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Dragon Ball Xenoverse 3 (or 4) ideas


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So, with Dragon Ball Xenoverse 3 confirmed, I kind of went crazy imaginning what improvements could be made (assuming it won't be a year of developpement to release a recicled 2 anyway). I wanted to share it with you guys.

Note that I won't add PVP content/balance.

Story mode

Seriously, there's a lot to say. First, I would like to see more than one group of antagonists, who would always act the same way. If we want a sequel to the first two games, these are three villain groups I would see:


   The Time Breakers

For some reason, Mira would have survived the events of DBX2 and would have made it a quest to travel through eras in order to train and fight strong people. However, the problem is that by doing so he creates supplementary timelines, so a lot more work for the Time Patrollers. In order to not have to face the entirety of them at once, Mira would have went through different timelines and would have recruited some people who would have kinda the same objectives as him: Perfect Cell, Buuhan, Vegeta, Broly, Piccolo (from a timeline where he would have never became good), etc. The missions against them would be pure heated fights, against some of the strongest characters of the franchise. The final fight featuring them would be the fight against Final Form Mira.


   The Demon realm

Demigra, revived, leads another attempt to restore the Demon Realm, this time by actually merging it with the multiverse. The would travel through time and deliberately alter history in order to gather energy from the timeline split it would generate. Some of their missions would feature intense battles, but you are mostly supposed to prevent the demons from fulfilling their objectives. However, at one point, you would learn that when you succesfully stopped them, they drained your energy instead to acheive the same result. These antagonists would also dispose of a lot of minions and the final fight against the demons would be against Demigra, with the help of Xeno Trunks.


   The Godly Alliance

The most dangerous ennemies of the game. One version of Goku Black would have survived the events of the Trunk's arc of DBS. He would have searched another version of Future Zamasu and would have gone through different timelines to search for allies. These would be mortals, just like Black, who would help the Zamasus create their "perfect" world in exchange of being forgiven for their "mortal sins" and would become gods of the new multiverse alongside Black and Zamasu. Some of their allies would include: Turles, Lord Slug, the Ginyu Force, King Cold, Frieza (and a lot of his minions), Cooler (and his armored squadron), and Baby Vegeta. The final mission of the game would be against them, as a part of the ultimate assault from the Time Patrollers in a timeline where the Zero Mortal Plan would have already begun, in a devastated city.

During the mission, you get to fight several of their members, before ending facing Goku Black and Baby Vegeta. Then, a mentor would come and help you. This is the mentor you have completed his lessons and have the most friendship with (or for the longest time, and if you didn't complete any mentor, you will be alone). After some time of fighting, they decide that they are outmatched and that they have to fuse (I was inspired by this:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XtpIH5ZCgY8&t=1078s) into the entity known as Baby Vegito Black. Then they proceed to one-shot your mentor (yes, even if this is Beerus or Whis) and faces you one on one. As the Chronoa and the elder kai beg you to retreat, as the new ennemy you're facing has a power beyond imagination, but your character looks at their fallen mentor (or the destroyed city if they have none) and decide to fight Vegito. After a short speech depending of your race, the battle begins.

The character "Baby Vegito Black" would be playable, but in the story mode, your ennemy would actually have its health multiplied by ten and its damage output by 1,2. During the battle, Vegito would make a comment depending of you fighting style and if you use a transformation (see the CAC section below). When you actually put Vegito's health at zero, you would be trated with a cutscene featuring you and your mentor finishing him off (ex.: if your mentor is Goku, he will weaken Vegito with a Dragon Fist before you kill him with a full-powered and voice-acted Kamehameha) or, if you have not, killing him with your first Ultimate.


Character Customisation!

Ooooh boy! Lots to say!



Here are the old and new races I would want to see in a new game:


   -Saiyans (Duh!)


   -Frieza's race


   -Shinjins (the race of the Kais)



   -Bug people (like the ones Vegeta and Nappa met before arriving on Earth)

   -Beasts (no race given, they just look animalistic)


   Body types

these would influence what kind of fighting style you can use and slightly affects your stats

   -Humans: Thin, Athletic, Huge

   -Saiyans: Thin, Muscular and Fat

   -Namekians: Warrior, Dragon and Regular

   -Frieza's race: Royal, Assassin and Mercenary

   -Majin: Skinny (like Kid Buu), Super and Fat

   -Shinjins: Thin, Muscular and Fat

   -Demons: Evil god (like the royals), Scientist (like Towa) and Bestial (like the beasts, but more terrifying-looking)

   -Android: Mechanical, Cyborg and Bio-Android

   -Bug people: Beetlebug (equivalent of fat), Ant/Wasp (equivalent of thin) and Grasshopper (equivalent of muscular)

   -Beasts: Thin, Muscular and Fat


   Fighting styles

You get to chose one at the end of a character's creation. It influences the way your character fights and the default skills they possess.

   -Hero: The standard balanced style

Users: all

   -Elite: the standard long-range style

Users: all

   -Beserker: the standard close-range style

Users: all

   -Weaponizer: balanced. Your character uses the item on their back to fight

Users: all, if they have an item equiped on their back

   -Aura blade: long-range. Your character uses ki blades on their arms, like Zamasu.

Users: Thin humans, thin saiyans, dragon namekians, royal members of Frieza's race, skinny majins, thin shinjins, scientist demons, ants/wasps, thin beasts

   -Wrecking ball: close-range. The fighter uses their huge bulk as a weapon.

Users: Huge humans, fat saiyans, fat majins, mechanical androids, beetlebugs and fat beasts.

   -"I don't even need my arms": balanced. Beating up your foe without the need of your arms may be the most badass thing ever.

Users: all

   -Fabulous: long-ranged. As the king of youtube always said, it's not called being gay, it's called being fabulous.

Users: all

   -Brutal: close-ranged. Want to beat down your ennemies in a spectacularly brutal fashion? This is made for you!

Users: Athletic humans, muscular saiyans, warrior namekians, super majins, muscular shinjins, Bio-androids, evil god demons, grasshoppers and muscular beasts

   -"I don't even know... WHAT I'M DOING!": balanced. By looking silly and clueless, you will catch your opponents off-guard. The style still looks ridiculous, tho.

Users: all

   -Look cool: long-ranged. In the Giny Force spirit, don't just fight. Make poses, move in a stylish fashion, look cool!

Users: all

   -Claw carnage: close-ranged. Pretty simple, just use your claws to tear people apart.

Users: Bestial demons, all bugs, all beasts (if they have claws equiped)



There's quite a lot, so I'll just cover my new ideas. I'm not quite sure about the buffs/nerfs with each transformation, so I will just specify those I'm sure.



   -Human God (humans only): Goku's SSG form isn't technically a super saiyan form, it's just him using god ki, then we can make it for humans too. The appereance would worf like Super Saiyan God, but the color would be of the fighter's aura.

   -Full Power (human version): Like master Roshi, the user buffs their muscle mass, boosting strike and defense, but lowering speed.



   -Super Saiyan 4: Turns the saiyan into a super saiyan 4, with red aura. 

   -Super Saiyan God (SSGSS as stage 2): Works like the titular Super Saiyan God, with great buffs in offense, but also comes with stamina drain.

   -Legendary Super Saiyan: The fighter gains 3 size and weight mesures (even if maxed) and their aura and hair turns golden-green. Comes with a huge boost in strike and blast, but an awefully high stamina drain.

   -Suppessed legendary super saiyan (like Kale's controled super saiyan): The fighter gains 1 size and weight mesure and their aura and hair turns green. The stats change wouldn't be as big as the LSS, but so is the stamina drain.

   -Super Saiyan Rage: Same golden hair as Super Saiyan, but with a slight white glow from the fighter's eyes and body. Grants a big boost in blast, strike and speed, but locks all skills until turned off.

   -Mutated super saiyan: A customisable Super Saiyan transformation, with customisable boosts, having to culminate to a given total.



   -Namekian God: Appereance:(image)


Frieza's race:

   -Full Power (Frieza's race version): The fighter gains 2 weight mesures. Works like an inverted Golden form (which boosts blast and speed, but lowers defense) and boosts strike and defense, but lowers speed.



   -Buuhan Transformation: The fighter recalls the long-done Buuhan form Super Buu once took and recreate it.



   -Kaioken x100: As a god, the fighter can truely use the full potential of the kaioken.



   -True Form: The demon embraces fully their demonic origins. Aprereance and stat boosts customisable



   -Super Mode: The fighter gets 1 size mesure. and their facial traits change a little.

   -Systems Overcharge: Makes electricity go through the fighters's body and enhances their damage output and speed, but costs stamina.


Bug people:

   -Solidification: the fighter hardens their armor.

   -No armor: The fighter abandons their armor.



   -Ultimate Fury: The beast unleashes its anger.



   -Ultra Instinct: Can activate after some times. Makes the user automatically dodge all non-super or ultimate move. Standing still costs nothing, but attacking costs stamina.

   -The Maiden's transformations from U2 (Ribrianne, Rozie and Kakunza), since apparently it's not limited to the original users of the transformations.


   New mentors

   -Toppo - Gives you the pride trooper clothes when you finish his lessons

Supers: Justice Tornado, Justice Punch, Justice Beam

Ultimate: Justice Flash


   -Ribrianne - helps you get the Ribrianne transformation once you complete her lessons

Supers: Pretty Cannon, Heart Arrow of Love, Max Love Cannon

Ultimate: Pretty Love Machine Gun


   Trio de Danger (Basil, Lavender and Bergamo)

Supers: Wolfang Pressure, Poison Blow, Wolfang Penetrator (counter-attack)

Ultimate: Triangle Danger Beam


   -Nappa (abriged)

Super: Rock Smash, Nappa... SMASH!, Mouth Cannon

Ultimate: Catch the Ball


So, your thoughts about this?

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if you can't handle an opinion that's less that positive at best, DO NOT READ THIS.


I'm kind of upset this series is getting a third game. to mee it seems to hit the same slump the anime and manga have hit in early dbz. at the moment it has all been done before in the franchise so I would say that it's just not really needed. "Oh another group of bad guys who managed to get past our defences, while we are trained to defend time!". really... it's just hit that point where the first time it was not that bad. the second time it gets less original and the third time is just "really? again? I get that when it comes to originality in what happens Dragon Ball isn;t the franchise to be looking at, but this is a bit too much.". I mean, the second game seemed more like an expansion than a whole new game to me. So yeah, I'm justwaiting for Xenoverse 10, when everyone will understand that it's just a cashgrab targeting people with a high amount of Nostalgia for dbz and such.

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5 minutes ago, Wolfox said:

"Oh another group of bad guys who managed to get past our defences, while we are trained to defend time!". really... it's just hit that point where the first time it was not that bad. the second time it gets less original and the third time is just "really? again? I get that when it comes to originality in what happens Dragon Ball isn;t the franchise to be looking at, but this is a bit too much.". I mean, the second game seemed more like an expansion than a whole new game to me

Yeah, that's kinda sad. Plus, there are the DLCs (that's often a part that should have been in the game, but is not not because... money!).

Just hope that they make a true improvement, even if it takes more time to create.


Also, a little off-topic, but... your overall impressions of my post?

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10 minutes ago, Gabriel1 said:

Yeah, that's kinda sad. Plus, there are the DLCs (that's often a part that should have been in the game, but is not not because... money!).

Just hope that they make a true improvement, even if it takes more time to create.


Also, a little off-topic, but... your overall impressions of my post?

I didn't really look into it because (as you probably noticed), I'm not exactly a fan of Dragonball. I liked the first Anime, but once Z hit it went downhill for me (an unpopular opinion I believe). "Oh shit! Another being that can destroy the planet with ease! Better call Goku before things actually go wrong." is my general view of the series after the Frieza saga. speaking of Frieza, that battle is the longest onscreen battle in Anime at this point right? how is that a good thing exactly? it shows that the show makes a god damn snail look fast and yet it's praised for being that long by some. But yeah. my knowledge on the topic is low, which doesn't give me the right to judge other people who share knowledge about it in any way shape or form.

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2 minutes ago, Wolfox said:

I didn't really look into it because (as you probably noticed), I'm not exactly a fan of Dragonball. I liked the first Anime, but once Z hit it went downhill for me (an unpopular opinion I believe). "Oh shit! Another being that can destroy the planet with ease! Better call Goku before things actually go wrong." is my general view of the series after the Frieza saga. speaking of Frieza, that battle is the longest onscreen battle in Anime at this point right? how is that a good thing exactly? it shows that the show makes a god damn snail look fast and yet it's praised for being that long by some. But yeah. my knowledge on the topic is low, which doesn't give me the right to judge other people who share knowledge about it in any way shape or form.

It's okay, everyone has the right to have their opinions. I'm a fan of Dragon Ball myself, but I also know that the franchise has more than its fair share of flaws.

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everyone has their own opinion. but in the past when I spoke with dbz fans they would not hear mine and try to force theirs down my throat. needless to say, jumping on defense when talking about this has become a reflex

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2 minutes ago, Wolfox said:

everyone has their own opinion. but in the past when I spoke with dbz fans they would not hear mine and try to force theirs down my throat. needless to say, jumping on defense when talking about this has become a reflex

Yeah... the famous Dragon Ball fanbase...


You won't find a lot of reasonnable people in there.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We  need Mario and other Smash Bros. characters in the next DBZ game.





What, why are you looking at me like that? Mario totally has a red fireball kamehameha attack that will totally work in the dbz universe! *eye roll*








speaking of Frieza, that battle is the longest onscreen battle in Anime at this point right? how is that a good thing exactly? it shows that the show makes a god damn snail look fast and yet it's praised for being that long by some. But yeah. my knowledge on the topic is low, which doesn't give me the right to judge other people who share knowledge about it in any way shape or form.

Apparently that one fight ends up being over 4 hours long. They were making and airing the show at the same time Akira Toriyama was making it. Instead of taking breaks and whatnot, they stalled for time while Toriyama tried to finish the story.

^ something I learned from youtube videos yesterday.

You should give DB Kai a shot, since they go back and cut out all the filler and stall episodes.

I agree, the power creep is rather real and definitely inconsistent later on when they're kinda trying to undo the power creep.

Also, the whole androids/future trunks/cell saga is pretty good.



I've barely touched Xenoverse 2 myself, so I can't really say how any of your proposed changes would do.

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I couldn’t get into Xenoverse when I tried it.  It had too many flaws and too much repetitiveness to keep my interest.

Dragonball FighterZ though... that is hella hype.

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It seems thorough enough for one of these, although I haven't played any DB fighting games since Budikai Tenkiechi 3, still my favorite. 


Then again, I haven't really liked anything that has come out of the franchise after the first new movie (which was adopted into the first arc of Super).  While even that was only so far up my list, it didn't have the sin the rest of the newer stuff has of not even feeling like DB or DBZ anymore; people can rip on GT all they want (especially with how mediocre the first part was), but at least it felt like it's parent series (with the first half being a discount DB and the second half being a worthy continuation of Z).

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18 hours ago, seki108 said:

It seems thorough enough for one of these, although I haven't played any DB fighting games since Budikai Tenkiechi 3, still my favorite. 


Then again, I haven't really liked anything that has come out of the franchise after the first new movie (which was adopted into the first arc of Super).  While even that was only so far up my list, it didn't have the sin the rest of the newer stuff has of not even feeling like DB or DBZ anymore; people can rip on GT all they want (especially with how mediocre the first part was), but at least it felt like it's parent series (with the first half being a discount DB and the second half being a worthy continuation of Z).

Yea Budokai Tenkaichi was great, the fights were entertaining as fuck to do but it honestly didn't have that interesting a roster compared to what Xenoverse has now who doesn't love Beerus or Champa?


GT was also really fun idc what people say SSJ4 was fun and looked cool


Super is fun, the ToP is a great watch, tho I did skip the Future Trunk stuff cause honestly. I don't like Future Trunks.


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5 hours ago, Wendel said:

Yea Budokai Tenkaichi was great, the fights were entertaining as fuck to do but it honestly didn't have that interesting a roster compared to what Xenoverse has now who doesn't love Beerus or Champa?

150+ characters that I care about is enough for me.  Xeno pretty much just adds the Super stuff, so I don't care that much though I guess Beerus was good in the first movie section;  had to look up who the other was, since I honestly didn't really pay attention to character names in the few Super things I've tried to watch  Plus, BT3 had Arale, so that wins

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The problem with Budokai, Tenkaichi, and Xenoverse is that those 150+ Characters are not well crafted and everyone fights the same with minor differences.  That is why FighterZ is so damn hype.  The characters look a bajillion Times deeper and well crafted.  They all have unique move sets and animations, and it is literally one of the best looking fighting game visually, period.



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4 hours ago, seki108 said:

150+ characters that I care about is enough for me.  Xeno pretty much just adds the Super stuff, so I don't care that much though I guess Beerus was good in the first movie section;  had to look up who the other was, since I honestly didn't really pay attention to character names in the few Super things I've tried to watch  Plus, BT3 had Arale, so that wins

Most of those 150+ characters were just other forms of the main chars, not counting the Super Saiyans there's 6 Gokus. And honestly, who wants to play as Doctor Wheelo or Nam.


Although Xenoverse does suffer from the same problem with way too many Gokus it isn't just Super since Towa and Mira haven't appeared in Super, Xenoverse also gives us a storymode that is and isn't "Fight as Goku against his former enemies" and character creations and Super has Arale too but I don't like Arale so meh 

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31 minutes ago, Wendel said:

nd Super has Arale too but I don't like Arale so meh 

That's why I brought her up; even Vegeta can't beat gag logic.  She was quite fun to play as in the game, so that episode caught my attention.  I didn't think she even reappeared as a joke character in any other DB games. 

31 minutes ago, Wendel said:

who wants to play as Doctor Wheelo or Nam.

Different tastes, I suppose.  For example, Nail and King Cold were surprisingly fun characters due to how balanced he was, without being too bad.  Playing as Devilman was always fun, with his gimmick.



I can't judge the gameplay of any games past the PS2 era since I don't have a PS3 or even a good enough TV (possibly).  They seem fun but can't do anything about it. 

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On 27/12/2017 at 9:33 PM, Maelstrom said:

What, why are you looking at me like that? Mario totally has a red fireball kamehameha attack that will totally work in the dbz universe! *eye roll*

This would actually be awesome!


In fact, you just have to look to the numerous mods made for Xenoverse 2 to get ideas (like Mario, Sonic, Mega Man, Superman, Saitama, Shrek, Kermit the frog, Captain Falcon, Ultra Instinct Shaggy, Spongebob, Bugs Bunny and Jason Vorhees are some mods I've seen). If you want an excuse for Mario to fly, just give him a winged cap or something.

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