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[E17] Thoughts on A New Pokemon's Inclusion/Execution


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So as most of us know, Type: Null (and by extension, Silvally) is a Pokemon that can be obtained. I thought this was pretty cool. I thought that, since it's basically the Aether Foundation's attempt at making an Ultra Beast Buster by utilizing extensive research on Arceus, it'd have all sorts of potential in being added to the story. Maybe this takes place before Sun and Moon, and the Aether Foundation is doing some research in Reborn (since this is the proposed location of the real Arceus), but they get harassed by El's part of Team Meteor because of their blasphemous attempts of making a sort of "false prophet", and it's up to the player to stop them and maybe get a reward. And maybe later encounters with El with Type: Null or Silvally in the party triggers some choice words. What we got... was a bit middling, to say the least.

Now, I'm using the file I got from E16, so I'm not sure of the context, but it seems like some random scientists got their hands on Aether Foundation research. After besting the head of the program (Nadira), she asks you to get a Carvanha, an Unfezant, and a Luxray, for... components. As you hand her each one, you notice each of her cohorts disappear one by one, as their doubts and worries about the project get the best of them. When it's finally complete, and Nadira shows you it inside the cage. But Type: Null, possessing the memories of those sacrificed, fatally wounds Nadira, who reveals that she made Type: Null because she couldn't give birth, and wanted to "make" a child of her own, to the point that they consider the player the second parent. As she dies, you face off against your "son", having the option to either run away, faint it, or catch it like a sane human being. Then you walk out of the cage, and it's never spoken of again.

Now, while I thought it was good (namely with how I felt a bit sorry for Nadira despite her twistedness), I do have some slight issues with it. For one, who were these scientists, exactly, and who were they affiliated with? Why would it be a Type: Null when Type: Null is formed when the control mask is placed on "Type: Full" (the original name of Silvally)? A nitpick of mine is that it didn't really factor in with the overarcing Arceus plot as much as I thought it would; maybe I'm missing something since I'm tackling this later on in the game rather than when I can naturally obtain it, but I still can't help but feel left in the dark.

What did you think of it, overall?


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