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What If Reborn Became An Anime


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So I'm pretty sure this topic has come up in 1 of the interviews Ame has done with some of the YouTubers (if not, my mistake), but I've been curious. What would Reborn be like if someone decided to make an anime out of it? And no! Ash would not be the protagonist! There are so many questions to this. Like would the protagonist be a female or male? And yes. I know Ame has made Non-Binary but I'm not sure if someone would make the protagonist that. Anyways, back to the questions! What would they look like? Would they be 10 years old or 18+? Would they only use 6 Pokémon or would they capture multiple Pokémon? What would their main team be? I know this topic is prob pointless to make but ehh. Maybe other people would like to tell what they would see in a Reborn Anime. So yea. This should be enjoyable.

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The anime would feature suicide, murder and lots of dead pokemon and a whole lot of terrorism, I assume the protagonist would be three Alolan Vulpixes in a trench coat.


While it'd be kinda amazing to see Reborn somehow adapted into an anime, I think it'd actually make a pretty terrible one considering most of the story is straight up....Basic Anime? I mean obviously reborn is over the top now but in Anime form it'd get even worse.... 

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The main character should be an adult, about 20-25, to let us see how a grown-up matured person treats pokemon. Too many kid saviours get boring after a while. Also, I'd like it to feature some scenes of violence, terrorism, explosions (not-only inflicted by Julia), murder and augment the supernatural element a bit (I'd love to hear the lil girl voice as we leave underground Arceus meteor temple, and having it being as creepy as possible). Shade's appearances too. Incredible stuff.


But to make it good, you'd have to completely cut the links between it and canon-pokemon anime. Just no. No Ash too, for God's sake, no more elixir of youth consumption. Also, I'd like to see the anime appearance of fields, their effects and many strategies implemented. Pikachu gaining momentum on Pryce's Icy Field would get new meaning here!

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It wouldn't need to be a single story. With Reborn, you can make a lot of small simple stories about different characters and make them meet later. The scenes from the game can remain as they are, but we would like to see more of the rest of the cast. Frankly speaking, a protagonist with no dialogue does not make a good anime character.


I could see it as a novel, describing all of their thoughts, their emotions, the landscape etc. In my opinion, it would be much more immersive than an anime or manga series. 


Of course the early focus would be on Ame herself, searching for new trainers to challenge the newly founded league.

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I totally agree with you Jess!


I had made a topic about it a while ago. One of the points I oversaw was the characters. I think that there should be a group instead of a single character, each based on one of the playable characters (Vero, Alice, Kuro, Lucia, Ari and Decibel) with a different expertise. For exemple, Vero could be the ace battler, who would do some of the hardest fights, and you would have Ari, an expert in geology and Reborn's geography, you could have Kuro as an apprentice pokémon professor and a field expert, and then Decibel, who is there to help however he can while being the comic relief, and the list goes on.


Also, the story doesn't have to stick at 100% with the game. For exemple, let's say that Vero and Lucia went together on Ameritrine Mountain to stop Blake. The duo gets stopped by some Meteor elites and Vero deals with them while Lucia goes to the top to help Shelly and Cal. Also, the protagonists could show a lot of paradoxal feelings, like being horrified at the sight of Meteor grunts mercilessly murdured by Saphira.


Also, the fact that protagonists wouldn't be affected by what I call the "Pokémon player bystander syndrome" (aka letting anyone go away, steal things from you or murder people in front of you) could make interesting turns. Let's take, for exemple, Vero going down the WTC to rescue Titania. First of all, I highly doubt he would let her slaughter everything in sight and would eventually battle her. Then, once arrived with Taka, we could have at least some kind of conversation between him and Vero.


For the beginning, after the "Ame arc" where Ame looks for new trainers and stuff, we could get a nice close view on the city from the point of view of one of the protagonists. For exemple (I'm getting annoyed at writing these words), having nowhere to go on a rainy night, and sharing the improvised shelter of a hospitable enough hobo.


I think that such a series should be balenced between epic scenes of battle (Duh, it's pokémon after all), a lot of character developpement, scenes of exploration (perfect opportunity to include a new pokémon to the group), maybe a little romance, and the major plot events must take themselves seriously and leave an actual impact on the characters.


In the end, excelent topic. I look forward for more people to pose their opinion!

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What do you all think the protagonist team would be like? I know he'd prob catch multiple Pokémon (aka more than 6) but I think his/her final team would be pseudo legendary, a cutesy Pokémon, 2 powerful Pokémon and 2 decent Pokémon.


Pseudo Pokémon - Tyranitar

Cutesy Pokémon - Ribombee

2 Powerful Pokémon - Conkledurr & Staraptor

2 Decent Pokémon - Whiscash & Victreebel

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I think a fanmade manga in the vein of Pokemon Special/Adventures would be much more feasible than an anime. As for the main character's team:


- Starter: probably a Water type, since Fern and Victoria have a Grass and Fire starter, respectively (yes, Cain has the respective Water starter, but it's not his main Pokemon). I think Greninja fits Reborn the most (hence why I picked it on my main playthrough)

- Other slots would probably be filled with Reborn's MVP: Magnezone, Arcanine, Gardevoir, and Mamoswine/Flygon.

- For the final slot, I think the protagonist would want to honor Corey by having one of his Pokemon on his main team, and his Crobat would be the most fitting.

- Alternatively, one of the slots could be filled with one of the Mystery Egg Pokemon, or maybe even Ame's Absol, which you can get.

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I wouldn't want them to make the same mistakes the anime-Ash does. So, no cutesy pokemon unless guaranteed to be powerful. 


If we go for multiple progatonists (btw I love that it feels like we are already planning this -- it's fine imagination all the way), their personalities match with the poke-choices.

For example, if we go by the idea suggested above of a member being an archaeologist of some sorts, things like the Metagross sidequest should be theirs only.


I'd rather have them alone in various parts of Reborn, doing things that the game protagonist does on their own.

For example

No1 goes for the Jasper/Beryl and Obsidia quests fighting the Tangrowths and then continues to search for the power plant and Citrine Mt.

No2 goes to Coral and on a journey to Apophyll and Azurine Island then proceeds to search the lake

No3 goes to the Wasteland, the Grotto and searches around Tanzan to check underneath, then go to Spinel

No4 could go straight to Route 1, the woods, the Iolia Valley then Agate

Νο5 could be straight from Calcenon and search around Ametrine, Labradorra, Agate city and the Circus

No6 has to go to the desert and find out more about the Reborn world -- possibly discover the route to Charous etc


I mean, if one wants to, they can divide the story into several branches and make each as extensive as they'd like. Joined things are also probable.

Yet, a common adventure isn't that feasible, since 6 people constantly bumping onto each other tackling the same problems is quite tiring.

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Sorry, Nickcrash, I wanted to quote you, but the quote fonction won't work for some reason.


It think that the protagonists should be divided in little groups that meet from times to times. The focus of the story would go randomly between them.

The groups would go as following:


-Group 1: Alice and Ari, an ace trainer and an expert in geography and geology, two childhood friends, native from Reborn. They went on a journey to challenge the league in Alice's case and to learn more about Reborn's geography and geology in Ari's. They would be the ones  most personally concerned with the children's storyline. However, they would not go as far as Agate Circus and instead would help with the reconstruction of Reborn City.

-Group 2: Vero, Lucia and Kuro. Vero starts his journey alone after the traiin attack. Some time after, he meets Lucia, a personal pokémon caretaker and personal trainer who would join him, mainly because she thinks that meeting famous trainers like Gym leaders could help her extend her expertise. Kuro would be met at the Onyx Ward school and would want to put his knowledge about pokémon and field effects into practice and enhance his skills. This group would follow the typical way of the reborn protagonist, but less personally invested in other characters' personnal affairs. However, they would still take part in a lot of fights against Team Meteor.

-Decibel: A loner, a former Pokémon Show performer who already began his career some times prior the beginning of the story. He came from Sinnoh and would be a rival to Vero and a good helper in time of crisis. He may be quite a goofball, but he's surprisingly good at battle tactics and puzzle resolving.


As for their teams:


Alice: Not quite sure about her, but I think that whoever she decides to take, it would be out of generosity. Maybe the Stufful in the beginning and a Bunneary?

Ari: As a geologist, she would love rock and ground-type pokémon. I would see her starter as Swampert or Torterra. A few others could include Golem, Steelix, and Magcargo.

Vero: The hot-headed trainer, would fit very well with the hot-headed Charizard as his starter. For the rest of his team, I imagine him taking alongside him strong pokémon (like Joltik in the begining, Shinx in the Arcade, Heracross in route 1, etc.).

Lucia: For an energetic trainer, an energetic pokémon, Infernape! For the rest, not too much pokémon (as she is not primarly a battler), but she could definitely get some strong additions to her team, like Pangoro, Hawlucha and Rhyperior.

Kuro: As a Pokémon prof. in the making, I see him with a competively great starter, like Blaziken or Greninja. For the rest of his team, pokémons that are competively good or can change fields, or other practical use.

Decibel: As a former show performer, I would see him with a taste for Fairy-types. He would always travel with his Mimikyu like Ash and Pikachu. His starter would be Primarina, or as his nickname is, "Mr. Fabulous". He would also obtain some really rare pokémon off-screen, like Pinsir, Spiritomb, Rotom and Silvally.


Also, about optionally winnable battles (against Solaris' Garchomp and El's Arceus), who would lead the fights against them and would they win?

Personnally, I would see Vero battling Solaris and giving all he's got, but losing due to the huge gap in power. Later, I would see Decibel's Silvally fight the fake Arceus alonside other people and having their teamwork triumph over the false god.

Edited by Gabriel1
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I guess that I'll throw my hat in a little bit but uhh...I guess it's best to talk about the protag. First off we need to talk about the infrastructure of the Reborn game. The Protag is revolved as one member in a group of scenes and plotlines generally going through the motions or assisting in some way or form. There are some scenes where the player is the lead role but usually they are with somebody else (one of the few exceptions is the first time meeting Taka). So the protagonist is just barely significant enough to include in an anime adaptation. Also, it would obviously need to talk (though a silent protag could be pulled off very well here). I just wanted to clear that out of the way before talking about the long suggestion that's been going on: multiple PC protagonist appearing.


I'm very against this. There's just not realistic way it could work or even flow well at all. Reborn already has a character bloat issue in its game which a game lets you go much deeper than a television series so...you probably get what I'm saying. Not only are you breaking one character into 6 smaller parts, but that's 5 additional characters you'd have to juggle, build up, and spend time with. A single character would benefit the role much more and could actually have a personality that stands out and add to the cast (I know one of the jokes with Reborn Abridged I made Vero a bit of a smartass).


Now we're going to also assume Reborn would be made under sane circumstances of a 20-26 episode series (which you could easily tell what you needed to doing this) so while the main focus would be on the main protag, I don't think that should be the only perspective and it should hop a little bit which also effects how the storyline plays out. In other words, make the player a bit less significant. So for example let's take the Yurevu Corp hostage situation. Instead of starting it with the player teaming up with Cain battling a bunch of grunts, it'd open with Charlotte pretty much being so done waiting for the others to show up and takes care of the grunts herself before going down and helping Shelly then trying to bust Noel out which is then where she and the player would first interact.


This would lead to some interesting scenarios. My favorite would be an opening scene where Radomus, Luna, and GG are having a tea party when suddenly the Player and Cain crash through a wall riding a tauros. GG and Luna have big white eyes shocked at the scene while Radomus is completely unfazed and takes a sip of his tea.

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Someone has to do something about the quote function...


Commander I get your point. I like the idea of the main protag to be a bit of a smartass.

I just thought that multiple protags could add a little more color to the concept of the main character, instead of always having the same guy or girl or whatever who just bombs into crashing Meteor's plans. It could also add some side stories (I know there are a lot already, but it would be nice to see the main characters get a little developpement).


Our ideas are both great, and it's up to each one's opinion, right?

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Anime? Lol, Nintendo doesn't even allow fangames (I don't know why Reborn still exist). Then you can dream for an anime. That would be epic but unfortunately, it won't happen.


If there was an anime it would be super long. The studio that does pokemon anime makes region very long for only 8 badges so 18 would make a one piece-like anime. That would be super cool, tho.

The history of reborn is so cool but it would be hard to adapt at tv. And Ash couldn't be the hero of this dark yet beautiful universe.

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Let's get this out of the way. This is anime-fanfic. Everyone involved in this thread knows pretty well an anime adaptation is not going to happen.


That said, the protagonist is silent and all of their choices are pretty much forced. They actually no personality and it's up to the anime to provide them with one (or plenty). The suggestion of multiple ones to take over is the exact same Commander made but with different characters. The person watching the anime will only see different people take charge in different scenarios. That person could either be Charlotte or Ari and nobody would even notice. Besides, the story doesn't need to be followed 100%. It can't.


While the main plot goes as the game intends it to, the adventurous parts of the "Reborn Experience" are always up to the player. Substitute those for multiple characters going for different locations and you're set. 6 is an arbitrary number. Besides, we don't need all of those to be successful. We'll need to fit in things like Savage.v2 in the story.


I also don't understand why anyone would limit such a story to 20-25 episodes. It would be way too rushed, thus providing no time to build up on so many characters. An anime that takes on Reborn should be ready to go over 100 easily to cover up for all regions, all characters, all secrets and possible flashbacks we might need (btw the game provides so many opportunities for a flashback and side-stories). 

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