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[Closed... for now] Free 5IV shiny breeding


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In the spirit of Xmas (and me doing some shiny breeding for myself) I'm willing to shiny breed 3 pokemon of base egg cycles 25 or below. See Bulbapedia to see if your wanted pokemon qualifies.


So the first 3 people to request will get their mons! Hurry!


Warning: can't guarantee the non-perfect IV's location but I'll make sure it's not on the 2 important stats 😊

Edited by Candy
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@Candy Sure thing! I just logged in too :) 


Edit: I didn't know how to thank you, so I caught you a shiny Flabebe with Hidden Power Ground. Pretty bad IVs, but I had no 31 IV'ed mons to breed you a good one... :( 

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