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Batchu presents the Sunshine team !


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Batchu and the Sunshine team !


Hello reborn. You guys probably know me as the pro troller from reborn, or you just don't know me. I've lol'd at some RMTs here, so I feel like I should post an RMT so you guys can hate, troll, n everythin'.This team was made with my friend Delko, a well-known smogon user. It's a team that's made for smogon tiers. The goal was to make an offensive team that wasn't gene+duggy+xatu core, but something that don't rely on trapping ttar, tran n the frog. Our star here, is DAT CHOMP, dat pro thing that everybody hate. I've made rank 1 with this team on smogon ladder, with something like 150W for 5L. So yeah, here it comes !

The Team



Trait: Drought

EVs: 248 HP / 212 SDef / 48 Spd

Calm Nature

- Sunny Day

- Will-O-Wisp

- Flamethrower

- Roar

The Son of Sun, the bringer of light. Ninetales, as glorious as it's made out to be, has one purpose on my team: set up Sun. That's literally it. Anything else it does is a bonus. Out of all the OU Pokemon Game Freak could have given Sun to, I'm very sad their sights were set on Ninetales. It's so frail, has such a limited movepool, and is an overall disappointment. I try to put it to good use with a Specially Defensive set, which lets it switch in on the all-too-common Politoed easily.

Set Explanation

• Sunny Day: Deters other weather starters from switching in on me. If they do, I make their switch-in pointless with this move.

• Will-O-Wisp: Annoys stuff. Especially good to hit opposing weather starters, mostly Tyranitar and Hippowdon so they can't OHKO me.

• Flamethrower: Sure, why not? Generic STAB, lets me hit stuff if I need to. Sun + STAB can actually do a decent chunk, and helps with odd things like breaking Hydreigon's Substitute.

• Roar: This slot used to be Pain Split. Volcarona was pretty annoying, and sometime dragons need to be roar, while racking some rocks dammage. Pretty easy to understand.

EV/IV/Nature Explanation

• EVs are meant to maximize my specially defensive potential while also allowing me to speed creep stuff like Jirachi, loom, gliscor, gyarados... Nothing special here.

• Calm lowers Attack, which I don't need, and raises SDef, which I desperately need. Makes sense.



Trait: Chlorophyll

EVs: 252 SAtk / 72 HP / 4 Def / 180 Spd

Timid Nature

IVs: 30 Spd / 2 Atk / 30 Def

- Growth

- Giga Drain

- Hidden Power [Fire]

- Sludge Bomb

Venusaur is a huge threat under Sun, and BW2 didn't help that any. With new access to Chlorophyll + Giga Drain, it can now abuse the extra power of Life Orb without having to worry about slowly dying to recoil damage. At +2, this beast can tear through basically any team with ease.

Set Explanation

• Growth: In Sun, essentially functions as Nasty Plot, immediately doubling Venusaur's Special Attack and turning it into a deadly sweeper. Sometimes boosting isn't necessary, but it's nice to have the move, just in case.

• Giga Drain: Venusaur's new toy. Only 5 base power less than Energy Ball, with the added benefit of recovering half the damage dealt. Believe it or not, this allows Venusaur to even beat Chansey/Blissey one-on-one.

• Hidden Power [Fire]: Beats Steel-types that annoy me otherwise. The list includes SDef Jirachi, Scizor, Ferrothorn, Skarmory...yeah. Generic coverage move, and with the Sun boost it can be very threatening.

• Sludge Bomb: My other STAB attack, and also my most powerful one. At +2, capable of taking out basically anything that Giga Drain/HP Fire can't, including Dragonite, Latios, and Salamence, all big threats to the team.

EV/IV/Nature Explanation

• EVs, first and foremost, maximize Special Attack. Enough Speed is put into the spread to outspeed Scarf Latios/Latias, and the rest of the EVs are dumped into HP and Defense, to help me live powerful priority attacks such as CB Scizor Bullet Punch and LO Mamoswine Ice Shard, which Venusaur struggles with.

• IVs are standard for Hidden Power [Fire], and of course I lowered the Attack IV so I take less confusion damage in case that ever happened.

• I run Timid Nature to outpace common Scarfers like Terrakion and Latios, which could otherwise stop a sweep cold. Modest is nice power, but it doesn't make sense to me. The point of Chlorophyll is to outspeed stuff, so that's just what I'm going to do.



Trait: Natural Cure

EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef

Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)

- Wish

- Protect

- Thunder Wave

- Seismic Toss

Ok, I don't like this blob. But yeah, he's doing the job. Like, taking the incoming status, walling, spreadin paralyse on dudes like terrakion or keldeo. But he's still set-up bait, so I have to play carefully with it, and double switching frequently.

Set Explanation

Wish: Well, it's a cool move, so forry and tales can grab some wish and rest longer. That's... all ?

Protect: Taking those wish for self-heal, and scouting choice pokemon like terrakion, then threw the good pokemon.

Thunder Wave: As said above, for big and fast threats (even those who aren't faster). Terrakion or even specs latios is annoyed with a twave on the face.

Seismic Toss: Used to not be walled by thing like CMrachi n stuff. It's here so you're not completly useless offensivly.

EV/IV/Nature Explanation

• EVs for a mixing wall, it doesn't really need more sDef anyway. It actually take physical hit that aren't super effective pretty well.

• Bold to wall even more those physical attack.



Trait: Sturdy

EVs: 252 HP / 16 Atk / 240 Def

Relaxed Nature (+Def, -Spd)

IVs: 0 Spd

- Gyro Ball

- Volt Switch

- Stealth Rock

- Rapid Spin

Lol forry. What would I do without you. You're a steel, you've got SR, and you can spin. Ily forry <3. Butyeah, he fits here because dragon resistance, and all the stuff said above. He's pretty classical as a spinner on sun team. Don't sac it until you're sure that SR will never be on your field again, otherwise you're basically fucked.

Set Explanation

• Gyro ball: Actually hit everything. Locked dragon, venusaur, swift swim abusers, Tyarnitar n lots of stuff. Really good move, you play forry, you must play that.

• Volt Switch: Good move for scouting. Give you the momentum n lol @zone,chandy. Again, it's needed.

• Stealth Rock: Yeah, SR. You need it on every team, so yeah, I don't like them on Chansey, so forry.

• Rapid spin: Most important move, as tales take 25% SR and volcarona 50%. Every sun need a way to take those hazards away. This one is no exception.

EV/IV/Nature Explanation

•EVs are here to optimize physical bulk as much as possible, while 16 Atk is a guaranteed OHKO on Obamasnow.

•IVs at 0 Spd so gyro ball hit harder, and that way, you'll always be lower than your opponent when you volt switch; so you'll always have the momentum.



Trait: Rough Skin

EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd

Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)

- Substitute

- Swords Dance

- Outrage

- Earthquake

OMG YOU ARE SO SEXY. Garchomp, nothing can describe how much I love you. This salac just fit you so well; giving you a boost of +1 speed when you spam your sub, you check those pesky trans that are annoying to my venusaur, you're my dragon... OMG YOURE FINALLY BACK


Set Explanation

Substitute: Is the reason why this set work. Sometime you'll spam sub so you can grab salac, sometime you'll just sub cuz sub. Over fire blast or fire fang because lolz, salac berry need sub.

• Swords Dance: Once a SD is on, well, if skarm or any wall that (all weak to volcarona) wall it, you won. Cuz. That's all. Wanna hit a +2 EQ ? Don't think so.

• Outrage: Because Dragon claw don't do the job all the time. That's all, primary stab.

• Earthquake: Second stab, as powerful as the first one. Nothing to say.

EV/IV/Nature Explanation

EVs in speed and attack, it's pro enough but yeah, moar power is always welcome.

Jolly because speed>power. And you outspeed lots of things with a jolly. Even more at +1.



Trait: Flame Body

EVs: 252 SAtk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd

Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)

- Quiver Dance

- Fiery Dance

- Bug Buzz

- Hidden Power [Ground]

No Volcarona. You're not as sexy as Chomp, but you're still pro. Look at you; 404 atk with modest nature without anything ? God like stats, god like movepool. That moth is da man. It synergize pretty well with chomp, as chomp resist those rock types that hurt my moth so much, and Volcarona kill the skarm, donphan, zong n stuff. Lum because I don't wanna get stopped by those stupid T-wave ferro, or some dumb shit like toxic pringles/tentacruel, or even toxic.

Set Explanation

Quiver Dance: Because +1spA and +1spe is not enough, it also give a +1 sDef. All that make it a fearsome sweeper while tanking incoming water moves really well under sun. It's the reason why it should be uber on my opinion: if you manage to get to +1, unless your opponent got some scarf mons that actually OHKO it, you're pretty sure to won.

Fiery Dance: Because he actually do enough with that under sun to kill what he want with it. +1 spA is comming frequently (really). It's a really cool move.

Bug Buzz: Pro stab, that give almost perfect coverage with fire. Hit so much at +1.

Hidden Power [Ground]: Because it KO heatran, that walls it otherwise. I don't wanna be walled. It's also an OHKO on terrakion if sand isn't up.

EV/IV/Nature Explanation

EVs are obvious, moar spA, moar speed.

Modest so a +1 HP ground OHKO heatran. That's all. Otherwise I'd run timid.


Well guys, that's all. Hope you enjoyed it.

For my pro clan, Alpha Omega.

Guys, I love all of you. Rupe the pro, Slant the boss, Kamina my boy, Dark Desire the best of all the noobs.

And of course, Sunshine, the coolest dude I've met so far on this game.

Next is the importable. Feel free to steal, I won't blame ya guyz.

Venusaur (M) @ Life Orb

Trait: Chlorophyll

EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd

Naive Nature (+Spd, -SDef)

- Growth

- Giga Drain

- Hidden Power [Fire]

- Sludge Bomb

Ninetales (M) @ Leftovers

Trait: Drought

EVs: 252 HP / 120 SDef / 136 Spd

Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk)

- Flamethrower

- Will-O-Wisp

- Roar

- Sunny Day

Forretress (M) @ Leftovers

Trait: Sturdy

EVs: 252 HP / 16 Atk / 240 Def

Relaxed Nature (+Def, -Spd)

- Gyro Ball

- Volt Switch

- Stealth Rock

- Rapid Spin

Chansey (F) @ Eviolite

Trait: Natural Cure

EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef

Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)

- Wish

- Protect

- Thunder Wave

- Seismic Toss

Garchomp (M) @ Salac Berry

Trait: Rough Skin

EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spd

Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)

- Swords Dance

- Outrage

- Earthquake

- Substitute

Volcarona (M) @ Lum Berry

Trait: Flame Body

EVs: 252 SAtk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd

Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)

- Quiver Dance

- Fiery Dance

- Bug Buzz

- Hidden Power [Ground]

Edited by Skwayz
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It would be much better put Eviolite instead of Leftovers in Chansey (To give a 50% boost in Def and SpD), leftovers only works well in Blissey.

I not understand why you put Lum Berry in Volcarona, since he can not be burned. In case of Thunder Wave or Toxic, just switch to Forretress, which is not affected by Poison and Thunder Wave will help increase the power of Gyro Ball. You can try put Leftovers/Life Orb instead of Lum Berry.

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Woups, copy/paste the leftovers too quickly. And lum is for ferro t-wave/ tenta or jellicent toxic, and other stuff too, like some heatran with toxic.

Why would I switch on forry if I can grab a quiver and win from here ? No, lum definitely stay. I'm gonna edit the topic tomorrow so it'd be clear.

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Well thanks; but I dunno what you mean by 'classic'. The team was made to not be a classical sun team; like there's no gene+duggy core.

You never see any chansey, garchomp or venusaur+Volcarona on a same team (maybe earlier on bw1)

If you mean classic about tales+venu+spinner, well, yeah, sun can't be as flexible as sand or rain.

Thanks for the comment anyway :D.

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So beutiful <3. But idk about Garchomp because it is countered by skarm (everyone uses one these days) and if you outrage, other pokes can

Take advantage of it. I don't have a suggestion to change it but i feel like it just don't fit D;.

Maybe replace swords dance with fire blast to give better coverage and sine it gets boosted by sun. But UR RMT is beutiful ;D.

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Kam, you aven't read all the things nig.

I'll never lock myself in outrage if I see a skarm. I'd rather double switch on volcarona, and win from here.

Chomp check that other can't check, namely heatran and other stuff, while beeing a ground type, which is really useful on sun team as most of them don't have a true switch-in for Ttar (except ice beam variants, but yeah).

Yeah kam. everything is planned.

Ikr it's so beautiful !

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Pro team, Skwayz! I have very few nitpicks but I've got to say something in my rate right? So here it is:

-Like Kamina said, maybe replace swords dance with fire blast? Boosted by the sun, Garchomp really wrecks the steel types that would otherwise try to switch in.

-Literally nothing on your team enjoys switching into Mamoswine (ok maybe Venusaur but that's a shaky counter), I'd think about a way to counter that. I'd suggest a Skarmory somewhere but I don't know who to replace as I don't want to upset your synergy.

Like I said these are very minor points, and i fully get that sun teams are played offensively and aren't meant to cover every threat. Good job and i will be stealing this team in the near future!

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Thanks my slant.

Yeah mamo's a bitch, to all offensive team. As you said, offensive team, sun in particular, are really weak to some threats that they can't really check, like mamo.

Skarm would totally break the synergy, as it'd only slower the team. Most of the time i can play around it (mamo).

And no, look at my post above, Chomp also act as a lure. This team is made for team preview, so I'll let skarm come at me, then double switch on volc and grab a QD. it's part of the strategy, but thanks for the suggestion ;)

omg i've got moar posts than you.

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I'm here to comment on your team, like you asked, but I will say the title should have been "GC and the Sunshine Team" as a reference to KC and the Sunshine Band.

  • An idea would be to give Venusaur Synthesis. If I had to choose a move to replace, it would probably be Sludge Bomb. Here's why:
    Fire is super effective vs. four types. Sludge Bomb is only super effective vs. Grass, which Fire covers. Hidden Power [Fire] and Sludge Bomb also only have 2.5 base power difference in sun.
  • Yache Berry would be a better option on Garchomp.
    It learns Dragon Dance, so since Garchomp has enough power try replacing Swords Dance with Dragon Dance and there, you get the speed boost without lowering the health to dangerous levels, while the Yache Berry covers the double weakness to Ice. Those attacks with the Yache Berry's effect will do about 55-60% max unless you count a critical hit.

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in fact, it doesn't learn Dragon dance, he'd really be uber if it does. (I've just checked).

As for sludge wave, well, it hit neutral lots of mons, and at +2, that's enough. Sludge bomb high BP+stab actually does actually pretty monstrous dammage. (Thing like zapdos, lati's that could wall it).

Thanks for the rate man.


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