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[IC] TotM:DC "Terraria: A fresh start"


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Jun had circled around the building in search of anything of interest earlier, and after finding, opening up, and bringing back a pebble sized sample of the silvery metal she had uncovered to try and ask Toshiro and Leo to identify it, after the two of them recognized it as a lump of platinum and Leo had done his usual business on the metal she would head out to try and help lead the mining golems to the vein before she explored the place a little bit more.

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Leo meanwhile, stepped inside with toshrio, took one look around. And then instantly opened the chest....
And the pair was promptly thrown into the ceiling as gravity flipped.


"G-Gravity magic?!" For a moment Leo had the faintest edge of fear in his voice, as some old memory came flashing back. but it was gone a second later as he stood up, and found his footing on the sloped ceiling.

"Selective gravity magic. Look"

"Huh?...Oh..." The gravity change had effected Leo and toshrio, but not there possessions, Leo's hood still dropped downwards.

Not particularly bothered by the effect now that the surprise had passed, Leo simply used shape solid to create a ladder between the floor and ceiling. 
He climbed down, and flipped the chest Agian...and promptly lost his grip on the ladder and fell on his head.


He sat up rubbing his head, and looked in the chest. Gold coins (which he tested, and promptly marked as T-gold) and a ....glass sword of some kind? It had interesting results when he tested mana on it at least.
  "The gold is useful magically. Its not like the normal stuff. so ill take a few."
Eventualy, jun came in, and leo and toshrio both identified it as some form of native platinum ore



Standard Healing potions:
Restore 25 HP, used as a free action, imbiber gains the debuff "Potion sickness: cannot use healing items" for one round.

Potion of Swiftness: Taken as a free action, user gains the "swift" buff increasing their Dex in relation to moves-per-round by 3, this effect doesn't stack with itself, usable once only.


Starfury: A shortsword that appears to be made out of some kind of red/pink glass. Summons stars made of plasma above the user’s enemies. Deal 1d6+[Str] damage to a single target, no cooldown OR summon 1d4+1 stars that crash into the same or different targets and deal 2d6+[Syn/2] damage each, cooldown of three.


50 gold coins




Thaum > T-Gold(10 vs 19): Produces a form of "sticky" natural sunlight that clings to solid objects it touches to create a glowing aura.


Thaum > Starfury(8 vs 2): This mana type turns into a splattering of star shaped plasma and small arcs of violet lightning.


Thaum > Platinum Ore (terraria) (4 vs 9): This mana type causes discharges of lightning that create a grainy synthetic platinum ore when they strike platinum ore.  This synthetic ore can't be processed into metal and degrades over time.





Leo claims 10 of the gold coins and the sword. Leaveing the rest for the others

Leo send the two mineing golems he brought to get the ore jun found


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"Sure." He was glad to finally have tracked down Satomi - or rather, Satomi had tracked him down, but the distinction was moot - so he could put this damned engine down. "I managed to work out something for you to use later, by the way. I remembered the trick to Magic Element engines. . . though, uh, I did forget how to turn them off. Still, I figured you could use it." He tapped the engine he carried under one arm with the other, as the cylinder sticking out the end continued to spin. "Where to first?"

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Satomi (kind of sweaty, as she was hardly abstaining from the physical work in her construction, and she had less physical stamina than she did will to keep working) she looked down at the engine cylinder spinning under Kusuke's arm, and shot a bright grin at him. "Oh, you really are spoiling me. Once I've got the construction that I need to compete completed, I'll have to get you alone for a while. There are just so many unique things you can do that..." Satomi looked upwards and played with her hair for a moment as she thought, then nodded to herself. "I really have to see how well I can tap you." By which, of course, she obviously meant tapping his talents -- those powers and knowledge of his were fantastic.


Then she looked northwards, in the direction of where her wall and siege crossbow were. "For now, though, I have to get the gel ammo done for my siege weapon, which will be designed for use against the ogres, and I want to do so before the northern wall finishes. Since the last touches are being put on the woodwork right now, however, I obviously need your help to do so."

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Kusuke stopped dead for a moment at the comment on getting him alone, and then made a strangled noise at the comment about tapping him. There was no way she actually meant that, right? And talking about all the unique things he could do, that could be interpreted. . . a lot of ways. His face colored as he tried to locate a suitable response to Satomi; his consternation was plainly visible. He coughed, then made some attempt at speaking again. "Uhm, yeah, I'll just follow you over there." Despite his words, he fairly quickly began moving in the direction indicated, avoiding eye contact with the samurai.

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As the fishman noticed Leo moving towards the chest he wanted to warn the boy about possible dangers but the boy was just too fast. Without much surprise a trap was set and the two were flung to the ceiling. He let out a sigh, as he now lies on the ceiling rest his head on his arms he now has crossed behind it.  "Honestly, what did you expect to happen or did your greed overcome your sense of caution." After that comment he waited for Leo to finish whatever he was trying to do with the ladder which just so happened to reverse the gravity magic. Prepared for really another other kind of shenanigans Toshiro was able to land on his feet as he fell from the ceiling. After he patted off the dust from his clothes, he looked into the chest and took a couple of things for himself and whatever remained after his group members took what they wanted.


Take 10 Gold, 2 Standard Potions, 1 Swiftness potion and whatever the rest of the group doesn't take


Afterward, Jun asked Toshiro about a certain type of metal she came across on this island. The fish examined it for a bit before responding,  "This is platinum ore. Pretty useful for a variety of things we may want to get more if there is more." He then tossed the ore back to Jun.

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Jun would deftly catch the thrown ore with one hand as she leaned down and rummaged through the contents of the chest to take what she assumed was a fair share of gold (10 gold coins) and packed the rest up to bring to the ship for safekeeping/further distribution to the rest of the party. She quickly pocketed the ore before she moved up and asked, "Well other than jewelry, is there anything in particular that the two of you could make if given a sufficient quantity of ore?."

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Leo looked at toshrio

"There were no obvious traps, so I opened it. And now we have an idea of what we might be able to expect at similar structures. Meaning we can take steps to counter them. I would rather trigger one or two traps, and learn what they are, then spend an hour looking for traps that might not exist. Which we now know they do."

The ore Jun found was interesting, having a different effect then the last chunk of platinum ore he had worked with. A different composition, or a magitrope? Worth looking at later.

Mmmm what would they use it for?


"Platinum is great if you need to generate electricity. All you really need to power a small railgun is a piece of the stuff and some fluid with mana in it. Like blood or juice. Its a precious metal as well, so its good if you need to break an enchantment, or totally re-attune mana to lightning. I could do lots of things with it, talk with me when we get back and ill try and come up with some ideas. Right now I need to find the source of whatever mechanism alters the gravity here."


First he checks the mana type of the metals making up the building. Levitation which maintains a distance from the earth relative to the provided power. Could be what's holding the island up? both the blue and yellow substances seemed to be the same thing, but changed appearances based on shape? Interesting. But not exactly the same thing as flipping gravity.  He checks the chest and the walls, but finds nothing. Maybe if he....


Leo goes and sits on the floor, bringing up his computer. Hard light forms above it, as he navigates to a set of notes, which he begins to look over.

Syllables and associated effects scroll across the screen, along with diagrams and detailed writings. 

"Your going to try and get it working now?"

"If i can just get it to hold together and properly relay the data back to me, I can use it to scan the building, and the chest the trigger was bound to."

He gets to work on... something.
From what those listening can tell its some sort of scanning spell that allows him to analyze physical and magical structure, And detect energy flow and other such things within an object. He keeps alternating between talking to snow about lines and sounds and structure, and muttering under his breath at gathered mana. 


...........Eventualy, he apparently gets it working, And he seems pretty happy about it...




Analyze: Leo cast a spell which allows him to gather data about a machine, technological or golemic system, enchantment, or other object in his immediate vicinity. Gaining relevant information . This also allows him to spot any anomalies or abnormalities in said targets. This ability does not require a success roll to succeed, but it does require a quality roll to determine the value of information gained. This ability constitutes both as a magical check, and an intelligence check. Limit five uses per encounter.


Level 2: Analyze can now give leo partial or complete blueprints (and other knowlage items) of things scanned, with a higher chance for complete blue prints on smaller, less complex parts, or when a specific part of a greater machine is focused on. Additionally, All data gained with this spell may be broadcasted to any nearby compatible core or computer. Such as snow, or the golemic arm mounted computer.


Up until he fails to find what hes looking for.


The spell washes over the building and chest, causing them to glow faintly. Leo has his eyes closed, so as to concentrate wholly on the data he is receiving. He feels the structure of the spell as it maps out the chest and building, the way it bends and twist. The magic in contact with it. Over all, the chest and building were simple in there construction.
But Those weren't what he cared about. What he was looking for was the object or system that had selectively inverted gravity in response to the opening of the chest. and it was THERE. The readings he got back from the spell confirmed it, but he couldent get a bead on where exactly it was.


So he started striping layers of the wall, floor, and ground, looking for it. And found nothing.
Eventualy his search takes him outside of the building, wandering around the island. By this point hes looking less then pleased, but he does notice some dense, solid cloud stuff of some kind, which he takes.


Eventualy he gets fed up with the search and decides he is ready for the next island.

On the bright side, through all that he gained quite a bit of the metallic material and some interesting solid cloud stuff. And the golems had finished there work.


But he seems ready to go loot even the chest itself, and go find more islands



Leo gains:

Sunplate x5: Five units of sunplate


Sunplate sample: A sample of sunplate


Terrarian native platinum ore chunks: 7



Skyware Chest(blueprint):  A bright blue and yellow chest made out of Sunplate.

Costs two units of Sunplate to craft, success is automatic if the user has at least five Int.


Solid cloud stuff sample: A sample of solid cloud stuff


Solid cloud stuff x3: three blocks of solid cloud stuff


A skyware chest: (Which he promptly throws into the communal inventory.)






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After collecting their spoils the crew gathers back at the WeatherLight, pulls up the door, and continues on their way.

Search: 17 vs 3,

Random Encounter: 22,


A few minutes of flying around later and the crew passes a truly massive cloud.  Looking down on the cloud from above it forms a sort of bowl shape large enough to land the ship in, or it would be if it wasn't already filled with a small lake.

A few bizarre creatures perch at the edge of the lake with large bird bodies and female human heads, clutching spears in their clawed feet.  As the ship approaches they make a garbled combination of unintelligible speech and bird-songs before charging forward with weapons ready.







Jun: 12
Toshiro: 10

Harpy Matriarch: 7

Harpies(x5): 4

Leo: 3
Rivers: 3

Jun: 2
Az: 1

Toshiro: 0


Average Dex: 5




All healthy.


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"Man it seems that most of these creatures just want to kill you in this world." Toshiro said a smirk growing on his face, drawing out his two silver blades,  "But all they're really doing its walking up to the chopping block." He noticed one of the creatures looking sort of like the leader. That one may be the most interesting to fight so he went to engage that one, dashing forward at blinding speed giving it the good ol' 1, 2.


Free Action: Dash Tech: Increase Dex by 1.5 for 1 turn. 3 Turn cooldown

Action 1: Rending Strike on the Harpy Matriarch for 3d6+2+Dex*1.5 Damage

Action 2:  Skewering Blade on the Harpy Matriarch for (2d6+1d4+2+Dex*1.5)*2 Pure Damage

Passive Effects: 25% Lifesteal from Way of the Shark Perk



Energy: 8/100

Stats: 21/21 +2 from Training 
Essence: 1
Constitution: 5
Dexterity: 8 + 2
Intelligence: 8
Resistance: 1+6
Strength: 0
Synergy: 0

Way of the Shark: One of the Paths of the Hylotl, where they train their grit to never yield in battle. Whenever an attack lands 25% of damage dealt to enemies is healed back to Toshiro. Must be at least 1 HP. 

Way of the Swordfish: One of the paths of the Hylotl, where they train to end fights as swiftly as possible. Grants the Passive: Energy Basin.

Natural Paralysis: The Hylotl body is not equipped to handle any kind of electric shock. Whenever Toshiro is hit with an electric attack he will be stunned on his next action.

Actions: 8 (6 Naturally, 2 Purchased)
Rending Strike: A fundamental Hylotl sword technique using the long blade.
Level 1: Deals 2d6+Dex+[Equip Long Blade Bonus] damage
Level 2: Can now target up to 2 enemies with a 1 turn cooldown 

Skewering Blade: A fundamental Hylotl sword technique using the off-hand blade.
Level 1: Deals 1d6+Dex+[Equip Off-Hand Blade Bonus] damage. Deals double damage if target was previously hit by Rending Strike this turn.
Level 2: Deals 2d6+Dex+[Equip Off-Hand Blade Bonus] damage.

Dash Tech: Give the user the ability to suddenly dash at great speeds a short distance forward.
Level 1:  Free action, Increase Dex by 1.5 for this round. 3 Round cooldown, must have a Dash Tech Card to use

Energy Basin: (Perk Based) Everytime Toshiro makes an attack add Int amount of points into his energy pool. Actions may pull from this pool to make themselves more powerful or grant certain effects. However, points may not be gained when using point-based actions.
Level 1: Basin Size is 100 Energy
Level 2: At the end of combat all unused energy is stored for future use.

Form 0: Sunder: A stance taken to analyze a weakness in their foe and strike it. However, it take emmese concentration and cannot be used all the time.
Level 1: Spend a turn and 100 Energy to guarantee the next attack to deal triple damage and ignore Res. Toshiro may spend the energy cost next attack to continue it.
Level 2: Energy cost reduced to 80
Level 3: Energy cost reduced to 60

Dual Blade Belt: Provides two action slots that may only be filled with one-handed bladed weapons and reduces the wearer's Init by 1.
Long Blade:
-Silver Katana: 1d6+2
Off-Hand Blade:
-Silver Wakizashi:1d2+2 Pure damage

Dash Tech Card: A highly advanced tech chip embedded in one’s body which allows for the user to do a superfast dash in a short distance.
+2 Dex
-Microchip: Due to this card’s small size and it being embedded into one’s body it goes with the wearer without much effort. (When the user has the “Dash Tech” action taking up an action slot this item takes no action slots, however, all future upgrades have lower effects)

-Terraria Copper Helm:  A simple work-hardened copper helmet only slightly more protective than a skullcap.
+1 Res,
Set Bonus: if equipped with “Terraria Copper Chainmail and Greaves” this requires no action slot and grants an additional +2 Res.
-Terraria Copper Chainmail:  Roughly made chainmail that only occasionally loses a ring or two.
+2 Res.
-Terraria Copper Greaves: Hardened copper plates that come from the boot to the skirt of the chainmail.
+1 Res.


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HP: 24
Moves: 9
Stats: (21/21)
Essence: 4
Constitution: 2
Dexterity: 10 (Base 8, +1 from Merit and +1 from training)
Intelligence: 10
Resistance: 2+5
Strength: 2
Synergy: 1
Weirdness Censor: The Ambassador has a Dex*2 chance of dodging an attack by simply causing the attacker to suddenly be overwhelmed by the ambassador's darting movements and increasingly incomprehensible appearance that they just mentally file the Ambassador as somebody else's problem.
Beyond the Veil: Grants the perk backed action "Void of Incomprehensibility". 

Voice of Reason: When this action is used Jun rolls twice and use the highest result when rolling for anything that could count as diplomacy (and negotiation which is also covered by Diplomacy). Three uses per encounter, all uses are regained when Jun enters an encounter.
Level 2: This action now has an additional use per encounter
Level 3: This action now applies to all rolls made to try and Intimidate someone that does not count as being part of a different active or passive action.

Passive Actions: 

Basic Diplomacy: Jun gets a passive +10% bonus to any opposed Diplomacy checks she makes.


(Level 1 Trick) Psionic Hello: The user projects the message 'Hello, can you hear me?' into the mind of their target, this is the only message they can send and they can't hear the response.
Level 2 trick level : Jun can now send a more varied array of admittedly very simple messages
Level 3 Merit level: Jun has learned to bypass her previous limitations and can now simply beam her thoughts directly into someone's mind. Although she has yet to learn how to hear other people's thoughts in response.
Level 4 Merit Level: This action is now treated as being a passive action that Jun can opt to use when conversing with someone instead of an active action in and out of combat

Diplomatic Experience: Jun can call on her decades of work experience and her studies on human and alien psychology and sociology to make reasonably accurate guesses about why the person she is speaking to reacted to her words the way they did. This effectively allows her to gain often vague and not necessarily reliable information about the motivations behind a certain action that is made in response to something she said.

Theorywork: Jun calls upon over five decades of hands on experience and training in the diplomatic arts to better read people and figure out what their next action will be. As a passive diplomatic action, roll a hidden intelligence vs  Essence or Intelligence check against the person you are interacting with to see how accurate your prediction of what their next action is will be.
Level 2: Jun can now use her psionic powers to subtly enhance her diplomatic abilities, for every successful roll made with this action, add a stacking +1 bonus to diplomacy rolls up to a maximum of +3.

R.O.L.L. Defense System: The durable suit of power armor has been designed in such a way that lets blows glance off the user if they were fast enough to get out of the way, adding +3 to their resistance stat rounded down.
Merit Level 2: This item is now bound and it grants an additional +2 to Resistance.
Crafting Roll Upgrade I: This item now has a 10% chance to grant a bonus of +1 Dexterity
Crafting Roll Upgrade 2: This item's chances of providing a +1 bonus to Dexterity has been increased to 20%


It was at this point that Jun found herself wishing that the harpies could understand her just as well as she could understand them, I mean their hostility was perfectly understandable after all, the whole group were a bunch of heavily armed and armored people whose actions could feasibly be seen as an attempt at invading their island home in what was admittedly a quite intimidating vessel.

It was also at this point that Jun realized that she in fact had a method that could potentially allow them to understand what she was saying, no matter how crude said method was, and so she reached out with her newfound psionic powers to send the matriarch a few simple messages.


Move 1: Use Voice Of Reason and Psionic Hello to try and send the matriarch a message that said "Hello my name is Jun, the five of us are explorers who came here in peace. We will not harm your people if you do not harm or otherwise hinder us while we explore the many islands present in the sky, and I apologize in advance for any injuries you sustain due to my colleague's actions." while she said so out loud with her actual mouth.
This triggers her Theorywork passive action and the Harpy Matriarch's response will inevitably trigger her Diplomatic Experience action, and all rolls made that counts as a Diplomacy action (Theorywork, Diplomatic Experience, Psionic hello backed diplomacy action) are boosted by Basic Diplomacy's +10% bonus.

Move 2: Use Voice Of Reason and Psionic Hello to send the matriarch a message that tries to convince the matriarch that she is genuinely suing for peace, and that Leo's actions were simply a well-intentioned attempt at ending the fight without any further harm done to both sides of the combat, that Toshiro simply didn't consider that peace was an option and wanted to protect his friends from the toughest looking combatant, and that Az and Rivers simply wanted to protect themselves.
This triggers her Theorywork passive action and the Harpy Matriarch's response will inevitably trigger her Diplomatic Experience action, and all rolls made that counts as a Diplomacy action (Theorywork, Diplomatic Experience, Psionic hello backed diplomacy action) are boosted by Basic Diplomacy's +10% bonus.


Voice of reason causes Jun to roll all diplomacy rolls she makes during the move she is using that action in to be rolled with advantage (Roll twice and use the highest result), Theorywork grants a stacking +1 bonus to all diplomacy checks/rolls every time it succeeds up to a total of +3, Jun's Weirdness Censor perk grants Jun a Dex*2 dodge chance, all Diplomacy rolls Jun makes are boosted by the +10% bonus granted by Basic Diplomacy.

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"We have hostiles! Agian!"

At least these looked like they could be fought in melee. Since they were carrying spears, they would have to get close.

"Hey snow, mind if use the new sword for this fight? I want to see how well it works."

"Go right ahead. Im curious myself to see how well it works"

 Leo draws the red glass sword raising a hand (and it) to the sky Leo once agian begins casting his preferred attack spell, Whipping up a wind around him and sending it out in a wave against the assault as he brings down his arm. An unneeded motion, but movement was both habit, and an assistance to his concentration.



After doing so, he decides to give them one chance to leave, since they had shown intelligence.


"There is more Where that came from, Be on your way or die!"


Blizzard wind.

Due to the combination of the arm mounted computer, and machine synergy leo gains 4 res

Frostbrute will grab and throw any harpy that gets to close back at its friends with superstrength.






(high quality Trick) Blizzard wind: The user cast a spell that kicks up an icy wind. Dealing 1d6 Ice damage to all foes.


Winter blade: The user uses a skill that wreaths a weapon in icy energy from there body, dealing weapon damage+STR Ice damage. Has a 10% (30% against targets weak to ice) chance of inflicting freeze for one turn, stunning them. Freeze is cured if the target is struck by an Fire attack and the attack is negated. 


Rush: the user spends EG to gain more moves this turn. these extra moves won't work with most spells, or channeling but do work with most skills, and weapons. The user gains 1 move per [Average encounter DEX] EG spent, and these moves sit back to back with each other, unless the moves are affected by an effect that changes their order in the initiative ladder. activating this ability is a free action 


Starfury: A shortsword that appears to be made out of some kind of red/pink glass. Summons stars made of plasma above the user’s enemies. Deal 1d6+[Str] damage to a single target, (when used as a melee weapon) no cooldown OR summon 1d4+1 stars that crash into the same or different targets and deal 2d6+[Syn/2] damage each, cooldown of three. (As a ranged attack)


Frostbrute :See, "Frostbrute"



(Passive) Machine Synergy: When using mechanical or golemic equipment, the effectiveness of the equipment is boosted by 3, or by [Gm fiat] if No numerical values exist for that piece of equipment.  This does not take up an action slot



Golem tech arm mounted computer: a custom-built arm mounted touch screen computer. It has a small touch screen with a curve to it, and can project hard light holographic screens and interfaces on command. Its Main purpose is to monitor and control golemic systems, but it IS a computer. It also includes a web browser, several utility programs, and…a few simple computer games, along with a few movies.

In battle this device can project a hard-light shield. granting plus+1 res. This item does not take up an action slot.


Night vision: This character can see in the dark far better than others.
   (level 2):This passive does not take up an action slot.





Frost brute (equip minion): A large bulky and stocky mechanical golem made primarily of iron and copper, with large rectangular hands and round claws. its large enough for a human to sit on its shoulders, or be crushed in a single hand, but small enough height wise to fit in most buildings without issue, if it can get past the doors. When its ice fire engine is running there is a constant rumbling in its chest, and the three exhaust pipes, on each side of its wedge-shaped head, spew snow and ice, and its body is perpetually cold. Although it can act without this engine it is incredibly slow and weak without it, barely able to move under its own weight. Because of the danger and collateral risk of ice fire, Leo is reluctant to field it without his own personal supervision, or the direct supervision of a trusted individual who can counter the ice fire. When using ice fire to attack, this minion uses magic heat manipulating systems to prevent it from going out of control, and choke the fire as necessary.

Current levels-
Equipment level 1 (CC)
Merit level 1 (merit upgrade)
Merit level 2 (merit upgrade)
Merit level 3 (Merit upgrade)
Merit level 4 (Merit upgrade)
Merit level 5 (Merit upgrade)

This equip item takes up TWO action slots. this minion may be given a command once per turn as a free action when equipped.
(merit level 1) bound: this minion is bound as a result of merit investment.

(Merit level 1) : Ice fire engine: This unit consumes heat as fuel for its movements, ice fire attacks, and immense strength. Heat levels are roughly categorized into the levels. Ice cold, chill, cozy, cooking, and burning bright. the engine is at its weakest in areas that are ice cold, and at its strongest in areas that burn bright. Actions which run off heat are stronger based on the heat level, but can also lower it if they exert enough power or are used enough.  

Ice fire stream: Frost brute releases twin streams of ice fire at its target from its hands, while using heat manipulation to keep it under control. This Deals 1d3 ice damage to a target, and inflicts the ICE FIRE! Debuff on warm and hot targets. Continually dealing 1d3 damage until it is extinguished. But passing on the debuff to anything they touch which is warm or hot, or just not frozen. Ice fire dissipates if smothered in solids or liquids, or if there is not enough heat to sustain it.
 (Merit level 1) : The number of targets afflicted by ice fire or normal fire effects the local heat level
   (Merit level 3) :The damage of ICE FIRE is now 2d3

  (Equipment level 1) Extinguish ice fire: Brute purges the ICE FIRE! debuff from a target.
             (Merit level 4): Frostbrute now has the option to mass extinguish all Icefire in an area. but this includes its own engine, causing it to shut down.
              (Merit level 5: Frostbrute no longer targets its own engine when using mass extinguish)

     Absorb heat (passive): when struck by a fire or heat based attack the attack is negated and the next ice fire stream deals extra damage. However, if struck by an ice or cold attack, the damage taken is increased, and ice fire stream’s next use is negated, and all strength based actions are weakened considerably until ice fire streams next use.
   (Merit level 1) Absorb heat (passive): when struck by a fire or heat based attack, the attack is negated and the heat level is temporarily rasied by one for one round, however if struck by an ice or cold attack the damage taken is doubled and the heat level is temporarily reduced by one for one round


(Merit level 2) : Super strength: This unit may perform a fiatable strength based action, with its immense strength. this is dependent on the ice fire engine, and as such the maximum output depends on the heat level. if it pushes itself hard enough it is capable of immense feats, but may lower the heat level in its exertion. If this unit must check strength for any reason, this is the ability which is taken into account. If the use of this action lowers the heat level, the engine may stall




MP: 1
EG: 27
PP: Uhhh ill get back to you on that, not relvant now


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When the alarm goes up around the ship, Rivers snaps to attention, fingers suddenly blurring through the air, curling magic trailing behind them.



1. Gravity/Go
2. More/At
3. Enchant/In
4. Cast Glyph Spell
5. Glyph Board
a) Air/Vi

b) Shoot/Ae


Move 1: Go, Ae, At

Move 2: At, At, if the harpies continue to approach aggressively: Cast Glyph Spell, else At


AEATATATGO - Quadruplet Magic: Gravity Lance
4d8+14 Gravity damage to four harpies chosen at random (all but the leader if there's a visible indication)


Rivers raises her hand, the spiral of glowing symbols above her head wavering and resolving into four semi-visible dark purple lances, which quickly shift in place before launching themselves at the Harpies with great force, unless they back off, in which case she adds one more symbol to the wheel.

Edited by Ragnarok97071
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Satomi was blissfully unaware of Kusuke’s intense discomfort, and happily tromped off with him to go get some time to build her bolts. And that she did, using an occasional bump back in time to go retrieve the gel she needed for the bolts, or to fletch another one, or to make another specifically-smithed bolt head. It was a little bit of a complex affair... but complexity was something that Satomi deeply enjoyed, and the process of making the bolts visibly seemed to instill a serenity into Satomi that had her quietly but cheerily humming a Rokugani song to herself (a Kaiu family song about siege weapons, not that Kusuke would know) near the end of her work.


Eventually, she finished her work, and piled the finished bolts by her siege crossbow, beaming proudly. The ammo consisted of hollow bolts, with just enough structure to survive through the process of firing and hitting, filled with the slime gel and with both a relatively long fuse lit before firing and a bolt-head with a hole in it through which the gel inside would project itself once alight. She turned back to Kusuke, with a very satisfied smile, and gave him a little bow of thanks. ”I again owe you my thanks, Kusuke-san. The possibility exists that I might desire to call upon you later, but for now I am going to be working upon the southern wall so I may not need to until perhaps later tonight.”



Crafting: 22 vs 11,
Quality: 59,
Random Blitz: 80,

Satomi creates ten of:
Siege Crossbow Bolts(Gel): A long hollow rod filled with a payload of gel.
Adds 2d6 damage to a weapon it's used with.  If damage was dealt then the next round the target takes 4d6 fire damage that ignores Res.  These bolts give the weapon a 10% miss chance.


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"THAT'Z WHAT MAKEZ DIS PLACE INTERESTIN'. LOTZ O' DAFT IDIOTZ TA CLOBBA!" Azgrurk shouts as he storms past the fishman, pulling out his new gun and opening fire on the Harpies. He was loving this place more by the minute.


Azgrurk fires at the Matriarch with his Lightning Mauler, dealing 3d6+Essence damage.


Another Orky loadout.





Grab: Azgrurk reaches out with his claw in an attempt to grab an opponent.
Level 1: Azgrurk forces a STR V STR check against a single target. If he wins, the target is “Grabbed”, and is unable to take any physical actions, until Azgrurk either lets them go or they win another STR V STR check. Can only be used against targets capable of fitting into his hand.


Smash: Azgrurk slams his large claw into the ground.
Level 1: Deals 2d6+STR damage against one target.
Level 2: Deals doubled damage if used when Azgrurk has a target “Grabbed”.






Every time Azgrurk fires a gun, he gains +1 damage to all guns and a 1% chance to miss. This can stack indefinitely, and “Anorky” stacks pass over to other encounters.





Ork Mechsuit: The suit of metal Azgrurk wears, enhancing his already “Orky” abilities.
Level 1: Gives Azgrurk +3 Resistance.
Level 2: Now bound, and gives Azgrurk +1 Strength.


Lightning Mauler: A scarred and partially fused assault rifle, the barrel glows with a yellowish aura.

Deals 3d6+[Ess] Electric damage, ignores the first 4 points of Res, cannot be altered by traditional means.


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Round 1:

Jun’s first action:

Theorywork: (Hidden)

Diplomacy check: 24 vs 11,


Jun’s attempt to stop the fighting causes the Matriarch to pause and the other Harpies to thus hesitate, keeping them from being quite in range.


Toshrio’s attack cannot be performed due to a lack of targets.


The Matriarch’s responds with an odd sort of chirp/mumble.

Diplomatic Experience result: 23, The matriarch is agitated and distrusting.


The other Harpies continue to pause.


(21 vs 19/26) Leo’s intimidation seems to cause a disturbance with the lesser Harpies, but doesn’t phase the Matriarch and if anything only serves to anger her.


Rivers prepares a devastating attack.


Jun’s second action:

Theorywork: (Hidden)

Diplomacy: 24 vs 24,


Jun uses her smooth words to convince the Harpy Matriarch to stand down unless the party does something the anger them(stealing everything on the island, attacking one of them, etc.)


Combat has ended for now and the Harpies are returning to the island.

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Well it seems he was wrong. I guess there are some creatures here that don't want to immediately murder out faces. The fishman stows his blades,  "Well, I guess you're more of a smooth talker than I thought you were." Toshiro said impressed by Jun's ability to bring peace to everyone.  "We should still go down to that lake island. I wanna see how a sky lake feels to swim through, it's not everyday you get to be somewhere like this."  He spoke gesturing his thumb towards the island.

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"If they're angry about us landing on the island wouldn't they still be attacking us?" Toshiro spoke shrugging,  "Plus imagine if there's fish in that water. Think about how good sky fish would taste grilled on a fire."  The fishman said elbowing the boy trying to egg him on.

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(16 v 13)

Jun took a bit of time out of her not at all busy schedule to have a short conversation with the Harpy matriarch that mostly consisted of her confidently stating that the Fishman was probably one of the least threatening people she could send over there, and that the fishman simply wanted to take a dip in the lake and see if there's anything interesting for him to fish up. After finally receiving a bit of confirmation from the Matriarch she nodded at Toshiro and said, "She says it is fine, just try not to attack anyone or fish up anything more valuable than some actual fish without their permission."

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Toshiro did a swam dived into the lack and began searching for anything that may exist in it. To his pleasant surprise there were actually fish in the lake. He than began to snatch some up one by one. There were some normal looking blue fish, some strange fish that looked like clouds and something that looked like and eel that he wasn't able to catch.


Int check: 22 vs 13, Luck: 47, Toshiro's fishing trips goes....surprisingly well. He finds several types of fish, one that looks like a piece of the cloud itself, one that is dark blue with lgihter blue spots, and some elongated fish/snake that he couldn't catch.


Cloud-fish(x4): Bright white and puffy like the coulds they live in!

Damsal-fish(x2): A solid dark blue fish with sky-blue spots.


Once he was able to fill his hands with dinner he burst out from the sky water carrying six fish with him. He dropped them on deck and the meekly flopped up and down as fish tend to do on land.  "See? What did I tell ya guys? My first thought is what does the cloud fish taste like." The fishman said with a chuckle.

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Arminius heads into town. His trip into the forest should wait for one last thing. It was only right he informed at least one of his comrades about what happened. He looked about for one of the other off worlders.

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Crafting: 21 vs 23,
Quality: 62,

Kusuke obtains:
Magic Engine Construction:  Allows Kusuke to create magic element engines that run off nearby ambience from generic metal scrap with only a roll for quality.



Kusuke, for his part, was glaring at another Magic Element motor. Sure, he'd gotten the trick down to making it. . . but he still couldn't find any damned way to get the things to turn off when he wanted to. Not that he was worried about them running out of fuel, but a constantly-running motor was inconvenient in so many ways. Nevermind the inability to adjust the output, though he hadn't even really attempted to incorporate that functionality. Maybe he'd ask Satomi about it later, try and teach her the principles. She was actually an engineer of some variety, she could probably figure it out. . .

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