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[IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse DC; XCOM 2 Subplot: Return of the Traitor


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Diplomacy Check: 21 versus 19
Quality: 13


“I am continuing to work against those that destroyed my home, assisting other worlds with preparations for the future. Other worlds full of potential for you.” Proditor explained.


Immediately, the Hunter narrowed his eyes, “You’re lying-”


“Do you take me for a liar, Hunter?” Proditor quickly interrupted, letting the silence fill the void between their minds before speaking again, “Angelis offered you this planet if you took in the Commander. I know how she works. But she doesn’t care about Earth past her own goals, and this planet will be abandoned by ADVENT as soon as her project is complete. You’ll be stuck here, awaiting the destruction from those that destroyed my original home as well. There will be no glorious hunt for you if you remain here. But, if you leave ADVENT, you can find brand new ‘prey’ for yourself. A chance to do more than be Angelis’s pet” Proditor explained.


“I will let you decide which path you want to go”


And with that, Proditor disconnected from the Hunter’s mind. Leaving the Chosen to stew over the Ethereal’s argument.



-- Trespasser Group --


As soon as he cut off his conversation with the Hunter, Proditor turned his head to face Sister Rachel, “That will hardly be need-” he began to tell Rachel through his telepathic communication, before she merely stabbed him with her needle. In an instant, Proditor had “staggered” (despite still floating) back, only to get stabbed twice more by Rachel’s attempts to inject him with her drugs. And she only managed to get it the third time when he forcefully directed it to one of his blood vessels. Despite the fact that he was a different type of creature than Rachel was used to, the drugs did not have any noticeable side effects besides slight discomfort on Proditor’s part.


(12 vs Nat 20!) Alan begins his magic against the new Sectopod on the field… Only to find every way he had initially hacked into the previous Sectopod to be blocked off. It seemed that ADVENT had prepared against his hacking after the first time.


(6) Alan’s tank opens fire on the Gatekeeper, but manages to miss almost all of its shots, the ones that manage to hit only slightly denting the Gatekeeper’s armor, but not enough for any lasting damage.

Aquila continues his murder rampage, smashing open the head of one of the Lost around him for 22 damage, easily killing it.


Nader begins putting lead into the undead charging at him, dealing 18 damage to each, which was enough to slay all three of his targets. However, two remain.


Runner 1 advances, moving to B2 with Harry and Frigus, before making a beeline past the Gatekeeper and to the Railgun.



-- The Chosen --


And in that instant, a single sniper shot rang out.








Runner 1 was knocked down, only to float back up to continue to its destination, the sniper shot taking off a chunk of its side, but not enough to detonate it or break it.


“Hm. Looks like I hesitated” The Hunter commented, before sighing and slinging his rifle over his shoulder, “Looks like this game’s done” he added, before teleporting away in a flash of purple.




-- All --


As soon as Runner 1 made it to the target, Alan detonated Runner 1, a split second passing as the drone armed itself. And then a deafening explosion shook the battlefield, and two balls of energy emerged from the railgun. A ball of fire, and another of blue lightning. The result of the two explosions was instantaneous, causing most of the combatants to almost fall over from the gust of wind that came from both, and knocking every character one space away from the Railgun by one space.


And then, as soon as the chaos died down, the Commander was on the comms, shouting new orders, “Everyone get back to the Avenger, we’re leaving! ADVENT is sending in more reinforcements already. We can’t let the bulk of their forces engage the Avenger” she explained, "Cover anyone retreating."


The Avenger will leave within 6 turns



-- ADVENT --


The Gatekeeper spends its turn floating back into the air after getting knocked down by the cannon’s explosion.


The rest of ADVENT’s forces advance, abandoning self preservation in order to get to the Avenger themselves. The Berserker, on the other hand, continues to bash the poor tank to a pancake, dealing 20 points of damage.



-- Chosen --


(48) (Nat100!) Shortly after Alan attempted to hack into the new Sectopod’s mainframe, the air around him seemed to shimmer for a split second. And then, suddenly, the Assassin manifested right in front of him, her sword already coming down upon him.


However, in that split second, Rachel took notice of the revealed Xenos that had managed to get close enough to nearly enter the Avenger, and takes quick aim at the Assassin with her pistols. Thankfully she was just in time, as her shots landed just as the Assassin was about to cleave Alan in half, forcing the later to break off of the hacker in order to block the shots, but still managed to take 8 damage (10), gritting her teeth as the pistols burned through her armor, practically making it useless, “Impressive…” she muttered as she quickly sheathed her sword, and just as quickly as she appeared, she vanished once more in a pillar of light.




-- ??? --


The air around C4 begins to shift once more, now with far more intensity.




-- XCOM --


“Affirmative” Database responded to Nader, making sure to stop behind him and open fire on the advancing Lost, which when combined with the three XCOM Operatives that came along, was easily enough to take down the last few.


Lazarus begins opening fire on the Lost surrounding Aquila, dealing 18 damage to one and bringing it down.


Ao, upon watching Frigus and Harry charge forward, activates her Psi-Blades, then charges forward to reinforce them, moving to B4 and attacking one of the ADVENT Soldiers, dealing 18 damage and killing it.


The remaining XCOM Operatives open fire on ADVENT’s troops, killing the remaining ADVENT Mecs in C5 and the ADVENT Trooper in B4 


The turrets around the Avenger’s entrance spin to tear the Assassin apart, only to find her quickly disappearing, and then swiveling back to their original positions.



-- Lost --


In the distance, the howls of Lost began to grow in numbers. More Lost reinforcements have arrived!


The remaining two lost both attack Aquila, dealing 3 and 1 damage respectively. However, Aquila returns the favor by quickly bashing in the head of the one that dealt 3 damage, killing it with 19 damage.


The rest continue to charge


Turns until Avenger leaves: 6








Nader (D5): 16/32, Guts (x1), Gut Punch prep'd.


Aquila (E5): 34/38 VICTORY! WE HAVE VICTORY! Revenge! Guts (x2)


Harry (B3): 48/48 Healthy, blocking Runner 1, 10% dodge.


Runner 1: Salute


Proditor (C6): 11/22 Heavily Wounded, Guts (x2), stabbed


Sister Rachel (C6) 28/28 Healthy


Frigus (B3) 34/34 Healthy, 10% Dodge


Alan (C6): 26/26 Healthy, Not-So-Hacker Man


Sectopod (C6): 70/70, Ready for more murder


Alan's second Tank (A3): 41/50




Ao Toshinori (B5) 40/40 Healthy


Lazarus (D5) 55/60 Scratched


Database (C6): 45/45, Healthy




Cannon: Done did die


Sectopod (A4) Healthy


2 ADVENT Soldiers (A4) Healthy


Gatekeeper (B3) Disoriented slightly




2 Sectoids (C5) Charging


2 ADVENT Soldiers (C5) Charging


Viper (D3): Healthy, Snek


Andromedon (B4): Automated


Disabled Tank (D3): 5/50


Tank (B5): 40/50, crew slaughtered




The Chosen


The Hunter: Missed


The Assassin: Fuck this shit I'm out



The Lost


Lost: Several dead


Lost Brutes: Healthy


Lost Runner: Several dead, sprinting a marathon.


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"Good job, Frigus, sounds like we need to haul ass back now. I'll buy you a drink next time we're in civilized parts.


Harry will shoot the gatekeeper with his ADVENT Plasma Rifle for 3d6+INT damage, with INT% chance for double damage. Use Speedy Prognosis to give Frigus 1d4+13 heal if necessary.


HP: (Con*2)+20=42+6=48


Essence: 1

Constitution: 11

Dexterity: 1

Intelligence:  8 (x1.25)->10 (+3 on wounded with D'Arnets)

Resistance:  3 (+9)->12

Strength:  3

Synergy: 1



Prodigy: Harry's INT is treated as boosted by 25%.

Advanced Biotechnology: Harry regains 10% MHP per turn.

Applied Knowledge: When Harry tends to someone else's wounds, he regains half the HP he healed for them.



Combat Surgeon's a dangerous job: For one round after Harry heals an ally, he will be hit by a copy of the first attack made against the ally that he healed. If he used a multiheal, he simply takes a copy of the first three attacks made against the subjects of the multiheal.



Actions (6 combat slots)

Slap on Bandaid and call it good enough: Heals one target by 1d4+INT

Level 2: This heal now has first strike.

Level 3 (trick, 29 v 1, 6): Heals by 2d4+INT


Speedy Prognosis: Harry gets one extra turn per combat round, only allowed to be used for healing actions (no attacking actions, maybe no buffing). Nonupgradeable, and cannot be duplicated.


Bone Reinforcement: Harry has +3 MHP, this passive doesn't take up a slot.

Level 2: Now +6.


Jump Start: If an ally has been brought to 0 HP within the last two rounds, Harry, using a combination of a large adrenaline injection, a small electric defibrillator, and a bunch of cellular regeneration compounds, may bring that ally back to life at half health. Once per world cooldown, and won't work if the ally has been completely incinerated or something similar.


Wolftech Kevlar Polymer Synthesis Heavy Ballistic Infantry Combat Armor: Grants +5 RES, but at a -2 STR penalty.

Level 2 (merit): This armor no longer has a penalty.

Level 3 (Trick): This armor now grants 2 less RES, but grants two Slots which can only be used for specially designed items (Plates, primarily)

  • 1xDeath Wyvern Plate (+3 RES)
  • 1xDeath Wyvern Plate (+3 RES)


D'Arnet's Modern Military Medical Procedures Digital+Field Kit: Whenever Harry is faced with a problem he is having difficulty with, he consults this eleven thousand page book on his compad, where there are clear and concise instructions for unusual situations, with even speculative ideas about Xenobiology. It even contains an advanced human being analogue program, used for field tutorials and for estimating the effects of chemicals on human physiology. Harry may be brilliant, but even he needs a compilation of all the knowledge he can get, and tools. Grants +3 to INT when treating wounded. Lets the user heal a target by 1d4+INT.


ADVENT Plasma Rifle: 3d6 + INT damage, INT % chance to deal double damage.


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"Yes!  It worked!" Frigus shot a fist up in the air shouting.


"Sounds great, but first we've got to get out of here"

With that Frigus made an about face and started flying in the opposite direction.


Frigus uses his Keyblade Glider to move himself and Harry to B5.

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Sister Rachel readies her Inferno Pistols to shoot at the first enemy to come within range, positioning herself to cover the retreating XCOM operatives.  It worked well the last time, after all.  "Hah!  You'd better run, Xenos scum!"  She yells after the Assassin, "Your fate will be shared by all who dare assault humanity!  Holy Terra will never fall to your ilk!"

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  • 2 weeks later...

The sound of a massive explosion from far away entered Nader's ears, and after a surprised curse he began to speak with a triumphant tone. "Alright, nearly out of this fucking place! I'm going to dig in and keep defending here, I guess, since these piece of shit living dead don't appear to pose me any actual fuckin' threat. " Nader then gestured to the other XCOM operatives around him, including Database. "You all can go deeper into the Avenger or go fight some of those remaining space aliens if you want, I should be able to pretty much handle the rest of these assholes without a problem." As if to punctuate his point, Nader reached back and pulled his designated marksman rifle from his back, almost casually aiming the Osprey at one of the approaching ghouls and taking a shot.

Nader fires the Mk. 3 Osprey at one of the Lost Runners in his square, dealing 4d6+DEX (5) damage, and forcing the enemies to pass DEX checks if they have dodges that trigger!

Gut Punch is cocked.

Active Cooldowns:

Akimbo (1 Turn)

PAW (0 Turns)



Rabid Tiger Infantry Armor (Perk, Starting Gear, Level 2): Nader's prized possession, a full-body-concealing set of manganese-steel alloy plates with thick, tough military fabric backing, and usually capable of deflecting the majority of small arms fire. The ergonomics of his armor is improved from the standard, with series of small interlocking plates being used at the elbows, pauldrons, and knees, and with the ends of the plates themselves being rounded. It has two rails, on on each arm, that he can fit his guns onto, either so that they can slide when fired or to fix them there completely. He can pull on a trigger on the bottom of his wrist to fire these guns.
+9 RES, Nader gains two additional action slots that are limited to guns of at minimum rifle size, and the armor automatically levels when Nader clears a world.
(Levels: Perk: +3 RES, the action slots, the auto-leveling
Starting Gear: +1 RES
Level 2 (AP): +2 RES

Level 3 (Australia Clear): +3 RES


Horsekiller 1935R (Starting Gear): A semi automatic .60 cal rifle, this gigantic, five-foot-barrel beast of a weapon can deal some massive damage, capable of killing a horse in one hit or penetrating Tiger Armor, but even with the multiple upgrades Nader has given the gun, it is unwieldy and inaccurate.
Deals 6d6+3+DEX damage, but has a 10% chance of missing. Heavy weapon.
(Levels: Starting Gear: 2d6+3+DEX damage, 10% miss chance
Level 2 (AP): +1d6 damage

Level 3 (Merit): +1d6 damage

Level 4 (Merit): +1d6 damage

Level 5 (Merit): +1d6 damage)


M3 Sorraia (Level 5): A literal machine gun, this general purpose machine gun fires .30 cal bullets and can fire 800 rounds in a minute, with the tripod removed for mounting on his armor. However, even with a solid system of straps and braces he can only fire a burst for a second or two before the recoil makes it utterly uncontrollable. 
Deals three attacks of (1d8+DEX) damage, 2 turn cooldown, which can be distributed among up to 3 targets as Nader wishes. Heavy weapon.
(Level 1 (AP): 2/3*(1d8+DEX) damage, 2 turn cooldown)

(Level 2 (AP): Can hit one target with both attacks or two targets with one attack each

Level 3 (Merit): Damage upgraded to 1d8+DEX damage

Level 4 (Merit): Upgraded to 3 attacks, damage dropped back to 3/4*(1d8+DEX) per attack.

Level 5 (Merit): Damage reupgraded to 1d8+DEX per attack)


Mk. 3 Osprey (Level 3): A much more tame rifle than his other weaponry, the Osprey rifle is chambered in 7.62mm, with a 10 round magazine and with the Mk. II Eagle Scope, and is a very accurate weapon, as well as not being a weapon that would blow a man to pieces. Meant for snipers, Nader uses it when he needs precision, and holds it rather than mounts it.
Deals 4d6+DEX damage and if the target has a dodge chance they must pass a DEX check (vs damage that would be dealt, if the GM chooses to use a DC) or they fail to dodge. Rifle-sized, not heavy.

(Level 2 (Merit): Damage upgraded to 3d6+DEX.

Level 3 (Merit): Damage upgraded to 4d6+DEX)


Personal Assault Weapon (Level 3): Unimpressed with the piddly little PDW he got in Australia, Nader gave it a bigger, full rifle sized chassis, entirely ruining the point of the weapon but making it more likely to hit on target. He also modified it to be automatic, completely changing the gun’s mechanism.
2d4+DEX damage, or instead can stun 1 enemy for 1 turn, at the expense of rendering the gun unusable for a 3 turn cooldown. Rifle-sized, not heavy.
(Level 1: 1d4+DEX damage
Level 2 (Merit): Upgraded to 2d4+DEX damage, counts as rifle sized.
Level 3 (Merit): Given the ability to stun an enemy for 1 turn, at the cost of a 3 turn cooldown for the whole gun.


UF-XW-US Gut Punch (Level 3): This "underbarrel" shotgun is actually just a flat-out normal sized pump-action shotgun built by Nader, which has a rig with metal loops that can be cinched over another gun. It is at its best when fired at an approaching enemy, or when time is taken to line the spread up.

The UF-XW-US “Gut Punch” deals 3d6+Dex damage, but an action can be used to pump the gun, which lasts until Nader is attacked/the gun is fired. If Nader is attacked in melee, the “Gut Punch” will automatically fire and deal 5d6+Dex damage, which is applied before the opponent’s attack lands.

(Level 2 (Merit): Damage upgraded to 2d6+DEX, 4d6+DEX w/ pump

Level 3 (Merit): Damage upgraded to 3d6+DEX, 5d6+DEX w/ pump)


Akimbo: Nader carries an awful lot of guns around with him, and though it's usually entirely impractical to go firing two guns at once, sometimes Nader can find an opening with which to fire two of them off, or to fire one off as he does something else. It's a tiring affair, though, with the size of the guns he often uses.

Nader gets an extra move this turn. 3 turn cooldown.


Heavy Metal Blow (Level 2): Sometimes, even if you can’t shoot someone with a gun, you can still introduce them to the business end of Newton’s First Law close up, especially when in heavy armor with heavy guns. Deals 1d8+STR damage, deals 1d20+STR instead if Nader is in his armor and wielding a heavy gun.

Level 2: Upgrade from 2d8+STR to 1d20+STR with armor and gun.


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Alan, seeing that he was this close to being stabbed to death this whole time, decided to celebrate later and focus on slotting and runing before anyone else got any bright ideas now, quickly attempting to get himself, and every single drone he still has access to somewhere other than here, more specifically the Avenger itself. Of course, ever being the opportunist, Alan simply saw the abandoned tank lying there next to two XCOM operatives and decided to radio in to ask, "Can the two of you hear me? The Advent tank right beside you should still be clear, I am going to try and hack it's controls again, can the two of you drive it back to the Avenger for me? Studying it might yield something useful."


Move Alan's tank to A4

Use Assuming Direct Control to try get the empty tank at B5 to work again and try to convince the two XCOM operatives to work on getting it inside

Use the Sectopod's Heavy Magnetic Gun to attack the two charging Sectopods at C5, dealing 3d6+Syn (14) damage to them if it hits.




(Perk backed) Assuming Direct Control!:  Alan makes a 1d20+Int v 1d20+Int check against a mechanical and hackable enemy, allowing him to try and assume direct control over up to two enemies per world on a permanent basis. Although the action can also be used to disable a mechanical and hackable enemy without controlling it which prevents it from using its moves to do anything other than making an opposed 1d20+Int v Alan's initial roll check that takes an entire move to perform. This action has no cooldown.
Level 2: Alan can now choose to not keep a Drone he is controlling on a permanent basis at the end of the encounter where he took control over it.

(Trick) Jury Rigging: Alan is able to quickly use his almost excessive amounts of intelligence and hands on mechanical engineering to maintain and repair a mechanical ally's systems with pretty much anything he has at his disposal. Allows Alan to repair mechanical units to heal [Intelligence] health.
Level 2: The amount healed is now Intelligence x 1.5

Rigger Command Console: A wrist mounted electronic device Alan built from the various electronic parts he could obtain from the Avenger's engineering bay. While it does in fact look cool it is a bit too heavy to be fully comfortable. Level 1: Grants Alan two additional action slots that he can only use to equip drones.
Level 2: Grants Alan a total of three action slots that he can only use to equip drones.
Level 3: Grants Alan a total of four action slots that he can only use to equip drones.

Drone Mastery: Alan is better than most at directing drones to do his bidding. Deal with it.
Level 1: One drone can be commanded to perform a single action as a free action that is considered as being part of Alan's move once per round
Level 2: One drone can be commanded to perform two actions as a free action that is considered as being part of Alan's move once per round  
Level 3: Alan can now choose to order two different drones to perform one action each as a free action that is considered as being part of Alan's move once per round.

Highly Experimental Shield Generator "H.E.S.G." (Somebody really needs to work on that acronym): +3 to Resistance due to Alan gradually starting to understand how to refine the damned thing/Learning how to use what he already has better)
Merit Level 2: This item is now bound and it also provides and additional +2 to Resistance due to Alan's tendency to tinker with things whenever it is appropriate to do so finally paying off.
Level 3: Res boost increased by +2. Also gains the [Drone/Autogear] tag

Heavily Modified Sony CTY-360: Alan's cyberdeck is based off of a heavily modified Sony CTY-360 chassis that had gotten all of its original parts gingerly taken out of it at some point. The fact that some if not most of the modifications present inside of this machine is known for its power and steadfast reliability is presumably enough to offset the fact that simply having one of these on your person could get you sent away for life or summarily executed. When attempting to perform an action that has the "Hacking" tag applied to it, the user has the option to use the cyberdeck as his computer of choice. Boosting Alan's Intelligence by 10% for the action's effect while he is using the cyberdeck. This effect can only be activated once per round, and it takes a free action to activate
Level 2: Int boost for hacking abilities increased to 20%




(2 action slots)
Alan's Sectopod:
An intact Sectopod that Alan somehow managed to hack, the lucky bastard.
Alan’s Sectopod Perks:
Heavy Armor: In order for the Sectopod to take damage, enemies must deal more damage than its Res.
Machine Core: As a machine full machine, the Sectopod does not have a Con stat. Instead, it has 70 hp that can be upgraded with the right material.
Flaw: ADVENT Programming: Despite being under Alan’s control, the Sectopod’s natural programming makes it extremely resistant to his commands in combat. The Sectopod can only act every other turn, and can only have a maximum of one move for those turns.

HP: 70 Essence: 8 Strength: 15 Dexterity: 7 Intelligence: 8 Resistance: 10 Synergy: 14

Heavy Magnetic Gun: The Sectopod’s main turret, capable of shredding most heavy tank armor.
Deals 3d6+Syn damage to two enemies.
Electric Field: A strong, electrical pulse that emanates from the Sectopod’s legs. Automatically activates when an enemy gets into melee range against it, and deals 2d6+Syn damage, free action, two round cooldown.
Trump: Wrath Cannon: Deals (6d6+Syn)*2 Damage against up to three enemies, but requires a full turn to charge. The charge is not interfered ADVENT Programming. Once per encounter


ADVENT Tank (Two Action Slots)
HP: 48/50

Essence: 5
Strength: 15
Dexterity: 5
Intelligence: 2
Resistance: 6
Synergy: 3


Machine Core: As a full machine, this tank does not have a Con stat. Instead, it has 50 hp that can be upgraded with the right material.

Tank: This tank allows for up to two people to stay within it. Anyone inside the tank will only take a quarter damage from outside sources, but are unable to attack.


Heavy Magnetic Gun: The Tank’s main turret, capable of shredding most heavy tank armor. Unlike the Sectopod’s turret, this one is modified to focus on a single target.
Deals 4d6+Syn damage to a single target.

Roll Over: The tank attempts to run over or ram a nearby enemy. Deal 6d4+STR damage to a nearby enemy, dealing 20% of that damage to itself. Double the recoil damage if the enemy has higher RES than the tank. (In situations where there are movement spaces, must be in the same space. Cannot hit flying targets.) 3 turn cooldown.


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--Trespassers Group--


After recovering from getting stabbed by Rachel, Proditor turns to the advancing ADVENT Soldiers, before sending out a lance made of pure psionic energy at them, dealing 24 damage and instantly killing the poor bastard.


Aquila begins to retreat, moving to D5


(65) Harry opens fire on the Gatekeeper, dealing 18 damage to it, leaving a noticeable scorch on its outer hull, but besides that, not much.


Frigus begins to retreat, moving both himself and Harry to B5.


Sister Rachel goes into Overwatch, ready to blow the brains out of any alien that comes into range.


Nader continues his murder spree of undead, proving why guns beat all by killing one with 22 damage.


Alan sends out his request to the two XCOM Operatives, and then attempts to take control of the tank himself (Nat 1 vs ???)... Only to find most of the early access points he had found into the system to be gone. Strange. His other hacked tank begins to roll its way to the Avenger, casually moving past the advancing Sectopod.


Alan’s OWN Sectopod, however, finds no other Sectopods in C5. However, it finds two Sectoids in front of it, opening fire with its Magnetic Cannon and dealing 22 damage to each, heavily wounding them but not killing either.



Suddenly, a new pillar of purple energy appears in C4, far more intense than the one that summoned the ADVENT Mecs. As soon as it appeared though, it began to dissipate… Leaving a familiar figure. At least, to the likes of Harry and Frigus.


An Avatar.


In its wake, several more pillars of energy burst to life, leaving behind three Codexes, which instantly split up into cover. The Avatar, however, merely scanned the battlefield, pausing twice, when it saw Proditor, and then the two that destroyed the Railgun.


Needless to say, its targets were obvious.


After getting shot at by Harry, the Gatekeeper returns fire with a quick beam of plasma (94), nailing him for 8 damage.


The Sectopod, upon seeing the tank casually approaching the Avenger instead of shooting at it, turns to face it, before opening fire with its magnetic cannon, dealing 20 damage to it. The two ADVENT Soldiers, on the other hand, continue to charge the Avenger, moving to A5.


After watching Ao murder a poor ADVENT Soldier, the Andromedon shell pulls back its fist, then clocks her right in the face, dealing a hefty 19 damage to her.


The Berserker, meanwhile, finally finishes off the disabled tank, roaring in victory as it’s already dead prey is now even more dead.


The rest of ADVENT’s forces continue to charge the Avenger, or deal with the Lost attacking them.


Shortly after Alan gave his request, the Commander cut herself into the comms, “Disregard that request. We don’t have time to get that tank on board the Avenger with that Avatar” she stated simply, causing the two Operatives in question to shrug, before turning and running towards the Avenger as well.


After getting punched in the face by a gigantic, walking suit of armor, and watching Frigus and Harry easily retreat from the Gatekeeper, Ao growls to herself, before turning and sprinting back to the Avenger, moving to B5. Once there, Harry is a kind doctor and quickly patches her up, healing her by 17 HP, practically removing the Andromedon’s punch from her existence.


As soon as one of the Codexes take cover, a sniper shot comes in from… Somewhere, nailing it in the head for 20 damage, knocking it to the ground… As well as causing another copy to be knocked back as well, before teleporting to another position, before the original scrambles to its feet. (64) The sniper remains hidden.


Lazarus covers Aquila’s retreat, firing at the Lost that the crusader hesitated on sparing, dealing 21 damage and bringing it down.


The two XCOM Operatives in C5, despite the appearance of an Avatar, open fire upon the Sectoids, dealing 13 and 7 damage, which is enough to kill one and further wound the other. Rachel joins in the fun and blasts the remaining Sectoid in the face, dealing 6 damage and finishing the xeno off for good.


“The Lost are only threatening in numbers” Database commented as the two of the operatives next to her opened fire on the remaining Lost Runners, dealing 11 and 12 damage and bringing them down, before both she and the other Operative opened fire on the Lost Brutes, dealing 15 and 16 damage respectively, but not taking down either of them, "Regardless, we're not standing here to fight anymore. We're leaving, so let's get moving."


The turrets in front of the Avenger open fire on the remaining ADVENT Soldier in C5, (53) (4) (31), each tearing into him and dealing 41 damage in total, easily bringing him down.



The Lost continue to be spooky zombies and charge, or attack ADVENT’s forces, as those are the only ones in range.

Turns until Avenger leaves: 5







Nader (D6😞 16/32, Guts (x1), Gut Punch prep'd.


Aquila (D5): 34/38 VICTORY! WE HAVE VICTORY! Revenge! Guts (x2)


Harry (B5😞 45/48 Healthy, 10% dodge.


Proditor (C6): 11/22 Heavily Wounded, Guts (x2), stabbed


Sister Rachel (C6) 28/28 Healthy


Frigus (B5) 34/34 Healthy, 10% Dodge


Alan (C6): 26/26 Healthy, Not-So-Hacker Man


Sectopod (C6): 70/70, Ready for more murder


Alan's second Tank (A4😞 21/50




Ao Toshinori (B5) 38/40 Wounded


Lazarus (D5) 55/60 Scratched


Database (C6): 45/45, Healthy




Cannon: Done did die


Sectopod (A4) Healthy


2 ADVENT Soldiers (A5) Healthy


Avatar (C4): Healthy


2 Codexes (C4): Healthy


2 Split Codexes (C4): Heavily Wounded


4 Chryssalids (C3): Healthy


Gatekeeper (B3) Scorched




Viper (D3): Wounded, Snek


Andromedon (B4): Automated


Disabled Tank (D3): Destroyed


Tank (B5): 40/50, crew slaughtered




The Chosen


Fucked Off



The Lost


Lost: Several dead


Lost Brutes: Healthy


Lost Runner: Several dead, sprinting a marathon.


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Harry hummed as he finished his treatment, any and all swelling reduced, bleeding stopped, and skin quietly melding back together. "You're gonna want to put some ice on that later, the swelling's only going to stay down for a couple hours. Don't pick at the scabs for like. . . a day, let's say, and make sure you drink enough fluids. If you've got any problems, just gimme a call. If I'm gone? Just suck it up or something. You'll be fine."


"Now you should be set. One stamp for your blunt force injury card, well on your way to your complimentary spine reinforcement surgery!" Harry quit his babbling, hopped up, starting a little as he saw the avatar.

"Oh--uh, hey, long time no see." He muttered, then turned and began to run.

Retreat to B6.


HP: (Con*2)+20=42+6=48


Essence: 1

Constitution: 11

Dexterity: 1

Intelligence:  8 (x1.25)->10 (+3 on wounded with D'Arnets)

Resistance:  3 (+9)->12

Strength:  3

Synergy: 1



Prodigy: Harry's INT is treated as boosted by 25%.

Advanced Biotechnology: Harry regains 10% MHP per turn.

Applied Knowledge: When Harry tends to someone else's wounds, he regains half the HP he healed for them.



Combat Surgeon's a dangerous job: For one round after Harry heals an ally, he will be hit by a copy of the first attack made against the ally that he healed. If he used a multiheal, he simply takes a copy of the first three attacks made against the subjects of the multiheal.



Actions (6 combat slots)

Slap on Bandaid and call it good enough: Heals one target by 1d4+INT

Level 2: This heal now has first strike.

Level 3 (trick, 29 v 1, 6): Heals by 2d4+INT


Speedy Prognosis: Harry gets one extra turn per combat round, only allowed to be used for healing actions (no attacking actions, maybe no buffing). Nonupgradeable, and cannot be duplicated.


Bone Reinforcement: Harry has +3 MHP, this passive doesn't take up a slot.

Level 2: Now +6.


Jump Start: If an ally has been brought to 0 HP within the last two rounds, Harry, using a combination of a large adrenaline injection, a small electric defibrillator, and a bunch of cellular regeneration compounds, may bring that ally back to life at half health. Once per world cooldown, and won't work if the ally has been completely incinerated or something similar.


Wolftech Kevlar Polymer Synthesis Heavy Ballistic Infantry Combat Armor: Grants +5 RES, but at a -2 STR penalty.

Level 2 (merit): This armor no longer has a penalty.

Level 3 (Trick): This armor now grants 2 less RES, but grants two Slots which can only be used for specially designed items (Plates, primarily)

  • 1xDeath Wyvern Plate (+3 RES)
  • 1xDeath Wyvern Plate (+3 RES)


D'Arnet's Modern Military Medical Procedures Digital+Field Kit: Whenever Harry is faced with a problem he is having difficulty with, he consults this eleven thousand page book on his compad, where there are clear and concise instructions for unusual situations, with even speculative ideas about Xenobiology. It even contains an advanced human being analogue program, used for field tutorials and for estimating the effects of chemicals on human physiology. Harry may be brilliant, but even he needs a compilation of all the knowledge he can get, and tools. Grants +3 to INT when treating wounded. Lets the user heal a target by 1d4+INT.


ADVENT Plasma Rifle: 3d6 + INT damage, INT % chance to deal double damage.


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Frigus watched the Avatar appear from its pillar of energy and the anxiously waited while Harry patched up Ao.

"Hey I think we need to- oh"

He turned around just in time to watch Harry start sprinting off into the distance, so instead he turned to the only other person standing there.

"Well he can take care of himself, but it's time to get out of here, jump on let's go."


Frigus uses his Keyblade Glider to move himself and Ao to C6, granting them both 10% dodge chance for the round.

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"Things seem pretty much covered here now that those jumping fuckers are gunned down. I'm going to go reinforce the entrance and cover the people coming in." And Nader clanked off to do precisely that.

Nader moves to C6.


Gut Punch is cocked.

Active Cooldowns:

Akimbo (0 Turns)



Rabid Tiger Infantry Armor (Perk, Starting Gear, Level 2): Nader's prized possession, a full-body-concealing set of manganese-steel alloy plates with thick, tough military fabric backing, and usually capable of deflecting the majority of small arms fire. The ergonomics of his armor is improved from the standard, with series of small interlocking plates being used at the elbows, pauldrons, and knees, and with the ends of the plates themselves being rounded. It has two rails, on on each arm, that he can fit his guns onto, either so that they can slide when fired or to fix them there completely. He can pull on a trigger on the bottom of his wrist to fire these guns.
+9 RES, Nader gains two additional action slots that are limited to guns of at minimum rifle size, and the armor automatically levels when Nader clears a world.
(Levels: Perk: +3 RES, the action slots, the auto-leveling
Starting Gear: +1 RES
Level 2 (AP): +2 RES

Level 3 (Australia Clear): +3 RES


Horsekiller 1935R (Starting Gear): A semi automatic .60 cal rifle, this gigantic, five-foot-barrel beast of a weapon can deal some massive damage, capable of killing a horse in one hit or penetrating Tiger Armor, but even with the multiple upgrades Nader has given the gun, it is unwieldy and inaccurate.
Deals 6d6+3+DEX damage, but has a 10% chance of missing. Heavy weapon.
(Levels: Starting Gear: 2d6+3+DEX damage, 10% miss chance
Level 2 (AP): +1d6 damage

Level 3 (Merit): +1d6 damage

Level 4 (Merit): +1d6 damage

Level 5 (Merit): +1d6 damage)


M3 Sorraia (Level 5): A literal machine gun, this general purpose machine gun fires .30 cal bullets and can fire 800 rounds in a minute, with the tripod removed for mounting on his armor. However, even with a solid system of straps and braces he can only fire a burst for a second or two before the recoil makes it utterly uncontrollable. 
Deals three attacks of (1d8+DEX) damage, 2 turn cooldown, which can be distributed among up to 3 targets as Nader wishes. Heavy weapon.
(Level 1 (AP): 2/3*(1d8+DEX) damage, 2 turn cooldown)

(Level 2 (AP): Can hit one target with both attacks or two targets with one attack each

Level 3 (Merit): Damage upgraded to 1d8+DEX damage

Level 4 (Merit): Upgraded to 3 attacks, damage dropped back to 3/4*(1d8+DEX) per attack.

Level 5 (Merit): Damage reupgraded to 1d8+DEX per attack)


Mk. 3 Osprey (Level 3): A much more tame rifle than his other weaponry, the Osprey rifle is chambered in 7.62mm, with a 10 round magazine and with the Mk. II Eagle Scope, and is a very accurate weapon, as well as not being a weapon that would blow a man to pieces. Meant for snipers, Nader uses it when he needs precision, and holds it rather than mounts it.
Deals 4d6+DEX damage and if the target has a dodge chance they must pass a DEX check (vs damage that would be dealt, if the GM chooses to use a DC) or they fail to dodge. Rifle-sized, not heavy.

(Level 2 (Merit): Damage upgraded to 3d6+DEX.

Level 3 (Merit): Damage upgraded to 4d6+DEX)


Personal Assault Weapon (Level 3): Unimpressed with the piddly little PDW he got in Australia, Nader gave it a bigger, full rifle sized chassis, entirely ruining the point of the weapon but making it more likely to hit on target. He also modified it to be automatic, completely changing the gun’s mechanism.
2d4+DEX damage, or instead can stun 1 enemy for 1 turn, at the expense of rendering the gun unusable for a 3 turn cooldown. Rifle-sized, not heavy.
(Level 1: 1d4+DEX damage
Level 2 (Merit): Upgraded to 2d4+DEX damage, counts as rifle sized.
Level 3 (Merit): Given the ability to stun an enemy for 1 turn, at the cost of a 3 turn cooldown for the whole gun.


UF-XW-US Gut Punch (Level 3): This "underbarrel" shotgun is actually just a flat-out normal sized pump-action shotgun built by Nader, which has a rig with metal loops that can be cinched over another gun. It is at its best when fired at an approaching enemy, or when time is taken to line the spread up.

The UF-XW-US “Gut Punch” deals 3d6+Dex damage, but an action can be used to pump the gun, which lasts until Nader is attacked/the gun is fired. If Nader is attacked in melee, the “Gut Punch” will automatically fire and deal 5d6+Dex damage, which is applied before the opponent’s attack lands.

(Level 2 (Merit): Damage upgraded to 2d6+DEX, 4d6+DEX w/ pump

Level 3 (Merit): Damage upgraded to 3d6+DEX, 5d6+DEX w/ pump)


Akimbo: Nader carries an awful lot of guns around with him, and though it's usually entirely impractical to go firing two guns at once, sometimes Nader can find an opening with which to fire two of them off, or to fire one off as he does something else. It's a tiring affair, though, with the size of the guns he often uses.

Nader gets an extra move this turn. 3 turn cooldown.


Heavy Metal Blow (Level 2): Sometimes, even if you can’t shoot someone with a gun, you can still introduce them to the business end of Newton’s First Law close up, especially when in heavy armor with heavy guns. Deals 1d8+STR damage, deals 1d20+STR instead if Nader is in his armor and wielding a heavy gun.

Level 2: Upgrade from 2d8+STR to 1d20+STR with armor and gun.


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"And this is where things all go to drek isn't it?," Alan said as he retreated to the relative safety of the Avenger.

Move Alan to the inside of the Avenger.
Move Alan's tank to A5

Do nothing for the Sectopod since I ordered it to do something last round and it's flaw has kicked in now.



(Perk backed) Assuming Direct Control!:  Alan makes a 1d20+Int v 1d20+Int check against a mechanical and hackable enemy, allowing him to try and assume direct control over up to two enemies per world on a permanent basis. Although the action can also be used to disable a mechanical and hackable enemy without controlling it which prevents it from using its moves to do anything other than making an opposed 1d20+Int v Alan's initial roll check that takes an entire move to perform. This action has no cooldown.
Level 2: Alan can now choose to not keep a Drone he is controlling on a permanent basis at the end of the encounter where he took control over it.

(Trick) Jury Rigging: Alan is able to quickly use his almost excessive amounts of intelligence and hands on mechanical engineering to maintain and repair a mechanical ally's systems with pretty much anything he has at his disposal. Allows Alan to repair mechanical units to heal [Intelligence] health.
Level 2: The amount healed is now Intelligence x 1.5

Rigger Command Console: A wrist mounted electronic device Alan built from the various electronic parts he could obtain from the Avenger's engineering bay. While it does in fact look cool it is a bit too heavy to be fully comfortable. Level 1: Grants Alan two additional action slots that he can only use to equip drones.
Level 2: Grants Alan a total of three action slots that he can only use to equip drones.
Level 3: Grants Alan a total of four action slots that he can only use to equip drones.

Drone Mastery: Alan is better than most at directing drones to do his bidding. Deal with it.
Level 1: One drone can be commanded to perform a single action as a free action that is considered as being part of Alan's move once per round
Level 2: One drone can be commanded to perform two actions as a free action that is considered as being part of Alan's move once per round  
Level 3: Alan can now choose to order two different drones to perform one action each as a free action that is considered as being part of Alan's move once per round.

Highly Experimental Shield Generator "H.E.S.G." (Somebody really needs to work on that acronym): +3 to Resistance due to Alan gradually starting to understand how to refine the damned thing/Learning how to use what he already has better)
Merit Level 2: This item is now bound and it also provides and additional +2 to Resistance due to Alan's tendency to tinker with things whenever it is appropriate to do so finally paying off.
Level 3: Res boost increased by +2. Also gains the [Drone/Autogear] tag

Heavily Modified Sony CTY-360: Alan's cyberdeck is based off of a heavily modified Sony CTY-360 chassis that had gotten all of its original parts gingerly taken out of it at some point. The fact that some if not most of the modifications present inside of this machine is known for its power and steadfast reliability is presumably enough to offset the fact that simply having one of these on your person could get you sent away for life or summarily executed. When attempting to perform an action that has the "Hacking" tag applied to it, the user has the option to use the cyberdeck as his computer of choice. Boosting Alan's Intelligence by 10% for the action's effect while he is using the cyberdeck. This effect can only be activated once per round, and it takes a free action to activate
Level 2: Int boost for hacking abilities increased to 20%



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-- Trespassers Group --


The appearance of the Avatar caused Proditor to pause, mostly in shock. It was clear now that Angelis wanted the Commander brought in no matter what, but to bring an Avatar to the fight? Reckless, even for her.


Or perhaps not, if their capabilities were near completion.


Regardless, Proditor lifted up one of his hands, psionic energy radiating around it, and in the area around the Avatar, growing dense around the Codexes that surrounded it. And then, it burst, creating a large explosion of blue energy, evaporating each of them for 37 damage each. The explosion does little to bother the Avatar, however, who simply locks its gaze with the other Ethereal.


Aquila moves to C5.


“Yeah yeah, this isn’t my first time” was all Harry got out of Ao as he finished patching her up, before he ran off to B6.


Frigus yoinks up Ao and flies off ahead of Harry, dropping both off at C6.


Rachel goes into Overwatch once more.


Nader retreats to C6.


Instead of staying outside, Alan retreats to the natural sunlight.

-- All --


“Tygan, status report”


“The Reactor is working again Commander. We should be fine despite that hole”


“Good” The Commander replied, leaning back into her seat, staring at the cameras overlooking the battle. So far, almost every single operative was getting to the platform at the base of the Avenger.

Finally, they’d be leaving this hell hole.


“Begin take off procedures. Retract the platform as soon as everyone is on board” She continued, getting a quick nod from Bradford as he turned to the rest of the control room, who were already getting to work.

Not long afterwards, everyone outside could hear the large aircraft beginning to roar loudly, the platform XCOM had been fighting on beginning to flash at the sides,


“Come on! Get in, all of you!” Database shouted as she ran onto the platform, mostly at the few operatives who were still further out, firing at ADVENT’s troops, and at the Avatar as it slowly approached. Thankfully, they were able to hear her over the sound of gunfire, as they pulled back from their position and to the Avenger. Otherwise, they were simply noticing that their gunfire wasn’t even hitting the Avatar.


Lazarus himself, once Aquila ran past his position, let out a few more bursts at the approaching Lost, before turning tail and sprinting towards the Avenger.


Either way, as soon as the last boot hit the metal floor, it began to rise back into the Avenger, just as the rotors of the ship began to light up and activate. And then, not long after that, the ship rocked roughly, before steadying itself. After a few rather tense moments, the intercom blared to life, the Commander’s voice filling the hanger with four simple words,


“All Operatives, we’re out.”


All around the party, it was clear that all the operatives were glad that they were out, as plenty had almost collapsed onto the ground. As it stood, Database was tending to the wounded, Ao was busy finding a new place to sit, Lazarus was checking his ammo, and Sandman was… Nowhere to be found.


Overall, a rather successful defense.


Congrats, you all survived. You all get 10 Merit for the victory. Frigus, Harry, and Alan all get 3 extra merit for destroying the Railgun, while Nader and Aquila get 1 Merit for their dirty work.

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Spend 30 merit on:
"A Good Deed is its own Reward, but I'll Take What I Can Get."(perk) Harry receives extra merit (determined by a GM) for furthering medical science and/or establishing/advancing medical practice in a lasting manner in a world.

Harry will attempt to find those in need of medical attention that have not been treated by Database.

Following that, Harry'd find a seat for himself. "Well, we did it. Fun times, gonna need to get some more of that C4A. How'd it go for you all?" He hadn't been watching much behind him, paying attention only to the things over comms that might indicate a neccessity of retreat, or the presence of injured close enough to him that he could help.

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Aquila took off his helmet and tucked it under his arm. The now sweaty viking took a few moments to calm himself down before responding to Harry.

"Well, I feel like I probably could have done more, but three kills isn't bad by any stretch. I just wish I could have given that one teleporting one a good smack."

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"Does the cannon count as more than one? Because I think we did pretty nice on that front. Mostly thanks to Alan really." Harry patted the plasma rifle he held. "Got a little use out of this guy too, and it works pretty nice."


"Teleporter would be the Assassin, right? Or do you mean the thing at the end?"

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"I doubt you would find a good fight with an Avatar" Proditor suddenly stated, after staring into an empty abyss for quite a while, turning to Harry and Aquila, "I must congratulate you all on the destruction of the Cannon, however. For what it's worth, your capability to create a workable plan on the fly is remarkable."

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Alan slowly trundled over to the rest of the group after depositing his Sectopod back down in Engineering, leaning against a wall just before he opined, "As someone who had a close encounter of the sharp kind with the Assassin, I'm not sure if any of us would want to go toe to toe against her anytime soon, especially since her ability to just flit in and out of detection is making our resident gunsmith sound perfectly sane and reasonable, for you know; obvious reasons."

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Nader turned to look at Alan, no expression visible at all -- he was, after all, wearing a mask. He stared for a few seconds, in a probably somewhat intimidating manner, a smile playing at the edge of one lip in a manner invisible behind his headgear, before he said: "Or perhaps it's that I am the reasonable one and you're now just realizing it thanks to actually meeting one of the interdimensional assassins I've been talking to, hmmm?" Nader paused, and when he spoke again his tone was different -- perhaps there had been some wryness to his previous statement, but he was totally serious when he spoke next. "Well, I'm going to go look for Sandman. There's something I want to do and I want him to back me up during it if he's well enough."

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Harry waited patiently as the armored man left the room, then said thoughtfully, "You know, this isn't the first place we've been. A lot of you showed up here, but the group as a whole, including others besides me and Proddy, we've been elsewhere. In another world some guys actually asked for footage of our adventures in exchange for some pretty great toys, like a dimension hopping bus. I'm kinda leaning on them for. . .something else right now when I go back."


"Anyway, enough rambling. I want to know if  you can make camera drones, Alan. To film our work, and then pass along the footage to Uber and Leet. With successes like these, we bolster our image in worlds where maybe it isn't so great, and get useful stuff in exchange. The guys wanted uncut footage, but I figure if we're using our own drones to give extra footage, they damn well can't complain."


"God damn, there's a lot I need to do before we're inevitably poofed off to a different world. I. . . need to talk to you for a bit Proddy in a moment." He'd need to head down to the medbay after that. Both to pick up some supplies, and some intel, but also to drop off something of his own.

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