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∞ The Knight's Revenge (5th OU - Peaked #18) ∞


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Genesect @Choice Scarf

EVs: 252 SAtk / 252 Spd / 4 Atk

Trait: Download

Nature: Naive

- U-Turn

- Flamethrower

- Thunderbolt

- Ice Beam

U-Turn is a very good STAB move, and if download active Atk it can hurt a big damage. Thunderbolt and Ice Beam assures me the famous combo known as BoltBeam, that allow me attack any Pokémon type with a normal or higher effectiveness. Flamethrower is for others steels like Ferrothorn, Forretress, Scizor or others Genesect's.


Chansey @Eviolite

EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef

Trait: Natural Cure

Nature: Bold

- Seismic Toss

- Wish

- Protect

- Thunder Wave

Chansey is one of my favorites Walls. Seismic Toss allow me do ever 100 damage. Wish is for recover HP and Protect is for resist when HP is low. Thunder Wave slow down enemy.


Hippowdon @Leftovers

EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef

Trait: Sand Stream

Nature: Impish

- Slack Off

- Roar

- Earthquake

- Stealth Rock

Thanks to the great suggestion of the member Skwayz (and Batchu XD), I decided to put Hippowdon instead of tyranitar. Stealth Rock is a Set Up move. Roar is for switch out one sweep enemy. Earthquake is one STAB move and Slack Off is for recover my HP. Hippowdon resist very physical damages moves, in case of Special damage moves, i can just switch out Chansey or Latias for take the damage.


Latias @Leftovers

EVs: 252 HP / 252 Spe / 4 SAtk

Trait: Levitate

Nature: Timid

- Dragon Pulse

- Calm Mind

- Recover

- Substitute

After a Calm Mind, Latias can resist many Special Damages moves. Substitute is one option for resist more and use Calm Mind while substitute is in battle field. Recover is for recover my HP and Dragon Pulse is one good STAB that gets very powerful if the use of many Calm Minds is successful.


Landorus @Life Orb

EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 HP

Trait: Sheer Force

Nature: Modest

- Earth Power

- Focus Blast

- Hidden Power [ice]

- Rock Polish

Earth Power recieves Sheer Force + Life Orb + STAB Boost. Focus Blast is for Ice Types and Hidden Power [ice] is for kills others Landorus or Flyings Pokemons. Rock Polish give a x2 boost in the Landorus speed.


Rotom-W @Chesto Berry

EVs: 92 HP / 252 SAtk / 164 Spe

Trait: Levitate

Nature: Modest

- Hydro Pump

- Volt Switch

- Rest

- Will-o-wisp

Thanks to Skywaiz suggestion, i decided to put Rotom-W instead of Lucario. Hydro Pump and Volt Switch are STAB moves. Will-o-wisp weakens the foe burning it. Rest cure me from any Status Condition, Recover HP and Chesto Berry will wake me up (One Time only).

Portable Version

Genesect @Choice Scarf

Trait: Download

EVs: 252 SAtk / 252 Spd / 4 Atk

Naive Nature

- U-Turn

- Flamethrower

- Thunderbolt

- Ice Beam

Chansey @Eviolite

Trait: Natural Cure

EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef

Bold Nature

- Seismic Toss

- Wish

- Protect

- Thunder Wave

Hippowdon @Leftovers

Trait: Sand Stream

EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef

Impish Nature

- Slack Off

- Roar

- Earthquake

- Stealth Rock

Latias @Leftovers

Trait: Levitate

EVs: 252 HP / 252 Spd / 4 SAtk

Timid Nature

- Dragon Pulse

- Calm Mind

- Recover

- Substitute

Landorus @Life Orb

Trait: Sheer Force

EVs: 252 SAtk / 252 Spd / 4 HP

Modest Nature

- Earth Power

- Focus Blast

- Hidden Power [ice]

- Rock Polish

Rotom-W @Chesto Berry

Trait: Levitate

EVs: 92 HP / 252 SAtk / 164 Spe

Modest Nature

- Hydro Pump

- Volt Switch

- Rest

- Will-o-wisp

Threat List


460.png: Genesect or Latias.

065.png: Genesect or Latias.

184.png: Rotom-W, Latias or Genesect.

286.png: Latias, Genesect or Landorus.

251.png: Genesect or Latias.

609.png: Landorus, Excadrill, Hippowdon or Rotom-W.

091.png: Genesect or Rotom-W.

534.png: Latias, Landorus or Hippowdon.

555.png: Landorus, Rotom-W, Latias or Hippowdon.

196.png: Latias or Genesect.

094.png: Latias or Rotom-W.

472.png: Landorus, Genesect or Rotom-W.

368.png: Latias, Rotom-W or Genesect.

612.png: Genesect, Latias, Hippowdon or Excadrill.

485.png: Hippowdon, Excadrill, Landorus or Rotom-W.

635.png: Latias, Genesect or Excadrill.

392.png: Latias, Excadrill, Landorus, Rotom-W or Hippowdon.

385.png: Latias, Excadrill, Landorus, Genesect or Hippowdon.

230.png: Rotom-W, Latias or Genesect.

646.png: Genesect or Rotom-W.

645.png: Rotom-W, Genesect or Landorus.

380.png: Latias, Genesect, Excadrill or Hippowdon [Roar].

381.png: Latias, Genesect or Excadrill.

462.png: Genesect, Excadrill, Landorus or Hippowdon.

151.png: Genesect, Landorus or Latias.

620.png: Hippowdon, Landorus or Latias.

034.png: Landorus, Rotom-W, Hippowdon, Genesect, or Excadrill.

186.png: Genesect, Rotom-W or Latias.

479-wash.png: Genesect, Latias or Rotom-W.

373.png: Latias, Genesect or Landorus.

586.png: Latias or Genesect.

212.png: Genesect, Hippowdon or Rotom-W.

560.png: Hippowdon, Rotom-W, Genesect or Landorus.

121.png: Genesect or Rotom-W.

639.png: Rotom-W, Landorus, Hippowdon, Latias or Excadrill.

641.png: Rotom-W or Genesect.

454.png: Excadrill, Landorus, Hippowdon or Latias.

248.png: Excadrill, Landorus, Hippowdon, Genesect or Rotom-W.

003.png: Landorus, Genesect or Latias.

494.png: Landorus, Latias, Rotom-W, Excadrill or Hippowdon.

640.png: Latias or Genesect.

637.png: Hippowdon, Genesect, Rotom-W, Excadrill or Landorus.


242.png: Genesect, Excadrill or Hippowdon.

437.png: Genesect, Rotom-W or Landorus.

113.png: Landorus, Excadrill or Genesect.

386-defense.png: Genesect, Landorus or Latias.

149.png: Latias, Genesect, Excadrill or Hippowdon.

598.png: Landorus, Excadrill or Genesect.

205.png: Landorus, Genesect or Excadrill.

423.png: Latias, Landorus or Excadrill.

472.png: Landorus, Genesect or Rotom-W.

130.png: Rotom-W, Latias or Genesect.

450.png: Rotom-W, Latias, Genesect or Landorus.

593.png: Genesect, Rotom-W or Landorus.

385.png: Genesect, Rotom-W, Landorus, Hippowdon or Excadrill.

380.png: Genesect, Landorus, Excadrill or Latias.

151.png: Genesect, Landorus, Latias or Excadrill.

233.png: Landorus, Excadrill or Genesect.

195.png: Landorus, Excadrill or Latias.

479-wash.png: Genesect, Excadrill, Latias or Landorus.

302.png: Latias, Rotom-W or Genesect.

227.png: Rotom-W, Genesect or Landorus.

080.png: Rotom-W, Rotom-W or Genesect.

073.png: Genesect, Rotom-W, Landorus, Excadrill or Hippowdon.

134.png: Genesect, Rotom-W or Landorus.

202.png: Landorus, Genesect, Latias or Rotom-W.

178.png: Genesect, Rotom-W, Latias or Excadrill.

Trophy Room

Ladder Record

Peaked means that is the maximum rank that i got, and not the current.

  • ​Peaked #18 in Pokémon Reborn [1225 ~ Heartnet' tst]
  • Peaked #26 in Pokémon Battle Center [1117 points ~ Hyrule' tst]
  • Peaked #20 in Pokemonexperte [1063 ~ Hyrule' tst]
  • Peaked #12 in Groundon's Grotto [1094 ~ Hyrule' tst]

In Reborn server i use the original team; In PBC and Groundon's Grotto Server i use the team with Chansey instead of Excadrill; In Pokémonexperte i use the team without Excadrill and Genesect instead of these i use Alakazam and Chansey.

Tours Record

Here's a full list of official's tournaments winned with this team.

  • None so far

Edited by Hyrule'
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Alright, when I look at your team, I first see an enormous weakness to all gene+duggy core, so you'll have to play really carefully.

Then, you only got one poke that can actually take a water move, and it's scarfed, and even more, it dies quickly. So basically, everytime specs toed, or any powerful move (rain or not) press hpump, something die, even latios can't take the hit.

Simple solution is to run something over lucario, like ChestoRest rotom-W. This rotom actually help you taking scald/hydro pump from politoed, then, if burn, or something, you just rest. It fit well on all sand team.

Onto the members, Aerodactly is really bad, and only give you another water weakness. Deoxys-S is a way better option for this. If you don't want any suicide lead; I'd highly suggest Restalk Heatran with shed shell.

Why ? Because it actually got one of the best defensive typing arond, while checking all those sun out there. Ok, it's still a water weakness, but if you actually add rotom, it'd fit well.

You're probably askin : 'Hey, but my rocks now?'. Don't worry.

You're actually playing a dragon dance tyranitar. Ok, the stats are fearsome after a DD. But he's still outspeed by all scarf users around (mostly genesect, keldeo,terrakion) that actually OHKO you. Even worse; scizor and breloom don't care and priority would KO you. My suggestion : Run a classical bulky Hippo. It provides rock, and got good synergy with the rest of the team.

Other member seems legit and classical on all sand team.

Overall, it's not bad; but in my opinion, if you want a sand team to actually work, run two bulky thing that can take water move.

sets below.

Rotom-W @ Chesto Berry

Trait: Levitate

EVs: 92 HP / 252 SAtk / 164 Spd

Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)

- Volt Switch

- Hydro Pump

- Rest

- Will-O-Wisp

Heatran (M) @ Shed Shell

Trait: Flash Fire

EVs: 252 HP / 244 SDef / 12 Spd

Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk)

- Rest

- Lava Plume

- Roar

- Sleep Talk

Hippowdon (M) @ Leftovers

Trait: Sand Stream

EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def

Impish Nature (+Def, -SAtk)

- Stealth Rock

- Roar

- Earthquake

- Slack Off

Rotom is EV'd to outspeed toxic stall gliscor, and the other two to optimize bulk. gl.

Edited by Skwayz
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Topic updated. Very thanks to Skywaiz suggestion, helped me too. Team changes are inside the spoiler. Teambuilding Process and Portable Version will be updated soon.

Team Changes

  • Aerodactyl → Genesect
  • Tyranitar → Hippowdon (Skywaiz)
  • Excadrill → Chansey
  • Latios → Latias
  • Landorus
  • Lucario → Rotom-W (Skywaiz)

Coming Soon

  • Add Threat List
  • Update the Team Building Process
  • Uptade the Portable Version
  • Add Mini-sprites instead of Animated Sprites on Teambuilding Process

Any objection or suggestion about the changes?

Edited by Hyrule'
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Hey, nice that you updated the team !

First, genesect is a cool suggestion ans give you a revenge killer, that you lack.

I won't suggest chansey with latias. I'd really stay with excadrill with rapid spin, as, even if you won't use it so much on him, you'll sometime find it pretty necessary. Even more, status like toxic or wow can be take by rotom with rest, and thunder wave is unnefective against excadrill.

On latias set, i'd highly suggest the use of HP fire over substitute, because genesect is the #1 most used pokemon in OU. That way, you could kill it if you predict a switch.

Gl hf!

Ps: It's Skwayz, or Random Alt. On the ladder ;)

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I won't suggest chansey with latias. I'd really stay with excadrill with rapid spin, as, even if you won't use it so much on him, you'll sometime find it pretty necessary. Even more, status like toxic or wow can be take by rotom with rest, and thunder wave is unnefective against excadrill.

I tried to use Rapid Spin excadrill, but not worked very good. I'm indecisive if i put a Donphan, Forretress, Excadrill or continue with Chansey. Can you help me to choose one of those? a.a

On latias set, i'd highly suggest the use of HP fire over substitute, because genesect is the #1 most used pokemon in OU. That way, you could kill it if you predict a switch.

HP Fire not worked very well for genesect :\. Because 8 in 10 Genesect's are scarfeds, and outspeed Latias and use U-Turn (Probably killing, or forcing me to switch), then switch the opponent's pokemon.

New Main Post Updates

  • Added Threat List (Offensive Threats Only)
  • Portable Version Updated.
  • Mini-Sprites added in Team Building Process

Next's Updates

  • Update Teambuilding Process
  • Add Defensive Threats in Threat List section

Edited by Hyrule'
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That's why I said that it'll only hurt them on the switch. If you don't feel like HP fire, stay on sub.

Excadrill isn't a pro spinner, it's true; but it give you that late game sweeper, that offense presence that you need: remember that Reborn is a DW meta, means that it's a really fast and offensive metagame. That means that chansey is really a dead-weigh and is only set -up bait. I'd definitely stay on exca, more for the offensive presence that it give you.

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Chansey really was not working very well. Btw, i already put Excadrill instead of Chansey. (The topic will be updated later.)

The Rotom-W has stopped working as well as before, I put another Water as provisional, Quagsire, and it worked well so far. Any suggestions?

Next's Updates

  • Update Zoom (-) section.
  • Update Zoom (+) section.
  • Uptade Portable Version
  • Update Threat List

Edited by Hyrule'
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