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Types Hurt & Heal (BUG TYPE WINS with 8 HP)


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@Zargerth Simple, I dislike the type. between how mono normal is just a stallfest between Chansey and porygon2 which every type that doesn't have good fighting stab just loses to a lot and just have a lot of mons that I just dislike. you try fighting a meta normal mono with a meta fairy mono and tell me that it was fun waiting for Chansey to stall you out

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"Clefable so you can't complain about porygon". NO, you really can't complain about that base 90 def duck holding an eviolite and recover, because you have a mon that can only take damage from attacks. You know the big difference between porygon and clef? For clef to actually get super bulky, and even then a crit deals with it (not saying relying on crits is a good thing, but crits don't go past eviolite now do they?). you gotta spend a turn setting up. I don't see the fucking duck needing to do that. point disproven (remember when Magearna was legal? yeah, even that thing could not make normal a fun MU for fairy. So saying that clef negates porygon2 is about as accurate as saying that Yanmega negates Blaziken.)

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@Jess what you mean being 'that guy'?

I'm just healing my second favorite type (my favorite got eliminated) and hurting one I like the least. I've been doing that for a few days now.

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Too many people healing steel. Very annoying type, they have Skarm, Heatran, Scizor, Ferrothorn (one of the two grass types I don't like with it being my favourite type), and a lot more annoying pokemon. And you know what the worst part about steel types are? They just don't die. They have a ridiculous amount of resistances, not many weaknesses and a lot of the higher tier ones don't have one or more of steel's common weaknesses. Steel types before gen 6 were pretty piss poor offensively but now since fairy exists steel can not only check dragons, imo, one of the best types, but they can shred fairy types too, also one of the best types. Steel types are probably one of the only types where you can stick four on a team and be fine. Try that with grass or rock and see how well that goes.


Grass: 29

Electric: 5

Steel: 7

Ground: 13

Ice: 26

Fight: 15

Normal: 12

Ghost: 25

Dark: 19

Bug: 22

Rock: 16

Poison: 13

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@Amphibi leave half my aggron alone. It choice banded is way to fun to use. Also you really can't stick 4 on a team and be fine unless you are very carefull on how you put it together, belive me I have tried. And even then it still has its problems like sticking 4 of any type on the same team.

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Speaking of Steel, that's one of the big reasons fairy runs Clef in mono. Clef generally is the best of all unreliable ways to "check" scizor with fairy. and even then it's unreliable because it's pretty obvious what it's gonna do, Fire blast or flamethrower. So Heatran pretty much blocks clef. "But Wolfox, fairy has more options to deal with steel types." You re correct, but those options are even less reliable. Gardevoir has focus miss, but it's pretty slow and frail so Exca and Scizor sends it home before it can do too much. Azu is a steel "resist", but can only really hit 2 steel mons and get's beaten by scizor. Mega Diancie, let me stop you right there before I even say what it can do. It has a 4x weakness to steel so scizor completely beats it, Heatran can live an Earth Power and kill, Exca kills (if scarf), scarm lives and can kill... Do I need to go on here? Koko, exca renders it useless. Bulu, too slow to sweep steel, no stab moves to hit steel with. Klefki? What you gonna do? Screen the steel types to death? While in combination with Bulu klefki can be an Exca slayer, it's not recommended to do this ever. Togekiss is the second best thing fairy has, but even then it's not a good option as almost everything either outspeeds and OHKO's or, you know, can completely wall it out.

 So what did we learn here? What is one of the biggest reasons Clefable is common on fairy? Exactly, being an unreliable Scizor slayer that someone just picking up steel can predict the moves of.

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@Wolfox  yo you forgot granbull and mawile (even if mega's banned) lmao

also, toxic is a thing, and clef doesn't get hindered by it while setting up. And clef can just set up on p2, it relies on special attacks 90% of the time so cm clef can just ignore it. They're both cancerous, look at both sides. Chasey's a binch too, but you got psyshock, and azu, and bulu, and mimikyu and shit. Taunt shuts it down too



and just heal/hurt the types you like/dislike the most mates,there's no need to be all strategic about it, or just to pick off kills like @Paul25 (still salty about the dragons uwu)



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The mons I mentioned are the most common fairies, and they are for a good reason. Granbull may be pretty good for taking down scizor, that's where its use for the type stops. And Mawile isn't much better, not even hitting anywhere near as hard as granbull. And Mimikyu... well it doesn't help the type with dealing with too many common threats like Scizor or Mega Scizor (it's a free set up, but if a +6 azu can't blow it out of the water, why would a +2 Mimikyu be able to?). Yes, clef can set up on the p2. but who in their right mind stays in on the clef with p2 in the first place? And the only fairy that hit Chansey hard enough to scare it with psyshock is the banned Tapu lele (Banned for a good reason. Granted for Fairy is was more a buffed Gardevoir and for psychic, it was the thing that broke everything). For bulu, there is bulky raptor (no, saying stone edge does not nullify this. because most likely your Bulu will want to be choiced) and Azu is predictable as it needs to knock it first before doing anything scary to it (I explained most of this before, seems like it has fallen on deaf ears). I don't pull this out of my ass you know, between Chansey and p2 fairy can barely do anything. and the mons that can deal with those are either a: predictable or b: walled by something else (see Bulu and Bulky Raptor).

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@Wolfox i was referring to chansey when i mentioned mimikyu, not steels, mimikyu is ass for steels tbh. And yes, fairy's p2/chansey answers are countered by something else, while those things get checked/countered by something else in fairy's arsenal. For chansey (and possibly p2) there's bulu, that does about 10 million with horn leech alone, so imagine with wood hammer; for bulu, there's raptor; for raptor there's koko; for SPECIAL koko there's chansey (then again physical koko is just that thing you use to say electric has a fast phyical attacker). This goes full circle. And when a +6 azu doesn't kill scizor, what does the sciz do to it in turn? an unboosted bullet bunch doesn't even 2hko if it's not band

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