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Roo The Baka: oh and rotom

Roo The Baka: I have good news for you

rotomfan63: ?

Roo The Baka: the what does this guy think of you threads are slowly dying ot

Roo The Baka: out*

too bad for rotomfan

I'm going to talk about you guys before it's totally not cool to talk about people.


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wow this took me like 5 billion hours but here it is

me mem eme

Harky! You're a really cool guy and a lot of fun. Your topics are always fun to read through. I do worry about you though, I've seen what drugs + alcohol have done to some people close to me and I can't say I can really recommend it. It's your choice though, so don't let me tell you how to live. Just don't OD or something. I would be sad. :c

inb4 Xiph sucks

Xiph you suck! c:

j/k. We don't know each other well, but you're funny and you make me laugh. We should probably talk more other than, "xiph sucks" "nou"


Hai Inunyan c:

We really haven't talked all that much recently (I'm never here, you're usually not here when I'm here, etc.) but I consider you one of my bestest friends here. You're really nice and entertaining and just really fun to be around.

We totally spoke once

Yeah, I can't say that I know you very well. Everyone else seems to like you, and you seem cool from when we've briefly interacted. Another case of "Horizon totally needs to talk to this person more"

Sure. ^^

Kaaaaaaitoooooo~ It's only recently that we've started talking, but we seem to like a lot of the same things. We seem to have ignored each other for a very long time and I'm not sure why. Maybe since I'm a bit awkward but whatever. You're really nice and hopefully we can become good friends. c:

Hai c:

Hi Scarlet~

I don't know a whole lot about you, and I probably should get around to PMing you but I'm lazy and timid around new people, but I think we've established that. We have similar interests (games and anime) and your stream is fun. Maybe I'll be able to engage in a conversation with you sometime. Other than that you seem pretty cool, but I unfortunately don't have much else to say... :c


Hi Cyrus-chan c:

We don't really talk anymore since I never see you on Reborn but I know we like a lot of the same stuff. K-On is awesome and I think it was you who got me into Madoka Magica so thanks for that. You suffer from "exists outside of Horizon's closest group of friends" and so I feel like I don't know you that well. Oh well. We're still friends. c:


Hello Will :3

I'm going to tell you the same thing everyone already told you: you're an awesome artist, I wish I could be as talented as you at something. Your group of friends has always been kind of "oh we go here and we do this and we don't care what you say" to me and I think that's cool. You give me the impression that you don't really care what anyone thinks about you, you just do your own thing and good on you for it. I've always tried to be like that too. You're another person I think I need to interact with more since you're really fun to talk to. Also no hard feelings over the mod thing right? c:

Yes please!


get some internet and a new computer so we can play video games

other than that I consider you one of my other really good friends here. You're a great guy and you're always a blast to be with. You just make Reborn a whole lot better. c:

also thanks for trying to teach me LoL even though I'm still awful so it obviously didn't work. :c


bcuz im bad i will just feed all the enemies


ANYWAY. You're cool Jelly. I don't have a ton to say since I don't know you that well, but it's whatever.

[omitted rule 7 imagery feat. Hark]

I like my women fat

u wot m8?

Not a lot to say about you Enigma, but you've been alright since you came back.

but what sort of picture did you post >:C


Anyway tell me more.

Sunkern is OP as fuck. Roo is the best Sunkern.



Anyways hi.


IT IS INDEED AN IA AVATAR (isn't she wonderful?!)

We actually seem to like a lot of the same stuff so I don't know why we don't talk very much. Sometimes your rage gets on my nerve a bit but usually I don't mind.

and last but definitely least, here's Ika-chair

Gamers live as many times as they decide to respawn


Your stupid jokes annoy me >:c

I think out of any single person here, you're probably the one I feel closest to. I don't think I need to say a lot about why, you know that, I think. Despite what I say you're a great guy and I really like you. c:

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