The Fush Posted October 12, 2012 Share Posted October 12, 2012 FINALLY, ON THE 12TH OF OCTOBER, BLACK AND WHITE 2 CAME OUT IN EUROPE. And I pre-ordered it, so I'm ready to rumble. Normally when it comes to a pokemon game, I just rush through the main story. But I'm not doing it this time around, because first of all, I don't want this game to only have a main story that I complete in like 2 days (inb4 looking at you Scarlet), and second of all, I wanna share my adventures of doom with you guys. So here it goes! Now this is a story all about how, I ventured into some random place, And a professor asked me about me and some rival, And I said that the rival was a big jerkface. (Ok I'm not gonna do that anymore). So the normal stuff happens in the beginning town (WHICH IS ALL THE WAY AT THE OTHER SIDE FROM NUVEMA!) Mom talks to me, I meet the professor(ish) person, who this time is Bianca (who stole Cheren's glasses >>). She then proceeds to let me pick my pokemon. Naturally, I pick the badass pig. Snakes? Nah. Otters? Pff. Pigs? HELL YEAH! And then my jerkface of a rival wants to battle me. My Tepig (who I named Screw Shiz (and I lol'd because Bianca confirmed the name and it sounded funny as hell)), naturally, owns that puny little otterwhat. So I'm forced to go on an adventure, naturally... I nip a Patrat on the way, to be an eternal lumberjack. After doing fuck all with Alder (why you pop up so early in dis game), I venture further... AND CATCH THE POKEMON OF THE LEGENDS, SUNKERN! Such OP stuff, am I right? My awesome naming skills call this Sunkern Pimpin', and I move on from here. Naturally... jerkface man (I named it Janny, because it's a different version of a guy I hate in real life (called Johnny >>)) walks up and challenges me to a battle. Pimpin' and SS (Screw Shiz) own him, and it's at this point that I realize how oversensitive he is. He frets way too much about pokemon, and it's starting to annoy me. OF COURSE, PLOT TWIST, as now we have to go find some random herdier. I am disappoint. Screw you for getting lost. Anyway, after some intensive training in the ranch, I level up to awesome level (yes I leveled that Sunkern whatcha gonna do about it), and find that Herdier, after hearing my rival spouting some pointless stuff. OH SHOCK AND HORROR! A TEAM PLASMA GRUNT IS HERE AFTER TWO YEARS! Oh mah gawd. Thankfully, he runs off without a fight and gives me his frustration (literally). Hurrah, pointless main quest ended. Then Alder pops up again like a ninja and makes me fight two little kids with monkeys. Now Cheren's all set up in the home town (some complicated name of a town that I can't remember) with a gym, so I go to challenge that, and I beat the mini-trainers, no problem. Now I'm here to face Cheren. ***WARNING! THE FOLLOWING SECTION IS HIGHLY RAGELIKE. THIS COULD'VE EASILY FILLED IN PART OF THE RANTING AHEAD THREAD! *** It took me 6 TRIES to beat this guy. SIX. FUCKING. TRIES. So here was my strategy. I send in Sunkern to face his Patrat (which doesn't have that vital spirit ability) to grasswhistle his face, growth a few times and mega drain him to hell. WELL FUCK! Battle 1: A decent job is done, but Cheren's Lillipup gets some serious Work Ups and owns us all. I'm chill with this, I can try again. Battle 2: An. Utter. Failure. Battle 3: FUCKFUCKFUCK! Grasswhistle takes like 3 times to hit (55 is above half accuracy so shaddap), and his Patrat is being annoying as hell. He's being a bitch and and lived on 1 hp... and then cheren uses a potion. More havoc ensues, and then I FINALLY manage to beat him... and I forget all about Lillipup's Vital spirit and let him own me. And then Tepig came out and he started working up. NATURALLY HE CRITS ME AND BEATS ME RIGHT BEFORE I'M ABOUT TO DEFEAT BECAUSE HE'S ON ONE HP AGAIN! Battle 4: I wanted to cry. I send Sunkern in, Grasswhistle. Does. Not. Hit. ONCE. After resorting to direct attack, HE GOES DOWN TO 1 HP. And then Cheren potions...Tepig, being a boss, fights it out. PATRAT LIVES ON 1 HP, AGAIN! He leaves me on 8 hp before dying. I know I'm doomed at this point, so I let Tepig do what he can while that Lillipup works out. I'm gonna be OHKOed again, and then... EMBER BURNS HIM! FUCK YES, HE HAS TO HIT ME TWO MORE TIMES TO KILL ME AFTER THAT TACKLE! Now here is my reaction line: Elated ------------------------------------------------------------> Ragequit! The mother fucker crits me and 1hkos me. FUCK. FUCK. FUCK. FUCK. FUCK! I'm still hanging on for this... barely. Battle 5: It boils down to Tepig vs. Lillipup again. This time, I counter his 6 work ups with 6 defense curls. We're at an even level now! His tackle only does 13 damage out of my 40 hp. He hits me again for 13 damage, and then I hit him. ONE MORE ATTACK AND HE'S DOWN, AND TEPIG WILL SURVIVE WITH 1 HP! ...then he lands a critical hit. AGAIN! FUCKING AGAIN! Cheren you godamn luck hax asshat. Battle 6: Sunkern sets up successfully, and beats his Patrat. I was very lucky this time, as he did not hit me once. Then it's Lillipup vs Pimpin'. Amazingly I take him down too, after an immense battle of work ups, oran berries and potions. FINALLY. CHEREN, I USED UP AN X DEFEND, 3 POTIONS, 2 ORAN BERRIES AND A FRESH WATER FOR YOU. YOU'D BETTER BE GLAD! I exit the gym after that horrible battle (and people say Lenora was annoying), and then Bianca gives me the C-Gear. Not too bad. But what I'm excited about is later when she implements a habitat feature on to the pokedex... but it turns out to be a fat lot of nothing, as it doesn't show you pokemon you haven't seen there yet. I beat some hiker, and then decide I'm down for the day. Current Pokemon stats: Sunkern: Lv13 Name: Pimpin' Moves: Mega Drain, Growth, Leech Seed, Grasswhistle. OP as hell. Tepig: Lv13 Name: Screw Shiz Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip, Ember, Defense Curl. This guy's been a nice source of all rounding so far. And he's a pig. Patrat: Lv4 Name: Herpaderp Moves: Tackle and something else... Forever to be a HM slave. I'll post more next time! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shanco Posted October 13, 2012 Share Posted October 13, 2012 Make sure you get dat Genesect! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Fush Posted October 13, 2012 Author Share Posted October 13, 2012 (edited) I like the medal system. It's a little nifty thing that just happens as you go along. ANYWAY! Going through route 20, I fight a few more guys (and Pimpin' learns Leech Seed and Razor Leaf, which i threw away Ingrain and Grasswhistle for, since it has such low accuracy), and bam, we're in the next city. Right off the bat I see Roxie, the poison gym leader, arguing with her mom, and then she makes an awesome insult. "You... dim-witted... dense... dumb... daft... dippy... dorky... doltish... DOOFUS!" I already find this gym leader hilarious. That, and the pineapple hair. Well, after that mess I just go to the working place in Virbank (that... place. Where the workers are...), and there are a ton of awesome wild pokemon in there. Then I meet an Elekid... perfect. Electric fighter, some offense is just what I need(inb4 moar attack)... so I nab it and name it after Eternal Edge because why not ? Now I'm fighting a bunch of young boys and workers to make some foreman happy at me. On the way, I talk to a scientist, get a bunch items, meet an awesome Growlithe that I have to reject because badass pig, and level up a ton of times by fighting a bunch of Audino! Alright, I'm ready. I walk into the gym and Roxie's just doin' some songs n' stuff. The mini trainers are easy enough, since Edge can just shock wave em' no need to get angry at smokescreens *trollface to koffings*! Then SS evolves into an epic Pignite. Now he's a karate pig of the legends, becoming the dragon warrior with the furious... 3. Actually never mind that Sunkern is too OP to be called furious (Sunkern is actually being really powerful, with a nice offense, buff and absorption combo for tankiness!). Unfortunately, we won't be seeing him in this fight because of poison types. So up I go to Roxie, and she's ready to jam. Edge just shock waves that koffing out of here. Potions did not help her at all. Then she sends out Whirlipede, which is a walk in the park thanks to Karate Pig SS Awesome. So I get a pretty cool looking toxic badge, and won on the first try. FAR less annoying than Cheren. Unfortunately for Roxie, there's an overload of pokemon in Virbank which counter her HARD. Magnemite, Growlithe, Magby in B2... really, guys? Overkill, game freak. Oh well, Roxie's amusing as a character. I walk out and then some clown drags me off to the Pokestudios... where I get like, a tutorial on it and then have to use a Riolu to kick Brycen's ass (WHY DID YOU QUIT BEING A GYM LEADER YOU WERE COOL... LITERALLY QQ). Then I walk out without watching the movie, because I'm more concerned to the main adventure. So I walk off to the dock and bam, Team Plasma's causing trouble. This time it's a 3 on 3 battle, and Team Plasma's new battle theme is ROCKING. Some of the OST in this game so far has been awesome. Unfortunately, they're still weak, though their outfits tell us they're not screwing around this time. They're not like some cult from Oblivion now. After some boring chase on route 20, we beat em' up again, and then go to Castelia City to try and search for them after Roxie's Mum finally goes back to the docks. FINALLY! WE'RE IN THE OLD UNOVA! And to welcome us there is Castelia City, one of my favorite cities in all of pokemon due to it's grandeur (though let down slightly by a meh gym leader, which I'll own again because Pignite). After some clown chats me up, I'm saving now and I'll see y'all laterz. Current Stats: Pignite: Lv18 Name: Screw Shiz Moves: Arm Thrust, Flame Charge, Defense Curl, Tail Whip This thing is becoming a beast. The two STAB moves (even if arm thrust is rather weak) are wreaking havoc everywhere. That, and it's rather tanky too! Sunkern: Lv18 Name: Pimpin' Moves: Mega Drain, Growth, Leech Seed, Razor Leaf. Grasswhistle's accuracy was too low. Now there's more damage output (with a drain too! It's dealing good damage!), tankiness with the two draining moves, and Growth is still there for a boost. Bein' OP as usual. Elekid: Lv18 Name: Edge Moves: Quick Attack, Shock Wave, Leer, Audino Killer (Low Kick) Despite being a baby pokemon, it's a really good source of offense, with priority, no-miss hits, and free Audino experience. Since I have another DS and white version, I can trade it once it gets some moves as Electabuzz, and I'll be raring to go! I just need to get an electrizer. Herpaderp is still being is usual Patrat HM slave self. We got to teach him Cut, and we used that once to get a Super Potion. Nifty! This section of the game isn't as hard now. I can live without grabbing a Riolu from the ranch, so it's all chill. Edited October 13, 2012 by BeaverRoo Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Summer Posted October 13, 2012 Share Posted October 13, 2012 I approve of this thread because Sunflora OP in sun. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Fush Posted October 13, 2012 Author Share Posted October 13, 2012 On 10/13/2012 at 10:23 AM, Summer said: I approve of this thread because Sunflora OP in sun. If you want a Sunflora in the Sun ask Owen about it, not me >> Sunkern is too cool for sun. After generally messing around doing absolutely nothing in Castelia City, Iris pops up out of nowhere (surprise!) and drags me and my jerk rival to the sewers. After pondering through some Grimers, we just beat em up... though I let Janny do ALL THE WORK. Then Burgh, Castelia's gym leader from the old game too, also pops up and says that we're done here, and after they've left, some scientist guy pops out of nowhere and say that I worked brilliantly with my pokemon. Me, not giving a fuck, says that Sunkern is the most OP shit ever and that's why I won. I go into a hole in the wall behind him, and I enter the Relic Passage. I figured I should go there LATER, but not now. Before leaving though, I grab a quick Rogggenrola and name her Voxie... y'know, like Roxie... but a rock type instead. Then they just say HEY GO CHALLENGE BURGH! Unfortunately, there's no Audinos around here, so I dash back to Virbank and grind up on a few more of them there. Then I enter Burgh's gym, and something I really like is how even the old gym leaders are now changing their layouts! Nifty! It's just some cocoon puzzle this time, and Screw Shiz and our newly found Voxie just owned their way through the pokemon. It's actually kind of funny, because Voxie, this one little rock, is tanking physical hits like nobody's business. Swadloon? Denied. Dwebble? Idgaf. Anyway, we move up to Burgh's crib (which he painted, fittingly to be an artist), and he quickly boasts about his bugs, which is bugging me a lot (yeah I made a pun, sue me). So then he chucks his Swadloon at me and Voxie's all ready to roll (DENY MY PUNS AND YOU WILL PAY). Swadloon. A +6 defense boosted Roggenrola (Iron defense too stronk) could not give one fuck about your piddly razor leaf. Get dunked rock blasted. So then Burgh's all "I'll send out my big boy now" and SS Pignite is all "welcome to die". He definetely means this... one flame charge, with the new Charcoal equipped to it, is enough to kick that thing's ass. Pathetic. At this point, I'm yawning. So then he sends out a Dwebble, and Edge comes in to shock it. DESPITE being a crab with a big rock on it's head, Low Kick does squat, so Shock Wave took care of it quite nicely. Heck, I bet Voxie, with that +6 Defense boost, could've swept that entire team. Bug pokemon are useless this early. Oh, and did I mention that he could've been a lot tougher if Game Freak just decided to give him a Scyther (which they REALLY should've put on the pokedex, would've been awesome)? Sheesh. I only get the TM Struggle Bug for my troubles, which, along with Venoshock, are of no worth to me.. although Work Up might be useful. Probably the only good thing I got out that battle with Cheren. So, after that business is done, I cruise around Castelia City, take a trip to Liberty Garden (which unfortunately now has nothing in it (Victini QQ)), and go on to Route 4. Unfortunately, the scientist dude from earlier who's name I couldn't remember wanted to battle me, so he said he'd wait on Route 4 (ironic how the starting route was now route 19.. stupid new Unova). After battling some idiots and rejecting catching a Sandile (since I caught one in White Version), I met him and he throws a piddly Magnemite and Klink at me. Pah. He then rants about pokemon and insults Team Plasma, and walks off. At this point, I save and stop. I actually kinda like that scientist guy. He has a cool design and doesn't rant as much as say, Janny the Jerk. Although he can get too caught up in his words... Current Stats: Screw Shiz (Pignite): Lv23 Moves: Arm Thrust, Flame Charge, Tail Whip, Rollout. Aside from Rollout, he hasn't changed. He's still the same ass-kicking pig. Besides, I don't think I'll be using Rollout... I've had a horrible miss streak with it. Pimpin' (Sunkern): Lv22 (Yes I am training this thing shaddap) Moves: Giga Drain, Leech Seed, Growth, Razor Leaf. Giga Drain is swag. It's caused 1hkos along with AMAZING healing. Serious talk here, the fact that Sunkern learns Giga Drain so early makes up for lackluster stats (who the fuck needs defense when you have a Sunkern). Along with a diverse movepool, this thing is still a beast. Edge (Elekid): Lv22 Moves: Shock Wave, Quick Attack, Electro Ball, Low Kick. Like SS, he hasn't changed much. Still a very diverse hitter... that, and Electro Ball has sometimes caused catastrophes... and some times it hasn't. I can't tell speed QQ. Eternal Edge is unpredicable, as usual. Voxie (Roggenrola): Lv22 Moves: Iron Defense, Headbutt, Rock Blast, Smack Down. Good sources of damage, and is physically tank as hell! The newest member has left a good impression. Caught this thing because Gigalith looks badass. WHAT IS THIS HERPDERP YOU DERP YOU CAN'T LEARN STRENGTH QQ... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maelstrom Posted October 13, 2012 Share Posted October 13, 2012 Hah, you pretty much caught up to me already! Yeah, I thought about beating cheren's lillipup with my own but that would just be silly. I caught a riolu, raised it a few levels thinking it would learn force palm. NOPE. they changed the level it learns it at. It got counter instead. So Cheren's lillipup comes out, I switch in riolu. Lillipup tackle does a good chunk, counter ko's it right away. Life is easy. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Fush Posted October 13, 2012 Author Share Posted October 13, 2012 On 10/13/2012 at 10:32 PM, Maelstrom said: Hah, you pretty much caught up to me already! Yeah, I thought about beating cheren's lillipup with my own but that would just be silly. I caught a riolu, raised it a few levels thinking it would learn force palm. NOPE. they changed the level it learns it at. It got counter instead. So Cheren's lillipup comes out, I switch in riolu. Lillipup tackle does a good chunk, counter ko's it right away. Life is easy. Meh. Sunkern is more OP. But in all seriousness, I just wasn't bothered to catch Riolu (some guy at the gym mentioned it). I thought I could probably handle the FIRST gym leader without it. Oh, how I was HORRIBLY mistaken... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maelstrom Posted October 13, 2012 Share Posted October 13, 2012 Yeah, if it wasn't for that npc, I would have had no idea it was in there at all. btw, need potions, berries, other items? Why buy it when you can do a funfest and get it for free. Hoping to build powers to abuse the EXP^^^. And the one that makes it likelier to find shaking grass/dust clouds. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Fush Posted October 14, 2012 Author Share Posted October 14, 2012 On 10/13/2012 at 11:56 PM, Maelstrom said: Yeah, if it wasn't for that npc, I would have had no idea it was in there at all. btw, need potions, berries, other items? Why buy it when you can do a funfest and get it for free. Hoping to build powers to abuse the EXP^^^. And the one that makes it likelier to find shaking grass/dust clouds. First of all... Lemonades. Cheap as hell and they heal a punch. That and I'm lazy. Second of all... gimme the name of the item that increases shaking grass chance. NOWNOWNOW. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tringus Posted October 14, 2012 Share Posted October 14, 2012 Dang. That's a nice Playthrough so far! I might try to make a video walkthrough. Either that, or just do it like how you do it, idk. but anyways, keep it up! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Fush Posted October 14, 2012 Author Share Posted October 14, 2012 Oh gawsh THEY UNCOVERED RUINS HERE! It's funny, because there are some random people living in here (and of course there's trainers aswell >>)... where do they get food from? Anyway, knowing my way around here, I tail off to the desert resort. I've liked that place. There's a whole load of items, hidden items and trainers (and a healer). It's like it's saying sorry for not giving you any Audinos. Huh? What? Oh, that guy with the annoying as hell Sigilyth? Pff. One smack down from Voxie and it went... down. Literally. Anyway, I got enough items to be a millionaire and my pokemon are at a decent level, so let's... go... what? Seeing as BW2 follows on two years later, the construction in the sand route is finished! Now it's some place called Join Avenue... bunch of shops you can make and they give you AWESOME discounts. Now if you excuse me, I'm gonna get a dozen fresh waters for half price. And this avenue goes straight out to Nimbasa City. RIGHT off the bat I see Emmet and Ingo and the female main trainer sprite. She calls herself Rosa and asks me to tag battle against them. We naturally kick their asses, because Pimpin' is invincible >_>. Then she gives me a VS. recorder and proceeds to dash off. WARNING! THE NEXT TWO PARAGRAPHS WILL CONTAIN INSANE AMOUNTS OF AWESOME DUE TO THREE EVOLUTIONS! So I proceed to ignore the musical because it's shit and walk into random houses. Alas, a tragedy happened! Pimpin' stole a Sun Stone from some Ace Trainer and evolved into Sunflora! Now he's not as OP... but still rather OP, so it's all good (Serious Note: Now Pimpin's Special Attack is REALLY high. And it learns petal dance in TWO MORE LEVELS... gg). So I do some grinding at the stadiums... and Voxie turns into a sick Boldore. I rush on Serebii, and find out that Boldore and Gigalith learn moves at the same levels... and you know what that means. I turn on my DS lite, stuff white version in and do some trading. 2 minutes later and Voxie is a badass Gigalith. Seriously, I don't know why more people love Gigalith. I think it's as awesome as Aggron is! VOXIE EVOLVED TWICE IN THE SAME DAMN LEVEL! So I walk to the amusement park and find some littered X-Transceiver which the owner's gonna pick up in a bit. After finding out Elesa's still here, but in the old gym, I go across some rollercoasters and have a hellish battle with a Stall Flaffy... only to find out that Elesa's gone back. And what do I get for my troubles? A paralyze heal. There's a pokemon center a few blocks away. Well fuck. But anyway, going back to the new gym, Clyde runs me down, ACTUALLY WARNS ME ABOUT EMOLGA THANKYOUCLYDE, and says that this gym is a catwalk. Pff... After facing the first trainer, I figure I'm a bit underleveled. I'll go Audino training next time. Bye for now! Current Stats: SS (Pignite): Lv25 Screw Shiz is the exact same pig. Not even lieing. Same moves, same badassery. Pimpin' (Sunflora): Lv25 After evolving, Pimpin's special attack is now MONSTROUS. Razor Leaf was replaced with Bullet Seed, but that's all. Edge (Elekid): Lv25 Moves: Electro Ball, Quick Attack, Shock Wave, Light Screen. I wish I didn't throw out Low Kick RIGHT BEFORE an Audino area... ah well. Still the same Elekid. Voxie (GIGALITH!): Lv25 Moves: Headbutt, Iron Defense, Smack Down, Power Gem Now this is one badass motherfuckin' stone. Seriously, the physical tanking is monstrous! Eat. Your. Heart. Out. Even FIGHTING types have had some trouble with her. Herpaderp why don't you have wings. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maelstrom Posted October 16, 2012 Share Posted October 16, 2012 Dude, if your guys are at 25, you could totally take on everybody at the world tournament at the next town over. All their pokemon there are level 25. They didn't stand a chance against a lvl 30 torkoal with leftovers. I miiss Elesa being a blonde. Yellow hair looked better on her, + she's the electric gym leader. I still find it cute that she kinda gets shy after you beat her. And yeah, I love gigalith and i've made a mental note to raise one... it's just never happened. It's the awesome looking version of golem. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tringus Posted October 16, 2012 Share Posted October 16, 2012 I love how the models escort you out. I wonder if they do that to EVERYBODY who goes in there. If not, then Sweet! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Fush Posted October 16, 2012 Author Share Posted October 16, 2012 On 10/16/2012 at 1:03 AM, Maelstrom said: Dude, if your guys are at 25, you could totally take on everybody at the world tournament at the next town over. All their pokemon there are level 25. They didn't stand a chance against a lvl 30 torkoal with leftovers. I just have the urge to do stuff like this. I'm not happy unless my can team can kick their asses xD Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Fush Posted October 16, 2012 Author Share Posted October 16, 2012 (edited) MAEL WHERE DID YOU GET A TORKOAL. Anyway, saddle down, I've been gone for a day so I've got back on track with some craziness. Barely any Audino training happened at all... mostly because Edge was now having trouble keeping up, still being a baby pokemon. ANYWAY, after ploughing through the other strange models in the gym, I meet Elesa (who now looks like an entirely different person >_>) and it's go time. Right off the bat the Volt Switches are pretty annoying. I manage to keep an overall low on them anyway, so it's not much of an issue. Her Zebstrika went down first this time around, because Pignite is a badass karate porkCHOP *shot*. Emolga got smack downed by good ol' Voxie, and then Edge finishes off the Flaffy with ONE HP! *trollface* Edge, I never thought you had it in you Then, setting off straight to route 6 where more Audinos await, I charge through a bunch of trainers, and lo and behold, Charles is there, ready to bring triple battle action outside of Driftveil... but that didn't last long. Wanna know why? *flashback* So Edge was being given the battle exp, because guess what: at lv30, he became an awesome Electabuzz, bringing a new level of pain with a paralysis + Electro Ball combo and Thunderpunch. Of COURSE, all of charles's pokemon were weak to electric, so you can figure how that worked out. Then there's the Driftveil Bridge. One major event happened. We caught a new member! That's right, it's Ducklett. I named it after Amethyst, and for good reasons, too. First of all, Male Swannas still look girly, and second of all, the term for saying whether a pokemon is a boy or girl was "gender". And this Ducklett was a girl. So excuse me Ame for finding these amazing loopholes . Anyway, this will be our flyer. Now- WHOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! What happened to Driftveil? Everything's now a hotel (apart from that one old store), and the Cold Storage is history because of some tournament thingy. Right off the bat I see an ex-team plasma and a team plasma member argue it out. After rushing to the ex-plasma guy's defense, he said that many people quit because of N's desires. I like the new situation of Team Plasma. The old outfits represent being some sort of messiah, while the new ones, with their dark colours, bring on sinister thoughts, suiting the personality of Ghetsis and his evil self. I think everything about Team Plasma has been knocked up a notch (apart from their pathetic battling skills). We find the building where the old team plasma members are, who've atoned and are now good guys, though jerkface thinks otherwise (although his sister's Purrloin was stolen, so he does ACTUALLY have a reason for being stuck up!). After a battle with the sage, he gives me a ZORUA! Epic! Unfortunately, it can't be nicknamed, and the fact that it was N's means that the exp boost makes it an easy win for the game... and I'd rather not do that. After learning some interesting backstory, I leave. Anyway, after some random discussions and another swift battle (this time being rotation) with Charles, not to mention some shopping to get Insenses and Moomoo Milks, I go route 6 and train there FOR AN HOUR getting all my pokemon to a similar level to the gym ones, after seeing a lv31 Baltoy cause trouble. The Audinos just usualy HAPPENED to be the opposite gender and spammed attract to death... oh god, that was a nightmare. Now my pokemon are really buffed up. They've learned new, DEVASTATING move that I'll explain at the end. Then I navigate through a decently entertaining new gym puzzle, battle some random workers and make it to the gold platform where Clay stands. He doesn't plan to talk, so we cut right to the chase! He starts off with a Krokorok. Amethyst bubblebeams it to death, and wastes Clay's hyper potion, so no problems here. Then he cuts RIGHT to Excadrill. I try to attempt to send SS, Edge and Amethyst all in on it, but I severly underestimated it's speed and it 1hkoed all three of them. Now that was a horrible play on my part, but he's part steel, and definetely faster than a Sunflora, so... yeah. Then something, possibly the most epic moment of this journey so far, happened. I sent Voxie out. Now, at this stage, Voxie is the member of my team with the highest attack and defense, because Gigalith is a monster. Planning to use Sturdy, I Iron Defense once. Strangely, Clay only pokes at me with slashes. Not letting this confuse me, I use Iron Defense 2 more times, and bam, +6 defense. This is a fucking beast. Bulldoze? Metal Claw? About 13 hp chipped off out of 106. Rock Slide? 6 hp. Slash? 3. hit. points. Voxie doesnt have any good means of offense against him, but because of STAB rock slides and Clay's lack of a Hyper Potion, I beat the Excadrill in a one on one duel WITHOUT HAVING TO HEAL VOXIE. YOU ARE AWESOME, VOXIE! Sheesh, it's overpowered to have this thing this early in the game. After that, I walk down to the Tournament place that replaced the much loved Cold Storage (I MISS YOU VANILLITE AND HIGHER LEVEL AUDINOS ;_; and after bumping into CHEEEEEEREEEEEEEEN! and Jerkface again, I save, ready to face the wimpy tournament next time (Mael is foreshadowing for me). Current Stats: SS (Pignite): Lv32 Moves: Heat Crash, Rollout, Arm Thrust, Flame Charge This thing is still staying the same, although Heat Crash is a new addition for any lightweights who come too close... muhahhahahahahha... Pimpin' (Sunflora): Lv32 Moves: Giga Drain, Growth, Leech Seed, Petal Dance. Let's get this done quickly. Rose Incense + 1 Growth + Petal Dance = I HAVE NOT SEEN ANYTHING THIS DOESN'T KO. I honestly have no idea how strong this thing is going to be. Heck, it's on level with VOXIE for getting Petal Dance AT LEVEL 28! Edge (Electabuzz): Lv32 Moves: Quick Attack, Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Electro Ball. Edge has so much diversity and does it all so quickly, it's just been crazy. Amazing coverage after spending 10 red shards to get Ice Punch! Voxie (Gigalith): Lv32 Moves: Rock Slide, Iron Defense, Power Gem, Headbutt I find it ironic how it hasn't been needing as much experience as anyone else, yet it's our first full evolution and is AN ABSOLUTE MONSTER, with great base attack and defense and moves to back it up. Amethyst (Ducklett): Lv32 Moves: Fly, Bubblebeam, Air Slash, Roost A new addition to our team, and a good one too! Decent choice in attacking, decent special attack in itself, and roost for recovery, too! I put Herpaderp and the Zorua in the PC. We won't need Herpyman for a while. Edited October 30, 2012 by BeaverRoo Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Fush Posted October 19, 2012 Author Share Posted October 19, 2012 (edited) About to go to sleep, so this is a short update, guys. Sorry, I've been obssessed with Spiral Knights, Fire Emblem: Path Of Radiance and FIXING MY GODAMN LAPTOP (which is a real sonnuvabitch). So after saving and abandoning my character for nearly a whole day just standing in front of the WPT queue entrance, clearly stopping other entrants, I move my ass and sign in and bam... world tournament my ass. This tournament is clearly on it's first day, because right now it's just a "Driftveil Tournament". Also, why is there about 5 million people in the audience and EIGHT CONTESTANTS? Clearly the seats must be made of the most comfortable material ever. Anyway, enough ranting, it's gaming logic whaddyaexpect. First round is against my rival, but their guys are only lv25 (Mael you spoiler). I entered Ame, Voxie and Pimpin' for this tournament, which is a guarenteed win. Unhaxily, Janny's stupid Samurai Otter gets a confusion on Ame and luck haxes it to death with Water Pulses. And I was not amused. Thankfully, sending out Pimpin' meant a complete sweep of all 3 of his retards (yes I beat that Tranquill too deal with it) and I move on. Now it's stupid Cheren and he chucks out a Stoutland on me... really? 3 fully evolved normal pokemon (stop sniggering lucario users)... gah. Oh wait, I GUESS IT DOESN'T MATTER IF AMETHYST LUCK HAXES YOU WITH AIR SLASH AND ROOST! And yes, that's all 3 of you. Spectacular show, of course. Now please do go away, Cheren! Seems like Colress the mysterious scientist dude dominated through this one. Magneton would not be a good start for Amethyst, so I switch out to Pimpin' man. THIS WAS AN EPIC BATTLE! Stupid Magneton had Thunder Wave and Supersonic... really? I manage to set up one Growth while he Mirror shots me to death. As he got me down to 16 hp, I giga drain him once, he's on half HP and Pimpin' lives because he's invincible. After the mudderfudger gets me down again, but this time to 2. HIT. POINTS, Pimpin' lives and FINISHES THE THING OFF! You mad, Magneton? Anyway, he sends out a Elgyem or however it's spelt, and Pimpin decides to go get a soda, so I let Amethyst Air Slash it to death. Amethyst, your duck form has what seems to be the opposite form of Murphy's law... endless luck hax. He finally sends out a silly looking... wait, what was it? I think the last pokemon was so insignificant... oh wait Ame critted it. End of. That's the silly tournament done. Hopefully they do a better job making a "World Tournament" next time. ANYWAY, Janny Jerkface spots some Team Plasma boarding an ancient ship that we saw in Castelia too, and it turns out to be a disguised base for Team Plasma... good disguise, guys. Why don't you just disguise a NORMAL boat? Sheesh. Anyway, they surround us and think that Quantity>Quality. CLEARLY NOT, because Voxie beats the shit out of every last one (who we didn't even use once in the tournament cuz Ame and Pimpin' too stronk) of them. Then the Zinzolin guy who was AN UTTER WIMP back in the Cold Storage is now in charge of the croonies, and now they're going to get de Dwagon Pokwemon agains (couldn't possibly be Kyurem they're looking for right Cheren) and the stupid Shadow Trio uses their hacked powers to teleport us out of here (jerks...). Anyway, Cheren gives us Surf and tells us to search for stuff, but we just chuck it at Amethyst and leave it at that (Ame Multitask FlySurf Nerf Please). After trodding through route 6, facing some irritating trainers, foongus, and one particularly irritated castform, I save and abandon my character in deep grass. Bye for now! Everyone's level 33 now... and nobody learnt new moves apart from Amethyst's new surfing powers? MADNESS! And WHY IS AME SO SIMILAR TO THAT DUCK? Edited October 19, 2012 by BeaverRoo Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tringus Posted October 20, 2012 Share Posted October 20, 2012 Well, Lesson Learned for Ironfist. Quanity does not equal Quality. Poor Disguise, Team Plasma, Poor Disguise... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maelstrom Posted October 20, 2012 Share Posted October 20, 2012 I totally thought that cutscene was gonna happen where an arcanine or whatever comes out and beats the snap out of seviper and my lucario would come out and help me chase down those rascally ninjas. NOPE. And except for a panpour, torkoal tanked each and every pokemon. paralyzed? Confused? Asleep? I'll wait. Vesuvious snacks in her sleep and has a shell to make Gigalith jealous. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Fush Posted October 20, 2012 Author Share Posted October 20, 2012 On 10/20/2012 at 2:11 AM, Maelstrom said: I totally thought that cutscene was gonna happen where an arcanine or whatever comes out and beats the snap out of seviper and my lucario would come out and help me chase down those rascally ninjas. NOPE. And except for a panpour, torkoal tanked each and every pokemon. paralyzed? Confused? Asleep? I'll wait. Vesuvious snacks in her sleep and has a shell to make Gigalith jealous. Gigalith outclasses any shell, heck, you could make the body the shell, and the legs and head the turtle inside, as the rock are CONNECTING to each other. Gigalith for potential turtle. (nah but Torkoal is a turtle so he's still a bawss). Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tringus Posted October 21, 2012 Share Posted October 21, 2012 you still doing your adventure? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Fush Posted October 22, 2012 Author Share Posted October 22, 2012 (edited) Who do you think I am? I ALWAYS ADVENTURE, NO MATTER HOW SEVERE THE FIRST WORLD PROBLEMS CIRCUMSTANCES! ANYWAY! Prepare for a quick runthrough of Chargestone Cave, because only ONE major thing happens here. Alright, so I bump into Bianca (and I wish I'd get a lucky egg; that happened in the first game), and she just blathers on a bit about pokemon... y'know, the creatures. Then I proceed to mindlessly bash about a million pokemon from a million trainers hangin' out in this here cave. And the only notable thing that happens during this is hearing someone talking about the past here and then going off to protect his pokemon. Huzzah, I wanna see N soon! *10 minutes later* I exit chargestone cave, N-less. Oh well, now I meet Professor Juniper in Mistralton City! And it's a good encounter, because I get a Master Ball (IT GLOWS) and Skyla drops in. So then the professor trots off to the tower, and I'm left to scavenge for drops in the airport, with findings such as the historical Sharp Beak. Anyway, I then go for a spot of Audino.. but before I meet a single one. BAM! An awesome looking Zangoose pops out, and I'm not letting him go anywhere. After some resilience, he now resides in my Ultra Ball, with the name of Calvin, a friend of mine who happens to like Zangooses. And teaching him Work Up has caused a miracle. Work Up + Crush Claw has never NOT 1-2hkoed an enemy so far. Calvin too stronk. --- BREAKING NEWS REPORT! --- "Hello, this is reporter Unfezant. Today, it seems that the population in shaking grass has changed. Emolgas now roam the wild, with few Audinos left to gather their strength with a bunch of Take Downs." And that, folks, is why my Audino training took WAY longer than it should've. HOWEVER, because of it, Amethyst turns into a genderbender Swanna, and SS (who's name I'm tempted to redo now... sounds bland) turns into a monstrous Emboar! YAY! I really need to find an Electrizer so I can evolve Edge. Anyway, with all that out of the way, I rush to Skyla's gym, twist and turn around Skyla's new good puzzle (THE WIND IS POWARFUL), and didn't have a single problem getting through it *Activates stereotypical dubstep for stereotypical MLG play*. The enemy pokemon weren't too bad, with some new faces, but none could stand against the fearsome power of Edge and Voxie. Their powers decimated them all. Then it's time to face Skyla. Voxie actually nearly loses because the Swoobat gets 6 STRAIGHT FLINCHES with Heart Stamp... but one Rock Slide is enough to utterly destroy it. Next, a SKARMORY comes up! Now this is getting interesting. I send out our new awesome Emboar, who manages to take the Air Cutters and Heat Crashes it to oblivion. Finally, the Swan is no match for Edge's LIGHTNING BOLTS, LIGHTNING BOLTS, LIGHTNING BOLTS! Aaaaaaaaaaaand that's all that happened! If I talked in full detail about Chargestone Cave... oh god, it'd be like an essay... don't make me. Current Stats: Everyone is now Lv38, which is great at this point. Not OP-ish high, not depressingly low. There's a lack of new moves, still... Voxie learns Stealth Rock over the meh Power Gem... uh... Pimpin' could learn Double Edge, but that is a move unworthy of his level. BUT we can't forget about the new guy! Calvin (Zangoose): Lv38 Moves: Work Up, Crush Claw, Revenge, X-Scissor. Work Up, and then take your pick, Calvin. Take your pick and KICK THEIR ASSES! Edited October 22, 2012 by BeaverRoo Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tringus Posted October 22, 2012 Share Posted October 22, 2012 I hated Chargestone Cave. It took FOREVER in Black 1, probably will in Black 2. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Fush Posted October 22, 2012 Author Share Posted October 22, 2012 On 10/22/2012 at 2:30 AM, Trevo said: I hated Chargestone Cave. It took FOREVER in Black 1, probably will in Black 2. It takes LONGER in bw2... Q_Q Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tringus Posted October 22, 2012 Share Posted October 22, 2012 Really? Dang. Too many trainers, I bet? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tringus Posted October 23, 2012 Share Posted October 23, 2012 By the way, that's Roxie's DAD. I like how you said it was her Mom, though. Made me laugh. I love how he goes to be an actor instead of a Captain. "Roxie, Roxie, my poor girl... I... am an ACTOR, now." That's what he would say. mmhmm. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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