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Gible Earthquake



Mornin fellow gamers,


I tried to breed some Gibles with Earthquake and Outrage. As Outrage can be learned by tutoring i put EQ as my No.1 priority. 

As far as i thought to know a new Pokemon has the species of his mother and learns attacks from its father. Attacks passed have to be moves that the new Pokemon can learn via leveling up, using a TM or if that attack is an egg move. 

Thus i took a female Gible with good IVs and a male Swampert with EQ and Mud Shot to start with those two attacks. So thinking that Mud Shot falls under the egg-move-rule and EQ the TM-rule i was exspecting a Gible with Mud Shot and EQ. Although EQ is not listed as learnable by breeding here ( https://pokemondb.net/pokedex/gible#dex-moves ) i thought the TM-Rule should apply nevertheless. In the end Gible was born with 2 Starter moves and Mud Shot.


Can anyone correct my thoughts or tell me what i am doing wrong? I would appreciate any kind of advice.



Edited by Rapple
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i once breeded a larvitar with a snorlax and got rest and sleep talk i think

i think you need to hatch more eggs to find out if gible can really learn eq


EDIT: i dug around a bit and found out that tm moves can be inherited if the child can learn the move by tm

i theorize that since swampert learns eq by leveling up it wont be inherited


4 hours ago, walpurgis said:

TM moves can't be inherited through breeding since gen VI.


no op garchomp i suppose

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