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[IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse DC; XCOM 2 Subplot: Return of the Traitor


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As they entered the dark room Frigus tried to remember the spell to create a glowing sphere of light, he thought he'd almost had it right around the time he tripped on a the stray corpse of an ADVENT soldier.  While he managed to catch himself and not fall on his face horribly, but the spell he was originally casting was ruined, instead he was left with a small glassy orb that glowed softly.

He bent over and picked it up.  After quickly deciding it wouldn't produce enough light to be helpful here he put it away and walked over to where Database was collecting the Elerium.

"Mind if I take a few of these?"

Assuming yes he would grab about a half dozen and assuming no he would just shrug and continue with the rest of the group.

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The highly-armored gunman caught the explosive out of the air, something which actually drew a disgruntled noise from him; Nader muttered as the Reaper disappeared from sight: "Allah. Just tossing explosives at me... Still..." He carefully turned the device over in his hands. "I can probably make some use of this. Not this moment, though, if I'm gonna be setting up a fuckin' claymore I want to be sure not to waste it." With his train of thought spoken, Nader slipped the claymore carefully into an enemy pouch, before advancing along with the rest of the team, his Horsekiller and Sorraia both pointed forward as he took up a position near the front, ready to fire if he got jumped.

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Sister Rachel notes that everybody seems to be going inside.  This seems unsafe.  "Unless there's a good reason not to, I'm going to find a high place and keep overwatch," She informs the group, "This is starting to seem like a possible trap to me."

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Nader turned briefly before entering, to look at and answer Rachel. "If I felt like I could get away with it, I'd be joining you, but unfortunately I think that if I DON'T enter and it's a trap, then that would mean the space alien colonialists would mulch the first person to go through; I may be the best suited to being on point, what with my armor. Either me or I guess Aquila, but I would definitely rather it be me. If I walk into a trap, I'd rather be the one in control of my progress."

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Supply Barge


At Nader’s comment, the Commander spoke up from the coms, “That’s why we’re keeping an eye out for anything. I don’t like sending troops into the dark, but there are moments where you have to” she replied.


Database herself looked up at Frigus as he asked his question, seeming to think for a second before shrugging, “Yeah, we have enough anyways” she replied, picking up one of the boxes of Elerium and carrying it back to Firebrand as her Gremlin picked up a smaller box of alloys.


Frigus has acquired 6 Elerium Crystals!





Alan and his DOOMBOT decide to help Database out with bringing materials and crates to Firebrand, hauling in two crates of ADVENT’s Alloys to the ship. Nothing much else aside from that.



Right Team (Lazarus, Nader, Frigus)


Those that followed Lazarus, who went to the right door, would find another large laboratory… Only in here, there was glowing tubes of green liquid, with what appeared to be preserved human bodies floating inside of each. About 50, in total. 


At the sight, Lazarus sighed, “Commander… We found more victims”


“I see them Lazarus… Dammit… They were probably bringing them to one of their damn labs. Keep an eye out for anything… We can’t do anything for these people at the moment…”


Frigus inspection


Roll: 23 vs 23: Bare win
Quality: 11
Potential Randomness: 93


Frigus, thankfully, is able to feel around the wall, managing to find a lightswitch that fills the entire room with light, revealing a knocked over dissection table with a body messily covered in a bloodied sheet. No prizes on guessing what was going on with that. There WAS datapad that had crashed onto the ground as well, seeming to still be in decent shape despite a few cracks in its screen.


Frigus also finds an ADVENT Datapad



Left Team (Contagion, Harry)


Rachel and Harry both move to the left, with Contagion leading the way with Harry behind. It isn’t too hard for the Doctor to feel around the wall, managing to find another light that fully revealed another small armory, with a single ADVENT trooper corpse near one of the weapon racks, seeming to have a large pile of weapons covering him from the crash. 


However, aside from weapons, armor, and whatnot, there was one thing that stood out from the rest of the armory. Specifically, a medium sized white container, with several glowing yellow lights traveling its sides. Considering its design and uniqueness to the rest of ADVENT's containers, it was probably something special.


Harry Investigation


Roll: 29 vs 22: You're good
Quality of checking around: 13: Slightly above average.
Randomness: 100!: Majorly POSITIVE


Harry has found a small container of MELD!





After a bit of searching, Aquila would find himself the switch to open the middle door, hearing a rather quiet hissing sound coming from the doors as it began to slide open, moving cleanly and silently to the side, revealing a large hanger filled with darkness.


Aquila Investigation


Roll: 3 vs 13: Fail
Quality: 13: Above average
Randomness: 33: Eep.


As he continued in though, he’d notice several new lights round a corner into the room, shining their way through the room. At the same time, he could hear some very muffled grunts coming from their direction, just before one began to jog towards the other end of the room.


Looks like there were some hostiles still on the ship.




The Sister of Battle herself went back outside the barge, climbing up the side until she had reached the top... Which wasn't anything too special. Namely, only a large hole halfway through the roof was noticeable, as well as the Reaper, barely visible aside from the shifts of perspective that his cloak gave off. It was clear that he was scanning the horizon with his rifle though, considering it was raised and slowly moving from side to side.

Edited by GodofGamingRWBY
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"Well, that isn't suspicious as all hell." Harry shrugged as he approached the white container. No touching for now, as that would have been stupid. For now, he simple walked around it, looking for any obvious markings or latches. Anything to indicate that it wasn't a nuke. It was in the armory after all. But, it was unlikely to be touch sensitive,  and would probably have a priming mechanism.


"Understood. I'm going to grab a weapon here, then figure out whether moving this thing is the absolute worst idea. See if the XCOM operatives know what it is." And so Harry did as he explained, first scanning the weapons rack and the pile that had fallen on the trooper to find something to his liking, then resuming his inspection of the white container.

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Frigus glanced around the room before finding the light.

"Wow.  Just wow.  I'm not sure what to say.  Are they still alive?"

He walked over and picked up the datapad after getting a response.

"Hey, anything useful you could get off this?"

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Lazurus merely shakes his head, “Unfortunately, no. ADVENT makes sure to kill their test subjects before transportation… These people are nothing more than preserved DNA material for them now” he said, before placing his rifle on his back, “... Thankfully, we know how we can make sure that they won’t further ADVENT’s plans, at least” he stated, pulling out a small device from his belt, bringing another hand to his helmet, “Central, permission to plant?”


“Permission granted Lazarus. Plant the X4 Charge… There, 8th Pod away from the lightswitch, second up” Bradford replied over the coms, causing Lazarus to nod, before moving to place the charge.


As Frigus picked up the datapad, Lazarus turned his head to see it, “Hm… I’d say more information on ADVENT’s doing and the Avatar Project. They’re putting tight lids on where their facilities are… We’d doubtless be able to pull something out with Director Rose’s expertise” he said, getting back to work with the charge. After a brief pause, he quickly added, “... She’s our Propaganda Director. One of our best hackers.”




Investigation of the pile


Roll: 18 vs 11: success
Quality: 19: Really good
Randomness: 88


As it turned out, Harry nearly managed to gloss over a color in the pile that didn’t match the rest of the standard ADVENT black and red rifles. Specifically, a dark grey metal with dull green outlines. When he pulled it out of the pile, he quickly found a rather fantastic find, a highly advanced rifle that looked like it packed much more of a punch than the rest of ADVENT’s arsenal. Harry has found an ADVENT Plasma Rifle, which deals 3d6+Int damage with an Int% Chance to deal double damage.


Take the gun from this picture and there you go.


Investigation of the container


Roll: 28 vs 17: success
Quality: 2: eek


The container… Didn’t seem to have anything that indicated that it could be opened safely.. It had lines running through it that appeared to indicated that it was able to, but no button or latch.




Sneaking around roll


Roll: 5 vs Non-Natural 20: Fail
Quality of snek: 14: Above Average
Randomness cause of darkness: 57: Nothing


Aquila was, somehow, able to sneak close enough to the hostiles that he could begin seeing their features… Specifically, their dull, dark green armor, their perpetually pissed off expressions, and the saws on the bottom of their weapons.


Unfortunately, when he saw that, one casually turned its light towards him, shining on him before he could get out of the way. The Alien seemed surprised at his appearance, actually recoiling from the find before growling angrily, its gun beginning to flare up with green light as the other two turned towards the Crusader.


Aquila has found THREE Mutons!





Aquila: 38/38: Healthy

3 Mutons: Healthy






3 Mutons



Edited by GodofGamingRWBY
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"Ms. Commander, I've found three angry red guys. Could you inform the others that some assistance would be nice when they have time."

Aquila hides around the corner, preparing to clothesline the first Muton that comes around the corner.

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"Oh, hey. That's nice." Harry picked through the pile of weaponry until he came to the more unique gun. Not the most human friendly design, no iron sights or a good stock, but it looked like something that was probably a notch above the ordinary armament. He slung it over his back, and approached the white box in the middle of the floor. Nothing indicated a way to open it, but even if it was a bomb, it wouldn't be touch sensitive. So he hoisted it up in both arms, and turned to carry it out the door.


"Keep an eye out for anything that might have survived the crash while I carry this back, plague man? Thanks." Harry gave a light smile, and marched off to the original entry point.

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"Contagion... and I'd like to think that if beings are capable of making this type of tech, they have some way of surviving a ship crash."

Contagion looks around, then back to Harry.

"I don't trust how quiet its been, so I'll stick close to you just in case we get company."

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"So, how'd you get that name. You said something about a hero agency, do they choose them for you? Don't think I'm making to big a leap in guessing that you make poisons." Harry kept looking ahead as he asked this, mainly because turning around with a large box in your hands was always a hassle. Even just carrying something of this size and shape was a bit of a nuisance.


As if defend the mental statement that he'd just made, it was at this point that Harry crushed his fingers slightly between a door frame and the box. He gave a small grunt.



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"I'll drop it off when we get back to the ship then."

Frigus slid the datapad into his pocket and walked over to one of the pods looking inside.

After a second he shook his head and took a step back.  If ever there was a reason to meddle in the affairs of a world this seemed like a pretty good reason.

"If there isn't anything left to look at in here and you're done with the charge I think we should go help the other guy."

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"You're right on point, actually."

Contagion chuckled, smiling under his mask, before speaking again.

"Well, due to an accident while I was working with some chemicals, I mutated. Mutating is the term we use for people who gain superpowers, from my world. Essentially my body leaks the toxic gas I use. And I guess the people at the agency thought it'd be funny to give me the codename Contagion, and once they start using those codenames, they essentially become synonymous to a hero name. I've been doing this a long time too, so I just keep it as Contagion for sake of ease."

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"Ah, got it. If you don't mind my asking, would you mind elaborating a bit more on how these mutation events are triggered? Since you know, now you spew gas because you were working with gas. But, does--just, what else do you know about them? Mutations purely genetic? Through the whole body? Hereditary?"


"Sorry about the name, nicknames and the like have a tendency to stick when you least like em."

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"Ah, it's alright. Been working under it for 40 years now, so I'm used to the name."

Contagion chuckles again, before sighing.

"Well, mutations can be caused by a multitude of things. High amounts of stress, genetics, freak accidents, near-death situations... in some cases, in very emotional moments, good or bad. Sometimes it's related to the mutation circumstance, other times it's completely random. Typically you won't see families of supers as it seems rare to pass down, and sometimes when a super and a normal person have kids, you get kids that are half-super. Like something almost didn't connect in their body, so they can't use powers readily or when they want to, but keep the super resilient part of mutant-nature, or vice versa. My father was before the time of mutants or supers. It seemed something just clicked for humanity eventually, inside our genetics. That's also why I think they're so random. Some people had it naturally unlocked, others weren't as fortunate or were lucky, however you view it."


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"What year is it in your earth? And when did the mutations start to spring up?" This was a vaguely familiar story. Different in some details, and there were some grey areas that Harry hadn't delved into, but all the same, it was an interesting coincidence.


"I'm gonna shut up after this, but how do you avoid civilian casualties?"

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"2079. That was the year when I got called up for this Multiverse ordeal. As for the mutations... I believe they first popped up around 2030. I was 5 years old at the time. I personally mutated when I was 23, and it seemed to have slowed the biological aging process in my body. I still look as young as I did then."

Contagion shook his head.

"Sorry, back to your question about civilians. It's been a tough road of unnecessary deaths, I will confess. It really struck me when I was younger, and new to the job. Eventually I came up with a technology to help civilians avoid being poisoned by my gas. Tiny nanobots that filtrate and breakdown my gases into non-toxic biproducts. And you might wonder how nobody has stolen them and reproduced them. Well, to answer that I programmed them to self-fry once they leave the host body. The agency eventually managed to get the entire civilian population to have them injected. Not my personal choice, I'd much rather self administer them as necessary."

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Nader had stood there in still silence for a while while the others spoke, shocked and disgusted into a furious wordlessness by the sight of what he'd come across. Not only were these space alien colonialists invading and, well, colonizing, but it turns out that they were kidnapping people, experimenting on them, and killing them. There was no mistake about it: these things were evil, and they had to be brought down. Nader was glad he'd come over here, now: as much as these aliens might be a danger, he would look greatly forward to helping XCOM punch a great big hole in them. "Damn space aliens..." The armored man shook his head and his voice came out in a growl as he mirrored his thoughts: "Another reason to ruin their fuckin' day as much as I can while I'm here, I guess."


Then, of course, that entire train of thought was messily derailed as a certain someone's request for help against three enemies came over through the radio. "Damn it Aquila!" Nader let out that curse into the room, not the comms, and though he managed to keep from shouting at the top of his lungs, it was kind of a close thing. "Of course, if there's anyone who was going to run into a fight..." Nader let out a grunt, and immediately turned about-face and started to move back through the hall of the ship in order to get to the middle area of the ship and thusly enter Aquila's fight. "Come on, this is a situation where we should stop Aquila from getting killed." Nader gestured for the others to follow him, even if he was unhappy about the whole situation.

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Harry turned to stare at Contagion shrewdly, trying get a read. Difficult with the mask of course, but there were always the subtle signs of body language. He shifted his hands on the white canister to get a better grip.


". . .I suppose that is a kind of solution. . ." He stated delicately. "So what sort of things did ye olde hero agency do? Fight evil mutants and whatnot? How wide an area did you have jursidiction in? Really, mainly thinking about what sort of threats you'd face, since a global force'd have you carted all over to fight the biggest baddest villains, and something smaller, well, you probably handle smaller threats." Harry was just making small talk for now while he quickly raced through the possibilities that the nanobots entailed. Either the gas that Contagion produced was relatively easy to break down, or they had extremely advanced nanobots.


Bordering on biological compexity even, as most enzymes were fairly complicated in their methods. The gas also burned the skin, which implied that the nanobots had totally infiltrated the host. And yet, it sounded like a one time injection, so it must be either reproducing in the host body, or extricating itself from dead skin cells. No, wait, that couldn't be, since the gas wouldn't be able to permeate the cell membrane before destroying the cell entirely. Possibilities included an undetectable film on a person. Certainly plausible, but they'd have to be careful if they showered, presumably. Of course, a simpler method would be to let people suffer the surface pain, and simply have the nanobots dissolved in the blood. . .


And god, the logistics of this, that'd be hell. Presumably. There was probably a way to do it, if you made the nanobots self replicating, and simply let them be transmitted host to host similar to bacteria. A sufficiently autocratic government would do the trick too. But no, he was neglecting perhaps the simplest explanation at all. Contagion could be lying, not trusting Harry, not wishing to lose his trump card, or simply just not yet comfortable enough with the group. There was a buzz on the comms (?)


"Sounds like the crusader knight guy decided to fight some aliens. I'm sure that'll go well."

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"Well, we mainly fought disruptive mutants, yeah. Super-villains and the like. Typical comic book stuff. We had particular jurisdiction in Metropolis F. Why they named the larger populations as such, I have no clue, but it's a little easier, I guess." Contagion shrugged, before continuing. "I was asked to handle all sorts of threats, just depending. I often got stuck in the more dangerous scenarios. Infiltrating villain lairs, fighting in extreme environments, all that kind of stuff. In terms of big threats, I say the biggest I ever faced to date would be... Cryton, for sure. He froze over the entire city, if that gives you a scale of how strong he was. He defeated the strongest of heroes, and the battle that ensued after the freeze was a bloody one. Many notable names fell during the fight... my long-term friend included. Eventually he was defeated, but at too high of a cost. They brought in a bunch of new heroes after that. Can't say the agency was ever the same. Lots of rules about going out alone, requiring a squad of 4 or more to go out, whatever the mission... Apologies, I didn't realize I was rambling."


Contagion grew silent, as he mindlessly walked with Harry, before he spoke up about Aquila.

"Well, given how many of us there are, do you think it's worth us running to the rescue, or shall we secure the package first?"

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