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Found this beautiful song in the soundtrack of the anime Noir... (which is awesome by the way)

It's from Yuki Kajimura, who also worked on Fate/Zero and .Hack/Sign.

Aaand, speaking of Rock'n Roll...

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What have you been under a rock?

It's hard to find good music when you live in brazil you know D:

all we get is crappy voice-overs of original songs and generic songs about men who got cheated on by their wives :U

with the exception of a few pearls.

Speaking of pearls, have these masterpieces from somewhat classic anime:


And my personal favorite:


Edited by Telos
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It's kinda like vocaloid since it's a virtual band and all.

I really liked everything, the music, the characters, the setting, the plot. I think it's pretty special.

Too bad it seems they're done.

It's only a virtual band in the music video. Fun fact here, the same singer of this band was the original singer of Blur. So you can thank him for listening to Feel Good Inc. and Song 2.

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If you guys are up for some instrumental... I love what this guy does with some Rock and Classical music. ^_^

In this one specially, I think he's made the song better than the original (even without Freddy!)

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