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[SPOILERS] Can we talk about Amaria for a second?


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So I literally just finished the entirety of EP17, playing through the whole game for the umpteenth time, and I have a few problems. Let me just say that these problems aren't with the game in terms of mechanics or story, just with one single character. Of course based on the title you could've deduced that character is Amaria.


So look, I get that she's going through some amnesia, and as a result she's having all these different problems thrown at her all at once, which can really screw with a person. But when I went into that water gym, thinking that I'd get a bit of dialogue and then a gym battle with a badge and a TM thrown in, I instead got Amaria acting like a complete bitch by accusing me of all her problems. Of course the battle with the badge and the TM came afterwards, but I was honestly shocked when she did a complete 180 from how she was before. The fact that she made me go and find her in the maze of a gym she resides in, and the fact that she tried to drown me, definitely didn't help.


I know she'll probably have a change of heart as the story wraps up in the next few episodes (if she didn't already kill herself anyway...), and I don't really hate anyone for making her this way, I was just like "Holy shit, what the hell happened to her?". I don't know, I just thought I'd start a little discussion about it, feel free to chime in.


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Well... let's not forget Amaria is, and always was, a deeply scarred, unstable and unhappy person.

As early as the OTS we see hints of depression in her old diary. We also get to see fairly early how much she loves Titania and clings to her. Much later on, we learn that the very relationship that kept her afloat was built on a lie. So does she. And she attempts to commit suicide because of this.

Amaria was not okay at all even before E17. Even before the game's events began.

So when, on the Reshiram route, an amnesiac, lonely, confused Amaria sees the PC coming back without the single one person she cares about... her mind races, plays tricks on her.

"Why is Tania not here? I know she doesn't really love me... But did she abandon me? What's going on? This trainer must know... is it their fault? Did something happen between them and Tania? Nonono... she's coming back. She has to. But what does this person want? What do I do? No... leave me alone. Get lost!"

And so the girl snaps and tries to kill this silent stranger who walked into her underwater gym, her only safe space, uninvited and at a bad time.

Yes, it was a shocking twist to see this Amaria. It was hard to process for me too. But in retrospect, it wasn't that hard to believe and understand. And it added a layer to an otherwise relatively bland character. I for one am hoping to see more of her, and am eager to know what's going to happen to her next.


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Oh yeah, I guess I forgot about her diary in my frustration. I definitely do want something to happen with her in the future despite how my earlier post might have sounded, but in that one moment, I honestly thought of her as the worst character in the game.


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I got the Zekrom path the first time I played it and Amaria's way more chill in that one. She still acts depressed and borderline suicidal but she doesn't blame you for her problems and just sorta talks about her feelings when you find her underwater after which she doesn't try to drown you. And she lets you pick whether you want a double or single battle for real.

I also like Lin way more in that one since she just seems way more fun. Completely forgave her for what she did last episode.

Anyway, I obviously went back and did the other path too and that's probably the one I'm sticking with for those sweet Anna and Shade points but I definitely prefer the Zekrom one story wise. Everybody's so nice to you in that one including Lin. I don't care much for Taka but him alive and in team Meteor is probably better for me anyway. I've got all the relevant saves backed up so I'm sure I'll be playing through all the different paths in the following episodes too.



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I couldn't agree more. 

Really, in the early game, Amaria was one of my favourite characters. You're with those poo-level pokemons and she comes out with the badass-Laprass and you're like "She's soooo strong". And pretty too. You could definitely fall in love with her.

Then stuff happens, and by the time of Celestinine Cascade and WTC she's a totally different person. Obviously you didn't know her well before, maybe at that point you get to see the real Amaria. Though I couldn't help but be disappointed because she had me really impressed before.

And as of ep. 17 (Zekrom path), when she asked me "Do you think less of me?", I knew it would hurt her but I had to say "yes", 'cause we tried to save her but she isn't trying to save herself.

She was one of my favourite characters, but I'm afraid she's gonna be another one we're gonna lose.

We should remember that Reborn and happy endings don't always get together. Some days ago a forum member posted some info about the real reborn league as it once was, where Reborn took inspiration from. And let's say that Amaria didn't get to see the end. (Shitty memory). Amaria had a car accident and reported amnesia. We do have to say, she recovered well from the accident.

I can't help but feel sad for her, and I really hope she gets better in the last chapters, though I will accept whatever happens 'cause life is life, even a harsh one, even in Reborn.

Edited by Blontary
Guidy corrected me
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IIRC Amaria and Ame were and I think still are friends IRL after the league ended. Don't know where the 'didn't get to see the end' comes from... She had a car accident which caused amnesia, but that's all.
I may have missed something, but as far as i know, Kiki and Corey were the only ones that sadly passed away

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After playing through the other side of the amaria storyline....She's not too bad. I'll be sticking with the "attempting to drown me" route as my my headcanon one though even though Taka dies RIP Taka you will be missed you weirdo.


Sidenote @Blontary your avatar got me and I will get my vengeance for it. Probably trading you a level 1 honedge with the nickname "StabbyStick" in wonder trade in the future.

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There are 2 paths: the zekrom and reshiram path.

The condition is whether or not if you have fought Taka in water treatment center.If you fought Taka then you get Zekrom path.If you didn't fight Taka then you get reshiram path.

There are huge difference atm between the 2 paths.So we can't know what will happen in future episodes.
In the reshiram path,the MC is accompanied by Taka and there are lot of dialogue.In the end,Taka dies by Titania and Amaria tries to kill the MC.

But like I said,we don't know what will happen in future episodes.
So there are no right or wrong path at the moment.


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