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The Story of an Unlikely Hero: Pokemon Black 2 Edition


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Chapter XVII: The Old Champion, Alder, and Benga's Challenge!


I fly into Floccesy Town, and I go into Alder's House. I walk up to him, and he asks me for a battle, now that I'm the Champion and all. why not? That's just what I was going to do!

NateChallenge.pngVS VSAlder.png

I send out Magmordo, because I know he's going to use a bug type, and he uses Accelgor. I use Flamethrower on Accelgor, and he goes down quickly. Suprisingly, Alder's Mugshot doesn't appear. I put it up there in this chapter, because to me, he's an important character. Anyways, Alder sends out Bouffalant next, so I send Lucas out. Lucas uses Aurasphere, nearly killing Bouffalant. However, Alder uses a Full Restore. I land another Aurasphere on Bouffalant, but this time, a critical hit. Bouffalant gets knocked out, and Alder sends out Conkeldurr. I send out Frygore. I used Dragon Claw, but it doesn't do much to Conkeldurr. I end up using the wrong moves, and get Frygore knocked out. This time, I take measures and use Magmordo again, use Flamethrower, and knock out Conkeldurr. Alder sends out Braviary next, so I send out Wattson. I use Thunderwave and Electroball, and knock out Braviary one shot. Alder ends up sending out Volcarona this time, so I send out Sammy. While Volcarona is trying to build up it's stats, I try to build my Attack stat with Swords Dance, and then .I knock it out easily with Waterfall. However, I get burned, thanks to Volcarona's Flame Body ability. Alder's last Pokemon is Escavalier, so I send out Magmordo. I burn Escavalier to a crisp, and win the battle!

It is always easy to beat Alder. Especially in Pokemon Black 1. Half of his team is Bug-type!

After I beat Alder, the 5th gen equivalent of Blue shows up. Otherwise, known as Benga, Alder's grandson. Anyways, he goes around saying that he did it. He managed to make it to the top of Black Tower. He gets cocky and thinks he is the strongest. That is, until he notices me. Then, he challenges me to battle to the Top of the Black Tower. Only at the top, we will see who is stronger out of the two of us. He runs off, and Alder explains what Benga was talking about. I'll take the challenge, but I got a few other things to do first.

Current Pokemon Stats:



Name: Sammy

Level: 68

Moves: Slash, Surf, Waterfall, Swords Dance



Name: Lucas

Level: 67

Moves: Extreme Speed, Swords Dance, Aura Sphere, Dragon Pulse



Name: Wattson

Level: 67

Moves: Thunder Wave, Supersonic, Electro Ball, Flash Cannon



Name: Magmordo

Level: 67

Moves: Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Strength, Faint Attack



Name: Frygore

Level: 66

Moves: Dig, Crunch, Fly, Dragon Claw



Name: Zoroark

Level: 69

Moves: Nasty Plot, Night Daze, Foul Play, Taunt

Edited by Trevo
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Chapter XIX: The Cave Of Being, And The Lake Guardian Trio!


I run towards Virbank City, and make a detour. The Cave of Being is close by Virbank City, so I decide to head there. I surf there, and I see Professor Juniper studying the cave. She notices my presence, and she says that the cave seems strange. I head for the center of the cave, and I can feel the mysterious presence! Uxie show up out of nowhere, Mesprit shows up out of nowhere, and Azelf shows up out of nowhere! Me and Professor Juniper are quite shocked at their presence. They each fly away to places known, and unknown, one by one. Professor Juniper then explains who the mysterious Pokemon are. She says that they are the Pokemon who gave us knowledge, emotion, and willpower. She then tells me to search for them, which is what I would do anyways. She leaves, and I explore the cave some more. They say that the deepest part of the cave leads to the Sinnoh Region, maybe that's how the three mystical Pokemon got here!

Well, I looked around, and there is no way to get to the deepest part. Oh well. Time to search!

What's the best place to go for Knowledge? The Nacrene Museum in Nacrene City! I bet Uxie is there! I ride my bike to the Skyarrow Bridge, which is actually not blocked anymore. I enjoy the view, pass a suicidal person, and I buy a whole lot of Freshwater to save a man's poor life, who I THINK is lying to me. I save a parched man by giving him a bottle of Fresh Water. With that said, he runs to the next bridge.

I finally make it to Pinwheel Forest, and there's so many people with strong Pokemon, yet still weak despite the Type advantages used against me. There's a person blocking the way to get to Virzion's old field, so I can't go there.

I see Cheren standing in the route that Team Plasma went in when they took the Dragon Skull. I go to where he is, and Cheren says that Team Plasma was seen in Pinwheel Forest. Great... so now, Me and Cheren are looking for Team Plasma. I feel like I should have made this into an older Chapter. Maybe I will when this Chapter is done with.

You know what's funny? In EVERY Game, it seems that there's a youngster who talks about shorts. Like, WHY? Anyways, I get to the field where Gorm was, and next thing I know, Gorm pops up from behind us and scares the crap out of me. REAL CHILDISH, GORM! Anyways, we give him the news that Team Plasma is finished, and he knew. He then wondered what did they believe that made them try to steal the Dragon Skull? Anyways, he gives a life-lesson, and leaves. Cheren thanks me for the investigation, and gives me an Up-Grade, and leaves. I try to get the item north of me, and apparently, there was a stalker during our conversation. I beat the stalker, and get the item, which is the move Grassknot. I go back to the north side of the forest, and the guy who was blocking the way to Virzion's home is gone. I head into Rumanation Field, and a person tells me about the story of Virzion. With that done, I leave to Nacrene City.

I go to the challenge rock, and break off a piece of it. With the stuff done there, I head to Nacrene City.


I finally made it to Nacrene City, now let's find Uxie! I go to a few Warehouses, and some things have changed over the past 2 years. for example, Lenora isn't a Gym Leader anymore. I'm confused, because this place is for Artists, yet Burgh is the Gym Leader of Castelia City. Why isn't he the Gym Leader of Nacrene City?

Anyways, I go to the Museum, and feel a mysterious presence there. I check the surrounding area, only to find Uxie flying in front of the Museum! What Luck! I save my game, and face off against Uxie.

NateChallenge2.pngVS Uxie_Artwork_by_Xous54.png

I send out Zoroark, and use Night Daze on Uxie, and then throw a bunch of Pokeballs at it, and that little pixie got caught. I decide to go in the Museum, and it looks like they are trying to make a replica of the Dark Stone. Hawes, the assistant director, gives me a tour of the Museum, but before he does, Lenora shows up, and is happy to see me. She gives me a choice between the Cover Fossil, or the Plume Fossil. I got the Plume Fossil back in Pokemon Black 1, so I got the Cover Fossil in Black 2. She talks a bit, then leaves. Hawes continues with his tour. First, he shows me the Dragonite Fossil, then he shows me the meteor that changes Deoxys's form, and finally, he shows me the replica of the Dark Stone. He tells me to go talk to Lenora, so I go upstairs, and talk to Lenora, who shows me a flashback of why she quit being the Gym Leader.

The flashback starts when Burgh goes into Lenora's room and asks her for help about Bones. He came to the museum to learn more about bones. Hawes is also apparently Lenora's husband. Burgh asks what bones mean to Lenora. She says that when she was little, her dad worked in a mine, and he would always bring home bones he dug up. This caused Lenora to be inspired by bones. Burgh relates bones to the structures of Bug-type Pokemon. Clay shows up, and he says that he found a Fossil in Twist Mountain. Burgh asks Clay what do bones mean to him. Clay replies that no matter who you are, or when you die, bones are all that will be left of you. Even if you die, you can even make money. Clay shows Lenora his Fossil, and she says it's just an ordinary Fossil. She finds that the soil on it is much different than the soil that's usually seen on Twist Mountain. Clay's shocked, and decides to keep digging his Clay Tunnel. He leaves, but before he does, he gives Burgh the Fossil that he had. He says to take a look at it and think about what bones mean to him. Clay leaves, and Burgh thanks Lenora, and learns that he has his own perspective on what bones mean to him. He thanks the Fossil, by using it as a motif for one of his works. Burgh then leaves.

It's natural for people to think differently. Lenora goes into the library, and I follow. I read a few books, and go downstairs. I talk to Lenora a bit, then I leave. I fly to Mistralton City, and go to the Celestial Tower.


I climb up the tower, and battle a few trainers I skipped. One of them has a Litwick. When the trainer loses, she says that she feels drained. When I go downstairs and back upstairs, the girl is gone. Apparently, she died. GASP! An actual death in a Pokemon game! Wait a minute! She's in the Mistralton City Pokemon Center. NEVER MIND!

Funny thing, I encountered a trainer named Georgia, and she has a Cubchoo. I wonder if it's the same person from the Anime? Oh wait, she's old. NEVER MIND!

I finally make it to the top after a series of battles, and find NOTHING at the top. However, I can detect a mysterious presence here, just like the one in Nacrene City! I check the surrounding area, and Mesprit flies and lands right behind me. I save my game, and battle Mesprit.

NateChallenge2.pngVS Mesprit_Artwork_by_Xous54.png

I send out Zoroark, and use Night Daze, then throw a couple of Pokeballs at it, much like I did with Uxie. I get Mesprit's HP down to its last, too. I ended up wasting most of my Pokeballs on that thing, but it ended up getting caught. Finally, I caught that little sprite. I rang the bell, and I head to Route 23.

I fly to Humilau City, and go to Route 23. Apparently, I need to cut some trees down, so I get Sandshrew from the PC, and cut down the trees. However, when I get to a platform with an item on it, I can detect the same mysterious presence that was from Uxie and Mesprit! I check the surrounding area, and Azelf flies down and lands right in front of me... and blocks me from getting the item, too... I save my game, and battle Azelf.

NateChallenge2.pngVS Azelf_Artwork_by_Xous54.png

I send out Lucas this time, and use ExtremeSpeed on Azelf. Then, I throw a few Pokeballs at it, and eventually, I catch the little elf.

After I catch Azelf, I decide to do the rest of the stuff at Route 23. That way, I will never have to go there ever again. One by one, I'm solving this puzzle.

I solved the puzzle, only to find TM12 Taunt... With that said and done, I fly to Nacrene City. This chapter is done!

Current Pokemon Stats:



Name: Sammy

Level: 68

Moves: Slash, Surf, Waterfall, Swords Dance



Name: Lucas

Level: 68

Moves: Extreme Speed, Swords Dance, Aura Sphere, Dragon Pulse



Name: Wattson

Level: 67

Moves: Thunder Wave, Supersonic, Electro Ball, Flash Cannon



Name: Magmordo

Level: 70

Moves: Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Strength, Faint Attack



Name: Frygore

Level: 66

Moves: Dig, Crunch, Fly, Dragon Claw



Name: Zoroark

Level: 70

Moves: Nasty Plot, Night Daze, Foul Play, Taunt

Edited by Trevo
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Chapter XX: Journey To The Relic Castle!


I head straight to Driftveil City, and go down to the Relic Passage. I make my way into the Relic Castle, and head into Volcarona's Room, only to find Volcarona. I save my game, and battle the giant moth.

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I send out Lucas, and use ExtremeSpeed a couple of times. Then, I throw a few Pokeballs at it, and it gets caught. I nickname the ugly moth Voldemort, too. With that said and done, I leave.

Current Pokemon Stats:

Yeah, I know this chapter was short, but I felt like Volcarona could have its own chapter.



Name: Sammy

Level: 68

Moves: Slash, Surf, Waterfall, Swords Dance



Name: Lucas

Level: 68

Moves: Extreme Speed, Swords Dance, Aura Sphere, Dragon Pulse



Name: Wattson

Level: 67

Moves: Thunder Wave, Supersonic, Electro Ball, Flash Cannon



Name: Magmordo

Level: 70

Moves: Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Strength, Faint Attack



Name: Frygore

Level: 66

Moves: Dig, Crunch, Fly, Dragon Claw



Name: Zoroark

Level: 70

Moves: Nasty Plot, Night Daze, Foul Play, Taunt

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Chapter XXI: Striaton City, And The Element Trio!


I fly to Nacrene City, and I head to Route 3, but then I get an egg from a breeder, so now while I'm heading to Striaton City, I'm trying to hatch an egg. Thank goodness Magmordo has Flame Body for an ability. That makes things much faster.

I skip most of the trainers, because I need to get to Striaton City first, THEN I will battle them some other time. Apparently, the Daycare has changed too. 'Nice Guys' from Striaton City gave the daycare some Pokemon. I bet it's the Striaton Trio's doings!


I make it to Striaton City, and I get a few items, visit a few houses, and learn that there's something mysterious in the Dreamyard. I'll investigate that place in the next chapter. I see the old Striaton Gym, but Clyde is blocking the way. I talk to him, and he just goes inside.


I go inside the old gym, and it is now a full-time restaurant. I watch a little show, and talk to Cilan and his brothers for a bit, and Cilan tells me the story of why he and his brothers resigned. Flashback time!

It all started when they said that they wanted to study hard enough to become full-fledged Gym Leaders. Chili says that if they had gone to N's Castle a year ago, the Seven Sages and the Shadow Triad wouldn't have escaped. Cress agrees, but Cilan says that it's not a big deal. He says that even though they didn't make it on time, Team Plasma is still gone. People apparently treat them like a joke, just because they didn't make it on time. Chili is overthinking, and Cress chastises him for it. Cilan tells the two to knock it off, because he thinks it's a bit strange to get recognition and respect as Gym Leaders just for beating bad guys. Chili understands Cilan, but if things continue like this, nothing will change. Even if they train, the other Gym Leaders will become that much stronger as well. The Shadow Triad then show up, and challenge the Striaton Trio to a battle. Chili asks why they are here, and one of the Shadows says that they came on a whim, or to pass time, I don't know. Cilan challenges them to a three on three battle, and the first one to beat them is the strongest among them. The Trios face off, and the Striaton Trio loses easily. One of the Shadows says that they are not worth worrying about. They say that they will focus on the other Gym Leaders so that next time, they won't get in Team Plasma's way. The Shadow Triad vanishes, because Lord Ghetsis is waiting, and they have to catch 'that Pokemon'. Could they be talking about Kyurem? Anyways, Chili tries to start a fight with the Shadow Triad, but it's too late. They are gone. Cilan says that the Shadow Triad were overwhelmingly strong, and he says that as long as the three of them act like the Gym Leaders they are now, nothing will change. They vow to resign as Gym Leaders, and start their training over from the ground up. He's sure that one of them will become a Trainer everyone recognizes as great. Chili says that they are triplets, and what they think is the same, so they just have to become as strong as each other, and then they can be Gym Leaders together again. Then, they decide to choose a new Gym Leader, and the flashback ends.

I talk to Cilan and his brothers again, and they introduce themselves, and want to team up with me against a double battle with each other. I decide to team up with Cilan. Let's go!

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I send out Lucas, Cilan sends out Maractus, Chili sends out Heatmor, and Cress sends out Basculin. Lucas uses Aura Sphere on Heatmore, Basculin uses Ice Beam on Maractus, Maractus uses Petal Dance on Heatmor, and Heatmor burns Lucas with a Fire-type attack. Basculin kills Maractus with Ice Beam, while I send out Sammy, and use Swords Dance. Cilan then sends out Simisage. Simisage then uses Energy Ball on Basculin, which gets knocked out, and Sammy uses Waterfall on Heatmor, knocking Heatmor out. Cress sends out Slowking, and Cress sends out Darmanitan. Simisage uses Energyball on Slowking, Darmanitan burns Simisage down with Flare Blitz, and Sammy knocks Darmanitan out with Waterfall, while Slowking just uses Calm Mind. Cilan sends out Ferrothorn, and Chili sends out Simisear, which I knock out with Waterfall, however, I am too slow, as Ferrothorn is knocked out right before I could knock out Simisear. Slowking uses Flamethrower, which I had NO idea it could use. I knock out Slowking with Sammy's Slash, then Cress sends out Simipour, who I knock out with a Swords Dance-powered Slash. With that said, I am the strongest out of ALL OF THEM. Including Cilan!

Cilan is much more shy than he is on the show. Chili is just to hyper, while Cress is just a fake gentleman. I might try battling them again tomorrow, but as of now, this chapter is done!

Current Pokemon Stats:



Name: Sammy

Level: 69

Moves: Slash, Surf, Waterfall, Swords Dance



Name: Lucas

Level: 68

Moves: Extreme Speed, Swords Dance, Aura Sphere, Dragon Pulse



Name: Wattson

Level: 67

Moves: Thunder Wave, Supersonic, Electro Ball, Flash Cannon



Name: Magmordo

Level: 70

Moves: Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Strength, Faint Attack



Name: Frygore

Level: 66

Moves: Dig, Crunch, Fly, Dragon Claw



Name: Zoroark

Level: 70

Moves: Nasty Plot, Night Daze, Foul Play, Taunt



Species: Happiny (I know this for a fact!)

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Isn't the whole thing spoilers? Anyways...

Chapter XXII: The Mystical Dream World, And The Mysterious Entralink!


I decide to hold off on the main story for a bit and do some side things. I thought it was time for a little taste of the Dream World. I went there, Fennel explains the Dream World to me, and I go off on my own. The Pokemon I sent in there was Keldeo, by the way. I go to the Rainbow Bridge with the Isle of Dreams, but it takes me to the Sea area. Is there any way to choose where you want to go?

I make friends with a few Pokemon, play some minigames, and I make it to the Tree. I have to choose 1 Pokemon to take with me back home, so I choose Barboach. I wake up Keldeo, and bring back stuff with me. I go to the Entralink, and I find an old man who explains the Entralink to me. He tells me to do a Funfest Mission, so I do. While I do this Funfest Mission, Yancy calls me on the Xtranceiver. She asks what my favorite type of Pokemon is, which is Dark Type, by the way. That call wasted my time for the mission! So Now, I do the mission AGAIN.

I go back there, and the old man finds that I failed the mission. He gives me these Pass Orbs, and he explains that they give mysterious powers from the Entree, which is the tree in the middle of the Entralink. I do the mission again, and I get another call from Yancy. I get through with it, trying to get one more berry.

I make it through the mission, but barely. After that, I find the Barboach that was in my dream, and catch it. I do another mission, and while I'm riding my bike, my egg hatches into a wonderful Happiny! Anyways, I get done with a few missions, and now I'm done doing the Entralink stuff for now.

Current Pokemon Stats:

I put Happiny back in the PC.



Name: Sammy

Level: 69

Moves: Slash, Surf, Waterfall, Swords Dance



Name: Lucas

Level: 68

Moves: Extreme Speed, Swords Dance, Aura Sphere, Dragon Pulse



Name: Wattson

Level: 67

Moves: Thunder Wave, Supersonic, Electro Ball, Flash Cannon



Name: Magmordo

Level: 70

Moves: Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Strength, Faint Attack



Name: Frygore

Level: 66

Moves: Dig, Crunch, Fly, Dragon Claw



Name: Zoroark

Level: 70

Moves: Nasty Plot, Night Daze, Foul Play, Taunt

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Chapter XXIII: The Mysterious Dreamyard, And The Eon Pokemon, Latios!

Well, it's almost New Year's Day, which means another year of painful suffer--- I MEAN Wonderful Blessings... yes... that's the word... Anyways, I head for the Pokemon Center to put Happiny in the PC, but Mr. Medal gives me medals, and says that I finally reached 50 medals. He tells me to come to his office in Castelia City, which is where I'm at, actually, so oI can get a ceremony. I do the ceremony, and he gives me ANOTHER Medal. After that 5 seconds is over, I head to the 3rd floor of the building. I find that Amanita has an Eevee for me. A PERFECT new addition to my Team. On my way to Lostlorn Forest, I get called by Yancy again. She talks to me a bit, and then she leaves. I do some Join Avenue things too, and I level the Avenue to level 10. The Boss wants to see me, so I go see him in my office. He allows me to rename the Avenue as I wish, so I decide to call it Rock Solid. I train Eevee, just so it would evolve into Umbreon. While I'm in Rock Solid, I find someone I've heard about: ME! FROM TWO YEARS AGO! I find him walking around, and he gives my place 100 points. Anyways, I head back to Castelia City, and I find that the Water is back up in the sewers, so I investigate the area. I find the back streets of Castelia City, and find a gang. I try to get the item next to the gang, but they try to gang beat me, in which they fail poorly. They actually make me their leader of their gang. Now, I am the True Don of Unova. I beat Ghetsis, I beat N, I even beat the Champion. Now, this? This just makes me laugh.

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