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This is pretty difficult, but...


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I can't tell you how difficult it was to write this, because not only did it take extremely long to rifle through my thoughts, but it also took some time to get what I could organize down on paper, so to speak. I mean, what is there to say? But then again, what isn't there to say? So much yet so little... I didn't read over this before posting because it was already killing me to type it out so if there are mistakes or it sounds bad, just kill me ok

I guess it would be fitting to kick this off by saying that November ~29th will be my two year anniversary here - perhaps would have been is more appropriate? - and these two years have been quite the amazing experience. From the first moment I learned about Reborn and experienced it for myself to the last couple of months, weeks, days - they've all been some of the best. The people, the personalities and ways of speaking that I can fairly say have formed a unique culture all their own, the numerous activities, the projects... they've all amounted to something bigger and more enjoyable than I ever could have hoped for!

I remember starting my journey at Reborn sometime in mid November 2010. I had heard of the community spoken of on multiple occasions in other Pokemon Online servers - notably Pokemon Mysidia - and I declared that it was about time I took a gander at the place for myself! And so I did - I lurked around the server under one of my first usernames, TLightning (TLight), and although I didn't know a soul, the quirkiness was oozing from the people just chatting and having a good time - perhaps a total of... fifteen-twenty people on the server at a time - and I knew it was the place for me. Despite this, and people that know me and my time on PO will understand and agree, I would always spend time at other places as well and eventually grew away from Reborn for a couple of months.

However, I would always, always come back. There was just... something about the place I couldn't get enough of and there was no way to just walk away! Anyone that's ever experienced Reborn at its best - and its worst! - will understand exactly what I mean. So I came back a few times, most notably in February, then again in May-August, then back again at last at the beginning of this year and I've been... fairly consistent with my activity until recently and there's a reason.

I've just grown away from... everything. As a whole. And it's no single person's fault, it's just that I spent a few days, weeks off of Pokemon Online and off forums and it just seemed to click that there are some things that I either don't have 'time' for - and I use that in a relative sense, I don't mean that I can't cut some time out of my life to spend here! - or I'm just not interested in enough to participate in. Trust me, I would be on Reborn every day if I actually felt like I could handle being on, but I just can't. Pokemon Online, not Reborn or its people, are just wearing thin on my patience and unfortunately it means that I have to cut my Reborn life short.

I would type more, but I'm feeling a little burnt out and terrible overall for typing this because I hate separating from a community I've come so close to, especially when it means leaving marks on my torso. But anyway, I've made so many acquaintances, friends, best friends, even, in my two years here and I cherish each and every one of them and will never forget any of you. (I'll go to bed tonight and end up doing it anyway!) BUT I WANT TO GIVE A QUICK SHOUTOUT TO EACH ONE OK

Amethyst~, Hark~, Ikaru~, Kirito~, Pandora~, Horizon~, Kurooooo<333~, Summer~, Winter~, Maelstrom~, Phoenix~, MUIN<333~, Burret~, AZKnight~, Kitty~, Saya~, Poe~, Swimming~, Batl~, Scarlet~, Cyrus~, Inuki~, XIPHYILY5EVATBH~, Ryan C~, rotomfan I love you the most tbh, Edge~, Mczipo, jenni~, Erick even though you like blowing up stuff too much gtfo, Owen~, Rodaku~, nyu~, Allan even though you're kickhappy D<, Ninpen~, Nate da Great~, Wolf/Dominus/Godot/pickanameeventhoughIshouldn'tbetheonetotalk~, Ice~, Rooreeloo~, Roo the Baka~, Moriarty, sucks we never got to talk more :x~, Legacy~, Mashew~


Anyway, with all that said, I feel that I will visit sometimes but I will not be as active as I used to be and will like never be on the forum I guess. It's whatever, love all of you and will forever and ever and ever, etc. TTYL KIDDIES <3

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Well...I guess the time comes for everybody eventually. I'll miss you Cloud. We had some awesome times together both here and at Mysidia. I'm glad I got a mention if I'm honest, given our small amount of communication over the past few months.

Nonetheless, I wish you all the best dude. You were a great friend for me since we first met at Mysidia, and I'll miss ya. Take care, and good luck =]

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