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From the Eyes of the Artíste! (A "What-Does-User-Think-About-You" thread brought to you by SupahFish™ Incorporated - "Live Life the Supah Way!")


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Allan did one, so I, by law, have to make one as well.

I promise I'll be as honest as possible while trying to keep my insulting down to a minimum. C:

This is going to spiral down into a request thread, I just know it. Whether it be because of this spoiler or something else. It's gonna happen and that's when the thread's gonna die. C:

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You win just because of the title; long after the fact I'd considered changing mine to something elaborate involving "Ikaru's Opinions and YOU!" but idklol

me pls


Wait, eyes of the Artíste?


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I honestly almost forgot I made this thread.


hi c:

No drawings D< right now

Anyways, you've always been a really cool guy. You're close friends with Ikaru and I respect you for that. I feel, however, that you're one of those guys who all of my friends are friends with, though I don't really know them much. AKA we should talk more.

Will, do a drawing of you telling me what you think of me.

You've been a kind of mixed bag over the years I've known you. As of recent, I've been wanting to be your friend and get to know you better, though before I was kinda wary around you.

Ay bby

You're an odd case. You're a lot like my older brother in the sense that you're either really fun and cool, or I just can't stand you at all. Never really in between. Maybe it's your sarcastic additude or the "Mashew smacked Will." things that annoy me, but just so long as you know that you're still really cool, then everything should be kay.

hey buttmunch, do me


j.k. I don't honestly know you much at all outside of the times we've played LoL together. From those experiences over Skype I can say that you sound like a cool and fun guy.



Have I ever told you you're the best person on Reborn?

I really like a lot of the stuff you do, just in general. From the pictures you post on the server at times to things like your avatars, you're just a funny awesome guy.

I honestly don't like your smoking/drinking habits though, but hey, who am I to tell you what to and what not to do?

This made me rage even more than Horizon's thread. Oh well, fire away.

You have the same name as my brother! \o/

Other than that I really don't know you much. I think you're one of those guys who're heavy on ladder battling, but I could be thinking of someone else...

Why don't you love me?

Too grump for luff.

j.k. I don't really know much about you, though your friendship with Ikaru makes me respect you.

You win just because of the title; long after the fact I'd considered changing mine to something elaborate involving "Ikaru's Opinions and YOU!" but idklol

me pls


Wait, eyes of the Artíste?


Look at this guy, using one of my old drawings to get himself pluspoints.

All that aside though, like I said on Amethyst's "WDITAY" thread, he and you are the two people on Reborn who I've wanted to be friends with the most on Reborn. No hard feelings towards anyone else.. ._.;;

It might be because you're one of the few people here who I can openly discuss +Infinitas planning with. Or maybe cuz I knew you how you were 2-ish years ago through Myles.

hai there, honest opnion please!

You seem like just a cool guy in general. Honestly I called you BetterConnor just to make my Connor mad, but you're still fun to be around just in general.


I need to do your request sometime.

I can't say I know you all that well. I think it's really cool that I got your sister into drawing, though. :D

hi wazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzup


I've known you for a good while, yet at the same time I don't really know you much at all. You've kinda just been there being yourself, haing a good time.

Hai, all your friends want to be my friends too =D

Connor wants your rockin' bady. Ask him about it. >><<

You're a really fun and cool guy. You're one of the few people on here that'll give May any company when/if she ever comes on, and I thank you for that. The more you guys talk to her, the less she comes to me with her problems

Also friends with Ikaru, respect, blah blah blah.


I can't say I really know you, honestly. The only thing I really know about you is that your name gives me a "judging a book by it's cover" impression that you're either the new Winter or his complete polar opposite. This is more than likely Allan's fault, though.

Draw me with Skele, with our backs tuned against eachother, arms folded, doing our frenemy pose

Also, hi

When I first saw you, I thought to myself "Oh boy, Skrillex fan." A lot of people said in their other threads that you were once annoying and managed to turn into a cool person. I can't honestly say I knew you when you were annoying, so your impression with me is better, to say the least.


I don't really know, well, anything about you. The only thing I can say that I ever really knew you for is having the term "baka" in your name which made me label you "one of those weeaboos" earlier on. I'm not so blunt and mean about that stuff now as I was, but I'm sure if I talked to you more, you'd turn out to be a really fun guy.

Oh hi.

Can you draw Rinbird? :D


You've always been one of those people who I wanted to be friends with and get to know better but some kinda something was keeping me from really talking to you. When you started playing LoL, however, I kinda figured it broke the ice a bit. With that, gotta talk to you more often, you get the gist, i'm sure.

My name is insult me now.

I think it's really cool how my drawings inspired you to start drawing for yourself. It sucks that I can't teach for shit, but I still hope you do great i whatever you wanna end up doing, be it drawing or some other completely unrelated thing.

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