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The Story of an Unlikely Hero: Pokemon Black 2 Edition


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I've been enjoying Thanksgiving Break too much, missing out some league days. Anyways, Time for a new chapter to fill!

Chapter IX: The Aquatic City of Humilau City, and The Chase For Team Plasma!


Anyways, I go up to Travix, who has already arrived there, and he tells me to battle the gym leader, Marlon. I then try to find him in the town. HOWEVER, he scares the crap out of me by jumping out of the water right in front of me! I can't help but think Marlon is from the ghetto, or somewhere else other than Unova. I then proceed to head back to the gym.

His gym is like a fricking resort. the music, the layout, everything. Anyways, time to battle some trainers.

I get my way around the gym, and make it to Marlon himself. LET'S... BATTLE!

NateChallenge.pngVS VSMarlon.png

With that said, the battle begins. He sends out Carracosta, and I send out Wattson, who does not look good. So, I use Thunder Wave, and then heal Wattson with a Hyper Potion. I also use Electroball, and then kill Carracosta in two hits. Marlon sends out Wailord, who will die within one hit, thanks to Electroball. However, he has a clever trick up his sleeve, as he attempts to burn me with Scald. However, he fails, and dies. Marlon has one trick up his sleeve, and that's Jellicent, who is at a high level of level 51. Before I could move a muscle, Jellicent kills Wattson with Brine, making me have no choice, but to send out Zoroark. I then proceed to use Night Slash, which cuts Jellicent's HP in half. , however, Jellicent's Cursed Body ability disables Night Slash. I then finish with Foul Play, and win the battle.

*Trevo received the Wave Bage!*

Marlon also gives me TM55 Scald. Marlon then dives in the water, and swims away. Wonder what he needs to do? Anyways, I then leave the gym, and find Travix waiting for me. He wants me to deal with Team Plasma first before doing anything. Then Marlon appears from the south side. But wait... didn't he just swim NORTH? I tell you, it's the attack of the clones. Marlon then wonders who Team Plasma is. Apparently, he's from the south side. NORTH SIDE! He then leaves after talking random stuff. Travix thinks he's irresponsible. Travix goes south, following Marlon. I guess I should follow them too.

I feel like I should have trained my Pokemon, but oh well. I bet I'm going to need to move some rocks in Seaside Cave, so I taught Magmordo Strength. WAIT, did I say Seaside Cave? Oh, that's because I'm already there!

I'm just going to go ahead, and battle ALL the trainers here. I need the extra levels, anyways.

ARGH... I feel like an idiot. route 22 is WEST, not South. I might as well do the rest of the stuff here, THEN go to Route 22.

So I got the rest of the items, and beat all the trainers. I then go to Route 22 this time. I battle some trainers and find Terrakion! Someone stops me, and shows his face as none other than Colress! He explains that Terrakion is one of the three Pokemon who protected Pokemon from the flames of human conflict. It seems that Terrakion has picked up the sense of danger that emanates from Team Plasma. Colress then explains that Pokemon alone do not make a Trainer. It's because Trainers are strong, they care about their Pokemon, that these Pokemon can also be strong. Colress then gives me the Colress Machine. Colress then leaves, but before he does, he says he saw something in Seaside Cave that reminded him of when we met on Route 4. The Crustle! Well anyways, he leaves, so that means I can battle Terrakion!

I defeat Terrakion in one hit, and Terrakion leaves. Time to head to Seaside Cave once again!

I go to the exit of Seaside Cave, and find a lone Crustle. Apparently, it must be the leader of the Crustle, because there are no other Crustle to see. I must catch it! I catch it, and the Colress Machine broke. And I only used it once! Colress, your machine broke!

Anyways, I head out there, only to find The Plasma Frigate there. So THIS is where they are hiding. Travix shows up, and Marlon, out of nowhere, opens the gangplank of Team Plasma's Frigate. You know what this means? Time for some heavy infiltration. However, that will be in the next Chapter, Tomorrow!

Current Pokemon Stats:

This felt like a short chapter, yet it was a long chapter.



Name: Sammy

Level: 53

Moves: Slash, Surf, Razor Shell, Aqua Jet



Name: Lucas

Level: 49

Moves: Foresight, Swords Dance, Force Palm, Bone Rush



Name: Wattson

Level: 52

Moves: Thunder Wave, Supersonic, Electro Ball, Flash Cannon



Name: Magmordo

Level: 47

Moves: Confuse Ray, Lava Plume, Strength, Faint Attack



Name: Frygore

Level: 53

Moves: Dig, Crunch, Fly, DragonBreath



Name: Zoroark

Level: 48

Moves: Night Slash, Faint Attack, Foul Play, Taunt

Edited by Trevo
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Chapter X: Infiltrating Team Plasma's Base: The Plasma Frigate!


I started this early, because... well... I accidentally boarded the Frigate. There's two Plasma grunts investigating the place, and they notice me and Travix, and proceed to battle us. I beat them easily, and then Travix goes inside the frigate.

I then go inside with Travix, and find a couple of Team Plasma grunts guarding the place. I then beat them easily. Inside where we are, there's barriers blocking a warp panel. Now, me and Travix have to look for the switches to deactivate the barriers.

I then follow Travix downstairs, and he gets into a fight with a Team Plasma grunt, but before things get rough, the Team Plasmas grunt reveals he's an Ex-Team Plasma grunt who's in disguise. Ex-Team Plasma's got your back, Jack! I then go in each room, battling all the grunts. I deactivate the 2nd Barrier, even though I WANTED to get them all in order. Too bad the guide book doesn't do them in order. I then deactivate the 4th Barrier from the right. I then find a Team Plasma grunt who doesn't battle, but shows me the pictures of Reshiram and Zekrom. Now I know who these Dragons are ( I kid, I knew all along!). I then deactivate the 3rd Barrier. Now there's the last one to do!

I go to another room, and I find a Magmarizer. You know what this means? Time to evolve Magmordo! However, that will be after I raid Team Plasma's Frigate. Anyways, I make it to the last switch, and it's unlocked! I then put Magmordo in front, because I need to train him, and then I head through the formerly guarded warp panel.

I end up in this Command Room or something, and Zinzolin knew I was coming. He shows me Kyurem, who's trapped in a tube. The ice missiles they fired into Opelucid City were created with Kyurem's power and Team Plasma's technology! He then tries to eliminate me. However, in the nick of time, Travix shows up, and helps me battle him and his assistant.

I knew I'd have to battle Zinzolin. Thank my lucky stars I sent out Magmordo. I end up killing Serperior with Lava Plume, however, it missed Crygonal. However, Serperior easily killed Liepard before I killed Serperior. I burn away their Pokemon with ease, and I teach Magmordo Flamethrower. Just what he needs!

Travix and Zinzolin argue about Purrloin, and Travix reveals that that Purrloin is the ONLY Purrloin in the world that his late grandpa caught for his little sister. Then Zinzolin says that Kyurem has fully recovered, and has no longer need of us for our time. He then sends the Shadow Triad to kick us out. We then witness an epic scene of Team Plasma taking off. Travix is in a rage, and then chases after Team Plasma's Ship. However, he stays when Cheren shows up, and says that Team Plasma's Frigate is flying toward the Giant Chasm. Cheren says that the only Pokemon that can stop Kyurem are Reshiram and Zekrom, but they are not here. Time to take matters into my own hands.

I head back to Humilau City, and head to Route 22. I know for a fact, that Team Plasma isn't even playing around this time. They have a fricking War Ship, new outfits, new music, everything. Everything's changed. I then trade Magmordo, and Guess what? Magmordo evolves into... Magmortar! I then trade back. How did I manage to trade you ask? WELL, my BROTHER wouldn't trade with me, so I took his DS and traded myself. Anyways, with our Complete Team, Time to find Team Plasma's Frigate, and infiltrate it!

I finally make it to the Giant Chasm, and when I go down a narrow path, I find two team Plasma grunts blocking me, and Travix shows up. The Plasma Grunts leave after another 'grunt' tells them it's clear. However, he reveals to us that he is the same Ex-Team Plasma grunt we saw in the Frigate. Both Travix and the grunt head deeper in the Giant Chasm. Time to follow them! I try to leave to Route 23, but there's Team Plasma grunts right there, blocking the exit! I have no choice, but to head deeper into the Giant Chasm.

I then head outside, and find Ex-Team Plasma trying to negotiate with Team Plasma. Rood is trying to talk some sense into them, but it's not working. Travix then yells, startling everyone, saying to let him through. However, Team Plasma then battles me and Travix. Am I the one who started bullcrap? NO. I could have just done some audino grinding while they duke it out, but NOOOO. Now I'm stuck to fight them. Oh well.

We beat the grunts, but more come. So Ex-Team Plasma's helping us by battling them, while we sneak on the Frigate. Rood says that the Shadow Triad has Purrloin, so it's going to be a bit difficult. I think I'll audino grind before infiltrating the Plasma Frigate.

I feel so mad. I was battling a wild Metagross, and it kept breaking free from the dang ball, even though its HP was low, and it was paralyzed. 30 minutes - an hour later, I threw one more Pokeball at it, guess what? It was a success.

With that out of the way, Time to heal, audino grind, and then infiltrate the Plasma Frigate!

Ok, I managed to get all of my Pokemon to level 60. Now, I'm going to board the Plasma Frigate.

I successfully sneak onto the Frigate, only to be caught by a couple of Team Plasma grunts. I see Travix fighting a couple of them, too, so I might as well help him out. I realized something. Travix's hair looks like it's Quilfish shaped. I go back to that room I saw Kyurem in, vowing to save Kyurem. I then go to the south side of the Frigate, and the Plasma grunt is no longer blocking it. I feel like I didn't talk to him, so if anyone did and knew what he said, please tell me. As I enter the south side, two grunts gang up on me. They both have 3 Pokemon, adding it to 6. Oh boy... it's going to be a long fight. However, I beat them very easily, thanks to Sammy and Magmordo. There's a little warp panel behind them, so I go to it, and it leads me to the heart of their base: Team Plasma's H.Q. When I get there, I see the Ex-Team Plasma member waiting for me. He contacted Rood, but no one came to help him. Guess again! They are outside right now! This floor is made of pipes, and you know what's worse? I have to find a stupid password to get to the other side! Well, I head to the south side to find some clues. That grunt with the Krookodile is back! I know it's the same guy, because he had a Sandile one point in Black 1, Krokorok at another point in the game, and a Krookodile in the Relic Castle! It's the same guy, because he ONLY has a Krokodile. I know it's level is lower than it was before, but hey, look at another guy in Team Plasma. His Pokemon leveled down, too.

There's one grunt who used to be in Team Galactic. Seems a lot of Villainous groups are referenced in this game! There's even a DOCTOR who joined Team Plasma! yet, he still has the Trainer music! I battle another grunt, who gives me the Plasma Card. Now I can enter the code I find. First digit is 2, second digit is 2, fourth one is 2. I bet the third one is 2. However, it is 0. I looked it up a LONG time ago. I now have all the digits! It adds up to 2202! Now, time to enter it in that machine. I deactivate the machine, and the barriers deactivate. I then go ahead to try and rescue Kyurem, but I don't know where to start. Then, out of nowhere, Hitl-- I MEAN Zinzolin shows up, and tries to take me down. Time to show him who's boss! I take him down easily, thanks to Lucas. There's two controls. The white one controls the temperature inside the ship, and the black one controls the ship's energy system. Seems nifty, isn't it? The left warp panel is blocked, so I take the one on the right. Little did I realize, I was heading straight towards a shocking twist.


Guess who I find in the room on the right? You guessed it! None other than Colress, the man of Science! He reveals why he joined Team Plasma, an acquaintance needed his help. He doesn't care what happens to the world, even if Team Plasma destroys it. He just wants to find the potential of Pokemon. He challenges me to a battle to see who is right. Colress, you're going down!

NateChallenge.pngVS VSColress.png

I send out Lucas, and he sends out Magneton. Now's the time to spam Aura Sphere. That crap keeps using Thunder Wave and Volt Switch. He switches to Magnezone, and I am paralyzed badly, so I heal Lucas. I kill his Magnezone and Klinklang easily. He switches to Beheeyem, so I send out Zoroark. I easily kill his Beheeyem, and he switches to Metang, which I then use Lucas. I beat down his last two Pokemon which were Metang and Magneton, and I defeat Colress. Colress restates his sentence from before, and wishes me good luck. I take one last look at Kyurem, and then head left to find who's REALLY behind all of this. Colress can't possibly be the one pulling the strings. I find all the Team Plasma grunts to be a bunch of babies. They all cry and run away. Oh well, Onward to the last room!

I find a man in green hair, and a black coat. He spills the fact that he made Colress the Boss of Team Plasma. He's mad that Colress lost. He reveals that He wanted to rule the world himself, and NOT Team Plasma. His desire is absolute rule of Unova, no matter what it takes. The Shadow Triad come in and say that Kyurem has been placed in the deepest part of the Giant Chasm. With that said, Ghetsis leaves to go do his plans. Travix comes in and finds that the Shadow Triad has his Purrloin, which is actually a Liepard now. He gets his Liepard back, while the Shadow Triad deal with me! Why can't Travix help? Seems that Team Plasma has more beef with me, more than they do with Travix. Maybe because I am the one doing all of the WORK! So I beat eache Shadow Triad, one by one. Apparently, The Shadow Triad are lazy, and don't care about what happens. They give Travix his Liepard back, and they say that Ghetsis will succeed. I doubt that! Time to knock some sense into them by freeing Kyurem, and beating Ghetsis.

This whole room sounds like it's under Gigyas's attack. Oh well. I leave, to battle Ghetsis. Before I do though, I heal my Pokemon, and notice that they took Kyurem out of it's prison. Let's go save Kyurem!

Current Pokemon Stats:

All of them are level 60, except for Sammy and Lucas. Most of them learned new moves, too.

Name: Sammy
Level: 62
Moves: Slash, Surf, Razor Shell, Swords Dance

Name: Lucas
Level: 62
Moves: Foresight, Swords Dance, Aura Sphere, Bone Rush

Name: Wattson
Level: 60
Moves: Thunder Wave, Supersonic, Electro Ball, Flash Cannon

Name: Magmordo
Level: 60
Moves: Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Strength, Faint Attack

Name: Frygore
Level: 60
Moves: Dig, Crunch, Fly, Dragon Claw

Name: Zoroark
Level: 60
Moves: Nasty Plot, Faint Attack, Foul Play, Taunt

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Chapter XI: The Lost Dragon: Kyurem, And Ghetsis's Last Stand!


I head outside of the Plasma Frigate, and head straight to the core of the Giant Chasm. There seems to be an extension than there was back in Black 1. I head deeper into the Giant Chasm, where I find Ghetsis waiting for me. He says that he's going to use this exact spot so that Kyurem can use the full extent of its power to freeze all of Unova. He then summons Kyurem. Ghetsis explains that he has a memory that haunts him. Maybe from 2 years ago? Ghetsis says he has a gift for me, but however, his 'gift' is to freeze me with Glaciate, so that I would die. Is Ghetsis trying to kill me? Maybe during the 2 years between B1 and B2, he went insane, I don't know. Then, out of nowhere, right before I get killed, A man saves me with Zekrom's Fusion Bolt. Could it be?


It's N!

He comes to save me, because Zekrom told N that Kyurem is suffering. N and Ghetsis argue about N's Childhood and Unova. LAME. Get on to the Action! Apparently, Ghetsis NEEDED Zekrom, so he can further his plans. Remember when Team Plasma fired ice missiles into Opelucid City? Yeah, they did that just so they can bring N back. Remember when the Shadow Triad stole the DNA Splicers? Well, Ghetsis needed them just so he can combine Kyurem with Zekrom. why not bring Reshiram along? Then, he'd be powerful enough to rule the world. He uses the DNA Splicers to make Kyurem break the ice off of him, revealing wings with lasers. Zekrom then tries to avoid them, but fails to. Zekrom falls, and turns back into the Dark Stone. Ghetsis then uses Kyurem to use Absofusion, which makes Kyurem transform into Black Kyurem, because Kyurem absorbs the Dark Stone.



After that awesome cut-scene, Ghetsis tells N that before, he was going to manipulate everyone. Now, he's simply going to use force, and rule with an iron fist. Ironfist... I remember those days... Anyways, Ghetsis tells me to battle Black Kyurem, so I will. I wish I could catch it, but I can't, because Kyurem's cane emits signals preventing me from catching it with Pokeballs. I guess I'm going to have to give it a little beating, then.

NateChallenge2.png VS black_kyurem_v_2_by_xous54-d4uo3e6.png

With that said, I send out Lucas. Ghetsis is right. I can't catch Black Kyurem. It just won't work. Unless I used Action Replay codes, it will always be un-catchable. I then tell Lucas to use Aura Sphere, which nearly kills Black Kyurem. Black Kyurem uses either Fusion Bolt, or Freeze Shock, I don't remember. Anyways, it didn't do crap, so I will use Aura Sphere one last time. Black Kyurem is defeated, and they split into Kyurem and Zekrom again.

Kyurem flees, and Ghetsis is getting angry, and battles me in a rage.

NateChallenge.pngVS VSGhetsis_2.png

Ghetsis sends out Cofagrigus, and I send out Lucas. Cofagrigus keeps spamming Protect and Psychic. I then decide to switch out Lucas for Zoroark. I kill Cofagrigus with Faint Attack, and then Ghetsis switches to Drapion. I switch out to Frygore, and use Dig. Ghetsis then proceeds to switch out to his favorite: Hydreigon. Who is still underleveled. I nearly kill Hydreigon with Frygore, but he kills me with Dragon Rush, yet he kills HIMSELF from the recoil. Ghetsis sends out Seismotoad, who uses Earthquake and nearly kills me. However, he kills me with Muddy Water. I kill Seismooad with Zoroark. Ghetsis then sends out Toxicroak. I switch out Zoroark with Magmordo. I burn Toxicroak down with Fire Blast, and kill him with Faint Attack. Ghetsis then sends out his last stand: Elektross. Time to send out Sammy then. Sammy faints, but I bring him back to life. I finish him off with Slash, and I win the battle!

Ghetsis is then shocked that he lost AGAIN. He claims he is perfect. He insults me and the guy from two years ago, and N tries to calm Ghetsis down, and persuade Ghetsis to change. Ghetsis then starts to go insane with a mental breakdown after hearing N's pleas. The Shadow Triad come, and take Ghetsis away. Farewell, Team Plasma! Farewell...

Kyurem is gone, and Ghetsis is stopped. The world is saved. N thanks me, and says that two years ago, Trevo (Me from Black 1), and Alder taught him that by accepting different ideas, this world creates chemicals reactions. By being with Pokemon, this world can be a better place. N asks me what I strive for, and I say... To make this world a better place! N leaves on Zekrom's back, and then Travix comes in. He asks if it's over, and I say that it is indeed over. Travix says that I am now the strongest Trainer in Unova. He tells me that the Pokemon League is to the left of the Giant Chasm. With that said, I leave the Giant Chasm and into the Crater Forest. The ice is all melted, leaving behind a giant plains.

I find Rood and a few Ex-Team Plasma grunts outside, and Rood tells me that a man in a white lab coat appeared, saying that a trainer had given him the answer he had been seeking, and as thanks, he would disband Team Plasma. He said his farewells, and the Plasma Frigate flew away. Was this man Colress? Then Ghetsis was right! He DID make Colress the new leader of Team Plasma. With that said, I leave the Giant Chasm, with the items found.

Team Plasma... is officially... Over.

Current Pokemon Stats:

The only change is Zoroark's level increased by one.



Name: Sammy

Level: 62

Moves: Slash, Surf, Razor Shell, Swords Dance



Name: Lucas

Level: 62

Moves: Foresight, Swords Dance, Aura Sphere, Bone Rush



Name: Wattson

Level: 60

Moves: Thunder Wave, Supersonic, Electro Ball, Flash Cannon



Name: Magmordo

Level: 60

Moves: Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Strength, Faint Attack



Name: Frygore

Level: 60

Moves: Dig, Crunch, Fly, Dragon Claw



Name: Zoroark

Level: 61

Moves: Nasty Plot, Faint Attack, Foul Play, Taunt

Edited by Trevo
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Chapter XII: The Perilous Journey In Victory Road!


Anyways, you guys are NOT Going to believe this. Earlier today, I met this guy who traded me a Level 100 Shiny Charizard. Do you know what this means? I can burn right through the league if I wanted to! But I won't, cause I am SO Close to beating it. By the way, Summer. When I finish this Chapter, we could make the trade. Sounds good? Anyways, Let's get started shall we?

I ran through Route 23 with a breeze, battling the trainers, not needing Training, good times.

I head up to Victory Road, and I find N standing there waiting for me. N talks about random crap, and he notices my Zoroark in my team. He thanks it, and gives me HM05 Waterfall. He then leaves. Time to burn through Victory Road! The Badge Check gates look awesome in this game. Scans them, too. There's this Giant Door, too, and it opens right in front of me. With that said, I then rush up to Victory Road. Time to turn up the heat!

I go down these huge stairs, and find myself in a place of ruin. Most of the people there are leveled between 55-60. Maybe a bit lower, who knows? Anyways, I battle a few trainers, and I find my way outside, only to find an Ex-Team Plasma member. She's now a trainer, following her own dreams. I WISH I had dreams... *Sobs*

Anyways, I manage to get my way to the top, while climbing around, getting the items, and stuff. There's only one person standing in my way: Travix!

NateChallenge.pngVS VSHugh.png

I'm not going to explain the battle. Travix lost, and I won. He gives me TM24 Thunderbolt, wishes me luck, and leaves. He's not going to challenge the league? Oh well. Time to head for the Pokemon League!

Current Pokemon Stats:

Well, I grew quite a few Pokemon's levels up. Hopefully, this is enough to beat the Pokemon League.



Name: Sammy

Level: 65

Moves: Slash, Surf, Waterfall, Swords Dance



Name: Lucas

Level: 64

Moves: Foresight, Swords Dance, Aura Sphere, Bone Rush



Name: Wattson

Level: 62

Moves: Thunder Wave, Supersonic, Electro Ball, Flash Cannon



Name: Magmordo

Level: 63

Moves: Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Strength, Faint Attack



Name: Frygore

Level: 61

Moves: Dig, Crunch, Fly, Dragon Claw



Name: Zoroark

Level: 62

Moves: Nasty Plot, Faint Attack, Foul Play, Taunt

Edited by Trevo
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Idk. a few others were reading this before. Maybe when it's done, I'll give the link to everyone so they can check it out. Also, My Wifi is working, so maybe tomorrow or something we can make the trade, Summer?

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This is it... The FINAL BATTLE!

Chapter XIII: My Finest Hour, The Pokemon League!


I finally make it to the Pokemon League, but before I challenge it, I do a few things. I get ready, heal my Pokemon, and get ready for the battle of my life. I talk to the guard, and he allows me inside the League.


It is tough to choose which way to go, so I go the traditional way. First, Second, Third, Last. I go to the one on the far left, first.


This room, is clustered with books. All written and read by the same person: Shauntal! I go up the stairs, which magically appear, and go up to Shauntal. She gets scared, and books fall, preventing my escape. She tells me a little story. Well, Shauntal, Let me tell you a WEE Little story, myself. It goes something like this...

NateChallenge.pngVS VSShauntal.png

So our story goes like this. I send out Sammy, Shauntal sends out Cofagrigus, who I beat up with Waterfall. She then sends out Driftblim, and I beat that up with Waterfall, too, however, the Aftermath killed Sammy. I now switch to Zoroark, while she switches to Golurk, and I spam Night Daze, with Nasty Plot of course. Golurk dies, and now she sends out her Chandelure. I kill it immediately, and win against Shauntal.

I'm going to go towards a more statistic approach, and use Lucas, just in case. I then heal my Pokemon, and head to the north-west room.


I go to the room, and these spikes reveal stairs. I climb up there, and I find Grimsley waiting for me. His room is like a mansion kind of room. Time to see who's coin flips, Grimsley!

NateChallenge.pngVS VSGrimsley.png

I send out Sammy, apparently, while Grimsley sends out Liepard. I hope this does not affect my battle. I kill Liepard with Waterfall, and now he brings out Krookodile. Krookodile fails to beat me too. Grimsley sends out Scrafty, who at least survives. I finish Scrafty off with Waterfall, and then Grimsley sends out his last Pokemon, which is Bisharp, who survives by an inch, yet fails in an instant. Grimsley, is defeated. With that said, I head to the north-eastern room.


I head there, and I see magic dust revealing stairs for me. I climb up there, and I don't see anybody. HOWEVER, Caitlin blossoms from her flower. Get ready, Caitlin, cause this battle is going to be a blackout!

NateChallenge.pngVS VSCaitlin.png

I send out Zoroark, while Caitlin sends out Musharna. I easily 2HKO Musharna, however, she makes my Zoroark sleep. I give Zoroark an awakening, and then use Night Daze. I also KO her Reuniclus and Sigilyph too. She sends out her last Pokemon, Gothitelle. I finish her off with Night Daze, and win the fight. Now all that's left is the one on the eastern room.


I go in the room, and find that there's a conveyor belt, which turns out to be stairs. I go on it, and it takes me to a half circle, but then the other half comes down, and Marshal is on it. Marshal, you're in the fight of your life!

NateChallenge.pngVS VSMarshal.png

Funny, I met Marshal in Twist Mountain. He's the guy who blocked my path! Oh well. I send out Sammy, he sends out Throh, which I beat up with Swords Dance and Waterfall. He then sends out Mienshao, who I ALSO kill with Waterfall. Marshal sends out his Conkeldurr, and I TRY to beat it up, but he kills Sammy. I switch out to Magmordo, and use Fire Blast and Flamethrower to end it's life. Marshal sends out Sawk to kill Magmordo, which I then switch out with Zoroark, and finish him with Night Daze. I then go to the center, where I find an elevator.


I climb the giant steps, and I enter the Champion's Room, only to find Iris there. Apparently, SHE is the Champion now. Great... just great... The room looks a bit the same, except for the fact it has a giant throne, and a gyant pyramid iin a spacial background. The place brights up, and I am forced to battle her. Time to proclaim myself as the new champion! This is a fight... to die for!

NateChallenge2.pngVS VSIris_2.png

So now, we're practically battling through the time-space continium, She's gotta be serious. I send out Sammy, while Iris sends out Hydreigon. I use Swords Dance, and then try to use Slash. HOWEVER, Sammy HAD To die, and now I send out Frygore, who nearly gets killed. Iris is not playing this time. She's for real. I manage to kill Hydreigon, and I switch out to Wattson, while she sends out Lapras. I use Thunder Wave and Electro Ball, and kill Lapras. Iris sends out Aggron, while I send out Lucas. I use Aura Sphere, and Aggron dies in agony. She then sends out Druddigon, who dies from Dragon Pulse from Lucas. Iris then sends out Haxorus, and I nearly come close to finishing it off, when Haxorus kills Lucas. I finish Haxorus off with Frygore, and then Iris sends out Archeops, which I kill with Zoroark's Night Daze. Do you know what this means? I WON THE POKEMON LEAGUE! I AM NOW THE CHAMPION OF ALL OF UNOVA!!!

Anyways, Iris opens the way to the Hall of Fame, which she uses high tech gear for. I climb the stairs all the way to the Hall of Fame.

Current Pokemon Stats:

Well, I spent a lot of time with these guys, and I'm a bit sad that it may all be over.



Name: Sammy

Level: 66

Moves: Slash, Surf, Waterfall, Swords Dance



Name: Lucas

Level: 65

Moves: Extreme Speed, Swords Dance, Aura Sphere, Dragon Pulse



Name: Wattson

Level: 65

Moves: Thunder Wave, Supersonic, Electro Ball, Flash Cannon



Name: Magmordo

Level: 63

Moves: Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Strength, Faint Attack



Name: Frygore

Level: 65

Moves: Dig, Crunch, Fly, Dragon Claw



Name: Zoroark

Level: 67

Moves: Nasty Plot, Night Daze, Foul Play, Taunt

I unlock Challenge Mode, The Credits play, and I am not sure if I should do the Post-Ending. I may as well. These sort of games NEVER END.

In the credits, there's all sorts of pictures of what happens after I beat Iris. I become the champion, I get paraded around, I go home. Simple. Somewhere in Unova, N is waiting for me. I just know it.

Is This... THE END?

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Chapter XIV: The Mysterious Zoroark on Victory Road, and N's Ruined Castle!

I get a visit from Cedric Juniper, Professor Juniper's father. He gives me a National Pokedex, so Now I can catch Pokemon from other places, too. Mom gives me Max Revives, and I leave. However, Travix and his little sister are right outside. Travix's little sister tells me about her strange dreams about a Zoroark at Victory Road. It was calling my name apparently. THIS FURTHER Adds to my Theory! How can Zoroark know my name, when only N knows my name? Time to investigate!

I head to Victory Road, while doing a few things. I accidentally beat the Unova Leaders part of the PWT. I will do that again, when I make the chapter for it. I find Zoroark when I get to the top of the league. The Zoroark lures me to this cave, and takes me to a cave where I've never been before (Actually, I missed quite a few things here in Victory Road). I find N waiting in his Castle. If he makes me have to battle him, I hope it's not level 70 or higher. I did NOT Bring Charizard. I probably needed to.

N makes me lead him to a special place in the castle.

I lead N to the room that's next to us. BIG MISTAKE. It's N'S ROOM. This room gives me the creeps. With that said, I leave. I lead N to the other rooms, and getting the items and such.

With that said, I make it to the top floor, and go inside N's Throne Room. I make it to the center of it, and then his theme out of nowhere starts playing. N sends out his Zekrom, and then I get into a battle with him. N, you're going down!

NateChallenge.pngVS VSN.png

N sends out his Zekrom, and I send out Lucas. I wish I had Charizard with me... Yup, Zekrom is level 70. Lucas is level 65. Let's see who is stronger! Apparently, Zekrom is stronger. Zekrom killed two of my Pokemon! However, I managed to paralyze Zekrom AND Confuse him, thanks to Wattson... but then N uses a Full Restore. Q_Q

I'm still trying to kill Zekrom, but it's so hard. Luckily, I manage to beat Zekrom, and defeat N.

N thanks me for the awesome battle, and releases Zekrom. Zekrom then turns back into the Dark Stone, and N gives me the Dark Stone, and tells me to take it to Dragonspiral Tower.

But you know what I don't get? Zoroark vanishes inside the castle, right? It's N's Zoroark, right? Then why is it not in the castle? Further question, Why doesn't N battle with Zoroark? This takes my theory even further!

Current Pokemon Stats:



Name: Sammy

Level: 67

Moves: Slash, Surf, Waterfall, Swords Dance



Name: Lucas

Level: 65

Moves: Extreme Speed, Swords Dance, Aura Sphere, Dragon Pulse



Name: Wattson

Level: 66

Moves: Thunder Wave, Supersonic, Electro Ball, Flash Cannon



Name: Magmordo

Level: 66

Moves: Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Strength, Faint Attack



Name: Frygore

Level: 66

Moves: Dig, Crunch, Fly, Dragon Claw



Name: Zoroark

Level: 68

Moves: Nasty Plot, Night Daze, Foul Play, Taunt

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Chapter XV: Old Memories, The Majestic Dragonspiral Tower, And The Black Dragon: Zekrom!


I've been busy with things. Anyways, I fly to Opelucid City, and I see Drayden outside his house. He is reminded of Iris, and a flashback occurs.

Anyways, Iris manages to beat Alder, Drayden talks about the memories of the Village of Dragons, which is CLEARLY an Anime-only location. Maybe the Village of Dragons exists, but is outside of the Unova Region? Anyways, Drayden gives Iris the new clothes, and the flashback ends. I would have MUCH more, but sadly, that part got erased.

I then head out for Route 9, and while I'm on Route 9, I get a call from Yancy. She talks about hobbies, and then gets off the Xtranceiver.

I am able to get to the Tubeline bridge this time. I then find a guy who talks about his crew, Black Empoleon. I probably beat that gang with an Empoleon back in Black 1.

I head to Route 8, and find that there's gang battles even AFTER I beat Iris. There is a fricking snow storm there, too. I go to the Moor of Icirrus, and find an old man who tells me the story of a Pokemon who lived there when there was a war, and how Cobalion, Virizion, and Terrakion took care of it. This Pokemon was Keldeo.

I then make it to Icirrus City, and see that there is snow everywhere. There's a huge snow plow, leading to a house, and I find 3 people there. Two of them are Ex-Team Magma and Ex-Team Aqua members. The other one is the sound designer of Gamefreak. Funny thing, the two Ex-Magma/Aqua people are actually a couple. They want to keep those kinds of things from each other. With those stories revealed, I leave.

SHOOT. I manage to encounter the Shadow Triad again. They are pretty mad that I made Ghetsis go insane. Apparently, their goal is to try to revive Ghetsis's lost heart by defeating me in battle. Ghetsis went insane apparently, and can not do ANYTHING. They are the ONLY remains of Team Plasma. Well, Ghetsis's Team Plasma, that is. They challenge me, one by one, and vanish, one by one. I beat the last one, and all of them vanish, never to return. The End of Team Plasma... or is it?

I heal my Pokemon after that ambush, and talk to the dancing people, who tell a more expanded story instead of the one from Black 1. I go to a house, and I am quizzed. Ugh... Quizzes... These people apparently think I am dumb, and think some of the easiest questions are difficult.

I go to the Pokemon Fan Club, and get a few items there, then I head for the old Icirrus Gym. The gym still looks the same, except there's nobody in it. I find Brycen at his usual spot, and then a flashback occurs.

The Flashback takes me to Alder's house, and Alder and Brycen are talking. Marshal then shows up, and Brycen says that he's going back to acting. Team Plasma's actions stirred the hearts of the public, and Brycen wants to keep the bond between people and Pokemon alive. It seems that when Brycen was acting before, he got hurt in an accident. but Brycen has already decided that he wants to go back to acting, and that's final. Brycen is one cocky guy. Alder also decided that he would resign as Champion. He wants to bring a new hope to the world by showing everyone a new generation. Alder and Marshal then talk for a little bit, and battle, with Brycen observing. Then the flashback ends.

Brycen has learned that the relationship between people and Pokemon makes life stronger. Brycen then leaves. With that said, I leave to. Time to climb Dragonspiral Tower!

I find Cedric Juniper at the entrance to Dragonspiral Tower, and he talks about N and Zekrom who met in this exact tower 2 years ago. He sees the Dark Stone, and tells me to bring it up there. He then gives me an Old Gateau. He leaves, and I head straight for the tower.

I catch a Druddigon, and then I proceed to climb up Dragonspiral Tower. It's nice that Team Plasma isn't here at all. In fact, NO ONE is here. Thanks to a LOT of Max Repels, I easily climb Dragonspiral Tower with a breeze. I do however, find 3 items in the same place. These 3 orbs are the Adamant Orb, the Lustrous Orb, and the Griseous Orb. with that done, I grab all of the items in the tower, and head to the top.

I make it to the top, and in the center. The Dark Stone is trembling violently, shaking the earth, and the bag. I take it out of the bag, and The Dark Stone's energy awakens Zekrom.


Behold... ZEKROM!

With Zekrom summoned from the Dark Stone, I am now ready to save my game, and stand face to face in combat, with the Black Dragon: Zekrom!

NateChallenge2.pngVS zekrom_v_2_by_xous54-d35s3pw.png

I send out Lucas, and beat down Zekrom with Dragon Pulse. I then proceed to catch Zekrom with a Pokeball. Sure enough, the Pokeball works amazingly. So, I pracitcally caught Zekrom one shot, one try.

N catches up to me and says that Zekrom has recognized me as the new hero. Maybe that's why it took one try to catch Zekrom. N tells me to go to the Giant Chasm. Kyurem... has returned. N then tells me that he hopes to see the new world I will make with Zekrom, and says that one day, Pokemon and humans will be bound together WITHOUT Pokeballs. He tells me to make that kind of world, and he leaves. Time to fly to Giant Chasm, but FIRST, I must catch the Sacred Swordsman Pokemon, Cobalion, Virizion, and Terrakion, and to do that, I will bring my LITTLE FRIEND, Keldeo! Of course, that's going to take a LONG TIME Training, but oh well. Let's fly to Lacunosa Town!

Current Pokemon Stats:



Name: Sammy

Level: 67

Moves: Slash, Surf, Waterfall, Swords Dance



Name: Lucas

Level: 66

Moves: Extreme Speed, Swords Dance, Aura Sphere, Dragon Pulse



Name: Wattson

Level: 67

Moves: Thunder Wave, Supersonic, Electro Ball, Flash Cannon



Name: Magmordo

Level: 66

Moves: Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Strength, Faint Attack



Name: Frygore

Level: 66

Moves: Dig, Crunch, Fly, Dragon Claw



Name: Zoroark

Level: 69

Moves: Nasty Plot, Night Daze, Foul Play, Taunt

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Idk. Why AREN'T you playing Pokemon White 2? it's allright, my brother's lazy to even get the game.

To me, I'm just getting more bored of the main series. I know I'll probably kick myself for thinking that once I actually play it, but I've got so many good games on my hand like Xenoblade that I'm having trouble shoving in spare time.

Meh, I'll get my ass moving.

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Chapter XVI: The Swords Of Justice, The Sacred Swordsmen!


Anyways, I go to the Join Avenue first, and find Marlon as one of the customers, and he gave my avenue 1000 points, which leveled the avenue to level 8. The Boss came, and allowed me to have one more assistant, but my OWN assistant. With that done, I leave to trade to get Keldeo.

Well, I got Keldeo, but now, I must train it for a LONG TIME, before I can kick the trio's butts with it. If you ever try catching the Musketeer Trio, Keldeo Bait is the best way to go.


Many Hours, and Days Later...

I finally leveled Keldeo up to 65. Should be a fair fight against the Sacred Swordsmen. Now, Let's go find Cobalion.


I fly to Lacunosa Town, and then I go to Route 13. I find Cobalion there, save my game, and battle Cobalion.

NateChallenge2.pngVS cobalion_v_2_by_xous54-d37nfm9.png

I send out Keldeo, and use BubbleBeam on Cobalion a few times. Then, I throw a few Pokeballs at it, and it's successfully caught. Now, it's time to find Virzion.


I head to Route 11, find Virizion standing on the road. I save my game, and battle Virzion.

NateChallenge2.pngVS virizion_by_xous54-d37sspr.png

I send out Keldeo, use Work Up and BubbleBeam, and bring Virzion down to it's last bit of HP. I then throw a bunch of Pokeballs at it, but it took a long time until it was successfully caught. Now, it's time to find Terrakion.


I fly to Humilau City, ride my bike to Route 22, and find Terrakion standing right in the middle of a platform. I save my game, and battle Terrakion.

NateChallenge2.pngVS terrakion_v_2_by_xous54-d3c2cnc.png

I send out Keldeo, and use BubbleBeam, which luckily brings Terrakion's HP down to the red zone. I then throw a bunch of Pokeballs at it, and it gets caught. There is one more thing to do in this chapter, and that is to bring out Keldeo's full strength. To the Pledge Forest!


I head there to the giant rock in the Pledge Forest, and Keldeo comes out of its Pokeball. Keldeo runs around the rock, and remembers who carved the rock. The 3 who carved the rock were Cobalion, Virizion, and Terrakion. I forget the move BubbleBeam and learn Secret Sword. Then, an epic cutscene occurs, and Cobalion, Virizion, and Terrakion give Keldeo the power for Keldeo to transform into its Resolute Form. With that said, Time to fly to Lacunosa Town!

I fly to Lacunosa Town, put Frygore in the PC, heal my Pokemon, and set foot into the Giant Chasm.

Current Pokemon Stats:

Sorry for not playing this in a long time. I had School, and a lot of things on my mind. Now, I am able to work on this some more. Frygore is also here, but I won't list him, because I put him in the PC after I flew to Lacunosa Town.



Name: Keldeo

Level: 65

Moves: Secret Sword, Swords Dance, Quick Guard, Work Up



Name: Cobalion

Level: 65

Moves: Sacred Sword, Swords Dance, Quick Guard, Work Up



Name: Virizion

Level: 65

Moves: Sacred Sword, Swords Dance, Quick Guard, Work Up



Name: Terrakion


Moves: Sacred Sword, Swords Dance, Quick Guard, Work Up



Name: Zekrom

Level: 70

Moves: Zen Headbutt, Fusion Bolt, Dragon Claw, Imprison

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Chapter XVII: The Return Of Kyurem, And The Absofusion Of Zekrom And Kyurem!


I head deep into the Giant Chasm, and find Kyurem, deep inside the Giant Chasm. I also manage to find Ghetsis's cane still standing there, too. I save my game, and stand face to face, with the most powerful Dragon-type Pokemon in the world, Kyurem!

NateChallenge2.pngVS kyurem_v_2_by_xous54-d37vwex.png

I send out Keldeo, just like how Keldeo faces Kyurem in the movie. I start off with using the move Secret Sword. I get Kyurem down nearly to the red zone, and then I throw some Pokeballs at it. Kyurem is much tougher than Zekrom was. Kyurem manages to knock Keldeo out, so I send out Cobalion next. Kyurem is rejecting my Pokeballs, and manages to knock Cobalion out. Time to send out Virzion. It takes a long while to catch Kyurem, but eventually, I succeed.

Now, it's time to do a few more things in this cave. But First, before I do anything, Cheren and Bianca show up, and see that my Pokedex has been filling quite well. However, there are still many Pokemon waiting for me. Bianca heads back to Nuvema Town, and so does Cheren. It seems that when I caught Kyurem, Kyurem left the DNA Splicers behind. You know what this means? Time to fuse Zekrom and Kyurem together to make...



I merge Zekrom and Kyurem into Black Kyurem, and I leave the Giant Chasm. I head back to Lacunosa Town, and grab my team out of my PC, and put the Legendary Pokemon back in the PC. Seems that when I caught Kyurem, I got more wallpaper. I leave the Pokemon Center, not knowing what to do next. Maybe I should follow Bianca and Cheren? Screw it. I'm going to battle Alder first in Flocessy Town.

Current Pokemon Stats:



Name: Sammy

Level: 67

Moves: Slash, Surf, Waterfall, Swords Dance



Name: Lucas

Level: 66

Moves: Extreme Speed, Swords Dance, Aura Sphere, Dragon Pulse



Name: Wattson

Level: 67

Moves: Thunder Wave, Supersonic, Electro Ball, Flash Cannon



Name: Magmordo

Level: 66

Moves: Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Strength, Faint Attack



Name: Frygore

Level: 66

Moves: Dig, Crunch, Fly, Dragon Claw



Name: Zoroark

Level: 69

Moves: Nasty Plot, Night Daze, Foul Play, Taunt

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