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From Everland to Reborn ~ A fairytale themed run [Last defeated: Amaria]


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8 hours ago, Angelkitsune said:

Wow I never thought that you can use other methods to put crustle to sleep and Pikachu is kawaai as usual (´▽`ʃ❤ƪ),and I guess Vanilla don't have enough strength to pick up a pickle jar if she needs all of her pokemon to push the crustle ( ´・・)ノ(._.`)pat pat .Anywayzz,First meeting of Titania...so far so good only a 3/10.But everyone knows what is gonna happen when Vanilla comes to get the Surf TM.

Vanilla is reluctant to go back to the circus, while Hardy want to go back to meet his girlfriend, and I can't wait to see my purple(and Lilac)haired children again.

next ep is a gym battle with Samson how hard is it for Vanilla to beat him ( •̀ ω •́ )y STAY TUNED TO FIND OUT!!! wait why am I talking like a tv commercial ?

For a fan game puzzle, the crustle puzzle makes sense, but since Route 2 must be transited by people who aren't precisely the MC (at least at some point in the past) I felt it weird that all the gaps are the size of a crustle and also that if that were the case, no one before the MC had bothered to use crustle for that purpose (people could totally do it if there are convenient sleep powder trees). So I changed that part to give Pikachu the spotlight for a moment hehe I think he's kawaii trying to help Vanilla x3

And yes, there you see the blatant limit of my imagination: i can't predict how heavy a 200 kg crustle would feel. I'm weak af (actually have trouble opening pickle jars rip) so I'd need to estimate how strong Vanilla is and how difficult it should be to push a 200kg crab over rough dry ground. Can't do- I can barely estimate how far away 5 meters is from me lol

And also... Gossip Gardevoir, is that you?


7 hours ago, Archeric said:

wow vanilla gt her sass back

good chapter as always candy

u always manage to bring out steamy hot chapters even tho ur busy ❤️ 

Vanilla is always sassy, just more sassy with some people over others. So far, Fern, Aya and Tania seem to have gotten the extra sassy treatment lol

Youd expect my procrastination levels to go down when I'm busy, but honestly it's the opposite and then I regret my poor life choices while I stay up all night to study for an exam the next day oof

Also... Terra is that you?

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Pikachu is a berry good boi errr....gurl Pokemon! 💜

I like how innovative you are with this episode! Pikachu was the brains behind getting Vanilla across route 2, such a smart Pokemon they are! 😻

I wish I had Pikachu help me when I first came across route 2. 😅


I remember that earlier in the story, Vanilla respected the way Charlotte and her Ninetails were in sync with each other and wanted to be that kind of strong. So I can't wait to see Vanilla's epic showdown with Charlotte coming soon! I believe that fight will demonstrate Vanilla's growth since the orphan hostage situation. I'm also interested in seeing Vanilla's showdown with Tania and Amaria. 

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2 minutes ago, SilverHelio said:

Pikachu is a berry good boi errr....gurl Pokemon! 💜

I like how innovative you are with this episode! Pikachu was the brains behind getting Vanilla across route 2, such a smart Pokemon they are! 😻

I wish I had Pikachu help me when I first came across route 2. 😅


I remember that earlier in the story, Vanilla respected the way Charlotte and her Ninetails were in sync with each other and wanted to be that kind of strong. So I can't wait to see Vanilla's epic showdown with Charlotte coming soon! I believe that fight will demonstrate Vanilla's growth since the orphan hostage situation. I'm also interested in seeing Vanilla's showdown with Tania and Amaria. 

Hehe me too- if it had just been one crustle, I might not have forfeited my first ever Reborn run. Funny enough, once I knew how to solve it, it's become one of my favorite puzzles.


Wow your memory is astonishing! In fact, I was also looking forward to the match with Charlotte - what will be said and done. How to outmatch someone with the force of burning fire!

Tania and Amaria matches will be on the year of the blue moon from how fast my writing pace is, but we'll get there. For the time being, I'm more concerned about what kind of relationship Vanilla will form with Tania. I think what Tania did to Amaria, even if her intentions were benign+toxic, echoes what treatment Vanilla received just before she fled Everland, so it'll be "interesting" to say the least (probably, hopefully?) xD

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1 hour ago, Candy said:

For the time being, I'm more concerned about what kind of relationship Vanilla will form with Tania. I think what Tania did to Amaria, even if her intentions were benign+toxic, echoes what treatment Vanilla received just before she fled Everland, so it'll be "interesting" to say the least (probably, hopefully?) xD

Well, we'll just have to see if Vanilla decides to fight a certain someone in the Water Treatment Center 😉 

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  • 2 weeks later...

tumblr_lp0mal7AcQ1qg3clto1_250.gifFrom Everland to Reborn ~ Episode 46tumblr_lp0mal7AcQ1qg3clto1_250.gif

Hardy and I entered the waiting room and heard Ciel asking Terra about the source of a signal over Agate City.

“Oh, Vanilla,” Ciel said upon seeing us. “I see you managed to find the boy.”

Cain, Shelly and Aya all turned their faces toward us at the same time. Hardy wasted no time in joining Aya on the far side of the room, while Shelly moved my way.

“It took long because Hardy’s sister found him in Route 2 ahead of me, and brought him to her home,” I explained. “What were you saying about a signal over Agate?”

“Oh, we found out that there is a certain signal over Agate City, which we believe to be involved with making people fall asleep in that area,” she informed me. “No one has ever guessed, but Terra here is quite dexterous with computers, and has been helping us track down the source of that signal so we can destroy it.”

“Computerzzz isnt all im d3xter0us with ifuknowhatimean,” Terra smirked at Ciel, who coughed and made an attempt to keep the conversation pertain to the topic at hand.

“Have you found the source of the signal yet?” she asked.

“Nawwh but calm yo tits. T3RR4 is SUP3R 1337 hackar. Nothin ezzcape my b00ty.”

“It has taken so long already, though. You started just after Vanilla left, and she was out for hours.”

“Did I or did I nawt tell u to calm yo tits bitch,” Terra shrieked. “Undo the calamity that is yo mammaries! Hakuna your tatas, exclamation point!”

“Can we not keep it PG for the young ones,” I suggested, for I’d noticed Terra had a knack for stressing my nerves whenever Shelly and she were less than 10 metres from each other.

“PG? PG, u say? Yez I’ll do sum PornoGraphy with Ciel anytime bby.”

I pitied Shelly, but there was nothing more I could do. If Terra was indeed so crucial to finding the wretched signal, I couldn’t just knock her daylights out of her. Not that she didn’t give me enough encouragement to.

“Just stop. I can feel my brain cells dying off one by one,” Samson joined our conversation.

“Indeed, you are cruel to rob Samson of his few remaining ones,” Ciel smiled.

It appeared that I wasn’t wrong about Samson. Perhaps he has a reputation for being a musclebrain after all.

“Woah, no need to put your cat fight on me. I’m innocent here.”

“You werent so innocent last night,” Terra said with a wide grin on her face.

“How would you know?” Samson asked back.

I caught Shelly shifting her gaze from Terra to Samson and to Terra again, which I took as a cue to cough and catch Samson's attention.


“I received this ticket,” I said, taking the battle pass out and placing it in his view. “I assume it's a pass to battle you. I didn't know you were a gym leader, but the ticket does state your name.”

“Yeah, I'm the new fighting type gym leader. Finally Ciel, Terra and I can be known as the Agate Triumvirate and also the three gym leaders of Agate Circus. The previous leader was very kind to step down.”

“It wasn't a true voluntary step-down,” I commented. “But that's beside the point. Will you battle me then?”

“Neither gym leader nor strongman’d refuse to fight a challenger. Come on, let's go to the arena!”

I followed Samson, but the one who took most pleasure in my challenge wasn't neither of us, but the ringmaster.

“Ah, you have no idea how glad I'm right now,” she said, taking my hand in both of hers for a moment before I retrieved it from her grasp. “I increased the amount of battle passes distributed, but it's been 3 days and no one had challenged any of our gym leaders yet. But if I eliminated the battle pass system, I bet we'd have gym battles every hour! Who understands these people!”


The arena had three roaming donphan, who were encouraged to move to the sides on Ciel’s orders. Many of the spectators weren't really spectators, but they'd found the tent a cozy sleeping place, especially given that it'd started to snow outside. Whether or not they were happy to be awoken by Samson’s loud voice, I couldn't tell, but at least most of them stayed in their seats when they found out a gym battle was about to take place.

I took my place opposite to Samson on the field, which was when I noticed it was unlike any other field I'd fought in. The floor was made up of tiles that depressed upon walking over them. I had no idea what their function was, but judging from the field notes of the Big Top Arena, and the high striker on one corner of the field, I was braced for a lot of random damage based on Pokémon strength. Luckily, though, I noticed trapezes hanging on the ceiling, which Pokémon could take advantage of to attack Samson’s fighting types from above.

“Ready?” asked the ringmaster, who stood as the referee of the match.

I nodded.

“Then, without further ado, let's introduce this show, shall we?”



Ignore the fact that the last part looks like a dumbass playing Pokemon. Vanilla would've been smarter, I swear ;_;


The audience was silent for a few moments after my Gretel dealt the final blow to Samson’s conkeldurr, but soon one after the other started clapping until the tent was filled with sounds of applause. I wasn't used to so much applause being directed at me, so I was torn between the part of me that wanted it to stop, and the other which happily received it.

“Good work, Vanilla. You showed me a battle of wits- watching my team's pattern and choosing the best moves, even if they weren't the strongest,” Samson smirked. “I guess this badge belongs to you.”

He walked over to where I stood, and handed me the badge along with a ™ for Brick Break.

“Congrats, Vanilla,” Cain said as the four of them rushed toward me. “You really know how to dominate a battle.”

“Yah, Vanillla seems quite a tough one,” Hardy agreed.

“See Aya? Now you can stop stressing knowing that you aren't the first or the last gym leader she will beat.”

“Cain. Shut. Up. I wasn't stressed at all,” Aya said, looked at me, and added as an afterthought, “Congrats.”

“Um, um, congra-” Shelly was saying when she got cut short by a sudden repetitive noise.

“Raaaaawwrrrr! Raraaaaawwrrrr!” Terra’s voice combined with her hammering the arena’s tiles made for quite a deafening explosion.

“Stop that, Terra. I know you're a ground type user, but stop shaking the arena like an earthquake,” Ciel said, and Terra at least stopped the hammering.

“Flying types are immune to ground moves, but u aint immune to me bby,” Terra said and sent a flying kiss in Ciel’s direction. “Anyhow, M3G4T3RR4 aka SUP3R L33T H4CK4R haz found very important stuffz about the source of tiiiny sleeping signal.”

“Wow that's great Terra,” Ciel said with honest admiration. “Let's head to the waiting room so we can discuss what to do.”


Hence we - except the Ringmaster, who stayed at the arena to get other shows going - relocated to the waiting room, out of sight of the nosy spectators. Terra quickly walked up to one of her three PCs, and pointed at a flashing point on the display.

“This is timmy. His hobbies include cross-stitching, motorbiking, and planting lizards in the knicker drawers of old ladies,” she said.

All of us looked at it closely, but other than getting an idea that it was a point on the top of what looked like a pixelated white mountain, we couldn’t extract any information.

“Timmy? But what does that tell us?” Ciel ventured to ask.

“What he tellz us? WHAT HE TELLZ US?” Terra took a pause, and then finished her speech. “He tellz us… Ciel’s wearing a thong!!”


A couple of heads turned toward Ciel, and the rest, including Ciel’s, moved in closer to the display. Still some others - or maybe just Shelly - asked what a “thong” was in a barely audible voice, but no one attempted answering the question.

“What? But like, there’s nothing there that says that at all,” she said. “What do you mean, Terra?”

“Ya didnt deny it bb,” Terra smirked triumphantly.

“I-- Look, let’s just focus on this. What does timmy really tell us?”

“Apart from it telling us your wearing a thong? Rawr.”

“YES, apart from whatever or that or whatever!”

“I dunno. I just haccku’d it from the broadcaster but I ain’t no statistician,” Terra shrugged. “BUUT if I had to take a guess, I’d say the signal’s RAWRRRRing out from somewhere in Ametrine City.”

So it was determined that the snowy mountain the data point flashed on was Ametrine City.

“In other words,” Samson said. “You’re saying someone in Ametrine City is broadcasting the sleeping signal over Agate City?”

“That’s RAWWWR!”

“Alright then, someone needs to go there and stop that signal pronto.”

The issue about crossing the many rapid current rivers inside Ametrine mountain came up. Given that the TM for Surf was only authorized for use to Reborn League challengers with 10 badges, only I out of all this bunch of gym leaders and Cain could have a shot at making the way to Ametrine. Hence, it was quickly decided that we would split into two groups: one group would go to Calcenon City directly in order to provide extra support to Saphira and the rest, while the other group - my group - would head to Ametrine and stop the signal first, and then join the Calcenon team.

“Um, I’d like to go to Ametrine,” Shelly said. “Heather is there, and I’d like to make sure she’s, um, doing okay.”

“Sounds good. So Shelly and Vanilla’ll go to Ametrine, and Cain, Aya and I’ll go to Calcenon,” Hardy summarized.

“In order to get the TM for Surf, you’ll need to visit Amaria and Titania’s house near Celestine cascade,” Ciel reminded me.

“Yes, they told me so,” I nodded, and looked at Shelly. “If that’s all settled, let’s go.”

“Good luck in Ametrine, mate,” Hardy said. “We’ll stay here a little bit longer, at least until I can make sure Aya is in good shape to make the hike.”

I quickly healed my team, and Shelly, Pikachu and I left the waiting room.



  • Terra (-1): -2/10 Really, our personalities are incompatible
  • Ciel (+1): 5/10 Even though she gets joked (or maybe not a joke) on by Terra, she seems intelligent and not wholly affected by her






Ugg I wanted to include Titania-Amaria scene here too but it got way too long (and I'm not even done) so had to cut it so I can go sleepo 😕

Well, that must mean the next episode will be uploaded soon, right? ... right? ... 

And also~ Thx for the continued support! 19,000 views and counting 👀 which means there must be a good number of anonymous viewers, which means say hi 😄 this smol candy don't bite but is usually bitten cause candy... jk



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Loved it! 😄 You know, seeing this is making me miss my Written run... I really need to get back to that and try to shoot out a couple of episodes. Anyways, yay! Inappropriate moments with a 12 year old because of Terra! (That sounded a lot better in my head but I'm not changing that) Loving how she's getting underneath Vanilla's skin though. Btw, I just realized that in a lot of your episodes, Shelly has been like the main traveling companion for Vanilla and I find that cute and interesting. 🙂

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Ah yes the battle with samson....I still remember getting wreaked by his mienshao and unburded Hawlucha not my proudest moment *blep*. Anyway next ep is where we accidentally end a lesbian relationship,not expecting Shelly to follow us though wonder how will Titania react with a 12 year old in the room q(≧▽≦q)


Also TERRA PLASE no moar u r ruinin poor Shelly's mind o( ̄┰ ̄*)ゞ and Vanilla looks like she is about to bang her head against the wall if she sticks with Terra any longer ψ(`∇´)ψ

Edited by Angelkitsune
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8 hours ago, J-Awesome_One said:

Loved it! 😄 You know, seeing this is making me miss my Written run... I really need to get back to that and try to shoot out a couple of episodes. Anyways, yay! Inappropriate moments with a 12 year old because of Terra! (That sounded a lot better in my head but I'm not changing that) Loving how she's getting underneath Vanilla's skin though. Btw, I just realized that in a lot of your episodes, Shelly has been like the main traveling companion for Vanilla and I find that cute and interesting. 🙂

Lol luckily Shelly will be out of Terra's reach for a while now 😂 The thing is in writing, having just the protagonist doing stuff by themselves is mighty boring because there's not much conversation going on other than maybe inner reflection. So I've tried to minimize the time Vanilla spends truly alone by giving her a traveling companion (S1 pachirisu, S2 illumise, S3 mimikyu) and sometimes a human companion who can actually talk (most of the time this is Shelly). I chose Shelly because her timid and not confident character is foil to Vanilla, and hence both would have something to learn from each other, compared to, say, if I paired Saphira and Vanilla who are quite alike each other.


8 hours ago, Archeric said:

Whenever theres a new episode I in fact cannot hakuna my tatas

Great as always candy uwu, always appreciate the extra dialouge

Eric, dear, you have no tatas 😂

But thx I try to bring fresh but in-character dialogue lol


6 hours ago, Angelkitsune said:

Ah yes the battle with samson....I still remember getting wreaked by his mienshao and unburded Hawlucha not my proudest moment *blep*. Anyway next ep is where we accidentally end a lesbian relationship,not expecting Shelly to follow us though wonder how will Titania react with a 12 year old in the room q(≧▽≦q)


Also TERRA PLASE no moar u r ruinin poor Shelly's mind o( ̄┰ ̄*)ゞ and Vanilla looks like is is about to bang her head against the wall if she sticks with Terra any longer ψ(`∇´)ψ

Oh yes, everyone says Samson is easy but friggin that hawlucha alone could sweep my team 😵 Doesn't help that klefki ("Golden Key") missed Play Rough first round...

Poor Shelly might have a mental breakdown, witnessing one suicide and an "attempted" one oof

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42 minutes ago, Candy said:

Lol luckily Shelly will be out of Terra's reach for a while now 😂 The thing is in writing, having just the protagonist doing stuff by themselves is mighty boring because there's not much conversation going on other than maybe inner reflection. So I've tried to minimize the time Vanilla spends truly alone by giving her a traveling companion (S1 pachirisu, S2 illumise, S3 mimikyu) and sometimes a human companion who can actually talk (most of the time this is Shelly). I chose Shelly because her timid and not confident character is foil to Vanilla, and hence both would have something to learn from each other, compared to, say, if I paired Saphira and Vanilla who are quite alike each other.

Ohh no. I totally get what you mean. I just liked the fact that you chose Shelly. Just like how in my story, it's with Laura and somewhat with Cain. But yea. Can't wait for the next episode! 😄

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tumblr_lp0mal7AcQ1qg3clto1_250.gifFrom Everland to Reborn ~ Episode 47tumblr_lp0mal7AcQ1qg3clto1_250.gif

I helped Shelly through the difficult steps of the path, and though she did scratch her knees and palms a little, she did not complain. Even then, I knew she was tired from the trek, since she was probably not used to all this physical exertion, so I told her to sit on a large rock and wait for me while I climbed up the stairs to retrieve the TM from Amaria. I left her with Pikachu, so that she would have some company while I was away.



Entering the house, I only found Titania in the living room, which they hadn’t bothered to clean up even though they did expect visitors this time around. She had been reading some book, or perhaps scribbling on it, but when she saw me she stood up quickly.

“So you’ve beaten Samson, I guess? Amaria’s out for a walk, so I’ll fetch the machine,” she said, and went upstairs.

I waited for five, then ten minutes, but Titania seemed to have quite some trouble finding the TM. Judging from how their entire house was a mess, I had no difficulty imagining it, though it did irritate me slightly since I had Shelly and Pikachu waiting for me.

I looked around the place, which was mostly made of wood. I sat down on the couch where I’d found Amaria sitting last time, but stood right back up when I found some R-rated magazines between the cushions. I returned to the desk Titania was at, and sat down on the chair which she’d left open. A simple glance to the book, though, marked the tragedy.

“I still cannot foresee any happily ever after to this fake fairytale romance,” I read, because the word “fairytale” made me assume this might be a book about Everland. However, the tone was very different from what you would expect from a guidebook, and I confirmed what it was when I found the words “Dear Diary,” on the header.

I stood up from the desk, but the damage had been done. Titania found me almost knocking the chair over due to my swift movement backward.

“Here, catch,” she threw the TM at me, and I caught it with one hand. “Don’t tell me… were you reading my diary?”

I did the most sensible thing to do: I admitted I had.

“Have you no regard for personal privacy?” she shouted.

“Had I known it was your diary, I’d not have-”

“Excuses! Who doesn’t love excuses when your guilt was witnessed?”

“If you don’t care to know why I read it, then my job here is done,” I waved the TM and turned my back to her. She was right: I needed not make excuses, for I didn’t care for her opinion.

“Wait,” she stopped me midway. “About what you read… if you have even a single shred of decency, you will not breathe a word of it to anyone.”

I faced her once more as she went on talking.

“I’m aware it was a wretched choice, but she is my closest friend, and when she threw herself at me, I reacted poorly,” Titania said, lowering her voice and pacing. “She already struggles with depression and suicide. I will not be the reason she goes over the edge.”


“Now you’re the one making excuses, aren’t you?” I sneered. “Nothing changes the fact that you’re currently lying to her, making her believe a fantasy that isn’t true.”

The redhead was about to interrupt me, but I carried on. For some reason, I felt personally invested, now that I saw more of the story.

“She will find out, you know. Perhaps not by me, since I’m an unrelated third party, but by some means because the truth can never be concealed to perfection. Sooner or later, she’ll find out, and then she’ll turn into your worst nightmare.”

I blurted out that last part on impulse, but I realized I was no longer talking about Amaria. I was talking about me, the current me, after the whole ordeal at Everland’s Underworld.

Titania was silent, and perhaps it was just the lighting, but she looked a little pale. When she spoke, her voice wasn’t as firm as it had been when she was shouting.

“Fine. She will find out eventually, but let it not be today,” she almost sounded as though she was pleading. “Let her find out another day.”

Before she finished her speaking, though, the door opened and Amaria entered the house.

“Were you talking about me?” she asked, and noticing us staring at her, added, “What’s with the grim faces?”

I softened my facial muscles after she pointed them out.

“Perfect timing. Couldn’t be better,” Titania said, and placed a hand over the handrail for support.

“What don’t you want me to find out, Tania?” Amaria insisted, and walked closer to her.

I saw Tania tense up even more, since Amaria was now standing right next to the desk with the diary still open to the same page. Her eyes glanced to the book and back at Amaria, but she was silent.

Since her lover didn’t seem willing to explain, Amaria looked at me for an answer instead. Amaria’s inquisitive blue eyes and Titania’s sharp but desperate gaze landed on me, and for a moment I debated whether to tell her or not. I asked myself to whom I owed loyalty, but the conclusion was that it was to neither. Hence, I kept silent, to Titania’s relief. I’d stated the truth wouldn’t come apparent by my interference, and I remained true to my resolve.

“So that’s how it is,” Amaria lowered her eyes, and I could tell she was disappointed in me for apparently taking Titania’s side. “Then, I’ll just…”

Amaria grabbed Titania’s diary, and started reading.

“Don’t do that,” the redhead blurted, but it was all too late.

Amaria dropped the book, and the dull thud sound it made seemed to resonate in the absolute silence. Titania didn’t speak up, and I wished I could just leave, but I didn’t feel it to be appropriate.

“... Fake fairytale romance,” Amaria finally said. “Tania, what’s the meaning of this?”

“I warned you,” she replied without looking at Amaria.

Amaria was silent again, and when she spoke up again, I could hear she was crying even though I could only see her back.

“You… don’t love me, do you?”


“Amy, you’re my best friend. I would choose you over anyone else,” Titania explained. “But that’s not the same as having romantic feelings.”

Amaria was silent, so Titania took it as a cue to explain herself further.

“I feared if you knew, you’d hurt yourself. I know I acted foolishly, and I’m deeply regretful.”

“Being with you, it felt as though someone was picking up the pieces of my shattered glass heart and fitting them back together bit by bit,” Amaria sniffled. “But now, the glass has all been shattered once again.”

The cyan-haired girl swayed a little and I thought she might pass out, but instead she turned her back on Titania and started running past me toward the door.

“Amaria,” Titania called. “Amy, wait!”

She also ran past me, almost tripping over the stairs.

When they were gone, I was left wondering how I’d gotten into this mess. Had I not accidentally read what was Titania’s diary, I might’ve evaded this all together, yet fate seemed to always be luring me to more and more misfortune, like a small insect is drawn to the burning flames.


When I exited the house and jogged down the hill, Shelly was standing, waiting for me.

“Vanilla, um, I just saw two girls run past here and, they’re... there.”

Shelly pointed her shaking finger to a patch of land that hadn’t yet been consumed by the rapid currents of the river. I slightly regretted not having a water type on hand to teach Surf to, for as I approached the two women, I saw that Amaria was on the edge of falling down the cascade.

“Amy, enough of this. Let’s go home,” I heard Titania speaking as I approached them.

Shelly and Pikachu followed me, but I told them to stay where they were. I had a bad feeling about this, and Shelly had already been through this type of stress.

“Shelly, don’t come. Pikachu, keep her away,” I ordered. “I don’t want you to see this, in case something happens.”

However, Shelly insisted on coming; every time I turned my back on her, she moved closer and closer, until we were both on the edge of the river. Once I was there, though, I didn’t know what to do. What could I say, and when, to prevent any misfortune for Shelly’s sake? To my dismay, a third party could do nothing, and thus the only thing left for me to do was watch and hope that Titania may somehow dissuade Amaria from going over the edge.

“I only wanted to help you, even if that meant ignoring my own needs,” Titania said.


“So you lied to me? About everything? How does that help?” Amaria retorted, and when the redhead attempted to speak, she cut her short. “How long have you felt this way… how long have you been lying to me?”

Titania hesitated and looked away, but answered in a low voice.

“Since the beginning,” she said. “I have only treasured you as a friend.”

Amaria looked down, then up to hold back her tears, but they seemed to overflow her eyes nonetheless. She clenched her fists and seemed to be in pain, but that only lasted a couple of minutes, before her shoulders relaxed.

“You were my whole world, you know,” she said with a surprisingly calm voice. “With you, my heart was set free from the daily darkness that engulfed me… but I was just your prison.”

“It’s not like that.”

“It won’t be, anymore,” Amaria took one step closer to the edge of the waterfall. “With this, I set you free.”

“Amy, don’t be stupid,” Titania said and took two steps forward.

“P-please, stop! Please,” Shelly also joined in and screamed, but it was for nothing.

Amaria plunged into the abyss, leaving the words, “Goodbye, my love” hanging in the air.


“No, n-no, Vanilla. This can't be... Why? Why?” Shelly said with a trembling voice.

I couldn’t explain it, though there must be a reason I am not aware of, but I said nothing and lightly embraced Shelly as she sobbed for the probable death of a person she didn’t personally know.

Titania looked at Shelly and me, but made no comments about the crying child.

“I’m going after her,” she told me with a stern expression, and was bold enough to use my words against me. “But I don’t have a way back up. Figure it out, or I will become your worst nightmare.”

So she plunged down the waterfall, knowing whether or not it was a survivable distance way down. Likes attract, and so must fools attract too. Such were my thoughts as I watched the rushing water fall off the cliff, while trying to calm a child with waterfalls on her eyes.



  • Amaria (-1): 4/10 Shouldn't have made the decision to commit suicide even if the revelation that her lover didn't love her was shocking- I don't have a good opinion of those who rely on others for their happiness
  • Titania (-1): 2/10 She didn't handle things properly years ago, and she didn't handle things properly this time around either, it would seem
  • Bonus Shelly (+/- 0): 7/10 I'm puzzled by why she sheds tears for one she has no attachment to- when it'd been Corey, he was her friend's father so it was understandable, but this time she doesn't know Amaria other than perhaps by name



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1 minute ago, J-Awesome_One said:

Another exciting (but sad) episode! I liked how you made Shelly watch the 2nd suicide... Is it morbid for me to say that. o.O Ohh well. I like how you made Titania more... I wanna say humble with the whole "reading the diary" thing. Well can't wait for the next 1. 🙂

I didn't want her to watch it, but since she's right there I couldn't not have her lol poor Shelly will be traumatized until they get Waterfall and find out Amaria ain't dead.

I don't think I made Titania more humble (90% of what she says is copy pasted from the game) but having someone equally sharp (Vanilla) instead of the usual silent protagonist might've made her seem more vulnerable. She already has guilt in her, but doesn't show weakness in the game because the MC doesn't go like "Titania how could you do this shit to Amaria?? *angery*" while Vanilla's like "she'll turn into your worst nightmare" xD

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1 minute ago, SilverHelio said:

I wonder what Shelly and Pikachu did while Vanilla went inside the mansion 👀

*nincadas singing in the background*

Shelly: ...

Pikachu: ...

*croagunks and froakies croaking in the background*

Shelly: ...

Pikachu: ...

*river flowing in the background*

Shelly: ...

Pikachu: ...

Shelly: Um, may I, um, pet you?

Pikachu: *squeaks and gets closer to Shelly*

Shelly: *pat pat*

Pikachu: *blissful*

Shelly: *blissful*


jk I don't know, I leave it to thy imagination xD

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2 hours ago, Candy said:

I found some R-rated magazines between the cushions.

Best Reborn run (or is this particular in the game?)


I really liked the episode, the dialogues felt natural. However I wonder which path Vanilla will choose at the end of WTC: she said she wants to grind experience several times but her "git gud" attitude may make her choose the wrong path and refuse fighting Taka, or maybe her heart will change befoore that moment...

14 minutes ago, Candy said:

froakies croaking in the background

Ok who would pet anything when you can catch Froakie in the wild?!?!?
Nincada is a cool pokemon too (Shelly make Shedinja great again!)

But I totally see Shelly asking to pet Pachirisu 

Btw Pachirisu should have forced her to stay away from that scene

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2 hours ago, Corso said:

the wrong path

I see sumone is biased >.> jk I've been thinking but I'm going to cheat it and force Reshiram-path it lol You'll see what I mean when we get there. The reason is simple: on my main save somehow I ended up fighting him and thus playing Zekrom path. I wanna play Reshiram path too, even if I've gotten massively spoilered already xD

But I might make it a poll decision if there's enough interest in determining Vanilla's fate~


2 hours ago, Corso said:

when you can catch Froakie in the wild

Probably you can catch froakie in the wild... except it's a 0.00001% rare encounter 😈


Also, that mini scene was something I pulled out of mah b00ty in one minute (hence the random froakies), but it's based on this old scene in Ep 13 back in Season 1 lol It's the scene just before Vanilla and Shelly have their gym match, but Shelly is still uncomfortable around Vanilla due to her explosiveness being reminiscent of Cal.


“What is it,” I asked.

“I-I’m fine, don’t worry about me.”

Clearly she wasn’t fine. I could see the fear in her eyes. Why? Don’t ask me questions.

I scratched my cheek and watched her silently for a short moment, before thinking of something to ease the atmosphere. I took Pikachu off my shoulder and lifted him up in front of her face.

“Do you like squirrels?” I asked.

“Your pachirisu is very cute,” Shelly said, showing Pikachu a warm smile. “C-Can I pet it?”


Shelly slowly raised her hand and started petting Pikachu on the head. Her trembling gradually subsided, and Pikachu let out a comfortable squeak.

“I-I think… I can tell you have taken care of him very well.”

“He doesn’t battle, but has been with me almost immediately since I started the Reborn League.”

When I judged Shelly was less nervous around me, I asked her whether she’d like to start the battle.

“L-Let’s do it.”


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5 hours ago, Archeric said:

oh no im late

damn poor shelly, had to see another person plunge to their death

also damn vanilla being an unemphathetic savage again 😂

hopefully seeing dead bodies can make vanilla like tania

Imo though, out of all the episodes, I think Vanilla was less of an un empathetic savage in this one (criticizing Tania by thinking of what'd happened to herself, hugging Shelly which I think is almost uncharacteristic of her lol), though if you emphasize with Tania... then yep she has zero mercy for her 😂

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  • 3 weeks later...

tumblr_lp0mal7AcQ1qg3clto1_250.gifFrom Everland to Reborn ~ Episode 48tumblr_lp0mal7AcQ1qg3clto1_250.gif

I kept my silence, sometimes looking straight ahead across the river and other times looking down on Shelly’s lilac hair tickling my jaw. As her crying subsided, I noticed that her grip on my clothes softened but her arms didn’t move from their position. When I judged from the side of her face that she was calm, I spoke to her in a low voice.

“Can you stand by yourself now?” I asked.

Shelly opened her eyes slowly, as though she had been waking up from a revitalizing slumber on a summer morning. She nodded and let go of me.

“Sorry for, um, crying on your shoulder,” she said, looking at the dark pink stain on my bubblegum dress. I told her not to worry, for it would dry soon enough.

“Besides,” I said. “We still have to cross the river. Wait for me as I fetch a couple of water types from the PC.”

I climbed up the stairs in swift strides, entered the now deserted house and borrowed the PC to take out Kame, my blastoise, and Prince, my seismitoad. When I came back to the riverside, Shelly was crouching near the edge of the cascade. My heart almost stopped.

“Come here, Shelly, we don’t need more people stuck down the waterfall,” I called.

The girl stood up carefully and walked to where I was.

“Listen, this event might have reminded you of Corey’s… suicide,” I explained. “But this isn’t the same scenario. We saw Corey dead, but Amaria may still be alive for we haven’t confirmed otherwise. Now, put your dark thoughts aside until I figure out a way down and back up. As much as I’d prefer to leave Titania down there, I wouldn’t enjoy her becoming my worst nightmare. I have enough nightmares as it is.”

Shelly nodded, and forced a slight smile on her lips.

“Yes, Vanilla. I’ll pray for their safety.”

I sent out my two water types and taught them Surf.

“You get on Kame,” I said, helping her up Kame’s shell. She held onto the two water cannons.

The turtle pokemon growled and stepped forward to the river, but didn’t cross it until I was on Prince’s back and ready to cross the river myself. The two pokemon swam across the river, and were dexterous enough to keep the sideway motion to a minimum despite the strong current. Once we were on the other side, the two water types chanted triumphantly and gave each other a high-five. I have to admit, I was pleased that they were visibly content about being helpful to me.

We walked the path to Ametrine City with quick strides. As we climbed up the mountain, the climate became more unstable and sometimes we were brushed by a gust of wind or surprised by a little snow. We eventually found the entrance to Citrine mountain, which connected to Ametrine mountain apparently.

“I’ve never b-been here, but I think we have to, um, get to an upper floor. There should be an access to Ametrine there,” Shelly said, and we placed our priority on moving up the mountain.

On our way, we saw many ice type pokemon hidden behind icicles or shaking in small openings in the walls. It was odd, for I was used to wild pokemon attacking me when I trespassed into their territory.

“What do you think is wrong with the pokemon?” I asked Shelly.

“I don’t know… but, um, something must’ve happened recently,” she replied. “It’s easy to l-lose the trust of ice type pokemon, so, um, maybe someone did something to them?”

I didn’t question the possibility, but shoved the thought to the back of my mind as I struggled to find our way and also not to slip on frozen ground several times. Given Everland is under a spell of eternal spring, our shoes are designed for both walking on grass and hiking, but not for snowy or icy surfaces.

Fortunately, we didn’t have to go in circles for too long, because we met Cain, Aya and Hardy along the way. The former was heading to Ametrine City with us, while the latter two planned on helping the team in Calcenon as previously planned. However, when we got to the split point between Ametrine and Calcenon, we found out the true reason behind the lack of response from Ametrine.


“Well, this is new,” Hardy noted as he stroked the giant structure of ice that blocked our path.

I also touched it for a brief second, but it was so cold that it didn’t even melt and wet my fingers. The texture was almost like steel.

“Do you think we could break through it? To pass to the other side?” Aya asked Hardy.

“Let’s try it,” he said, and sent out his gigalith. However, despite the rock pokemon tackling the ice with a strength that would’ve crushed a regular ice type pokemon, the icy structure didn’t bulge.

“Not even a dent, huh?”

“Um, what about m-melting the ice?” Shelly asked.

“I think it more likely that the fire types will faint from exhaustion before this giant thick ice melts,” Cain sighed. “And trust me, I know all about thickness~”

“You what, mate?”

“I’m trying to lighten up the mood, geez. Anyhow, for the time being, we can’t go to Ametrine so we should check Calcenon out first. Saphira is the highest ranked gym leader, so I’m sure she can help us out.”

“Ugh, I hope that’s not too far. I’m not quite prepared for hiking, you know,” Aya said.

I had to agree with her on this, since chances were, the ground would be too slippery for my liking.

“Don’t worry, the trek ain’t long. It’s actually just around the corner, once we get outta here.”

Hardy led the way and all of us followed him.


Once out of Ametrine mountain, we saw that Hardy was right. Just a few metres from us was the access to Calcenon. However, just as Cain took one step onto the stairs made of stone, a light cut across my vision, and the next thing I knew we were all sitting or lying down because the movement of the ground made us lose balance. Before us, the stairs had crumbled into a pile of pebbles, inches from where Cain sat.

“Cain, are you alright?!” Aya said, approaching im with knitted eyebrows.

“I’m fine,” Cain replied, but judging from the uneven breathing, I felt e was faking it. “I didn’t see that one coming. Luckily, it missed me, whatever it was.”

All of us stood up and observed the broken path. Climbing up to Calcenon would be almost impossible without anything to hold on to.

“Hey, you do care,” Cain added as an afterthought, referring to Aya’s concern.

“What? Don’t be stupid,” she said and glanced away from her brother. “Anyhow, how are we going to get to Calcenon now?”

Just before Hardy could answer her question, however, a familiar woman came flying down to us on her orange dragon.

“Saphira,” I murmured. Whether or not she heard me, she acknowledged my presence with a nod.

“Is everyone all right?” she asked all of us. “Team Meteor has occupied Labradorra City and is using a PULSE Clawitzer to assault Calcenon from afar. Another one!”

Saphira’s dragonite flew backwards, almost making a 360 degree twirl, and started shooting meteors and hyper beams to the PULSE attacks. The deflected attacks landed on multiple sites outside Calcenon. Once the PULSE attacks ceased for a while, she swooped down from the sky back to where we were.

“As you saw, I can deflect the attacks,” she explained. “But there’s collateral damage. Sorry about that.”

“It’s fine, I just saw my life flash before my eyes. No big deal,” Cain shrugged.

“So I’m guessing that was like watching a split-second porno?” Aya teased.

“The dialogue was slightly better.”

“I can’t stick around to chat. You can get to the city from the eastern entrance.”

Saphira then took off to the skies to resume her job.

“So much for ‘right around the corner’,” Aya sighed.

I didn’t say anything but I agreed.

“Don’t worry,” Hardy said to cheer her up. “Route 3 used to be tough, with several tunnels and dark maze-like caves, but the cities of Calcenon and Labradorra spent a buncha resources to build bridges. Now it’s a smooth road for travelers.”

Again, Hardy was right about the bridges, but as we were crossing, a deflected PULSE attack hit the bridge and collapsed it. I grabbed Aya, who was walking closest to me, but my hand just missed Shelly’s sleeve. Pikachu jumped off my shoulder and did reach her, only to open up his disguise in such a way that it formed a parachute. Hence her fall wasn’t as bad as Cain or Hardy’s.


“Are you all okay?” Aya called on them.

Cain stood up fairly quickly, but Hardy oscillated slightly when he stood.

“Give me a second. I’m all good, but that rail is hard. I’ve got a splitting headache.”

“Geez, first Terra and now the rail. You’ve really taken a beating, and not in the good way,” Cain jested.

“Um, is there a g-good way?” Shelly questioned.

“Now,” I interrupted their casual chat. “How should we get to Calcenon, without the bridge?”

“So much for a ‘smooth road’ too,” Aya sighed.

“No worries. As I mentioned before, if all else fails, there’s the original way to Calcenon. See the opening right there?”

Hardy pointed to a opening on the side of the hill.

“That should be a tunnel. If you go through it, you should get to Calcenon in no time. Hopefully the PULSE blasts haven’t wrecked the interior of the caves as well.”

“Alright,” I said, carefully sliding down a piece of bridge to reach the tunnel entrance.

“Try to catch up to us as soon as you can,” Cain told me. “But if you can’t, let’s meet in Calcenon.”

I nodded and saw Hardy jumping some ledges and already starting to climb to get to the next bridge. When he was a little further away, Cain looked at Aya with an unnatural smirk.

“And don’t worry about your boyfriend. I’ll take good care of him,” e whispered and winked.

Aya colored her cheeks and snapped back, shouting, “He’s not my boyfriend!”

Cain waved and placed an arm on Shelly’s shoulders to be on their way. Shelly, holding Pikachu on her arms, looked at me, at Aya, and then back at me, before allowing Cain to push her onwards.


Hence it was just Aya and me navigating the caves, which had little to guide us in the right direction. There were no signs, but luckily the ground and walls had been renovated fairly recently because we did not run into any trouble on the aspect of walking. For the most part, Aya and I walked in silence. Sometimes I guided the way, and sometimes she did, but we never walked next to each other. I wouldn’t have minded to continue like this, but soon we found reason to break the silence.

“Hey, what are those guys doing here?” she asked, and the couple of Team Meteor grunts looked our way.


“Someone actually came,” one of the grunts acted surprised. “Now we shall stop you.”

We engaged in a double battle with them, but Aya and I were so discoordinated in our teamwork that we would have lost had the opponents not been mere novice grunts. She used sludge wave when I had Gretel (slurpuff) out, and surf when Wolfie (lycanroc-day) was on the field, which knocked both of them out, even though she did great damage to the opponent’s team as well.

“Aya,” once we were out of the grunts’ sight, I called on the girl. “We have to do a better job with the double battles. You can’t keep knocking my pokemon out with your ill-judged moves.”

“Ill-judged? I’d say it’s just that your pokemon can’t even take a hit,” she retaliated.

“No, you know that’s not true,” I said, flashing my badge collection to her for a moment. “I know you hate me, but Team Meteor is occupying this cave. We might encounter admins at any point, and it would be disastrous if we lose just for miscommunication.”

“I don’t hate you,” she said, not looking at my eyes. “But maybe I do. I hate myself a lot more, though.”

“How has your Gym leader duties been going? I take it you remained at Byxbysion wasteland a while after I left?”

Aya nodded.

“Hardy stayed as well. I battled a couple more trainers.”

“How did those battles go?”

“I lost to one, and won against the other.”

I softened my expression. I remembered I had told her to make up her mind about remaining a Gym leader- if she battled after I left, her choice was evident.

“That’s good. Congratulations on your first victory,” I said with honesty.

“I don’t feel it was my doing, though,” she shook her head. “That guy was mostly a flying type user, so stealth rock on wasteland field pretty much wrecked his team. Only his blaziken stood a chance, but seeing as he had nothing to work the field with, he lost. It wasn’t a battle I needed much skill in.”

“Even then, you won because you had a better understanding of the field,” I said.

We resumed walking, but slowly.

“I have lost many times. Perhaps not as often in pokemon battles, but quite a few in physical people fights,” I explained. “Most of those times it was because I didn’t have as good a grasp of the field as the opponent.”

I recalled the time I lost the Gym battle against Noel because of how tanky the grassy terrain made his clefable be, the time Archer made me fall into his trap to fight the Magma Gang, and yet another time when I went into 7th Street without preparation to deal with the savages down there.

“Yet, I don’t believe those were fake losses. I lost, end of story,” I said. “So you should take pride in your accomplishments. However small, it shows improvement of skill.”

Aya was silent, but gradually aligned her step to mine.

“Perhaps you were awaiting an apology on my side,” I commented, and Aya looked at me with curiosity. “But I have no intention of providing one.”

“I don’t care for an apology at all,” she said, looking away once again.

“Good. I have my reasons too. I only apologize when I have wronged someone, but seeing as I said nothing but the truth back in your Gym, there’s no need for an apology. I regret nothing of what I said.”

“You really know how to get on my nerves,” Aya rolled her eyes.

“But,” I quickly added. “My getting on your nerves helped you improve.”

The purple-haired girl giggled and then started laughing.

“Improve, me? Please,” she said, and her laughter subsided. “I’m still the same toxic person you met. I shouldn’t have slapped you then, because I knew you were telling the truth. I’m worthless.”

“I doubt truly toxic people admit that they are toxic. For all I know, I might be the toxic one out of us two.”

That was a fact, and I knew it. Wolfie’s death was proof of it.

“Look, there’s a couple more grunts. Let’s see improvement, alright?” I said with a lower tone.

While fighting these two, I noticed that Aya had added a lycanroc-dusk to her team. An odd choice at first glance, for it was not a poison type, but on second thought, I judged it was a gift from Hardy to her. Whether or not she was aware, or returned the feelings, I confirmed Hardy was partial to her after seeing his behavior and now this lycanroc.

This second fight went much more smoothly. Sometimes we miscommunicated, especially on choosing who would attack who, but nothing as disastrous as what we did on the first.

“See, you can improve,” I complimented her. “Anyone can, if they are willing to and give their best. I told you, one must make up one’s mind: either you don’t do it, or you give your 100%. It can’t be something in between.”


We then walked together in silence the rest of the way.



  • Aya (+1): 5/10 Even though her low self-esteem needs to be worked on, she seems to have made up her mind to be a gym leader and her skill shows her devotion.


20K views? What the hecc frens. View counter is broken confirmed ✅



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I have been wanting to see some 1 on 1 time with those 2 and this is prob better than anything I could have thought of. Again, having Shelly there with everyone feels so enjoyable different. Love reading these. Can't wait for more! 😄 Deff need to start mine up again when I get done with the batch of videos I've been doing. Lol.

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33 minutes ago, J-Awesome_One said:

I have been wanting to see some 1 on 1 time with those 2 and this is prob better than anything I could have thought of. Again, having Shelly there with everyone feels so enjoyable different. Love reading these. Can't wait for more! 😄 Deff need to start mine up again when I get done with the batch of videos I've been doing. Lol.

I would've had Shelly coming with Vanilla and Aya, but I felt they needed time alone and heck I can just use raw screenshots? Sign me up 💯

I'm glad you liked it, because I liked it too :3


15 minutes ago, Archeric said:

candy-sama has blessed us yet again with another chapter




how did you even edit pikachu onto shelly’s head 😂 

It's fairly easy once you have the sprites- you just combine them together using an image editor that supports layers.

Pikachu using his disguise as a parachute is quite likely to make a comeback in the future (prolly in Season 4 when Vanini makes a brief return to Ametrine, but the specifics shall be kept secret) 😛

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