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From Everland to Reborn ~ A fairytale themed run [Last defeated: Amaria]


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  On 1/23/2019 at 4:48 PM, uberle said:

And caught up



I see you learned the best way to beat Charlotte

The ancient art of throwing rocks

Well done


You somehow made Shelly even more adorable 

I love it so much



Yeees fire is nothing. gotta rocc'n roll them like that with style xD

and Awww I'm glad to hear compliments about Shelly.

I thought she was cute when I first played the game, but wasn't near the top of my favorite characters due to her timid nature. But when I had to think of a "traveling companion" (indispensable in writing, since otherwise you're left with awkward silence while Vanilla travels to and from places which is a lot of the game) to assign to Vanilla, I thought she was the best candidate because 1. she is pretty much the foil of Vanilla (aggressive <-> submissive, blunt <-> sensitive, determined <-> indecisive, etc) which makes for fun interactions, and 2. having her as a main character would allow me to tweak her in ways that would make her development more smooth, and at the same time would provide Vanilla a means for character growth (due to Vanilla turning into Shelly's protector- can't be a protector unless the one to be protected has a weak character).

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tumblr_lp0mal7AcQ1qg3clto1_250.gifFrom Everland to Reborn ~ Episode 53tumblr_lp0mal7AcQ1qg3clto1_250.gif

Yet another episode irrelevant to the fairytale run but hey I've been waiting like half a year to write this part of the story so bear with me okay? Have some 🍭 and enjoy some edgy shit :3 Also trigger warning for PTSD and blood but dunno if that is relevant now that I've written so many episodes without a trigger warning rip


“You…” I uttered.

“It’s been a while,” he said.

In the silence that ensued, I could almost picture that particular moment, which happened not long ago but felt as if it had been ages since. We were also looking at each other back then, in that one spot in the unending Red Riding Hood Forest.



“Vanilla. You must have questions,” Aladdin had said back then. “Only despair awaits you down there, but here I can answer every question you might seek the answer to.”

“My Polaris, what do you mean?” I was intrigued by his phrasing, but also not fully in my senses to connect the dots. “I’m sorry, I... I have to go to the Underworld. I left… I left Wolfie down there…”

I shivered at the thought of Wolfie. Even though I had vague recollections of her death, my mind refused to believe it. I held the hopeless hope that only those walking the thin line between sanity and insanity could dare to hold onto.

Aladdin saw through my deficient facade of calmth, and grabbed both my shoulders when I tried to walk past him to reach the rabbit hole.

“Wolfie is dead, Vanilla. There’s nothing for you to do down there anymore.”

His words felt like shards that slit through my skin. I looked at Aladdin in the eye, but somehow I saw them out of focus even though we were but inches apart.

“That can’t… and my t-team. Wolfie told me our base was…”

“Yes, your base was infiltrated by the Everland Police,” he said. “Even now they’re looking for the few who escaped, including the leader Eterna. They don’t yet know you are, and they’re looking for evidence on every corner. It’s not long until they knock on your door and arrest you.”

My muscles and bones seemed to liquify, and it took me quite the effort to stand still.

“How could this happen?” I asked, and watched as Aladdin closed his eyes and let go of my shoulders.

“I won’t hide the truth from you,” he said. “I was a spy for the Everland Police. Jasmin and I teamed up to orchestrate your demise.”

“Huh?” I said, and almost laughed at the ridiculousness of the confession. “What are you saying, Aladdin. This must be a joke. This has to be a joke!”

However, when Aladdin did not add a single word to take back what he had said, the half-smile dropped from my face, and my body felt cold despite the sunny weather. I joined his silence, if only to understand everything that was going on right then. Never had I doubted his sincerity, never had I doubted his love for me, and that had been my grave mistake.

“So you’re telling me that you were making a fool of me the whole time?” I said, and as I spoke, I felt the anger building up in my head.

“No,” he replied. “I didn’t have intentions to do so. I only did what was right.”

I couldn’t contain myself after hearing that response, so I lunged forward to slap him, except that he dodged my hand. At the same time, I felt his fist making a hole on my stomach, which left me breathless. Before I lost consciousness, my eyes got one last look at the aggressor.


That was the last time I saw Aladdin.



Until now, when the stars of misfortune aligned once again to throw me back into my darkest nightmare.

“I had a feeling you had come looking for me with Jasmin,” I said to him, breathing deeply to try to contain my bloodthirst. His image started layering over the police officer who had shot Wolfie, and I was overwhelmed by the unforgettable sensation of a lifeless body weighing down on my arms. When Aladdin spoke next, I don’t think I was even listening.

“Yes, and now I’ve achieved my first goal,” Aladdin nodded. “When I bring you back to Everland, my job will be complete.”

“Like I’d give you that pleasure,” I shouted. My mind could not suppress my body any longer, and before I knew it I launched myself onto Aladdin’s throat. However, he moved his upper body on time, and I missed my mark. I landed on the floor, and instead of his throat I crushed snow in my fist.

“It’s a bad habit of yours to start a fight right as your head is heated and your thought process clouded,” he said. “Don’t you remember the last time we met? How easily I incapacitated you with a single blow to the stomach?”

I hadn’t even understood why I couldn’t remember anything after the pain on my stomach that time, but it made no difference to me nonetheless. Whether or not he had managed to beat me then was irrelevant to our fight now.

“I don’t need my thoughts slowing me,” I shouted. “You didn’t come looking for me. You came looking for your own death!”

So I started fighting with Aladdin, me taking the absolute offense and him the defense. His movements were quick, but not at my level. At one point I managed to yank his thick hair, and smacked his face against the brick wall of the building he had just exited. When he freed himself from my grasp, I tried taking advantage of his incoordination to sneak on him from behind. However, he read my move and used his elbow to strike my abdomen, winding me, much like he had done in the recent past. Still, his aim was not quite precise this time, so I was spared the embarrassment of losing consciousness once again. I recovered, or rather I started to take pleasure being in pain, and sent a kick flying to his chest, which he blocked with both arms.

“P-please stop,” I heard Shelly calling on us.

Gradually, people began gathering around our fight, and started meddling with us. They were adult men and women trying to make us stop, and they persisted in capturing me despite me directing some punches and kicks to them. Eventually they succeeded in their efforts, since four of them hugged me from all sides at once.

“Let go, damn it!” I tried shaking them off, but they were obviously heavier than me. I was pushed to the snowy ground, someone holding both of my arms to my back. When I tried to get rid of this person with my feet, another one or two came in to immobilize them as well.

I glanced at my opponent, and realized that no one held him down like they were doing with me. Aladdin walked up to me and crouched.

“It seems these people won’t allow us to continue fighting to the death,” he said.

“Why are they letting you free? They mustn’t know you’re an assassin,” I shouted, thinking that the people of Ametrine would then immobilize him. However, that didn’t happen.

“Don’t worry. I didn’t come here for the fight to end like this,” Aladdin added. “On the north of this mountain there is open space where we can spar in peace. Come prepared with your pokemon. I’ll be waiting.”

Come prepared with my pokemon? Did he catch and train pokemon just to defeat me and take me back to Everland? Those questions led to others that didn’t surface on my mind until he was out of sight. When did he arrive to Reborn anyways, and what was he doing in Ametrine City of all places? Was he here alone, or was he with Jasmin and the rest of the Everland Police?



The people released me and I dusted the snow off myself. The entire front side of my bubblegum dress was now a dark pink due to the snow melting on me. I swallowed my breath, for there was an instant there when my brain short-circuited and thought the dampness was due to blood... Someone slipping away and only leaving a trace of blood.

“Vanilla, um, do you need a hand?” Shelly asked and offered me a hand. It snapped me back to the cold snowy ground I was sitting on, and tried to laugh away the foolish vision I had. I accepted her hand to stand right back up, but almost fell back down when my legs failed to support me on the first try. I didn’t realize it until my anger subsided, but I felt light-headed. It was as if the world was slowly spiraling under my feet. I felt sick, but brushed off Shelly’s concerns. I imagined it was just due to the blood rushing down after an intense workout.

“You’re visitors, right?” asked one of the Ametrine citizens who approached us.

“Yes we are,” Shelly replied for me, since I was honestly not feeling like talking to anyone. I glanced at the middle-aged woman and remembered talking to her earlier. She had been one of the many who refused to give me any information on the Guardian Angels.

“I don’t think I’m alone in making you one request,” she said. “Please don’t hurt Aladdin. He has been with us all through these difficult times, and we have grown quite attached to him.”

“Lady, that man is a murderer,” I interjected because I felt the need to. “You all shouldn’t associate with a piece of scum like that.”

“We don’t know about the specifics that you seem to know, but that is not important to us, for now at least.”

I couldn’t help but snort. I was just telling her that her life and the life of all others in Ametrine were in danger, and she just shrugged it as if that didn’t matter at all.

The lady understood the meaning of my laugh and added, “We would be dead already if it weren’t for him. We owe him our lives.”

Suddenly a chill went down my spine, and the slight smile dropped from my face.

“You don’t mean…” I trailed because the mere thought was repulsive.

The woman looked around to makes sure no one was in the vicinity, and lowered her upper body to bring her face closer to both my and Shelly’s.

“Well, I don’t think there’ll be much harm in you knowing it, since it’s not like he has a strict caretaker like in another case,” she prefaced. “Aladdin is, indeed, one of the Guardian Angels that have been preventing our starvation.”


I sat down on a large rock to assimilate what the woman had told us, and at the same time digest everything that had happened in the last half-hour.

Shelly came back from inquiring the lady about the other angel’s caretaker, and notified me that she had refused to give any more information. I nodded with a blank expression. She then sat next to me and nervously asked me about Aladdin.

“Is he, um... an a-aquaintance from your h-home region?”

“Technically yes, but more like my misfortune personified,” I made an effort to reply. “In any case, a low life that deserves no introduction.”

“Is that so… and yet, um, he’s a Guardian A-”

“Stop,” I cut her off. “Don't be fooled. He wouldn’t do such thing unless he had an ulterior motive.”

I must’ve been making a horrible face, for Shelly shrunk her neck as she hadn’t done for a long time now.

“Sorry for scaring you,” I apologized. “I know that I’m volatile right now. I wasn’t expecting to meet him here, and seeing him has made me remember too many things that disturb my conscience.”

“No, it’s okay,” Shelly replied quietly. “I, um, think you need some time alone. Um, I’ll be w-waiting in the Pokemon Center.”

I didn’t stop her, and in all honesty, I was glad that Shelly read my mind. I definitely needed a timeout so I could organize my thoughts and return to my usual calmth.

I looked down at my shoes as I tried to pull back the nausea that threatened to climb up my esophagus. The more I tried to push the nightmare to the back of my mind, the more it insisted on being released. I grasped my head and pulled my hair in frustration. Closing my eyes only made it worse. The intermittent flashbacks from the gunshots and Wolfie’s death haunted me as they hadn’t done for a good while now. I could almost see her sliding down from me, and the ever-growing puddle of blood. Everything was too jumbled up to know what was going on.

The sensation of a warm cloth rubbing against my neck brought me back from the nightmares. For the first time since I sat there, I noticed the cold wind which chilled my body covered in sweat. I rubbed my face, and realized I had unwittingly cried. I lifted my heavy arm to see what the warm cloth was, and my hand was welcomed by Pikachu’s friendly headbutt. I hadn’t paid attention that he had remained by my side even after Shelly went to the Center.

I gently caught him in my hands and placed him on my thighs. My eyes went to the fake head first, but remembering that his real eyes are on the bottom half of his body, I shifted my gaze.

“I think my mind is weaker than I want to admit,” I sniffled. “It always pushes the ugly memories to where I can’t reach them. So that I don’t find myself in a constant breakdown. So that I can continue acting out the tough leader of the Defiance.”

I paused to try to slow down my breathing rate and hydrate my mouth.

“But these triggers… I can’t avoid them. I’m not ready to face Aladdin yet. One thing is knowing and another is believing. For now… I want to hide within the illusion, which being away from Everland provides, of the hopeless hope* that Aladdin came to steal from me.”




* gentle reminder so y'all don't get bamboozled by my subpar writing: hopeless hope in this instance refers to the same phrase coined earlier in this episode, "Even though I had vague recollections of her death, my mind refused to believe it. I held the hopeless hope [of her still being alive] that only those walking the thin line between sanity and insanity could dare to hold onto."



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Omg! Are you somehow going to redo the final arc of the Ametrine saga?! Vanilla VS Alladin!? Maybe even Vanilla VS Blake AND Alladin?! Or double battle! Vanilla/Shelly VS Blake/Alladin! What?! WHAT?!!!??!?!?!?!?!?!??!!? Btw, if you can't tell, I'm now double interested into the story now.

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  On 1/27/2019 at 3:08 AM, J-Awesome_One said:

Omg! Are you somehow going to redo the final arc of the Ametrine saga?! Vanilla VS Alladin!? Maybe even Vanilla VS Blake AND Alladin?! Or double battle! Vanilla/Shelly VS Blake/Alladin! What?! WHAT?!!!??!?!?!?!?!?!??!!? Btw, if you can't tell, I'm now double interested into the story now.


Let's say there will be chaos in the mountain xD But I think the turn of events that I'm planning will make sense given the amount of character development I devoted for Shelly.

I'm glad you're enjoying the story portion of the run even when there aren't cool battle videos haha

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  On 1/27/2019 at 3:25 AM, Candy said:

Let's say there will be chaos in the mountain xD But I think the turn of events that I'm planning will make sense given the amount of character development I devoted for Shelly.

I'm glad you're enjoying the story portion of the run even when there aren't cool battle videos haha


Not every episode needs a Pokemon battle. And if you think about it, we did have a battle! WITH FISTS! BETWEEN BOY AND GIRL/MAN AND WOMAN! (I totally forgot their ages)

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  On 1/27/2019 at 2:36 AM, Candy said:

Yes, and now I’ve achieved my first goal (which was to find you)


Uh maybe it's because I don't read a lot of books but is Aladdin saying or thinking this part?
And please I think we can remember something written at the beginning of the same episode. 

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  On 1/27/2019 at 9:14 AM, Corso said:

Uh maybe it's because I don't read a lot of books but is Aladdin saying or thinking this part?
And please I think we can remember something written at the beginning of the same episode. 


No, it's actually a note i made for me to remember what he meant lol forgot to delete that parenthesis oof

I figured y'all would remember something from the beginning of the episode but I thought you might not have paid attention to that and then be confused as to wtf the hope was xD

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  On 1/27/2019 at 10:48 AM, GenEric said:

aladdin just gonna fight with vanilla since candy doesnt have the time to write scripts :fufu:


You're not wrong 😢 Q-Jei may have been blessed with script editing skills but I'm as illiterate as hoomans can get rip not that I need it because a Vanilla+Shelly vs Blake+Aladdin fight wouldn't make sense due to Aladdin not being involved with Team Meteor (and Blake prolly hates him for feeding the Ametrine citizens anyway lol).

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That’s quite an interesting plot twist! So, Aladdin is a traitor and had played a major role in Vanilla’s team dismantling... I don’t like his manners at all. Hopefully, Vanilla will go to him again and beat him as he deserves. The Ametrine season is getting more exciting than expected!


Nice episode by the way 🙂


  On 1/27/2019 at 2:01 PM, Candy said:

You're not wrong 😢 Q-Jei may have been blessed with script editing skills but I'm as illiterate as hoomans can get rip not that I need it because a Vanilla+Shelly vs Blake+Aladdin fight wouldn't make sense due to Aladdin not being involved with Team Meteor (and Blake prolly hates him for feeding the Ametrine citizens anyway lol).


Thank you for the compliment! By tinkering with Reborn’s PBS file and seeing how to add Pokemon & custom trainers, you can do wonderful things, I can confirm that! For my part, If I could have got some of your skills in uploading tempo in return, it would have probably been the best deal I would have done so far ^^

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  On 1/28/2019 at 7:26 AM, Q-Jei said:

That’s quite an interesting plot twist! So, Aladdin is a traitor and had played a major role in Vanilla’s team dismantling... I don’t like his manners at all. Hopefully, Vanilla will go to him again and beat him as he deserves. The Ametrine season is getting more exciting than expected!


Nice episode by the way 🙂


Thank you for the compliment! By tinkering with Reborn’s PBS file and seeing how to add Pokemon & custom trainers, you can do wonderful things, I can confirm that! For my part, If I could have got some of your skills in uploading tempo in return, it would have probably been the best deal I would have done so far ^^


"skills in uploading tempo"

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the only reason this part of the story is getting uploaded more often is that I literally have been cooking this part of the plot for months now. usually I have to imagine what happens in an episode just before I start writing, which takes time... and not to mention I'm not always in the mood for writing 😛 if I didn't have an exam and a presentation later this week, I'd totes write the next episode right now haha

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  • 2 weeks later...

tumblr_lp0mal7AcQ1qg3clto1_250.gifFrom Everland to Reborn ~ Episode 54tumblr_lp0mal7AcQ1qg3clto1_250.gif

Behold, the most filler-ish episode in the history of filler-ish episodes, maybe ever! Enjoy a jelly-filled doughnut episode on me 🍙


Once I was stable again, I went to the Pokemon Center to get Shelly. However, I didn’t find her there. She had left right after arriving according to Nurse Joy, so I went out looking for her, judging she shouldn’t have left the proximity of the Center. As expected, I found her nearby, talking to a boy on the skating rink. She parted ways with him before I could reach her.


“Um, I hope you’re feeling better,” she said.

“I am, don’t worry.”

“Before I forget,” she said, taking out a piece of paper. “I found this and t-thought you might want it.”

She handed the paper to me. I took it and read the writing, which said “Battle Pass: Gravity” in golden bold letters.

“This is for battling one of the Agate clowns, if I remember correctly.”

“I think they’re, um, performers.”

“Same thing,” I shrugged, casually remembering their banters and innuendos. “What were you talking about with the boy?”

“Ah, yes, um, so I was thinking about Heather and putting the p-pieces together. Cain told us that Heather had been taken into the care of, um, Blake, and the w-woman earlier told us that the other, um, Guardian Angel had a strict caretaker. Right now, the boy confirmed to me that the caretaker’s name is Blake!”

“So my conjecture was right,” I wondered aloud. “And do you know where we can find Blake?”

“He didn’t tell me because he feared, um, we might tell him about Heather being the Guardian Angel. I don’t know why, but I get the impression that, um, Blake wouldn’t want Heather helping the Ametrine citizens. Even though the boy told me he is an ex-Gym leader.”

“Is that so? Sounds like a jerk,” I said, and saying that aloud instantly sparked the image of an individual in my mind. “It might’ve been that man… the one with blue hair and a smug attitude.”

Shelly batted her eyes, but soon after her face lightened up.

“Yes... yes, it’s him! I’m really dumb for not putting two and two earlier. No wonder he reminded me of Cal… uh, s-someone I know.”

I remembered Cal, for even though time had passed without a sign of him, he had been protagonist in one of the most impactful scenes since I’d come to the Reborn region.

“I know Cal,” I said. “And now that you mention it, Blake shares similar features with him.”

“Y-you know him? You know Cal?”

“Yes, and in fact he vaguely alluded to the acquaintance with you and how it ended.”


Shelly didn't look very happy to know that Cal had told me about her. However, there was one thing I wanted to confirm. It was something I had supposed to be true when I met Cal at the top of Pyrous Mountain.

“It was him I reminded you of, back then when we had just met, wasn’t it?”

Shelly looked downward and her long bangs hid her eyes, but I could still discern a slight nodding motion.

“Um… Cal and I used to be f-friends,” she said. “But I said stupid things, and, um, angered him. I just forgot t-that not everyone sees the world like I do, and so not everyone will, um, admire their older sibling like I do.”

“If we always saw things through the eyes of everyone, it might save us unnecessary disputes, but it would be quite taxing on the human brain. Don’t chastise yourself, since he’s equally at fault. If he saw things how you see them, he wouldn’t have gotten angry about your supposedly insensitive comment.”

“I’m just scared, just scared of angering people. That’s why, um, you reminded me of Cal. That is, b-because you always seemed to be... please don’t get mad at me... in a foul mood. You both had that aura… how should I describe it... as if you’d lost sight of your way, and were just, um, ambulating through life.”

Shelly was trembling with nervousness, so much so that when I stretched a hand in her direction, she winced thinking that I might punch or slap her. I only placed my hand on her shoulder in an effort to calm her down.

“You aren’t wrong,” I admitted. “Ambulating through life sounds fitting, actually. Ever since I left Everland, ever since I lost my compass, my guide, I’ve only done what I had to do to take my mind off of some traumatic events. In fact, my aim to become stronger and overthrow Everland’s Queen may be nothing more than an attempt to wash my conscience of what really can’t be amended.”

“I don’t want to remind you of, um, traumatic things you don’t want to remember,” Shelly whispered.

“It’s alright. Aladdin already opened that Pandora’s box for you. After that incident and my other slip ups, I don’t think much imagination is needed to conclude that many died under my command, in large part thanks to Aladdin but also because of my lack of foresight. Many people important to me,” I said. “And I could tell you the A through Z of the drama right now, but I’m seeing Blake going into a building right now. I think that’s a more pressing matter.”

I pointed at the blue-haired man walking with exaggerated movement of his upper body. He proceeded, by coincidence, into the building that Aladdin had exited from earlier that day.


I waved to Shelly without a word and ran over to the building. We asked the lady at the front desk about the floor Blake lived in, lying that we had business with him, and she told us that he lived in the penthouse.

When we got there, we found Blake already sitting on the floor playing video games. We entered his apartment, and he didn’t even as much as glance our way. I made way for Shelly to pass, since I figured she should be the one to confront Blake after she went the extra mile to find the whereabouts of her friend. She hesitated for a moment, but then walked up to Blake with uneven steps.

“Um, ugh, Blake? You’re Blake, right? Um, we know y-you’re looking after Heather,” she said. “C-can you tell us where she is?”

A couple of seconds of silence ensued, and then Blake replied with a lazy “uh-huh”. That was it. Shelly waited a few more seconds, but seeing as Blake was not talking, insisted upon the matter.


“So, then, um, could you, uh, please tell me now?”


I waited a few more seconds until I stepped in. I walked to the TV and switched it off.

“Hey, what’s that for? And what the fuck are you doing in my apartment?”

“You left the door open. All we had to do was take the elevator.”

“And you came in just because you could, huh? Sounds like criminal behavior.”

“Don’t want to hear that from someone who’s abusing a little girl,” I shrugged. “Now, tell us where Heather is, before I snap.”

“Wow scary! Skinny girl in a pink dress,” Blake raised both of his hands up in an exaggerated fashion. “What are you going to do to me? Turn me into cotton candy?”

“Don’t try me.”

I was inches from losing it and starting the fight, especially since I was starting to see Aladdin’s odious face superimposed onto Blake’s. However, Shelly took the lead of the conversation in order to steer it away from violence.

“No please. Let's just t-talk. Yes, talking is good.”

Blake stood up from the cushion and stretched his upper body.

“Fine. Look, there’s no need to mince words here. We already know what sides we’re each on, so let me make you a deal,” he said. “Get me the Ruby Ring, and I’ll tell you where Heather is.”


“The Ruby Ring? Why, you’re one of Team Meteor, aren’t you?” I exclaimed. Suddenly, it all made sense as to why he didn’t want Heather giving out food to the Ametrine people. Team Meteor had blocked their trade route so they would starve, and this guy must have been tasked to see that their objective was crystalized.

“Surprise surprise,” Blake shrugged with the same frivolous tone. “So what do you say, deal?”

“Hell no,” I replied, remembering Charlotte’s recommendation of not giving into the enemy’s terms.

“Eh, but Vanilla. We have to f-find Heather, and he’s the only one who can t-tell us.”

“She’s right, you know,” Blake added. “But ya know what. I’ll throw in an extra prize for you. Here.”

He took out a disk from his pocket, and raised it high for both of us to see it clearly.

“This is the TM for Waterfall. As you can imagine, you can climb and descend waterfalls with it. You were looking for this, isn’t that right?”

“I don’t know, was I?” I asked with absolute honesty.

“Um, Vanilla. R-remember, um, that waterfall… The girl with the red hair, um, and a steel arm.”

Indeed, suddenly Titania’s poker face flashed on the back of my mind. The whole ordeal with Aya getting captured, looking for Heather and Agate’s sleeping signal up here in Ametrine, and then crossing paths with Aladdin had all made me forget that Titania had likely been stuck down the waterfall for days.

“Way to go, kid. Say what now? Deal or no deal?”

“Still a no deal from me,” I replied.

“Please don’t say that. Please, Vanilla,” Shelly begged me, and I felt a tiny stinging feeling in my chest.

“Shelly, Team Meteor has been after the Ruby Ring, which really is Heather’s. I’ve only been guarding it because a certain annoying dragon woman thought it’d keep her sisters safe if I did. It worked in my favor as well, so I’ve been doing just that. If I give this brat the ring, he won’t have any reason to tell us where Heather is... and they might kill Aya.”

The last bit of my speech surprised even myself. To think that I was now basing my decisions on the life or death of someone outside my Defiance team! However, it should have been obvious all along. I may have started this fight against Team Meteor when Florinia proposed it to me as an efficient way to train up a team of Pokemon as my new team of the Defiance, but somewhere down the path my goals intertwined with that of the Gym leaders who wanted to protect their region from the terrorists. I wondered if Florinia had tricked me, knowing from the very beginning that I would eventually have no choice than to care for the people I was fighting with. If that was the case, I knew not whether to fear Team Meteor’s leaders or Florinia the most. Thankfully, it had been quite a while since I saw her last, and I didn’t look forward to falling for her manipulation anytime soon.

“Oh, and by the way, I got Heather locked up in a small hut without heating, if that helps change your mind,” Blake said, bringing me back to the moment.

“How could you do that! You’re awful for making Heather, um, suffer like that,” Shelly cried. “Please Vanilla. I don’t want Heather to d-die… the cold up here is h-harsh. Please.”

With Shelly in tears begging as if it were her own life that depended on it, I just could not keep my cool. I was ashamed of my weakness, but I also considered that we could still take the ring back sometime later. Even though it gave me no pleasure to remember, it was also somewhat of a consolation that wherever he was, Radomus was keeping the Amethyst Pendant, and he was on our side, as far as I knew. Aya’s life would perhaps still be spared as long as the pendant did not fall into Team Meteor’s hands.

“Deal. Give me Waterfall and tell me where you have Heather, I’ll give you the ring,” I sighed.

“You have it here right now?”

I took the ring out of my bag and showed it to him.

“I see. I’d been told that the fire bitch had it, but guess their report was wrong,” Blake shrugged, and then added as an afterthought, “Ah, that was probably vague. I meant the fire bitch that isn’t related to me.”

“Don’t call C-Cal or Charlotte like that,” Shelly said, in as angry a tone she could produce.

“Whatever. Here, have the TM. Give me the ring.”

We exchanged items simultaneously, and I blocked the way to the exit so he wouldn’t dare escape on us until he told us Heather’s whereabouts.

“Heather’s down a secret path,” he said, pressing one of the buttons on his game controller, which automatically slid a shelf sideways to reveal the way. “That’s all folks. Now get out of my way.”

I allowed him to pass, and he pressed the elevator’s button.

“One more thing,” I said, remembering Agate’s sleeping signal a little too late. “Where’s the origin of the sleep signal? We know it’s in Ametrine.”

“My job here’s done, and if you really want to know, I frankly don’t know or care about any of that,” he said. “I take orders from Team Meteor, I execute them. I don’t care what others are ordered to do or what the group's ultimate goals are. They’re all a bunch of nutjobs anyway.”

The elevator came, and Blake disappeared from out sight. I knew asking him about the signal would accomplish nothing, but it was worth a shot given how lazy he was.

“Well, I guess you got what you wanted,” I told Shelly. “Let’s set your friend free.”



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I hope it was at least a yummy doughnut! Also, linking those events (Florinia convincing Vanilla to fight Team Meteor, Cal talking about Shelly on Pyrous Mountain) almost brought me to tears. It's been so long since I started this story, and it makes me happy to see how far we've come story-wise and character-development-wise. Thanks to all who reads this because although I'd write the story because I care for it, it also gives me strength to keep it up 😄



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  On 2/10/2019 at 7:49 AM, J-Awesome_One said:

I was totally expecting Vanilla to not give the ring to Blake no matter what but that's surprising she did. Again, as always, you've done a great job on this. 🙂


I was highkey forced to do it because if you choose not to give the ring, Blake takes the ring from you like he was taking candy away from a child. So I asked, "which is more improbable: Vanilla getting the ring robbed by Blake, or Vanilla giving him the ring because of Shelly's nagging?" And I replied, "Vanilla would break Blake's nose before he could try to steal the ring from her, so that ain't happening bruh." Hence why I made Shelly extra-adamant about giving him the ring xD

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  On 2/10/2019 at 7:56 AM, Candy said:

I was highkey forced to do it because if you choose not to give the ring, Blake takes the ring from you like he was taking candy away from a child. So I asked, "which is more improbable: Vanilla getting the ring robbed by Blake, or Vanilla giving him the ring because of Shelly's nagging?" And I replied, "Vanilla would break Blake's nose before he could try to steal the ring from her, so that ain't happening bruh." Hence why I made Shelly extra-adamant about giving him the ring xD


Ok. That makes sense. Honestly, I thought he was gonna sneakily steal it from them when the 2 were talking to each other what to do.

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  On 2/10/2019 at 7:56 AM, Candy said:

I was highkey forced to do it because if you choose not to give the ring, Blake takes the ring from you like he was taking candy away from a child. So I asked, "which is more improbable: Vanilla getting the ring robbed by Blake, or Vanilla giving him the ring because of Shelly's nagging?" And I replied, "Vanilla would break Blake's nose before he could try to steal the ring from her, so that ain't happening bruh." Hence why I made Shelly extra-adamant about giving him the ring xD


Looks like Vanilla's not getting the Shiny charm anytime soon. 😛 

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  On 2/10/2019 at 7:24 PM, SilverHelio said:

Looks like Vanilla's not getting the Shiny charm anytime soon. 😛 


I mean it's not like she catches any new Pokemon in the region. I mean, even Pikachu AKA Mimikyu isn't technically owned by her. Unless I missed a scene where she used a Pokeball on it.

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  On 2/10/2019 at 7:32 PM, J-Awesome_One said:

I mean it's not like she catches any new Pokemon in the region. I mean, even Pikachu AKA Mimikyu isn't technically owned by her. Unless I missed a scene where she used a Pokeball on it.


This thread, before being a cheesy story about an edgy teen, it's a themed play through and I'm only allowed to use the 12 mons I (with y'all's voting help) chose in the beginning. Vanilla thought it'd add to her challenge, and also thought developing a bond with a set number of mons would make her team stronger than say, if she trained 100 mons. As you said, even Pikachu isn't technically her pokemon, hence why she doesn't control his actions (when he fights, he fights on his own accord, not because Vanilla ordered him to).

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  On 2/10/2019 at 7:49 PM, Candy said:

This thread, before being a cheesy story about an edgy teen, it's a themed play through and I'm only allowed to use the 12 mons I (with y'all's voting help) chose in the beginning. Vanilla thought it'd add to her challenge, and also thought developing a bond with a set number of mons would make her team stronger than say, if she trained 100 mons. As you said, even Pikachu isn't technically her pokemon, hence why she doesn't control his actions (when he fights, he fights on his own accord, not because Vanilla ordered him to).


But if she were to command it to use a move, would it listen to her?

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  On 2/10/2019 at 8:04 PM, J-Awesome_One said:

But if she were to command it to use a move, would it listen to her?


Yeah Pikachu wouldn't have an issue with that, but she considers him more like a friend / moral support than a fighting pokemon. So she'll likely only use her own pokemon if she wants to make a command. In Vanilla's mind she has a distinction between teammates (the people she led back in Everland, and her pokemon team) and friends (Wolfie, Shelly, Pikachu).

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