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[Spoilers] A lost soul who dried up in the desert


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Hello, guys!

I'm playing the E17 and I'm coming up with some problems in the Tourmaline desert. For the moment, the new EP and sidequest are working just fine without bugs. However, I'm stuck in the desert without being able to go on through the story.

In the scrapyard, I did everything I could, cleared all the puzzle but couldn't find something to do.

On an antoher topic

I found someone who said that there was a secret entrance on a train that was here: prntscr.com/hihbs1

However, if it worked for everybody else, it didn't for me.



I wonder what I have to do now. Btw, I can't pass the line of trains on the north anymore, since it closed up after I used Fly to escape (I couldn't go anywhere because of the sandstorm and there was no issue anywhere else). I saw on another topic that there is something to be done in this place later so I don't really care for the moment.


And there is also the teknite cave. I saw on other threads that there are a lot of things to do in this cave, with a waterfall or so... When I went to this cave (and used earthquake, as the guy who made the topic said), there was nothing but an item and nothing else happenned. Do I miss something?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hope this isn't an old post but I could use some help too please?

I have completed the train puzzle and found the 'town'. I battled the thief and got my prize back. Found but have yet to battle the gym.

What does the small cave in the upper left of the scrapyard do?

How does Teknite Cave work? What do you mean by power gem, earthquake, and tailwind? (I know they're moves but how do you use them?) I found the temple and got in and pressed the button which caused stuff to shake and a weird noise to happen, but now I'm at a loss as to what to do.

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  On 12/31/2017 at 4:45 AM, Counting-Sinful-Stars said:

What does the small cave in the upper left of the scrapyard do?

How does Teknite Cave work? What do you mean by power gem, earthquake, and tailwind? (I know they're moves but how do you use them?) I found the temple and got in and pressed the button which caused stuff to shake and a weird noise to happen, but now I'm at a loss as to what to do.



By "the small cave in the upper left of the scrapyard" you mean Teknite, right? So with power gem and earthquake... it's just that, use them in battle and see what happens ;) 


With the temple... I'm going to assume you mean Sugiline. You need to press two different buttons.

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  On 12/31/2017 at 5:47 PM, Counting-Sinful-Stars said:

Okay so, I pressed the two buttons already and have passed the Garchomp guards from hell. I pressed the third button on the single statue by the light shard, stuff shook and made noises. Now what?



You should land in a room with many pedestals... put some food on them and come back later!

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I came back and the food was gone! Do I refill them all several times? Also, how does the mirage tower work? I'm positive that I finished all the puzzles for it but nothing is happening so... (sorry for the trouble, I really do appreciate all the help)

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When you have filled the bowls, you need to leave and re-enter, make your way back in to the last room (where you drop down to the area with food bowls). Save now, and then try dropping down to the area below. If Gible isn't there, reset and try again. You have to land behind it while it's eating.


As for Mirage Tower: after reaching the last room you get taken back outside...or so it seems. If you keep exploring the area, you may find something out of place or odd.

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