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[IC] TotM:DC "Terraria: A fresh start"


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Flight check: 20 vs 11,


Leo manages to bring the WeatherLight up and into the sky without mishap, he looks around for a moment and sees an oddly moving cloud formation and turns the ship towards it.


Random Encounter: 3,(on a d100)


After a short while of sailing Leo thinks to himself that something isn't quite right here, and sure enough with a closer look he finds that the village is the other way....so what's that strange cloud?

It was at that moment he knew...he fucked up.

The cloud(almost as large as the WeatherLight itself) turned towards the ship revealing a large face twisted in anger and rage, eyes and mouth arcing with electricity.  Two long arms(also made of cloud and arcing with electricity) burst from the surrounding clouds to grab hold of the WeatherLight on either end and draw itself closer to loom over the side.

You swear you see a smile flash over its crackling face.




13 Jun

10 Toshiro

9 Rivers

8 Nimbus

7 Jun

3 Leo

1 Az


Average Dex: 6




Jun: 24/24

Toshiro: 30/30
Az: 32/32

Rivers: 26/26

Leo: 24/24


Furious Nimbus: Pissed


Round Two: Fight!

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HP: 24
Moves: 9
Stats: (21/21)
Essence: 4
Constitution: 2
Dexterity: 10 (Base 8, +1 from Merit and +1 from training)
Intelligence: 10
Resistance: 2+5
Strength: 2
Synergy: 1
Weirdness Censor: The Ambassador has a Dex*2 chance of dodging an attack by simply causing the attacker to suddenly be overwhelmed by the ambassador's darting movements and increasingly incomprehensible appearance that they just mentally file the Ambassador as somebody else's problem.
Beyond the Veil: Grants the perk backed action "Void of Incomprehensibility".



(Perk Backed) Void of Incomprehensibility: The Ambassador can choose to over charge his personal field of chaos to the point where absolutely anything can be used to distract others enough to trigger mass change blindness and cause him to effectively disappear and become unable to become the target of any single target actions. The Ambassador must make an opposed Dex v Int check to stay in stealth if he has attacked the other participant in the opposed check, or if they had managed to successfully land a blow on Jun anyway. And he takes a malus to the roll that is equal to the other participant in the opposed check's Intelligence for every single success. He can choose to immediately end the stealth effect at will, and this ability can only be used once per encounter.
Level 2: Jun now gains a +3 to the first opposed check to remain hidden

Level 3: This action is now treated as being a First Strike action

Level 4: This action is now usable twice per encounter, but the second time it is used Jun must succeed on an opposed DexvInt check against the enemy closest in the initiative order to the move Jun uses to reactivate this action. Jun rolls twice for his roll and uses the lowest result.


A.G.I.L.E. system: The Ambassador's power armor comes equipped with the ability to climb up walls and "fly" in short bursts when inside a planet with Earthlike gravity, he can choose to temporarily overcharge this system and multiply his Dexterity or Strength stat by 1.2 for two rounds. Three round cooldown.

Level 2: Two round cooldown

Level 3: The multiplier is now 1.4

Level 4: The multiplier is now 1.6

Level 5: The multiplier is now 1.8


I NEED HEALING: The Ambassador is mysteriously able to appear behind a healer and blare out a surprisingly polite request for immediate healing, causing them to gain an immediate out of turn move that they can only use to use a single target healing ability on the Ambassador.

Level 2 (Merit): This action no longer takes up a slot to use, and it can be equipped without taking up a slot.



Ambush Hunter: By exploiting a target's complete and utter inability to react to his presence quickly enough the Ambassador can deal an additional 1d4 damage when he attacks a target that was already attacked this round or if the Ambassador currently has Void of Incomprehensibility up, in which case it also grants him first strike.
Level 2: This ability now adds 2d4 damage

Level 3: This ability now adds 3d4  damage

Level 4: This ability now adds 4d4 damage.



Needle of Agony:
Deals 4d6+[Dex] dark damage to a single target.  The target suffers 1/4 the damage dealt in stacks of “Agony”.  If the number of Agony stacks they posses exceeds their current HP they become incapacitated/die.  Agony stacks are cleared from active targets at the end of each round.
Level 2(craft): Once per combat as a free action the user may fire a bolt of dark energy that deals 2d6 points of dark damage and inflicts half as many Agony stacks.
Level 3(craft): The user can as an action create a dark cloud of mist that is roughly 6x6x6 and inflicts 2d6 Agony stacks to any enemies that passes through it, cooldown = 5.


R.O.L.L. Defense System: The durable suit of power armor has been designed in such a way that lets blows glance off the user if they were fast enough to get out of the way, adding +3 to their resistance stat rounded down.

Merit Level 2: This item is now bound and it grants an additional +2 to Resistance.

Crafting Roll Upgrade I: This item now has a 10% chance to grant a bonus of +1 Dexterity

Crafting Roll Upgrade 2: This item's chances of providing a +1 bonus to Dexterity has been increased to 20%


Cybernetic Enhancements : Due to balance issues, the complex series of cybernetics that were implanted or woven in somewhere inside of The Ambassador's body might only be able to give a flat +2 bonus to dexterity that applies for everything a dexterity stat affects. That is if this item idea doesn't get rejected outright.

It was at this point that Jun shot Leo a slightly accusatory 'Are you serious?' look...somewhere underneath her helmet before she proceeded to instinctively activate her suit of armor's mobility enhancements and fly up to meet the threat and ask it, "Why are you trying to kill us again?" before she stabbed it with her rapier.


Move 1: Jun uses A.G.I.L.E. system

Move 2: Jun flies up to meet the threat and stabs it with her rapier, dealing 4d6+Dex Dark damage to the target and dealing 1/4 of the damage dealt in stacks of "Agony"

Passive effects: R.O.L.L.Defense System +1 Dexterity, Cybernetic Enhancements +2 Dexterity, Weirdness Censor Dexterity*2 Dodge chance

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"Oh no not THIS thing again!"

"Well its got a grip on the ship, sooo...try not to die."


Electricity would likely do nothing to it, nor did leo wish to risk getting shocked by slashing at it unless he had to.

Wind maybe?


"Frostbrute, stay back! Stone heart, you should be able to resist its electricity, use your shards!"

Stone heart shifts into a humanoid form, and throws out its "arm" sending out shards to tear into the living cloud, as leo begins to cast his spell. Words and sounds rolling off his tongue quickly and clearly. 




MP: 25
EG: 27
PP: Uhhh ill get back to you on that, not relvant now.


 Blizzard wind: The user cast a spell that kicks up an icy wind. Dealing 1d6 Ice damage to all foes.

(Action level 1) Channel: The user channels mana from there soul to perform a fiatable action.
   (Trick level 1)-
The user may channel while preforming other actions, but only if there hands are free 

Alternate Mana Casting: The user may attempt to cast a spell they know using a different type of mana, the effects of this are unknown until discovered. Spells cast like this require that at least 1 point of mana be spent.

Stoneheart (Golem form)

(Equipment) Level 1 Snowgear Pendant: A pendant made of two gears with a snowflake pattern embossed on them. Iron, Copper, Tin, and Steel.
Level 1: The user has +1 RES and +1 Con against Weather and Aging respectively.  The user can channel the materials the pendant is made of.


    Golem tech arm mounted computer: a custom-built arm mounted touch screen computer. It has a small touch screen with a curve to it, and can project hard light holographic screens and interfaces on command. Its Main purpose is to monitor and control golemic systems, but it IS a computer. It also includes a web browser, several utility programs, and…a few simple computer games, along with a few movies.

In battle this device can project a hard-light shield. granting plus+1 res. This item does not take up an action slot.

Night vision: This character can see in the dark far better than others.
   (level 2):This passive does not take up an action slot.


(Passive) Machine Synergy: When using mechanical or golemic equipment, the effectiveness of the equipment is boosted by 3, or by [Gm fiat] if No numerical values exist for that piece of equipment.  This does not take up an action slot



Name: Stoneheart

Description: Created from an accident with Wish mana, this golem is built largely from stone and iron, appearing as a large stone sword surrounded by dozens of stone and iron shards.

Stoneheart may be equipped in one action slot as an item or two action slots as a golem.

Item form:

Stoneheart(sword): Iron edged, magically reinforced, and extra heavy.

Deals 3d6+[Str] damage to one target and interrupts any charging actions, requires 8 Str to wield or 4 Str and special training.

Golem form:

HP: 20


Cause a viable target to bleed for 1d2 damage for 2 rounds.

Bones of the Earth:

Stoneheart takes 10% less electrical damage.



Leo gets a res bonus from his computer, this bonus is further increased by machine synergy.
Leo gets a bonus against weather effects and ageing effects,

Leo attacks with blizzard wind

Stoneheart attacks with lacerate, hurling shards forwards to tear through the cloud.

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As soon as this being drew close, the Fishman had his hands on his blades ready to strike if it dared attempt to attack the ship. Which it did, no surprise there. Honestly, besides the occasional bunny or penguin, it seems like everything in this world wants to kill you. Without any hesitation, as soon as the cloud grasped the ship with his arms he dashed towards them drawing his now silver katana. Though, once he was almost in striking range it seemed as if the fish samurai just jumped from one side of the fist to the other when really that was just his dash tech card doing it's job.


Free Action: Dash Tech: Increase Dex by 1.5 for 1 turn. 3 Turn cooldown

Action: Rending Strike on the Furious Nimbus for 3d6+2+Dex*1.5

Passive Effects: 25% Lifesteal from Way of the Shark Perk





HP: 30

Energy: 0/100

Moves: 1


Stats: 21/21 +2 from Training


Essence: 1

Constitution: 5

Dexterity: 8 + 2

Intelligence: 8

Resistance: 1+6

Strength: 0

Synergy: 0



Way of the Shark: One of the Paths of the Hylotl, where they train their grit to never yield in battle. Whenever an attack lands 25% of damage dealt to enemies is healed back to Toshiro. Must be at least 1 HP.

Way of the Swordfish: One of the paths of the Hylotl, where they train to end fights as swiftly as possible. Grants the Passive: Energy Basin.



Natural Paralysis: The Hylotl body is not equipped to handle any kind of electric shock. Whenever Toshiro is hit with an electric attack he will be stunned on his next action.


Actions: 7 (6 Naturally, 1 Purchased)



Rending Strike: A fundamental Hylotl sword technique using the long blade.

Level 1: Deals 2d6+Dex+[Equip Long Blade Bonus] damage

Level 2: Can now target up to 2 enemies with a 1 turn cooldown


Skewering Blade: A fundamental Hylotl sword technique using the off-hand blade.

Level 1: Deals 1d6+Dex+[Equip Off-Hand Blade Bonus] damage. Deals double damage if target was previously hit by Rending Strike this turn.

Level 2: Deals 2d6+Dex+[Equip Off-Hand Blade Bonus] damage.


Dash Tech: Give the user the ability to suddenly dash at great speeds a short distance forward.

Level 1:  Free action, Increase Dex by 1.5 for this round. 3 Round cooldown, must have a Dash Tech Card to use



Energy Basin: (Perk Based) Everytime Toshiro makes an attack add Int amount of points into his energy pool. Actions may pull from this pool to make themselves more powerful or grant certain effects. However, points may not be gained when using point-based actions.

Level 1: Basin Size is 100 Energy

Level 2: At the end of combat all unused energy is stored for future use.




Dual Blade Belt:

Provides two action slots that may only be filled with one-handed bladed weapons and reduces the wearer's Init by 1.

Long Blade:

-Silver Katana: 1d6+2

Off-Hand Blade:

-Silver Wakizashi:1d2+2 Pure damage


Dash Tech Card: A highly advanced tech chip embedded in one’s body which allows for the user to do a superfast dash in a short distance.

+2 Dex


-Microchip: Due to this card’s small size and it being embedded into one’s body it goes with the wearer without much effort. (When the user has the “Dash Tech” action taking up an action slot this item takes no action slots, however, all future upgrades have lower effects)


-Terraria Copper Helm:  A simple work-hardened copper helmet only slightly more protective than a skullcap.

+1 Res,

Set Bonus: if equipped with “Terraria Copper Chainmail and Greaves” this requires no action slot and grants an additional +2 Res.

-Terraria Copper Chainmail:  Roughly made chainmail that only occasionally loses a ring or two.

+2 Res.

-Terraria Copper Greaves: Hardened copper plates that come from the boot to the skirt of the chainmail.

+1 Res.


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Needless to say, Azgrurk seemed rather surprised at the fact that they were being attacked by a literal cloud… But after the initial surprise wore off, he grinned wildly, “A CLOUD IZ TRYIN’ TO TAKE ON AN ORK?! I DIDN’T FINK DEY HAD DA GUTZ! TO!” he shouted in excitement, before marching to take the Nimbus on.


Azgrurk takes one of the Assault Rifles on the ship, then goes out to shoot at the Nimbus with it, dealing 2d6+Dex damage.


Orky Loadout





Smash: Azgrurk slams his large claw into the ground.
Level 1: Deals 2d6+STR damage against one target.
Level 2: Deals doubled damage if used when Azgrurk has a target “Grabbed”.


Orky Constitution: As an Ork, Azgrurk is capable of fighting and healing his wounds, even during the middle of combat. As long as he takes a breather.
Level 1: Heals Azgrurk for 1d6+Con health.





We Orkz make deze thingz work!


As an Ork, Azgrurk has a stubborn belief on how things should work, even if they aren’t capable of doing so. However, sometimes… They just do. When Azgrurk believes something should be capable of doing something it can’t, an automatic roll is made using his Essence vs a DC (GM Discretion). If he succeeds, the thing in question is affected by what he believes it should be capable of doing.





Ork Mechsuit: The suit of metal Azgrurk wears, enhancing his already “Orky” abilities.
Level 1: Gives Azgrurk +3 Resistance.
Level 2: Now bound, and gives Azgrurk +1 Strength.


Assault Rifle

Level 1: Deals 2d6+Dex damage


Edited by GodofGamingRWBY
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Oh. That's a... very angry cloud.


That's not good.


Welp. Time to avoid dying.


Rivers gets herself a Biotic Field Generator, then prepares Air and Shoot Glyps and casts the resulting spell at the Cloud, attempting to disrupt it. (1d6+SYN AIR)


Rivers' Loadout


1) Biotic Field Generator -  Once per encounter, heal 3 targets 2d8 + int HP

2) Cast Glyph Spell - Triggers invoked Glyphs to cast a spell which is defined by their individual components. Only one Origin and one Command Glyph can be used for any spell, though as many Addition glyphs (including multiples of the same glyph) can be used.
3) Glyph: Move/Me (Command) - A utility glyph which commands movement. generally used with Air-aspected Glyphs to manipulate surroundings, though limited use can also be achieved with other Glyph types.

4) Glyph: Shoot/Ae (Command) - The simplest of attack commands, Ae generally conjures needle-like projectiles which quickly move to strike their target. Adds 1d6 to damage when used as a spell component and hits a single target.

5) Glyph Board: A specially made stone board with slots for inserting Glyph Stones. Adds 2 additional Action Slots which can only be filled with Glyph Actions or Trick Glyphs.

G1) Trick Glyph: Arcane/Ma (Origin) - The most basic of 'Origin' Glyphs, the Arcane damage type is characterized by nothing in particular, being neither strong against nor weak against any known material, being essentially a projection of raw magical energy. Adds 1/2 of SYN to damage scaling when used as a spell component.

G2) Glyph: Air/Vi (Origin) - The most basic of Air Origins, which suggests Force and Vacuum. Adds SYN to spell damage when used as a component and changes the resulting spell to deal Wind-aspected damage.


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Round 1:




Jun activates her temporary flight, gaining 10 Dex for two rounds.


Toshiro activate his Dash Tech increasing his own Dex to 15 for one round, then slashes the monster for 19 damage.  This proves to be a foolish decision as several stray arcs of lightning catch him during that act and inflict 7 damage.


Rivers fires a small needle of air at the monster, dealing 3 damage.


The Nimbus opens its “mouth” and out pour tendrils of lightning that arc into Jun, Az, and Leo.

Jun takes 5 damage and loses 1 Syn and 1 Dex until the end of combat.  

Az takes 7 damage and loses 1 Dex and 1 Str until the end of combat.  

Leo takes 4 damage and loses 2 Syn until the end of combat.


Jun leaps up and stabs the Cloud for 36 damage, lightning surges and she takes 7 retaliation damage.


Leo conjures up an icy wind that deals 13 damage to the Nimbus due to its size.

Stoneheart Lacerates the cloud(somehow) dealing 2 damage.


Az wildly fires Dakka at the thing, dealing 7 damage to the storm.





22 Jun

15 Toshiro, Stunned

10 Nimbus

9 Rivers

9 Toshiro, Recovering

7 Jun

3 Leo

1 Jun

0 Az


Average Dex: 6



Jun: 12/24, +10 Dex for two rounds, -1 Syn, -1 Dex.

Toshiro: 23/30, +5 Dex, Stunned.

Az: 25/32, -1 Dex, -1 Str.

Rivers: 26/26

Leo: 20/24, -2 Syn.


Furious Nimbus: -80, +3 Syn, +2 Dex, +1 Str.


Side Note: You may enter the WeatherLight(leave combat) as an action on your turn, once there you may return next round without a bonus, after one round with +10 HP, or at full HP after spending two rounds away.
While in the WeatherLight you may spend actions on yourself or others in the WeatherLight(such as swapping equipment or support actions).

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Move 1: Replace the needle of agony with the Terraria Copper Bow:
Deals 2d6+[Dex], High-fantasy themed.
Level 2(Crafting): +3 damage, once per plot the user may invoke a 50% crit chance(overrides other crit chances) for double damage in Jun's loadout.

Move 2: Jump away and attack the cloud with the bow while invoking the 50% crit chance

Move 3: Attack the cloud with the bow again.

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He should've expected something like this to happened after he struck the cloud. He had to shake off the electricity coursing through his body, spending a couple of moments to regain focus. He then headed into the ship. Hopefully, he'll find some sort of gun or weapon to use inside there.


Action 1: Stunned

Action 2: Go into weatherlight


HP: 30
Energy: 8/100
Moves: 1

Stats: 21/21 +2 from Training

Essence: 1
Constitution: 5
Dexterity: 8 + 2
Intelligence: 8
Resistance: 1+6
Strength: 0
Synergy: 0

Way of the Shark: One of the Paths of the Hylotl, where they train their grit to never yield in battle. Whenever an attack lands 25% of damage dealt to enemies is healed back to Toshiro. Must be at least 1 HP.


Way of the Swordfish: One of the paths of the Hylotl, where they train to end fights as swiftly as possible. Grants the Passive: Energy Basin.

Natural Paralysis: The Hylotl body is not equipped to handle any kind of electric shock. Whenever Toshiro is hit with an electric attack he will be stunned on his next action.

Actions: 7 (6 Naturally, 1 Purchased)
Rending Strike: A fundamental Hylotl sword technique using the long blade.
Level 1: Deals 2d6+Dex+[Equip Long Blade Bonus] damage
Level 2: Can now target up to 2 enemies with a 1 turn cooldown

Skewering Blade: A fundamental Hylotl sword technique using the off-hand blade.
Level 1: Deals 1d6+Dex+[Equip Off-Hand Blade Bonus] damage. Deals double damage if target was previously hit by Rending Strike this turn.
Level 2: Deals 2d6+Dex+[Equip Off-Hand Blade Bonus] damage.

Dash Tech: Give the user the ability to suddenly dash at great speeds a short distance forward.
Level 1:  Free action, Increase Dex by 1.5 for this round. 3 Round cooldown, must have a Dash Tech Card to use

Energy Basin: (Perk Based) Everytime Toshiro makes an attack add Int amount of points into his energy pool. Actions may pull from this pool to make themselves more powerful or grant certain effects. However, points may not be gained when using point-based actions.
Level 1: Basin Size is 100 Energy
Level 2: At the end of combat all unused energy is stored for future use.

Dual Blade Belt: Provides two action slots that may only be filled with one-handed bladed weapons and reduces the wearer's Init by 1.

Long Blade:
-Silver Katana: 1d6+2

Off-Hand Blade:
-Silver Wakizashi:1d2+2 Pure damage

Dash Tech Card: A highly advanced tech chip embedded in one’s body which allows for the user to do a superfast dash in a short distance.
+2 Dex
-Microchip: Due to this card’s small size and it being embedded into one’s body it goes with the wearer without much effort. (When the user has the “Dash Tech” action taking up an action slot this item takes no action slots, however, all future upgrades have lower effects)

-Terraria Copper Helm:  A simple work-hardened copper helmet only slightly more protective than a skullcap.
+1 Res,
Set Bonus: if equipped with “Terraria Copper Chainmail and Greaves” this requires no action slot and grants an additional +2 Res.
-Terraria Copper Chainmail:  Roughly made chainmail that only occasionally loses a ring or two.
+2 Res.
-Terraria Copper Greaves: Hardened copper plates that come from the boot to the skirt of the chainmail.
+1 Res.

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Leo smirked, blizzard wind seemed to be highly effective against this thing, at least compared to its usual performance.

Well then, it was time to put in some actual effort.


Leo begins to cast the spell again, gathering extra power, to give the spell more kick.

The magic shifts and becomes structured under the weight of his words, until it erupts into a great frigid wind, which leo directs around his team mates, and sends crashing into the massive cloud.


Leo uses blizzard wind, with an additional 10 mana to give it some more kick. 

Stoneheart kinda just keeps doing its thing

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Despite a bolt of lightning nailing the large Ork, he seemed more excited about it than anything else, before pointing the rifle he picked up from the ship and opening fire again.


Azgrurk continues his dakka, dealing 2d6+Dex damage








Smash: Azgrurk slams his large claw into the ground.
Level 1: Deals 2d6+STR damage against one target.
Level 2: Deals doubled damage if used when Azgrurk has a target “Grabbed”.


Orky Constitution: As an Ork, Azgrurk is capable of fighting and healing his wounds, even during the middle of combat. As long as he takes a breather.
Level 1: Heals Azgrurk for 1d6+Con health.





We Orkz make deze thingz work!


As an Ork, Azgrurk has a stubborn belief on how things should work, even if they aren’t capable of doing so. However, sometimes… They just do. When Azgrurk believes something should be capable of doing something it can’t, an automatic roll is made using his Essence vs a DC (GM Discretion). If he succeeds, the thing in question is affected by what he believes it should be capable of doing.





Ork Mechsuit: The suit of metal Azgrurk wears, enhancing his already “Orky” abilities.
Level 1: Gives Azgrurk +3 Resistance.
Level 2: Now bound, and gives Azgrurk +1 Strength.


Assault Rifle

Level 1: Deals 2d6+Dex damage

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Round 2:




Jun quickly puts away her sword and Toshiro stands stock still, paralyzed from the sudden shock.


The Nimbus unleashes more roiling lightning, hitting Jun, Toshiro, and Leo.

Jun and Toshiro each take 1 damage and lose 2 Dex until the end of combat.   

Leo takes 7 damage and loses 2 Syn until the end of combat.


Rivers deals 7 more damage with her wind needle.


Upon entering the WeatherLight Toshiro finds several warning lights flashing and the large pile of weapons, but other than that nothing is amiss.


Jun pulls out her copper bow.


Leo charges his spell, overloading it with mana.  As the blast of wind whips around the ship it freezes the clouds and water vapor it passes through instantly, causing a light dusting of snow to appear and several large ice spikes to generate inside the storm.  It slams into the side of the Nimbus for 41 cold damage.


StoneHeart Lacerates the cloud again, the previous instance ticks as well dealing a total of 3 damage.


Jun follows up by drawing back her bow and firing an arrow.  The arrow flies true, charged with pure aesthetic energies, and crits for a whopping 62 damage!


Az continues blasting the monster with DAKKA, dealing 9 damage.


The monster becomes Enraged from its wounds.

Lightning pulses over the Nimbus' body and clouds reform around it as it gains 22 HP.




20 Jun

14 Nimbus

9 Rivers

8 Toshiro, Safe,

7 Jun

6 Nimbus

3 Leo

1 Jun

0 Az

0 Nimbus


Average Dex: 6




Jun: 11/24, +10 Dex for one round, -1 Syn, -3 Dex.

Toshiro: 22/30, -2 Dex, Safe,

Az: 25/32, -1 Dex, -1 Str.

Rivers: 26/26

Leo: 13/24, -4 Syn.

-StoneHeart: 20/20,


Furious Nimbus: -180, +5 Syn, +6 Dex, +1 Str, Enraged, Bleeding for one and two turns.





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Move 1: Jun uses "I need healing" to grant Leo an extra action on Jun's current move that he can only use to heal Jun using the one single target healing move he has, which is Channel

Move 2: She then attacks the cloud with the bow presuming she survives the hit

Move 3: Attack the cloud with the bow again.
Passive effects: Jun still has her Dex*2 Dodge Chance (Which so far has done nothing), Ambush Hunter which will trigger assuming Jun survives for long enough to attack it twice.

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Toshiro stows his blades and picks up one of the assault rifles from he gun pile, checking to make sure it functions properly before using.


Swap "Skewering Blade" Action for the Assault Rife equipment from Weatherlight



Energy: 8/100

Stats: 21/21 +2 from Training 
Essence: 1
Constitution: 5
Dexterity: 8 + 2
Intelligence: 8
Resistance: 1+6
Strength: 0
Synergy: 0

Way of the Shark: One of the Paths of the Hylotl, where they train their grit to never yield in battle. Whenever an attack lands 25% of damage dealt to enemies is healed back to Toshiro. Must be at least 1 HP. 

Way of the Swordfish: One of the paths of the Hylotl, where they train to end fights as swiftly as possible. Grants the Passive: Energy Basin.

Natural Paralysis: The Hylotl body is not equipped to handle any kind of electric shock. Whenever Toshiro is hit with an electric attack he will be stunned on his next action.

Actions: 7 (6 Naturally, 1 Purchased)
Rending Strike: A fundamental Hylotl sword technique using the long blade.
Level 1: Deals 2d6+Dex+[Equip Long Blade Bonus] damage
Level 2: Can now target up to 2 enemies with a 1 turn cooldown 

Dash Tech: Give the user the ability to suddenly dash at great speeds a short distance forward.
Level 1:  Free action, Increase Dex by 1.5 for this round. 3 Round cooldown, must have a Dash Tech Card to use

Energy Basin: (Perk Based) Everytime Toshiro makes an attack add Int amount of points into his energy pool. Actions may pull from this pool to make themselves more powerful or grant certain effects. However, points may not be gained when using point-based actions.
Level 1: Basin Size is 100 Energy
Level 2: At the end of combat all unused energy is stored for future use.

Dual Blade Belt: Provides two action slots that may only be filled with one-handed bladed weapons and reduces the wearer's Init by 1.
Long Blade:
-Silver Katana: 1d6+2
Off-Hand Blade:
-Silver Wakizashi:1d2+2 Pure damage

Dash Tech Card: A highly advanced tech chip embedded in one’s body which allows for the user to do a superfast dash in a short distance.
+2 Dex
-Microchip: Due to this card’s small size and it being embedded into one’s body it goes with the wearer without much effort. (When the user has the “Dash Tech” action taking up an action slot this item takes no action slots, however, all future upgrades have lower effects)

-Terraria Copper Helm:  A simple work-hardened copper helmet only slightly more protective than a skullcap.
+1 Res,
Set Bonus: if equipped with “Terraria Copper Chainmail and Greaves” this requires no action slot and grants an additional +2 Res.
-Terraria Copper Chainmail:  Roughly made chainmail that only occasionally loses a ring or two.
+2 Res.
-Terraria Copper Greaves: Hardened copper plates that come from the boot to the skirt of the chainmail.
+1 Res.


Assault Rifle: 2d6+Dex damage

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"Oh come on! It heals?!"
"Speaking of heals...."
"Right, Right im on it"

Leo makes a scratch on his arm, Drawing a little blood, and directs mana through it, sending said mana to juns wounds. Then he points some at himself.
It seems to work well enough, jun looks fine, and hes feeling a little better. The scratch on his arm heals up rather nicely.


"There, that should by some time, lets see if i can disrupt it!"

Leo pulls a weatherlight hull shard from his pocket, a shard of thran metal.

He attunes his mana, and forms it into sevreal lances. The silvery projections float next to him for a moment, a few on each side, before he throws his arm forward, and points at his target. Instantly the projections race forward through the air, on course to tear right through the cloud, and more importantly, the magic inside it. 



Leo, using the free action granted by jun heals jun for 7 HP, spending five mana
Leo, using the free action granted by Channel's level two effect, heals himself for 7 HP, spending five mana
Leo using his action, sends lances of reflect mana at the cloud, spending four mana.

Stone heart just lacerates agian. Yelling something about how this dident seem very effective.

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Needless to say, due to the fact that the rifle Azgrurk currently had wasn't working, its bullets barely seeming to phase the giant cloud thingy, the giant Ork was getting extremely frustrated, banging the gun on the side of the ship before yelling "AH ZOG IT!", an throwing the rifle straight at the thing. If bullets wouldn't work, perhaps a bigger projectile would.


Az throws the rifle at the Nimbus as an improvised Str weapon!

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Though she had been put off a bit by the resource-drought-inspired change-up of her plans, Satomi was finding herself once again satisfied with how things were goinf. Having worked with this village's resident wood expert, Satomi had accepted a few pieces of information from him about the quality of the wood in this realm, and some of the ways he'd assembled it before, and she'd taken good advantage of it. Not only had she both memorized and written these tips down, but she'd adjusted her frame plans in a couple of ways to take advantage of them... and that combined with the time she'd spent on it appeared to have paid off handsomely. The wooden reinforcements she was overseeing the installation of were quality worksmanship, if she could say so herself, and it helped her get over her nervousness over the time crunch. Even if those six (and she was proud of that) mountings went unfilled, the siege would be presented with a very significant obstacle in the north.



Crafting: 48 vs 26,
Quality: 52,

Satomi works with the Carpenter constructing a large framework, platforms, and weapon mountings.

Heavy Wooden Reinforcements(x2): 
+250(200+25%) HP to the wall it is attached to.  Allows defenders to attack over the wall while taking 25% less damage.  Has three mounting slots for heavy weapons.


Of course, Satomi had no intention of either slowing down or leaving those mountings empty. Since the labor golems were presently working on the rest of the installation of the frame under the Carpenter's oversight, Satomi couldn't go begin the Southern wall... but she wasn't going to waste the time she has available to her, so she began work on the first of her siege weapons, and the most mundane (her more wicked ingenuity was going to be reserved for the bolts) of what she had planned. So she chopped, carved, strung, assembled, and performed other tasks, until she looked upwards and noticed that the sun was starting to hang low in the sky -- it was reaching the evening. But she was done the siege crossbow. It was a heavy, solid device (natural, being that it was a bona fide, full-scale siege weapon), but Satomi estimated it was pretty powerful. This was a good thing, too, as Satomi had confirmed in a test drawing that it had one hell of a draw weight. A satisfying piece.


Craft: 46 vs 27,
Quality: 39,

Satomi creates:
Medium Siege Crossbow:  A static crossbow emplacement that is intended to be operated by a crew of two to three.  Disassembling and reassembling this weapon for transport takes at least an hour, not including travel time.
Requires one move to fire.  Firing on human sized or smaller targets incurs a 20-80% miss chance depending on target size, with up to three aiming moves reducing this chance by 10%.
After firing moves from various operators with a total Strength of at least ten are required to reload the weapon.
This weapon has an effective range of(roughly) 300 Meters, deals half damage out to(roughly) 500 Meters.
This weapon deals 40+[Operator’s Int]+[Ammunition] damage to a single target and ignores 12 Res.
Different ammunition may add or alter effects beyond damage.
May only be equipped by buildings and vehicles.

Satomi had built the crossbow itself, but she hadn't built the ammo and evening was rapidly approaching on her! Well, the basic concept of time be damned, she wanted to get that task complete and she knew just the guy to ask! Well, if she could find him anyway. Kusuke-san did have an excellent power for this exact purpose, but she didn't actually know where he was. She guessed, though, that it could be the mine. Kusuke didn't seem like much of a builder, so if he was here in the village then he was probably somewhere like the mine. And so that's where she checked. Running into Kusuke, her first words to him were: "Kusuke-san, would you allow me to make use of you once again? I need an hour or two to work on something and I simply don't have the time."

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Round 3:




Jun appears behind Leo to get some healing, Leo channels 5 mana into blood to heal Jun for 7 HP.


The Nimbus surges lightning across the battlefield again.

Jun dodges, taking no damage and avoiding more stat drain.

Leo takes 9 damage and loses two Dex until the end of combat.

Az takes 5 damage and loses two Str until the end of combat.


Rivers keeps chugging along with her wind needles, dealing another 9 damage.


Toshiro swaps items and gains 8 HP form being in the WeatherLight.


Jun fires her bow, dealing 32 damage to the cloud.


The Nimbus sends a trailing blast of lightning arcing at Rivers, it jolts her for 19 damage.


Leo heals himself for 7 HP and summons four lances of reflective mana, spending 9 mana total.

Random Blitz: 41,

The lances fly towards the monster, lodging themselves somewhere deep inside the mass of clouds.  Bright lights and chains of lightning start flying out of the monster’s core, causing it’s perpetual expression of anger to suddenly shift to panic as it started looking down at itself.


As the lights and buzz of electricity got brighter and louder Jun had the good sense to(instead of shooting again) grab Leo and Rivers and pull them back into the ship.


The ship was rattling and shaking now, the clouds of the creature barely visible.  Az took the plinky excuse for a weapon that he’d been given and threw it at the mass of lightning, dealing 11 damage, before ducking for cover from the oncoming explosion.


A second after the doors closed an explosion powerful enough to rock the ship was felt and heard.  Upon leaving the ship at looking at the aftermath the party found little amiss aside from a few new(and very large) soot stains.

Out in the skies around the ship could now be seen a number of small cloud-like creatures not unlike the one that had just attacked them.  They played with small arcs of electricity that bounced between each other, one could be seen eating a bird, but they all generally moved away from the ship.


Two items were found on the deck of the ship, the first was the assault rifle Az threw at the monster, now scorched, scarred, and fused in places, the magazine is fused inplace and the barrel glows with a yellowish aura.  Pulling the trigger causes bolts of lightning to be fired at a rapid pace instead of bullets.

The second item was a long silver rod with a golden lightning bolt on one end.  Channeling power into the item causes it to call down a massive bolt of lightning wherever the user wishes, it has a long cooldown though.


Final Status:


Jun: 18/24, -1 Syn, -3 Dex.

Toshiro: 30/30, -2 Dex,

Az: 20/32, -1 Dex, -3 Str.

Rivers: 7/26

Leo: 11/24, -4 Syn, -2 Dex,

-StoneHeart: 20/20,


Furious Nimbus: Baby-fied, +5 Syn, +8 Dex, +3 Str,




Leo, Jun, and Toshiro each get three Merit for doing the leg work.

Toshiro gets one extra Merit for not dying.

Rivers and Az get eight Merit for surviving way out of their depth.




Lightning Mauler: A scarred and partially fused assault rifle, the barrel glows with a yellowish aura.

Deals 3d6+[Ess] Electric damage, ignores the first 4 points of Res, cannot be altered by traditional means.


Staff of Lightning Bolts: A simple silver staff with a golden lightning bolt on one end.
Deals 3d6+[Syn]+[Int] damage to one target and half as much to two other targets, ignores Res, usable once per combat.


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For the most part, Azgrurk was laughing in excitement at the sight of the aftermath of the battle, marching his way down to the loot, “OI, DAT’Z WHAT I’M TALKIN’ ABOUT! DAT WAS A GOOD FIGHT RIGHT DERE. NOT EVERYDAY AN ORK GETZ TA KILL AN ENTIRE CLOUD!” he yelled, picking up the rifle he had grabbed before, examining it. Yellow was a good color. Not as good as green, but it marked value, so it was pretty good.


After checking the exterior of the gun, mostly by turning it over in his hand, Azgrurk pointed it towards the sky, pulling the trigger to test fire… And watching as literal lightning shot out of it. Unexpected, but enough to cause Azgrurk to grin as he pulled his hand back. That was what Ork Engineering was like, throw something at the enemy and it’ll come out even better than before.


… Too bad it was zoggin’ small.

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Leo crossed his arms, looking at the stream of lighting being shot into the sky.

"It seems to have absorbed the lightning into itself, its become structured into some kind of enchantment. Nice. You can hang on to it if you like."

Leo picks up the staff and rolls it over in his hands. Applying a bit of energy, hes pleased to find a lightning bolt being discharged.

"Ill look over this some more when i have the time. For now, lets resume our mission"



Leo turns back to the controls, and starts looking around 

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After adjusting the ships course back in the right direction the party comes across a large floating land mass that looks like it was torn right out of the ground.

It's mostly made up of dirt but the odd patch of stone or ore is visible in the lower portions.  The upper portion of the island is covered in lush grass with flowers and various other plants including two small trees.  The whole thing is about 100 meters across with a large domed structure in the middle, four grey brick paths lead out from open arches in the building along the four cardinal directions.

The structure itself is made of bright yellow and blue metallic materials, it looks empty but well kept.

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Toshiro ran out, gun in hand, ready to shoot the cloud but it was already defeated when he came out.  "Awww, how dissapointing." He said with a frown and a slight sulk while resting the gun on his shoulder. Oh well, nothing he could do now. He waited for Leo to park the ship before jumping onto the island.  "Let's head for the building, it might hold something neat." He pointed to the yellow building before going on ahead and entering inside.

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