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From Everland to Reborn ~ A fairytale themed run [Last defeated: Amaria]


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  On 2/24/2019 at 12:12 AM, J-Awesome_One said:

Girl... You don't have Accelrock on your Lycanroc?! I watched the video before I read the rest of the plot. I thought you lost when I saw the last 2 Pokemon! I literally yelled out "Omg! She don't have Accelrock! She gonna looooose!" But I have to say, this is probably 1 of my favorite episodes of this whole story. But I seriously can't wait to see what happens next.


Lycanroc is fast boi fam why should I get accelerocc on it? xD honestly I was surprised by how strong Aladdin's mons were, but I guess it's like me vs me because I was fighting as both Aladdin and Vanilla on this one haha I'm glad you liked this episode cause I wasn't sure the dialogue's progression was making sense 😛

Idk if I mentioned it to you but making the video of Vanilla vs Aladdin was the creative stuff I wanted to make for a good while now haha

And did you notice how I ended the episode on a yuge cliffhanger?

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  On 2/24/2019 at 2:17 AM, SilverHelio said:

😿 This chapter is beautiful


Pikachu's as adorable as ever I see~


I'm kinda surprised to see a video of Vanilla vs Aladdin. They're level 100 owo

And Candy-sama, doin me a cliff hanger I see, with Shelly's fight. Tsk tsk tsk.


It's the Online Play battle function so they set the levels to 100 by default 😅 

but fun fact: I actually played as Aladdin with these mons up to Ametrine City where he would have a showdown with Vanilla (even though in the story he didn't manage to beat Aya, gave up on the League and flew up to Ametrine to continue his search of Vanilla).

That type of cliffhanger but also a literal cliffhanger since they're standing on a mountain which has one side that is pretty much a cliff 🤣

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I believe Candy made some specific moves to make the battle more interesting (aka not sending Lycanroc against Articuno immediately). That little moment when she was almost using Fake Out might have been orchestrated as well, or maybe it happened during the battle and then Candy decided to include it in the story.

  On 2/24/2019 at 12:44 AM, Candy said:

Lycanroc is fast boi fam why should I get accelerocc on it?


Girl you always need priority in Reborn
You should have watched my videos, where my Aqua Jet Primarina has won a good number of battles

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  On 2/24/2019 at 9:55 AM, Corso said:

I believe Candy made some specific moves to make the battle more interesting (aka not sending Lycanroc against Articuno immediately). That little moment when she was almost using Fake Out might have been orchestrated as well, or maybe it happened during the battle and then Candy decided to include it in the story.

Girl you always need priority in Reborn
You should have watched my videos, where my Aqua Jet Primarina has won a good number of battles


TBH I did the battle first, and made a narrative based on it. I really expected Anna to one shot articuno because it had ~4 EV in HP and 0 EV on special defense, in addition to drought, lack of snowy mountain field and STAB heat wave. Yet it worked out in the end because Wolfie was the last one standing. Sometimes I be lucky like that haha

and yea I did have aqua jet on my primarina too, because it's a very slow mon. Half of my team at this point is EV trained, including Wolfie so his speed is fast as hecc. I do change movesets from time to time, so if it happens that Wolfie gets outsped, I'll get accelerocc on him 😄

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  • 2 weeks later...

tumblr_lp0mal7AcQ1qg3clto1_250.gifFrom Everland to Reborn ~ Episode 57tumblr_lp0mal7AcQ1qg3clto1_250.gif


Blake continued to send Team Meteor grunts to battle me as he walked toward the peak of Ametrine Mountain with little to no signs of haste. It may have just been that lack of haste, or his form of walking- the unnaturally bold movement of his shoulders on each step he took- but it gave me an impression that he was the type to be confident and self-important. For that I envied him, for I could never have such attributes.

When I made it to the top of the mountain, my stock of healing items had been cut in half from all the battles I had to endure. Blake was standing there, watching as the helicopter struggled to approach the peak, thanks to the interference from Heather and Cal.

“Seems like your little friends pitched in to give me a headache,” Blake said, shaking his head. “Welp and here I thought I was the untrustworthy dealmaker. Solaris was dumb thinking that you'd keep your side of the bargain if I gave you the Waterfall TM.”

“I-it's not like we wanted to b-back on our, um, deal. Er, Heather. Yes, Heather wants it, s-so we're helping her.”

Blake laughed at my blatant lie.

“You're funny, little girl. But unfortunately, I'm not going to keep playing games with you. Let's see what your punny bugs can do against me.”



The battle was evidently rough from the start, given that I led with Noel and Heather, both bug/flying types, while Blake sent out mamoswine (ground/ice) and gyarados (water/flying). I was definitely in the disadvantage, not only because of type match ups, but also because of the boost in ice type moves which the cold and snow that surrounded us offered Blake's ice types. As I supposed, Noel fainted on the first turn just with an Ice Shard. Luckily, I told Heather to protect herself, so I didn’t have a double KO on turn one.

Every step, every choice was a game of gambling against the odds. One mistake could mean the end. It saddened me deeply that while everyone from our group was giving their all to recover the Ruby Ring, which had been taken from us because of my insistence, I could not pull my weight and would let the guy with the ring slip away when he was right in front of my noses.

But how to win, in the face of so much disadvantage? How to win, when I’m barely a mediocre battler?

My thoughts were thus engaged, when there was a sudden addition to our party. It was Pikachu, Vanilla’s mimikyu.

Pikachu was holding a leather-cover book, but he didn’t seem to have come all the way here for me to read it. He was jumping and squeaking, sometimes waving his dark amorphous arms in the air.

“Pikachu, d-did you come to cheer f-for me?”

A nod of his cloth head affirmed it. The thought that Vanilla might have been the one to send her partner for that purpose crossed my mind, and it almost brought me to tears.

“Thank you,” I said. “I won’t let Vanilla down.”

Even if there was just a 1% chance that my strategy would work, I had to do it. If it didn’t work, I would improvise a new strategy. I just… I had to do my best!

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The battle was over, and I couldn’t believe I had won. I’d had so much stress that my legs wobbled, and I almost slipped on the snow.

“Impressive, I must say,” Blake said. “But whatever. My ride is almost here, and I’m going to get the fuck out of here.”

“What? But I w-won the battle,” I said.

“Do I look like I care? Get close to me, and I won’t hold back just because you’re a minor,” he said. “As your friend said, anything is allowed in war.”

I hesitated. Blake’s angry face reminded me of Cal’s, when he slapped my face. It’d hurt.

At that precise moment, the ground shook, and I fell to the floor. At the moment, I thought it was an earthquake or an explosion, but a little after, I managed to prop myself up to see that the other side of the mountain was breaking away and falling down.

With a bad premonition creeping in my chest, I looked down the mountain, and spotted two people running towards the cliff.


A few seconds must have elapsed between the moment we saw the snow on the top of the mountain crumble, and the moment we became aware of what that meant for our safety.

I instinctively grabbed Aladdin’s arm and started running to the other side of the mountain where Ametrine City was, but before we could pass, a thick streak of sliding snow cut us off. I glanced to the other side, and that was seconds before we realized we were locked to our doom. The wall of snow was quickly approaching, and we had nowhere else to run but down the cliff.

How we were going to run down the cliff was to be determined, but there was no time to ponder idly.

Hence we ran to the cliff, which had one large protruding rock. Looking down, we saw a forest that extended to pretty much the horizon, but I judged we were way too high up to make the fall alive.

With quick judgement, I yanked a green leaf-shaped crystal from my dress, and stretched my bubblegum dress’ hem as much as the time allowed. Then, I fixed the loose end to the rock using the crystal.

“Get ready to jump,” I told Aladdin.

He was confused by the suggestion, but I grabbed his waist and pushed us off the cliff before he could open his mouth. He did open it, however, to let out an echo-amplified scream.

We swung from side to side as a pendulum, but I witnessed that the snow reached the cliff with so much momentum that it formed an arch as it fell down to the forest below. Hence the snow didn’t touch us, and we kept swinging until our path started becoming irregular due to the wind and hit the cliffside with full force. I almost dropped Aladdin because of the impact, but I managed to hold onto one of his arms as we now swung and rotated simultaneously.

At last, we came to a stop, but I felt dizzy with all the movement.

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“Aladdin, give me your other hand,” I said, since my grip on the one arm was starting to slip.

“I thought you wanted me dead,” he responded, not budging his arm.

I didn’t notice until he mentioned it, but he had a point. What in the world was I doing saving the life of my nemesis? This was my chance to obtain revenge on him. I just had to open my hand and let it slip…

“I’ll have you dead, but not like this,” I said, tightening my grip on his wrist. “Give me your other arm, damn it!”

Aladdin still didn’t oblige.

“You won the battle. You deserve the prize you wanted,” he said. “I have nothing else I can offer.”

With that, he bent the arm I was holding, and bit my hand so suddenly and strongly that I released my grip in reflex.

I saw the hand move away from me, and I reached for it with my left, then my right hand, but my speed could not compete against gravity. I saw Aladdin close his eyes and fall to his end, but I couldn’t watch past the moment I knew I could not save him. I shrunk to a ball, still hanging from the rock, and closed my eyes tightly shut.

“That didn’t happen just now,” I said to myself.


I don’t know how many minutes passed since then, but I woke again when I heard Shelly’s voice calling my name. I used the dress’ extension as a rope to climb back to the protruding rock that pretty much saved our- my life. Shelly and Cal helped me up the cliff, and I dislodged the green crystal from the rock, which caused it to crumble into dust that flew away with the wind.

Shelly at me with a questioning look, which I imagined was tied to Aladdin’s absence. Instead of talking about him, I pretended to misunderstand her look for curiosity about the leaf-shaped crystal that had just vanished to thin air. I showed her the three remaining crystals on my traditional dress, and attempted to keep a facade of nonchalance.

“They’re single-time use hard candies. Ugh, once they’re nailed into a surface, they won’t dislodge until I touch them.”

But that was all I could say, because I was exhausted. Not only because of the mental exhaustion that Aladdin brought upon me, but also because the blood gushing down to my feet after being accumulated on my head wasn’t a particularly pleasant feeling.

Cal, who was taller than me, volunteered to lend me a shoulder on which to support myself as we walked back to the Pokemon Center. I said I didn’t need treatment, but they insisted on Nurse Joy checking a light scrape I received on my arm when Aladdin and I hit the cliffside wall. It turned out that wasn’t a bad idea at all, because at least it allowed me to sit down and wait for my sight to stabilize.


“What happened with Blake?” I asked Shelly, but the question was meant for everyone in general.

Heather triumphantly raised the Ruby Ring.

“Shelly beat him in battle! Then, Cal and I flew close to the peak and pushed the jerk side to side until the ring fell out from his pocket and I caught it before it even hit the floor,” she explained. “Then he ran off on the helicopter like the coward he is.”

“And I asked him about the, um, sleeping signal again, but the helicopter took off before he could r-respond. Sorry.”

“He’d probably not give us reliable information anyway,” I said. “Good job on winning the battle against Blake.”

Shelly smiled a little, but also seemed embarrassed by my comment.

“May I ask what sleeping signal you’re referring to?” Cal asked.

“Right, you used to be one of them. Team Meteor apparently has a PULSE or something up on this mountain that is emitting a signal that has put the people of Agate City asleep.”

“But we, um, inspected I think everywhere here but, we didn’t find anything like that,” Shelly added.

“Well, if you want my honest opinion, I don’t think anything has been set up here,” Cal said with a stern face. “They made plans, but it was discarded because the weather isn’t optimal for a machine to be out in the open on the long-term.”

“Eh, but how can that be?” Shelly sighed. “Terra said she definitely found the signal coming from here.”

“Terra, you say?” Cal said. “She lied to you. She’s part of Team Meteor.”

“What are you talking about?” I retorted. One thing was to assume Terra had made a mistake in reading the data from the computer, with her leet skills and all. Another entirely different thing was to accuse her of being Team Meteor. She, of all people?

“I know it can seem farfetched, but you have to trust me on this,” Cal insisted. “I didn’t meet her personally, but I heard quite a lot of talk from other grunts. They said she was an obnoxious pain in the neck to deal with.”

“They wouldn’t be wrong about that,” I commented. “Pray, continue.”

“She started out as a general grunt, but ever since Lin took over Team Meteor, she’s been getting promotions. Or at least she was, I’m not sure what happened with her after I left.”

“If that’s the kind of people that get promotions, it might be best to let Team Meteor destroy itself from within,” I smirked.

“Don’t underestimate her, though. She may have the craziest persona, but her skills in hacking are unparalleled.”

“Alright then. Shall we get going back to Agate Circus?” I asked Shelly.

“Wait, can you help me move the food Blake stole back to the storage facility? I would do it myself, but I think it’d take me ages.”

“Sure thing,” Cal said.

I agreed to help out too, because working while trying to look collected in front of the three others was just what I needed to take my mind off of the incident with Aladdin. Yet, I reminded myself that I didn’t have much time to waste. The disk that would allow me to head down the large waterfall was weighing in my bag and the back of my conscience, and I still needed Terra’s Gym badge in order to use it.



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Also, I used my hopefully improved spriting skillz to make a hopefully better Vanilla sprite. Hope you like it~




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Now that's what I call an ending (to this chapter, of course)

I'm so glad we got to see Shelly put the beat down on Blake. I-It's not like she wouldn't win, it's more like I'm glad he didn't do anything physical. Hau dare Cal slap her in the past >:O


I'm so proud of you Candy-sama, you've gotten so far in this magnificent story and that sprite is looking pretty dang good~ 

Now I really want to see how Vanilla gets through the Gaunlet battles and how you may or may not reword that story part to accommodate FEtR

And her interactions with Lin at Agate City


Is that really it for Aladdin? (The person, not Medicham 😅)


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I was SO confused at the beginning. I was like "why is Vanilla so shy all of a sudden?" And then I saw that it was Shelly and it all made sense. This honestly is probably my favorite episode just because of that. It was great seeing Shelly beat down Blake. (Even though he kind of beat himself up with that Surfing Walrein) Great episode! And yes. The sprite looks awesomely awesome!

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  On 3/5/2019 at 5:22 AM, SilverHelio said:

Now that's what I call an ending (to this chapter, of course)

I'm so glad we got to see Shelly put the beat down on Blake. I-It's not like she wouldn't win, it's more like I'm glad he didn't do anything physical. Hau dare Cal slap her in the past >:O


I'm so proud of you Candy-sama, you've gotten so far in this magnificent story and that sprite is looking pretty dang good~ 

Now I really want to see how Vanilla gets through the Gaunlet battles and how you may or may not reword that story part to accommodate FEtR

And her interactions with Lin at Agate City


Is that really it for Aladdin? (The person, not Medicham 😅)



Blake did suggest he wouldn't hesitate tho cause he a jerk 😛 I'm shook that I'm almost reaching the end of E14 wow time flies.

Is that really it? Answer: who knows? at least you don't. muwahahaha but seriously how could someone survive a free fall from a mountain? there's also the fact that Vanilla didn't "see" the fall so the readers might never know lol


  On 3/5/2019 at 5:26 AM, J-Awesome_One said:

I was SO confused at the beginning. I was like "why is Vanilla so shy all of a sudden?" And then I saw that it was Shelly and it all made sense. This honestly is probably my favorite episode just because of that. It was great seeing Shelly beat down Blake. (Even though he kind of beat himself up with that Surfing Walrein) Great episode! And yes. The sprite looks awesomely awesome!


If the tone of shyness was obvious, then I might be doing something right haha Glad you liked the episode of Shelly's peak contribution (also pun intended since she's on the peak of the mountain). Shelly vs Blake's battle took me a while to win cause it ain't easy getting all those Detects without failing and not getting crits in the same battle. Like Nexus would say, I was like "this is the run!"


  On 3/5/2019 at 8:00 AM, GenEric said:

ooh did u change the files for shellys battle

so good to see blakes ass getting kicked by cinnamon roll


This smol candy got me some mons and trained them to appropriate level, then changed to Shelly's sprites. Only issue was changing my player's name which I didn't know there was a way to, so I recorded as Vanilla (if you paid attention, it said "Vanilla defeated Meteor Agent Blake") but after I figured out that I could change the name, I re-recorded the intro VS transition (if you paid attention, there's a little frame movement between the start of the video and the rest of the battle) but forgot to do the same for the "defeated" screen lol


  On 3/5/2019 at 12:26 PM, Yahen said:

Ill start reading from the beginning candyzz

See ya 


Yayy edgelord Vanini getting more attention lol this is where my "QUICK LINK TO NEXT EPISODE" buttons will come handy 🙌

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1) Shelly's point of view
2) Shelly's battle -> Vanilla ending the battle (I guess it took some tries)



10/10 episode

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  On 3/5/2019 at 5:44 PM, Corso said:

2) Shelly's battle -> Vanilla ending the battle (I guess it took some tries)



I did Shelly's battle, but then I was like "hecc why not also beat Blake with Vanilla's team, since this is Vanilla's run and skipping the fite would be cheating" besides I liked the prospect of Blake getting his ass handed twice (on separate universes of course).

  On 3/5/2019 at 5:44 PM, Corso said:




LOL I knew at least one of you would comment on that hahaha but I'm disappointed no one commented on my 80% plagiarized drawing from the previous episode. that one actually took me hours to finish xD

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  On 3/5/2019 at 4:10 AM, Candy said:

tumblr_lp0mal7AcQ1qg3clto1_250.gifFrom Everland to Reborn ~ Episode 57tumblr_lp0mal7AcQ1qg3clto1_250.gif


Blake continued to send Team Meteor grunts to battle me as he walked toward the peak of Ametrine Mountain with little to no signs of haste. It may have just been that lack of haste, or his form of walking- the unnaturally bold movement of his shoulders on each step he took- but it gave me an impression that he was the type to be confident and self-important. For that I envied him, for I could never have such attributes.

When I made it to the top of the mountain, my stock of healing items had been cut in half from all the battles I had to endure. Blake was standing there, watching as the helicopter struggled to approach the peak, thanks to the interference from Heather and Cal.

“Seems like your little friends pitched in to give me a headache,” Blake said, shaking his head. “Welp and here I thought I was the untrustworthy dealmaker. Solaris was dumb thinking that you'd keep your side of the bargain if I gave you the Waterfall TM.”

“I-it's not like we wanted to b-back on our, um, deal. Er, Heather. Yes, Heather wants it, s-so we're helping her.”

Blake laughed at my blatant lie.

“You're funny, little girl. But unfortunately, I'm not going to keep playing games with you. Let's see what your punny bugs can do against me.”



The battle was evidently rough from the start, given that I led with Noel and Heather, both bug/flying types, while Blake sent out mamoswine (ground/ice) and gyarados (water/flying). I was definitely in the disadvantage, not only because of type match ups, but also because of the boost in ice type moves which the cold and snow that surrounded us offered Blake's ice types. As I supposed, Noel fainted on the first turn just with an Ice Shard. Luckily, I told Heather to protect herself, so I didn’t have a double KO on turn one.

Every step, every choice was a game of gambling against the odds. One mistake could mean the end. It saddened me deeply that while everyone from our group was giving their all to recover the Ruby Ring, which had been taken from us because of my insistence, I could not pull my weight and would let the guy with the ring slip away when he was right in front of my noses.

But how to win, in the face of so much disadvantage? How to win, when I’m barely a mediocre battler?

My thoughts were thus engaged, when there was a sudden addition to our party. It was Pikachu, Vanilla’s mimikyu.

Pikachu was holding a leather-cover book, but he didn’t seem to have come all the way here for me to read it. He was jumping and squeaking, sometimes waving his dark amorphous arms in the air.

“Pikachu, d-did you come to cheer f-for me?”

A nod of his cloth head affirmed it. The thought that Vanilla might have been the one to send her partner for that purpose crossed my mind, and it almost brought me to tears.

“Thank you,” I said. “I won’t let Vanilla down.”

Even if there was just a 1% chance that my strategy would work, I had to do it. If it didn’t work, I would improvise a new strategy. I just… I had to do my best!

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The battle was over, and I couldn’t believe I had won. I’d had so much stress that my legs wobbled, and I almost slipped on the snow.

“Impressive, I must say,” Blake said. “But whatever. My ride is almost here, and I’m going to get the fuck out of here.”

“What? But I w-won the battle,” I said.

“Do I look like I care? Get close to me, and I won’t hold back just because you’re a minor,” he said. “As your friend said, anything is allowed in war.”

I hesitated. Blake’s angry face reminded me of Cal’s, when he slapped my face. It’d hurt.

At that precise moment, the ground shook, and I fell to the floor. At the moment, I thought it was an earthquake or an explosion, but a little after, I managed to prop myself up to see that the other side of the mountain was breaking away and falling down.

With a bad premonition creeping in my chest, I looked down the mountain, and spotted two people running towards the cliff.


A few seconds must have elapsed between the moment we saw the snow on the top of the mountain crumble, and the moment we became aware of what that meant for our safety.

I instinctively grabbed Aladdin’s arm and started running to the other side of the mountain where Ametrine City was, but before we could pass, a thick streak of sliding snow cut us off. I glanced to the other side, and that was seconds before we realized we were locked to our doom. The wall of snow was quickly approaching, and we had nowhere else to run but down the cliff.

How we were going to run down the cliff was to be determined, but there was no time to ponder idly.

Hence we ran to the cliff, which had one large protruding rock. Looking down, we saw a forest that extended to pretty much the horizon, but I judged we were way too high up to make the fall alive.

With quick judgement, I yanked a green leaf-shaped crystal from my dress, and stretched my bubblegum dress’ hem as much as the time allowed. Then, I fixed the loose end to the rock using the crystal.

“Get ready to jump,” I told Aladdin.

He was confused by the suggestion, but I grabbed his waist and pushed us off the cliff before he could open his mouth. He did open it, however, to let out an echo-amplified scream.

We swung from side to side as a pendulum, but I witnessed that the snow reached the cliff with so much momentum that it formed an arch as it fell down to the forest below. Hence the snow didn’t touch us, and we kept swinging until our path started becoming irregular due to the wind and hit the cliffside with full force. I almost dropped Aladdin because of the impact, but I managed to hold onto one of his arms as we now swung and rotated simultaneously.

At last, we came to a stop, but I felt dizzy with all the movement.

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“Aladdin, give me your other hand,” I said, since my grip on the one arm was starting to slip.

“I thought you wanted me dead,” he responded, not budging his arm.

I didn’t notice until he mentioned it, but he had a point. What in the world was I doing saving the life of my nemesis? This was my chance to obtain revenge on him. I just had to open my hand and let it slip…

“I’ll have you dead, but not like this,” I said, tightening my grip on his wrist. “Give me your other arm, damn it!”

Aladdin still didn’t oblige.

“You won the battle. You deserve the prize you wanted,” he said. “I have nothing else I can offer.”

With that, he bent the arm I was holding, and bit my hand so suddenly and strongly that I released my grip in reflex.

I saw the hand move away from me, and I reached for it with my left, then my right hand, but my speed could not compete against gravity. I saw Aladdin close his eyes and fall to his end, but I couldn’t watch past the moment I knew I could not save him. I shrunk to a ball, still hanging from the rock, and closed my eyes tightly shut.

“That didn’t happen just now,” I said to myself.


I don’t know how many minutes passed since then, but I woke again when I heard Shelly’s voice calling my name. I used the dress’ extension as a rope to climb back to the protruding rock that pretty much saved our- my life. Shelly and Cal helped me up the cliff, and I dislodged the green crystal from the rock, which caused it to crumble into dust that flew away with the wind.

Shelly at me with a questioning look, which I imagined was tied to Aladdin’s absence. Instead of talking about him, I pretended to misunderstand her look for curiosity about the leaf-shaped crystal that had just vanished to thin air. I showed her the three remaining crystals on my traditional dress, and attempted to keep a facade of nonchalance.

“They’re single-time use hard candies. Ugh, once they’re nailed into a surface, they won’t dislodge until I touch them.”

But that was all I could say, because I was exhausted. Not only because of the mental exhaustion that Aladdin brought upon me, but also because the blood gushing down to my feet after being accumulated on my head wasn’t a particularly pleasant feeling.

Cal, who was taller than me, volunteered to lend me a shoulder on which to support myself as we walked back to the Pokemon Center. I said I didn’t need treatment, but they insisted on Nurse Joy checking a light scrape I received on my arm when Aladdin and I hit the cliffside wall. It turned out that wasn’t a bad idea at all, because at least it allowed me to sit down and wait for my sight to stabilize.


“What happened with Blake?” I asked Shelly, but the question was meant for everyone in general.

Heather triumphantly raised the Ruby Ring.

“Shelly beat him in battle! Then, Cal and I flew close to the peak and pushed the jerk side to side until the ring fell out from his pocket and I caught it before it even hit the floor,” she explained. “Then he ran off on the helicopter like the coward he is.”

“And I asked him about the, um, sleeping signal again, but the helicopter took off before he could r-respond. Sorry.”

“He’d probably not give us reliable information anyway,” I said. “Good job on winning the battle against Blake.”

Shelly smiled a little, but also seemed embarrassed by my comment.

“May I ask what sleeping signal you’re referring to?” Cal asked.

“Right, you used to be one of them. Team Meteor apparently has a PULSE or something up on this mountain that is emitting a signal that has put the people of Agate City asleep.”

“But we, um, inspected I think everywhere here but, we didn’t find anything like that,” Shelly added.

“Well, if you want my honest opinion, I don’t think anything has been set up here,” Cal said with a stern face. “They made plans, but it was discarded because the weather isn’t optimal for a machine to be out in the open on the long-term.”

“Eh, but how can that be?” Shelly sighed. “Terra said she definitely found the signal coming from here.”

“Terra, you say?” Cal said. “She lied to you. She’s part of Team Meteor.”

“What are you talking about?” I retorted. One thing was to assume Terra had made a mistake in reading the data from the computer, with her leet skills and all. Another entirely different thing was to accuse her of being Team Meteor. She, of all people?

“I know it can seem farfetched, but you have to trust me on this,” Cal insisted. “I didn’t meet her personally, but I heard quite a lot of talk from other grunts. They said she was an obnoxious pain in the neck to deal with.”

“They wouldn’t be wrong about that,” I commented. “Pray, continue.”

“She started out as a general grunt, but ever since Lin took over Team Meteor, she’s been getting promotions. Or at least she was, I’m not sure what happened with her after I left.”

“If that’s the kind of people that get promotions, it might be best to let Team Meteor destroy itself from within,” I smirked.

“Don’t underestimate her, though. She may have the craziest persona, but her skills in hacking are unparalleled.”

“Alright then. Shall we get going back to Agate Circus?” I asked Shelly.

“Wait, can you help me move the food Blake stole back to the storage facility? I would do it myself, but I think it’d take me ages.”

“Sure thing,” Cal said.

I agreed to help out too, because working while trying to look collected in front of the three others was just what I needed to take my mind off of the incident with Aladdin. Yet, I reminded myself that I didn’t have much time to waste. The disk that would allow me to head down the large waterfall was weighing in my bag and the back of my conscience, and I still needed Terra’s Gym badge in order to use it.



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Also, I used my hopefully improved spriting skillz to make a hopefully better Vanilla sprite. Hope you like it~



I can't believe that i've catched up in such a short time

Damn Candy you brightened my dawns.

Hurry up and make another one! I, Yahen, demand more.

And how did you customize some thingys? I'm new to this stuff 😛

I loved the new sprite its pretty cutie cutie but Pikachu still has some sad aura around him

im the new queen-o-B00TY rn

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  On 3/8/2019 at 1:36 PM, Yahen said:

I can't believe that i've catched up in such a short time

Damn Candy you brightened my dawns.

Hurry up and make another one! I, Yahen, demand more.

And how did you customize some thingys? I'm new to this stuff 😛

I loved the new sprite its pretty cutie cutie but Pikachu still has some sad aura around him

im the new queen-o-B00TY rn


I can't believe some people out there are capable of reading at turbo speed lol and now you'll have to bear the same issue as my other readers cause I'm also a slow writer xD 57 chapters in over a year, slow.

in the Reborn game file, there's this folder that holds the Graphics. For the change in sprites I just replaced one sprite for another (they'll show up as long as they have exactly the same name). But in some scenes I had to add more characters (especially Shelly and Pikachu who are pretty much always following Vanilla). So I edited the screenshots and added those sprites in. For the custom fight with Aladdin, I opened two Reborn game windows and used the online battle function. Then I edited the video to get rid of the "waiting..." text to make it a smooth battle. I think that's about all the customization I've done.

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  • 2 weeks later...

tumblr_lp0mal7AcQ1qg3clto1_250.gifFrom Everland to Reborn ~ Episode 58tumblr_lp0mal7AcQ1qg3clto1_250.gif


We finished delivering the food stock to the citizens, and they thanked us for our help. The mayor told us that now that the giant ice blocking Ametrine Mountain was gone, they would resume the transport of goods with the rest of the region.

As we were getting ready to leave Ametrine City, Heather asked for a moment to say her farewells to the guy with the Articuno, who had helped her smuggle food before. According to her, he had rented an apartment in the same building as Blake, but it had been days since she’d seen him last, given that she’d been trapped inside a hut.

I knew she would not find said guy in his apartment, with good reason, but didn’t stop her from going there with Shelly. Cal, Pikachu and I stayed behind, shopping for medicines and organizing our belongings.

“I was surprised to see Shelly taking the initiative to fight Blake by herself,” Cal commented.

“She was hesitant, but she agreed to try to slow him down while I took care of some personal business,” I said as I checked the content of my medicine bottles and trashed those which were empty.

“She has changed a great deal by spending time with you,” he said. “Yet, I clearly recall you refusing to help her escape her shell.”

I remembered the brief talk about Shelly Cal and I had on top of Pyrous Mountain a long while ago. I stopped whatever I was doing to look at him.

“Indeed. I didn’t coach her to take the reins of her life, for I’m definitely not one that could boast about having life controlled,” I shrugged. “But if she took the parts of me that aren’t a mess, and combined them to improve herself, then I am nothing but impressed and satisfied.”

Cal simply nodded and smiled.



Instead of continuing with the chatting, we tended to our baggage once more. As I was taking out stuff that I didn’t see a use for and depositing them into the PC, Pikachu approached me still holding Wolfie’s diary in his dark gray hands.

“Oh Pikachu, you’d been holding onto that all this time? I’m glad I entrusted it to you, because it’d likely have fallen off the cliff in the avalanche otherwise.”

My throat stung as I spoke. I shook my head and I pushed Aladdin out of my mind. Pikachu held the book out for me, and I carefully put the book on the back of my backpack.

“I might read it sometime, but I’d rather not right now,” I told Pikachu. “I would much prefer to keep Wolfie’s privacy, for as long as I can live without reading off a page from the book.”

That wasn’t really the reason, however. I only said so because I was aware that Cal was at hearing distance from us, and I didn’t wish to tell him information that was no business of him to know. If I ever read Wolfie’s diary, I wanted it to be when my senses could be focused to take in every single word that she’d written; otherwise I felt it would be disrespectful to her memory. Yet, given Aladdin’s recent mostly-suicide, I didn’t feel like I could attain that level of focus.

Not much longer had Cal and I waited in silence, when Shelly and Heather returned.

“We couldn’t find him,” Heather shrugged.

“Maybe we could ask around to see if anyone has seen him?” Shelly suggested. “Do you know, um, his name?”

“That’s the problem. He didn’t tell me his name, because he was apparently on a secret mission or something. I only know him as the Articuno guy.”

“Secret mission? Are you sure he wasn’t T-Team Meteor?”

Heather laughed at Shelly's alarmed face.

“As if. If he’d been one of them, he wouldn’t have sabotaged Blake’s plan with me. Besides he was visibly foreign, judging from his way to match clothes. That was funny, but he knew the language of bird pokemon, so he’s cool in my book.”

“That sounds really... n-nice,” Shelly said, but by then I could understand from her nervous glances my way, that she had figured out that Heather was looking for Aladdin.

“Enough talk then. Let’s head out of Ametrine, since I have a Meteor Agent to unmask and a starving sociopath to fish out.”


In the way, Cal decided to leave us to do his own thing, and I convinced Shelly to go to Calcenon with Heather and wait there.

“I promise I will come to Calcenon as soon as I take care of the business with Terra and Titania,” I assured Shelly. “I think you have some catching up to do with your friend, given that her tongue is no longer tied.”

“Hey, my tongue was never tied,” Heather complained.

“But, um, will you not need, um, maybe some assistance? I know you’re strong, but what if Ciel and Samson are also, um, Team Meteor agents?”

“Had they been Team Meteor, Cal would’ve outed them when he pointed fingers at Terra,” I said. “And if they turn out to be, I’ll find a way to deal with them as well.”

“I could help you, um, I mean, let me help you,” she insisted.


However, I was adamant on my decision. When I finally obtained the legal authorization to climb down the infamous waterfall, I didn’t want to cause Shelly unnecessary distress, in case I found Titania holding the dead body of her ex-lover. So the best option was to keep both girls away from Agate Circus and Celestine Cascade for the time being. Shelly turned out to be more insistent than I expected, but at last she agreed to follow my suggestion when she realized arguing with me was futile.

So midway through Celestine cave, we parted ways. When I exited the cave onto Route 2, I saw both of them cruising the skies on Heather’s salamence, en route to Calcenon.

“It’s you and me again, Pikachu,” I commented. “How long has it been since we were traveling by ourselves?”

Pretty much ever since we came to Agate Circus and were prevented from returning through Agate City, there has been at least somebody, be it Shelly, Cain or the annoying elder Belrose sister. Now, though, I had to take things to my own bare hands.

On the way to the Circus, I recounted my encounter with Aladdin, though Pikachu likely could not understand a word. Perhaps that is what I needed, for if I were to tell a person of that, I’d inevitably withhold much of the information that concerned my emotions, asphyxiating myself even further.

“Truth be told, I know I should be satisfied. The likes of him shouldn’t be roaming these lands anymore, and him being gone means one less enemy on the loose,” I said, thinking of Jasmin who was still looking forward to bringing home my head as a trophy. “Yet, I don’t know why, I don’t feel I can congratulate myself. Just remembering him closing his eyes as he fell to his end, brings me sickness to my stomach. It’s similar to when I recall Wolfie’s death, but a different variation, perhaps.”

I glanced at my shoulder, and saw that Pikachu was listening intently. His real eyes, on the bottom half of his disguise, sparked with the remaining light of the setting sun.

“Maybe it’s me being melodramatic. After all, I had once thought myself to be in love with him. Or maybe it’s the lack of fulfilment, given that he pretty much killed himself before I could kill him. I think it’s more the latter, for I wouldn’t forgive myself if I mourned the death of said love one who murdered everything I cared about and almost murdered me.”

I closed my eyes and took a couple of deep breaths. I allowed my shoulder muscles to relax, though I hadn’t even noticed when they’d gotten tense in the first place. Pikachu must have noticed, for he snuggled his disguise’s head onto my cheek.

“At least that’s what I want to believe. I wish it were the lack of fulfilment that were bothering me. Yet, how annoying that it can’t be reality.”

I started walking at a faster pace while still talking.

“Even if my rational mind has resolved to hate Aladdin for his betrayal, I guess it’ll take longer for my emotional side to get over him,” I admitted.



After walking quite some time, I began hearing the funky music of the Circus from afar. When I was close to the access from Route 2 to Agate Circus, I noticed that there were more people spending time having picnics or flying kites. It appeared that the Circus’ shows were no longer providing the entertainment that these people craved.

When I entered the land of cotton candy and popcorn, I was appalled by how much more disorganized the place looked. I didn’t exaggerate in my choice of a nickname, for it took real effort not to step on the gooey mess from gum and cotton candy, intermingled with pieces of popcorn. The problem apparently stemmed on a dispute between the Ringmaster and the cleaners, who were unhappy with the wages they were receiving for cleaning up after a greater number of visitors. I caught glimpses of the Ringmaster trying to convince them to keep working for the time being, since resources were scarce at the moment.

Yet, while the appearance of the place had changed since I last left the place, not a thing seemed to have improved with regard to the situation in Agate City. What could be the meaning of this? What could Team Meteor gain from slowly converting Agate Circus into landfill and its citizens into zombies?

Such were my thoughts as I entered the large tent and went up the stairs to the staff waiting room. Samson was inside, lying on the couch reading a magazine. The cover of it had a model wearing way too suggestive clothing, or rather almost no clothing at all. He lowered the magazine just enough for his eyes to look in my direction, and realizing I was not whom he expected to see, he immediately crushed the thin book and hid it under the cushion.

"Oh hey Vanilla," he said with a couple of coughs. "Sorry, it seems I've caught a cold. How's life treating you?"

I didn't reply because a positive response is usually expected when that question is asked, but I couldn't offer one. Samson must've read the displeasure on my face, because he followed his question thus: "I see. Some days be like that, right? Anyway, did you find the source of the sleeping signal? Not gonna lie, this half-circus half-shelter business and trying to entertain an un-entertainable crowd all the time is getting old real quick."


"Unfortunately, the source wasn't in Ametrine. We destroyed the large mountain of ice that blocked the path to Ametrine, though, so communication with them should resume soon."

"What? But how come? Didn't Terra say it was definitely up there?"

“Yes, and that was the problem,” I said. “But I’m onto it. I have a battle pass to battle Terra. So I can kill two birds with one stone.”

“No offense to Ciel,” Samson added for me.

As if on cue, Ciel entered the room right that moment.

“Oh, Samson. What brutish slander are you muttering about me now?” she asked.

“I was just telling Vanilla about the thong you’re apparently wearing.”

Ciel was taken aback and tried to form a nonchalant smile, but she only managed to contort her face. Instead of rebuking the statement, however, she insisted we redid her entrance, and she diligently went out the room and came back to us in a minute’s time.

“Hello, Vanilla and ever-cordial Samson! How are you each on this fine day?” was her new greeting. “Oh, is that a battle pass you have there?”

I handed her the pass that Shelly had found for me.

“It’s for battling Terra, I see,” she commented. “Unfortunately, I don’t know if you’ll be able to battle her anytime soon.”

“Why is that?”

“She’s been disappearing for days at a time, and we don’t know where she is right now.”

“And as you might imagine, everyone in a fifty mile radius of her tends to be keenly aware of her general existence,” Samson rolled his eyes.

“Of course, the question remains as to just where she’s been vanishing.”

“I don’t care where she’s been vanishing to,” I said with a serious tone. “I need her here as soon as possible, because, as it turns out, the crazy girl with hacking skills is a Team Meteor agent, and has been playing us all along.”

Both Samson and Ciel seemed to be in a trance of disbelief, just as I had been when Cal told me he knew Terra was part of Team Meteor. If one of them, or both, were also involved in Team Meteor, they did not betray their thoughts however. I proceeded to explain to them what had gone down in Ametrine City, and how what Terra had suggested turned out to be false. I also added the fact that she found Cain, Shelly and I wandering Agate City, without signs of getting sleepy herself, which further strengthened the evidence against the rainbow girl.

“But, that’s unbelievable. Terra, Team Meteor?” Ciel exclaimed. “They would be out of their minds, if they were to accept into their group a girl like, well, that.”

“Well, actually it’s not entirely unlikely, for instance-” Samson was saying, when the staff room’s door swung open and Terra came rushing in.

“Hunniez, I’m home!” she shouted as she quickly propelled her face forward onto Ciel’s to lock their lips in a kiss.

“T-Terra,” Ciel blushed, pushing her away.

“Awwright, forgot you dun like that stuff in the publix,” she said. “Aye aye aye Captain Shieru, we’ll save it for when I land in yo port tonight.”

“Don’t just make stuff like that up!”

Terra winked at her and then moved closer to where Samson and I were standing.

“So supperoni, bois and girls and people of nondiscriminate gender identity?”

“We were just discussing the possibility of you being a member of Team Meteor,” Samson said without a gram of hesitation.

“U wot mate?” Terra retorted, and then burst out laughing so loudly I wished I could leave the room immediately. “That’s the best thing I’ve heard all thirty seconds! Why, it’s unbelievable you’d be discussing that.”

“So, it’s not true, right? You’re not a member of Team Meteor?” Ciel pressed for an answer.

“Well duuuuhhh. Of course I am, betchez.”

As we cornered Terra towards her computer monitor, she laughed at us for only considering the possibility this late, when she’d been working for Team Meteor for a long time under Samson and Ciel’s noses.

“The suspense made it reeeal exciting while it lasted, YOLO,” she said.

“But now we’ve found it all out, Terra, and we want an explanation right now,” Ciel said with a crimson face, and this time the coloring wasn’t from embarrassment.

“Ugh, already demanding explanations and yada-yada, and we aren’t even married!” Terra replied, and turned her back on us. “Well, I may’ve been found out but das okay, cuz they’ll never find me here.”

“What exactly are you doing?” Samson asked as we watched Terra pull up a window on one of her computer displays.

“Awwll set. Les do this,” she said, pressing the enter key. “M3G4T3RR4 JACK OFF! EXECUTE!”


In the blink of an eye, Terra disappeared into thin air. How? Don’t ask me. She’s made clear many times that she doesn’t operate by the laws of physics.

“Please tell me she didn’t just escape into that big-ass computer,” Samson said after a pause.

“All right. She didn’t just escape into that computer,” Ciel obliged.


We all looked closely at the computer screen, where the window Terra had opened was still on. In particular, Samson pointed at the center, which had an option “Player 2” blinking on top of the “Start” button.

“Looks like it’s waiting input for Player 2,” he said. “Vanilla, you said you wanted to beat Terra’s ass and force her to spit out the truth about the sleeping signal, right?”

“Didn’t say it in that way, but sure. I’m guessing I’ll have to go into the computer as well?”

“There isn’t another choice. Terra’s probably going to stay there for as long as possible.”

“The good news is that we know it’s safe to go in. Look,” Ciel pointed at the background of the game start menu, which showed Terra jumping and wrecking the place with her giant mallet.

As per the two performers’ suggestion, I checked my PC and arranged a party that I presumed would be best suited for battling Terra, a ground type user. However, I then remembered that Ame might have suggestions to make, especially since I wouldn’t be fighting Terra in the usual Big Top Arena that I supposed I’d be fighting all three of the triumvirate.

“Vanilla? Is that you?” Ame said.

“Why, does it surprise you that it’s me?”

“Well, frankly yes. It’s been a while since you contacted me, so I thought you had opted for strategizing on your own.”

“That’s partially true, but I also have been in a hurry and busy most of the time.”

“I’ve heard of you quite a lot in the news recently. Your efforts in fighting Team Meteor are most appreciated, I hope you know that,” she said. “But I’m sure you’re in a hurry now as well, so let me see how I can help you with your upcoming Gym match. You’re battling Terra, right? That should be on Big Top Arena field, which is the same one you battled Samson on.”

“No, actually. We had a last minute change, and Terra has escaped into a virtual reality. I believe I’ll have to battle her there.”

“What? That’s unheard of. Wait a minute, let me see if I can connect to her computer from here and extract the field information.”

I head a lot of keyboard typing sounds and chairs screeches while Ame hacked into Terra’s computer. It took her longer than a minute, and I was becoming desperate, but I judged that this information would be critical in defeating the maniac, so I bore it in silence.

“Interesting,” was the first thing she said. “Here, let me pass on the information I gathered.”

I connected my Pokegear to the monitor, and extracted the file Ame sent me.

“It appears that Terra created this virtual reality based on an old video game, so the rules seem to obey that game’s logic. Be careful, because type match ups might be different, and also some moves physical/special designation will become dependent on that move’s typing. Hope strategizing doesn’t turn into a pain in the neck.”

“Terra is already a pain in the neck. This is just a small add-on to the sole fact I’ll have to talk with her in private.”

“I feel you,” Ame said. “Good luck.”

Then she disconnected, and I returned to my PC to change my team in light of this new information. The team I set on was composed of: Kame (blastoise), Bambi (sawsbuck), Queen of Hearts (tsareena), Aladdin (medicham), Prince (seismitoad), and Elsa (A-ninetales).

“I’ve had to do odd things in the past, but this one takes the cake,” I sighed. “Alright. Hook me in.”

And thus, I parted from the real world and underwent significant change in the core of my being to reach the other side, Terra’s glitch world.




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Can you guess why I'm uploading today? That's right! Finals season! With great responsibility comes great procrastination oof



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  On 3/17/2019 at 3:36 AM, J-Awesome_One said:

Yay! New episode upload! Very interesting. Although, I'm a bit saddened you didn't let her do the thing with Batman's story as being her own. 😞 But ohh well. Everything else was awesome! 😄


haha yah, I like that part actually. I just don't like blocks of text and avoid them as much as possible unless absolutely necessary, so I cut that part out. Fun fact: newer episodes of Reborn replaced "Batman" to "super hero comic"

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  On 3/17/2019 at 3:38 AM, Candy said:

haha yah, I like that part actually. I just don't like blocks of text and avoid them as much as possible unless absolutely necessary, so I cut that part out. Fun fact: newer episodes of Reborn replaced "Batman" to "super hero comic"


Lol. Well I know that but it's still referencing to Batman.

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