had Gengar and Decidueye left to deal with Solaris' lone remaining Garchomp and John's Metagross+Eelektross, along with Julia's Oricorio. Gengar used Destiny Bond on Garchomp, who Earthquaked and kindly removed Metagross from the equation too. Decidueye + Oricorio easily finished off Eelektross.

Ciel was just lol. Gengar put Togekiss to Sleep, Cursed it, then Shadow Balled it. When it woke up and killed him, Curse put it in certain potion range, allowing for Oricorio to come in, and get a free Revelation Dance off. After that, it kept spamming it into a free win. It was that simple.


New City time!


I immediately began the somewhat tedious quest for some leftovers, ended up being nice as hell for Dusknoir. After that it was straight to the totally not obvious Devon Raid of Doom.


The grunts started outleveling me again at this point, a bit of a pain, but nothing too hard. Victoria similarly, fell pretty quickly.


Arclight and ZEL on the other hand? Ehhhh. They both made me have to bring a new team in/resort the order. Arclight could stall Trick Room out long enough to beat me back with Jolteon, but once I managed to keep it up, he fell pretty quickly.


ZEL took much longer comparatively. Glaceon could quite literally 6-0 me thanks to the seed and it outspeeding my mostly slow Trick Room team. I came back with Gengar in tow to take care of it. This in turn let me set up Trick Room safely on Umbreon, burn and curse it, putting it in range for Marowak's Flare Blitz. Espeon and Alakazam both got one shot, but Magnezone somehow survived and counterswept me twice. The attempt after that resulted in Espeon sweeping me due to Trick Room going down. My winning attempt had me instead use Dusknoir to take a hit from Glaceon, Curse it, Hypnosis > Shadow Ball from Gengar which took it out. This baited in Umbreon luckily, which let me proceed with the rest of the strategy as planned, with Gengar being in the back to deal with PULSE-Magnezone.


Adrienn took me a while due to Cofagrigus constantly missing his Will-o-Wisps. Hurricane to change the field + Trick Room + WoWing Granbull and Mawile was all I had to do to let Marowak, Nature Power Decidueye and Golurk just completely sweep them, got me a Dazzling Gleam TM.


Renovated the railnet to get an Assault Vest, did Simon's sidequest for the Toxic TM, hunted down a Life Orb from Absol's on route 4, EV trained my Gengar properly. Y'know, side things. After that I just went to the desert.


The Taka desert fight took me a few times, forgot ground types got more specially bulky there. Chatot not having Scrappy was something I misremembered here tbh. It doesn't have Chatter anymore either, so it was super helpless in front of Marowak :( Sorry buddy.


Exploring the Desert with Taka was a joy, gets you to empathize with him and like him a lot more. The side areas hold some sweet rewards, including the last 2 essential ghost types; Mimikyu and Honedge. The WoW, Roost and Stone Edge TM's were also here, allowing my Shedinja to FINALLY reach his full potential, with both Toxic and WoW being able to be rotated as necessary.


Teknite was a bit of a pain since Taka's Chatot just killed everything before I was able to change fields >_>.


Reshiram got cheesed pretty hard by Gengar's Destiny Bond. Nothing more than that.


Titania got cheesed big time by Shedinja. Only Aegislash could touch it, so with Safety Goggles on Shedinja to avoid the Hail, I could literally keep my entire team alive to 6 v 1 her Aegislash, the only real threat. It took a couple of attempts due to said Aegislash being able to one shot my entire team, but Gengar's Cursed body finally procced, allowing for me to either revive him and Destiny Bond, or just kill with Marowak after Cofagrigus' Mummy deleted Stance Change(Gotta love incorrect mechanics :D) Decided that cheap bosses deserved cheap wincons and used Destiny Bond Gengar.



This gallery is all you need to know what happened to Amaria. Bless Shedinja's Soul.


And that's all of it, Took me like 3 hours to write this up.

And now for the team:



A gallery of all the Ghost type Pokemon I obtained:

Everything on the second row onwards is what I actually used.


By far the best Pokemon, and most invaluable was Gengar. It's moves, stats and abilities were absolutely vital to the monorun. Between it's high speed and special attack, a strong Shadow Ball, Hypnosis, Destiny Bond, Curse and Cursed body, it basically made a LOT of things much easier than they otherwise would have been. Destiny Bond was my go to Dark Type remover.


After that it'd be a fourway way tie between Cofagrigus, Shedinja, Marowak and Jellicent.


Special props to Shedinja though, it's sheer cheesiness is something else. The fact that it could practically invalidate half Cain's Team, be a godly partner for Gengar's Cursed Body, AND basically just outright win against Amaria and Titania was absolutely hilarious. Bless this bug.


Cofagrigus' bulky Trick Room and support moves were invaluable. Helped a ton. Same for Jellicent.


Marowak was the main heavy hitter, under Trick Room, a practical juggernaut. Hunting for Thick Club was a pain, but in the end, absolutely worth it.


Most disappointing? I'd have to say Dusknoir, unfortunately. It's my favourite ghost type, but everything it could do, Cofagrigus just did better. Shame.


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