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What're YOU listening to?~


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Dear lord why did I stop just before the end on my first playthrough of this. It's so fun. Come the summer, aka next week, I'm going to finish it with my Tremere (even when I'm a vampire, I have to find an excuse to be a mage [well, when I'm a female. When I'm playing as a guy I have an OC assassin/archer/thief in my head who shall remain nameless, which is what I would be playing as on Skyrim if the Playstation was ever free. Not having a good computer that can run these things is sad. Damn, did I just use square brackets? Okay this is ridiculous I'm shutting up, the part with the curvy brackets isn't even going to make sense now], plus the female Tremere looks like a total badass with her glasses) and do another couple of runs through with a Malk and a Nosferatu.

Edited by Ashka
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I remember about a year ago, I could keep up with the pace of this word for word.

But, now I'm not so sure. The perfect song for a description of insanity.

And this is what happens when you have shuffle on itunes turned on.

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